The Cuphead Show! Season 4

By EgbertTheGreat

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Hello, Welcome to my version of "The Cuphead Show!" season 4. I try and keep things in the same theme as the... More

Gambler's Ruin Pt1
Gambler's Ruin Pt2
Sugar high
Run 'N Gun
Flower Power
Swing You Sinner
A Ballad Of Bowl And Mug
Paradise Lost
The Throne of Hell
Me Time
Rain-Rain, Go Away
The Calix Animi
You Only Live Once
X Marks the Spot
Tricked and Treated
Funhouse Frazzled
Hostile Airspace
Just Clowning About
The Christmas Crisis
Winter Warzone
Sweet Dreams
Cell Mates

One Hell of a Time (FINALE)

328 5 10
By EgbertTheGreat

(as the title is shown the first few bars of "the King's Court" plays)

The three cups happily walked down a street in inkwell city.

"Oh boy that was a BLAST!" Cuphead exclaimed

"Disturbing the peace sure is fun," Chalice said, "high five for being public enemies!"

"Woo," the cups said as they high fived

Suddenly they heard some lively jazz music, and it was getting louder.

"Nice music," Mugman said, "let's go see where it's coming from."

The trio rounded a corner and saw a small jazz band playing on the street and surrounding them were a bunch of inkwell citizens enjoying the music and throwing money into a hat that the performers had left on the floor for tips.

"Music, people with money. Oh brother, this'll be too easy!" Chalice said, "ok boys, it's time to get rich!"

And with that Chalice tap danced towards the crowd and everyones head turned.

🎶when your feeling down and out🎶

🎶don't waste your time sulking about🎶

🎶slap on a smile, have no doubt🎶

🎶and sing a cross a rainbow🎶

The crowd began to clap and throw their money at Chalice who continued to sing and tap dance.

🎶when the world is saying no🎶

🎶don't waste your time, feeling low🎶

🎶click your heal go go g.. !!OW!!

One of the people in the crowd who looked like a pirate had rummaged around in his pocket and pulled out a massive gold doubloon. He'd thrown the huge coin at Chalice, intending it just to be more money but the massive hunk of metal hit Chalice right in the eye.

"Ow ow ow ow ," Chalice said as she staggered backwards, and onto the road.

Suddenly a streetcar rocketed out of nowhere and smashed Chalice to pieces.

"CHALICE!" Cuphead yelled, running onto the road.

Mugman followed suit, checking if any more cars were coming first and then following his brother.

"CHALICE! No no no WAKE UP! CHALICE!" Cuphead cried, tears brimming in his eyes.

"CUPHEAD!" Mugman shouted, "TRY CPR!"

Mugman was frantically trying to gain control of the situation. He had laid out traffic cones to stop more cars from coming and was putting together a make-shift stretcher.

Cuphead started doing some hands-only CPR but because Chalice had been utterly smashed, it achieved nothing.

"MUGMAN!" Cuphead yelled desperately, "IT'S NOT WORKING!!"

"Try mouth to mouth!" MUgman suggested.

"MOUTH TO MOUTH!" Cuphead said, looking down at the shattered remains of Chalice's head, "WHAT MOUTH, I SEE NO MOUTH! NO MOUTH!"

"No matter," Mugman said, running up to Cuphead's side with the stretcher, "load Chalice onto this, we're taking her to that hospital!"

And with that, the two brothers loaded what was left of Chalice onto the stretcher and ran to the nearest hospital.


"Boss! Boss," Henchman yelled, bursting into the devil's throne room.

"Oh what is it?!" the devil snapped

"I was skimming through the reports for who's souls have entered hell via death, an look!"

Henchman thrust a creased piece of paper at the devil's face, which the devil took from his hand and looked at. It was a list of souls next to their time and method of death and in the middle of the page, underlined with a purple pen, was the name Ms.Chalice.

"YES!" the devil cried with glee, "this is amazing Henchman!"

The devil jumped off his throne and hugged Henchman

"THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU," He cried before getting a hold of himself and calming down, "i mean. Thankyou Henchman. But this is just what I've been waiting for. Henchman! Ready the armies of hell. When those two come down into my domain, looking to toy with the powers of life and death. They'll be in for one hell of a time!"


"What exactly do you expect me to do here?" the doctor asked

"Cure her, that's what you quack!" Cuphead yelled back

Cuphead and Mugman had taken Chalice to the nearby doctors and had managed to get an audience with a doctor.

"I'm a doctor not a necromancer," the doctor said, "she's pretty clearly dead, I mean look at her. She's a damp pile of rubble."

