Double Trouble

By FinLuGrafie

44.5K 1K 149

Read at your own risk. Unrealistic actions! --- Blood makes relatives, loyalty makes family. A triplet in th... More

Autor's Note
Table of contents
Charakters 1
Charakters 2
Prolog 1,a
Prolog 1,b
Prolog 1,c
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Charter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63

Chapter 30

509 15 1
By FinLuGrafie


Lia' room is beautiful. 

Maybe the basic structure is the same as before, but you can definitely notice her style and personally design. Everything looks so futuristic even if they only added a desk and a few deco things like shelves with ... book? Many books. Likely we got a third book worm to the family. Finally. Until now only me and Silvio read willingly. It was like a war to teach my other younger brothers reading. It was more a guessing game than reading and to look back I have really no glue how they can read now? But they can and that's the important thing. 

The room is nice, held in blue and somehow it feels familiar and good to be here. By our juniors. Or at least in their rooms because nobody is laying in the bed. Wait- What?! Nobody is laying in the bed!

"Sandro!" - I whisper yelled. He was behind me but now is standing next to me. I don't say anything more. There's no need. Sandro sees what I mean and rushes instantly to it, lift the blanket up - of course with the result that Lia is not under it. 

We both are nearly on being so furious to scream the whole house down when I suddenly hear a dull sound coming from the connection door, so Lio' room. I go silent immediately and gesture with a hand raised, Sandro to stop moving and to stand still. 

"I hear a sound from there." - I nod to the said direction. He doesn't even pay more attention to me, steps fast to the door and pulls it slowly open. 

What we can see warms my heart up. It's the most adorable thing I've seen in ages. 

Lia snuggling in the shoulder form Lio. 

For the first view they look so peacefully, carefree - but also in their sleep you can see the deep frown forming between their eyes.

My poor babies.

I get more and more the feeling that their past wasn't that easy like we maybe thought at first. Just because of the dead of Nelione. It has or even does need time to process something big like this. Of course we all does. But to experience it with own eyes is probably much worse than just hearing it. 

I take nevertheless a photo. I mean, it's so cute and a perfect new wallpaper for my phone. 

"Can you send it me too?" - I need a short moment to realize that he, THE Italian mafia don, just asked me to do something. Seemed like he is as distracted as me from the adorable sight in front of us. 

"I will send it in the family chat. Otherwise our grandma would have our heads if she doesn't get it too ... "

Sandro chuckles lightly. "Right. They're coming on Friday. U know?" He says while we both walk to the bed of them. 

"Oh right. I completely forgot this. Do you think it's too much?" - I ask concerned Sandro without taking my eyes form the cuddling Nes. "I mean, at first the whole strange happenings, then the revealision with the dead of Nelione and now a meeting with all family members? Speaking of it, should we tell them about his dead?"

Alessandro sighs heavy and speaks up sounding exhausted suddenly. "They'll know anyway ... -" He bends down and pick up something which looks like a stuff animal. A lion. He chuckles lightly. "Little one, you're the one responsible for us finding them, aren't you?" Am I dreaming? I must be dreaming. I mean, since when is Sandro speaking so soft and to a ... stuff animal? But I don't mind. I love seeing him different than with the stone face and whole - body - mask everyday. 

"Look! On the bed is a black and white one too ... are they wolves?" - I ask curious while leaning a bit forward. 

"Looks like our twins are still a bit a child in their body ... " - Sandro states and put the stuff lion to Neliana' side again. She takes it as soon as she feels it and hugs it like her life depends on it. 

3 stuff animals. 

A lion, a white wolf and a black wolf. 

They do everything for a reason. It's the first thing I learned from the past days with them. But why know this selection on stuff animals?

I will know soon. 


Now, since I know the Nes are okay, I go back to Lia' room because I spotted something a few minutes ago. Above her desk. It looked like a photo wall or so. Maybe it sounds or seems crazy if I say I would like to see them. But nobody can blame me, I missed the last 10 years from them and curiosity as much as just hope to know some more about them, is normal, I think. 

I was right. It's in fact a photo wall. 

It shows, as expected and hoped, many memory scene. They are real trouble makers. Now we have the confirmation. Remember to me: never let them in a supermarket. It looks like they prefer to make more trouble in it than to shop. 

Two other photos caught my attention. Maybe because of the beautiful visible view. They love hiking. Over the suspension bridge we must discuss one more time. My heart miss a beat only by looking at the picture. And they are sitting there, hugging each other and seem to be far away from worry. It's far too dangerous on it even if the photo looks beautiful. 

Further you can see different, typical and beautiful sibling interactions. Like the selfie with both of them wearing sunglasses or making cringe faces. It only confirms my thought: They are carefree alone. 

You can also see a photo showing both in a kitchen making cupcakes. They like baking. I must shake my head. Just like Georgio. He's a great baker even if you wouldn't think that way because of his stature and job as a boxer. Especially cakes from him are just as good as haven. 

