Movie One :Alice Cullen x Mal...

By KyloSean

37.5K 1K 242

You are the best-friend friend of Bella Swan, you have just moved to Forks and uncover some socking things ab... More

Chapter One:Arrival
Chapter 2:First Day
Chapter 4:Secrets?
Chapter 5: Uncovered
Chapter 6:Tracker
Chapter 7:Baseball
Chapter 8 :Sick But Fighting
Author's Note
Chapter 9:Goodbye James
Chapter 10:Dance
Next Project Ideas*
Info Update:2
Chapter 1 :Freedom Cry
Chapter 2:Forever...
Chapter 3: Wedding
Chapter 4: The Rest Of Time
Chapter 5: Questions?
Chapter 6:Preparing for a baby.?
Chapter 7: Sickness...for longing
Chapter 8: Answers...
Chapter 9 : Sleep...but Awoken

Chapter 3 :Friends?

2.7K 68 15
By KyloSean

A/N:Hope you guys enjoy this chapter i began writing this just after i finished the previous one.


"WHAT!?" Y/N shouts out being frightened but calma down seein its only a women.

"Sorry i scared you..... Y/N" The women says while going over to Y/N.
"Its fine Alice"Y/N says.

" What you doing here? "Alice asks while goign to sit next to him. "Could ask you the some question" He says pointing at her.

"Well you first then." Alice says looking at the small town from the ledge. "I came up here to clear my mind my mom and dad used to bring me here..... So what about you.? " Y/n says looking at her.

"I saw you motorcycle and got intrigued." Alice says looking at him.
"What are you doing up here in the woods? " Y/N asks.

"I live up there so i can see alot of things from there." She says pointing up at the wood house up in the hills.

"Must be nice" He says looking at the house."Not as much as you think with my family."Alice says giggling.

" It can't be that bad right?"Y/N asking Alice." Huh you don't even know"She says swaying her finger.

"Its getting pretty late i have to go before my roommate gets mad." Y/n says getting up.

"Yeah i beter go too, it was nice meeting you Y/N." Alice says walking away.

"Hey don't you need a ride its pretty dangerous going up there on your own." He asks Alice.

"Na im good" She says stoppiing in her tracks. "Ehat your boyfriend-brother going to get mad." He says getting his helmet.

"No, but he's not my boyfriend he's just protective,my brothers and sister don't like people." She says to Y/N.

"Why do they bite i can hondel it." He says folding his arms. Alice laughs and says "You don't even know how funny that is"

"Bye new kid" she says walking into the woods. "You really are weird Alice Cullen." He says to himself, putting on his helmet and driving off.


Its been a few days after Y/N and Alice's conversation.

Y/n is walking down the hallway and sees Edward and Bella having a conversation.

"Hey Bella and..... Edward." He says looking at Edward. "Hey....." Edward says looking down. "I have to go bye" He says walking away.

"You okay there Bells" Y/N says while looking at Bella worried. "Im Fine." She says walking away.

"Whats up with her." He says under his breath looking at Bella walking away.


Y/N is now sitting on his bike and looking over at Bella.He then sees what she's looking at and then looks at Alice and her family mainly Edward.

But then he hears tires screech. And then looks at Bella. "BELLA!!" he says getting of her bike.

He then sees Edward jumping over the back of the truck. He then runs over to Bella and hugs her.

"You okay there Bella." He asks her"Yeah im fine" she says stressed.


Y/N is sitting next to Bella but then you hear Charlie rush in and checks on Bella.

"You two ok." Charlie ask the two. "Im fine but im not sure she is" Y/N says looking at Bella with concern.

"Im fine ok i didn't get hurt only my head hurts." She says forlding her arms.

They then her the doctor come and he says. "I heard the sheriff's daughter was here any pain or bruises. " He then checks on her.

"No Edward helped me but i didn't even see him near me he got there so fast." Bella says looking up to Dr. Cullen.

"She's right i didn't see him near her."Y/N says looking at Bella and Dr. Cullen.

"Seems you kid is a hero"Charlie says patting Dr. Cullens shoulder.


Y/N is standing at the vending machine getting him and Bell some snacks. Then he feels a tap on his shoulder.

" Hey there Alice"Y/N says turning around looking down at Alice." Hey is Belka ok"She asks concerned.

"She's fine thanks to Edward the way he moved from his car to the truck was impressive"Y/N says.

" No he was right next to her truck" she says pulling Y/N to a side. "Im not stupid Alice I saw him next to you and Jasper." He says.

"So whayou going to tell the world" She says looking at him angry. "No but imma find out how he got there" He says.

"Oh thanks" Aice says she then hears Edward shout her name. "You should go bye Alice."Y/N says walking to the front lobby.

"Wait....." She says disappointed then walks out and gets in the car with Edward.

"Hey guys we going now" Y/N asks Bella and Charlie. "Yeah but first your have to call your mom Bella."Charlie says turning to Bella.

"Did you tell her" She asks Charlie but he only shrugs and Bella takes out her phone.


Y/N and Bella are standing next to her truck. He looks at Bella and then looks at Edward, Alice and Jasper.

Then Mike apears and then asks Bella a question "Would you like to go to the dance with me"

"Dancing and drinking is not really my thing you, can ask Jessica she probably likes to go with you." Bella says.

"Oh thanks for the advice" He then walks away. "Nice one" Y/N says to Bella and then she punches him on the shoulder.

"Im not good with rejecting ok thats not my thing" She says."Ok Miss Swan" They both chuckle.

The teacher then calls them over. "Come on guys time to go Lets go Lets go" He says.

"Ok come on lets go" Y/N says and gets on the bus and then they start to drive on they're nature field trip.


"This is compose tea, No don't drink it, its for the plants" The teacher shouts.

Y/N has been keeping an eye on Edward and Bella. "Your very protective I see" She says skipping.

"No im just suspicious by you and your family, you guys are hiding something don't know yet but il find out." Y/N says to Alice.

"Mabye ill tell you in the future but not now" Alice says whispering to Y/N

Y/N then sees Bella always fall then walks away from Edward.


Y/N walks out and sees Bella nad Edward arguing and intervenes. "Watch yourself pretty boy"Y/N says to Edward.

Alice then walks up and asks" Are they joinin us on the bus"Edward than says "No are bus is full"

"Oh... bye Y/N" Alice says waving. "Bye Alice" Y/N and Bella climb on they other bus and they drive back home.


A/N:That is the End i hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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