Another beautiful sibling interaction shows the photo with them both sitting on a floor with a guitar in their hands. They play guitar. 

And one more shows them laying on the ground in a snow world. Probably they can ski too. Slowly I begin to realize how varied talented they are. Not only athletic, but also musically and baking. We missed so much and know so less. 

Suddenly an other photo catches my attention. Hanging in the left corner and showing three kids in the, I would say, age of 6. Equal to an other one showing the same with ice cream in each hand. They look so identical ... wait a damn seconds. All at ones the peaces set together. 

My hand goes instinctive to my mouth and the first tears stream down my face. This cannot be the Nes ... or? The age, the look, the features ... everything fitted together. OMG! T-They have pictures from their past before Nelione' dead. 

I sit down on the desk chair, rest my head in my hands and quiet sobs escaped my mouth. 

Different emotions rushed trough me. Sadness, anger, disappointment, guilt. 

Many questions formed in my head. Are they have more photos? When was the exactly day of his dead? Where is he buried? 

With still tears in my eyes, I take a second, more accurate look at the photo wall. I can discover more child pictures. But only two more with three kids. Neliono, Neliana and Nelione sliding down the chair railing and smiling in the camera. And the other one shows them three sitting on a beach. Scattered tears running down my cheeks again, but this time ore because of happiness. To see them all together, laughing and having fun, is as beautiful as the comforting scene a few minutes ago. Maybe their past wasn't that bad. But why do I have such a stupid feeling in my stomach?

In another picture I can see two kids in, I would say, the age of 12 with Christmas hats and even the same pajama again. They like wearing the same things. And provocative sayings on it. 

But my attention has been somewhere else for a long time. On the photo wall are in general 25 pictures. Eleven showed Neliana and Neliono in circa the age of now, four the Nes all together, but on further four pictures you can see two kids with at least one older one. And the kids are definitely not Lia or Lio. They have other features. Who are these kids? 

The first photo of it, shows Neliana and Neliono standing with these kids on an airport. Another one present Neliono jumping down from a hill or so with these kids on each hand. The next shows them all hugging each other in front of a car and a mountain and the last one is a surfing scene. They can surf. And probably learned these kids it form them too, because now we came to the even more strange pictures. 

Next to these photos are there also three showing far younger kids - newborns. The one in the right corner is a picture of two babies. A boy and a gild, I guess because of the colors of the towels. Maybe the babies from some friends? 

In the next one I can see Neliono in a younger age than now with a newborn in his arms. Probably one of the babies from the other picture. 

The last picture makes my heart misses a beat. It shows a hospital scene. Neliana is laying on a bed with a baby in her arms and Neliono is kissing her forehead. 

My brain needs a few seconds to realize what I see there ... 


I jump up from the desk chair and drive my my hands over my face again, again and again. In the hope I would wake up from a strange dream. 


I-It cannot be true. S-She is only fourteen. 

OMG, am I an uncle?!

Too many emotions. Too many different thoughts. Too many questions. 

Okay Riccardo, you must calm down. It can be a stupid confusion. Maybe they are some babies from friends of them. Or ... or what? All things lead to the conclusion that I'm already an uncle. My little sis has probably already 2 kids. 

No, no, no. This cannot be true. Thinks rationally, Riccardo. She's only fourteen and even if she's a troublemaker, she wouldn't do such things and Neliono would prevent it too. 


I can say that this information will bring up a as big scene as the one from today's morning. Likely I must wait until I have proofs for my hopefully wrong suggestion. 

After I calm myself down again, I take another, more specific look at the pictures. Most of the photos I already know, only three are left. One is showing Neliono with a baby on his arms. He looks so careful while caring him or her. Like a real big uncle although he's not older than fourteen. Despite the anger and confusion I feel happy for them. This smile and and the one from Neliana on the hospital photo are the most realistic and carefree smiles I've ever seen on their faces. Of course, we saw them laughing, smiling and even dancing - but there was always a shadow over them. And is still. But here, in the picture, they both just looked so happy.

If they are happy with them, I will be it too. I mean: how can I not? 

The second picture shows again Neliono with a baby. But this time on a beach with a surfboard. My little jocks. 

In the last one you can see a boy and a girl around am age of 7, maybe. Two different eye colors. Definitely Neliana and one of her brothers. It's in general very difficult to tell them apart and it would be even more difficult if Neliana would be a boy. But with a view on the hair, it's Nelione. He looks beautiful. And also as the strongest of them. Our little fighter and protector. 

I think the smile on my face will never disappear. 

Suddenly Alessandro walks in. Likely because he doesn't heard anything from me for the last 15 minutes. He looks at me, to the photo wall and back at me. I sigh deeply and start to explain my suspiciousnesses.

2174 words

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