"See here Dr...," Cuphead yelled then squinted at the doctor's name tag trying to read his name, "...Khal !either you fix her, or you're going to need the necromancer. YOU HEAR ME!!"

"Cuphead, calm down," Mugman hissed, "you're making a scene. Let's leave we've taken up enough of this doctor's time."

Mugman picked up Chalice's stretcher and practically dragged Cuphead out the doctor's office.

"LET GO OF ME! I want to kill that doctor, i want to kill whoever was in that car, i..."

"CUPHEAD LISTEN TO ME!" Mugman screamed at his brother, "Chalice isn't coming back if you start wanting to kill everyone and everything, but I do know something that might."

Mugman reached into his mug and pulled out the Peashooter Talisman and the magical chalk.

"Cuphead," Mugman said, "we're going to hell."

As Mugman was drawing the chalk square he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Hey hey hey!" King dice said jovially, "what do we have here."

"Not the time dice," Mugman grunted.

"Y-Y-Yea scram!" Cuphead said, putting on a brave face, "we're on our way to fight the devil and force him to bring Chalice back to life."

"Oh that's terrible, is there any way i can help," King dice said offering his hand to Cuphead.

"NO!" Cuphead snapped, slapping it away. King dice then walked over to Mugman and kneeled beside him.

"Anything I can help with?" Dice asked, "what's this," he said picking up the Peashooter talisman.

"Not for you," Mugman said, snatching it out of his hands

"Ooh, What's this?" King dice asked, snatching the chalk from Mugman's hand.

"Hands off!" Mugman yelled, snatching the chalk back, "look, don't you have somewhere to be?!"

"Oh yes, I should be on my way," King dice said.

Dice walked off and rounded a corner. Once he was out of the cups line of sight he stepped into a payphone. He took a small bag of powdered paint from his pocket and sprinkled it over his hand, but the paint did not land where you'd expect. The paint seemed to land on thin air and as more settled the clear outline of two invisible bands became visible.

King dice picked up the phone and inserted a coin.

"Operator?" he said, "i'd like you to pass a message onto the boss, tell him, ' he'd sweater get ready, the cups are coming.'"


Mugman finished drawing the square and summoned the elevator.

"Let's go," Cuphead said, pulling Mugman into the elevator and closing the door, causing the elevator to descend, "we have to save Chalice before the devil can hurt her!"

"Hurt her?!" Mugman said, "She's already dead, but I get your point."

"Have you got all the gear we need?" Cuphead asked .

"Yup," Mugman replied, "i've got the peashooter talisman, the chalk, ooh, and don't forget our magical sweater wristbands... OUR WRISTBANDS!!!!"

Mugman frantically patted his wrist area and found nothing, he then grabbed Cuphead's arm and patted it down to no avail.

"OH NO, We're doomed!" Mugman cried.

"Come on Mugsy," Cuphead said, shaking his brother, "we have to do this, for Chalice!"

"O know i know," Mugman said, "but without that sweater, we're doomed. Unless you have anything else that might help us."

Cuphead dug about in his pocket and began to pull out and list an impossible amount of junk from his pocket.

"Meatloaf, corrugated iron sheet, toaster, rabbit, magical Calix Animi pill, gumball machine and some pocket lint."

"Ok, at least you have that tablet," Mugman said," keep it safe, now let's activate the peashooter."

Cuphead and Mugman both held the Peashooter talisman between them and chanted.

"Ego míttere volō! Ego necā́re volō!"

A swirling blue vortex began to grow, shaking the elevator and all its contents. The brothers wailed and screamed as they were thrown around the enclosed compartment along with all the detritus cuphead had pulled from his pocket..

Suddenly, there was a loud pop, and everything fell to the floor.

"Uhhg," Cuphead groaned,"we haven't even fought the devil yet and everything already hurts!"

Suddenly the elevator dinged and the door opened. The mound of Cuphead's debris had piled itself up against the door to form a mound so the cups had to poke their heads over the mound to see their surroundings. As soon as they did, they immediately dropped back below the mound, just as a spray of bullets ripped through the air above their heads.

The camera then turns to reveal a newly reformed, artillery regiment of hell. There was a short row of rapid fire artillery, raining hellfire at the elevator.

Cuphead, sat up and took a shot with his finger gun at the artillery. He completely missed, and when he came back down, there was a smoking hole in his straw.

"HOW ARE WE MEANT TO GET OUR OT THIS!," Cuphead screamed to his brother over the noise of the guns.

Mugman thought for a while before getting an idea. He picked up the Peashooter talisman, yelled, "!ōlov erā́cen ogE !ōlov erettím ogE'' and then threw the talisman at the guns.

One of the demons saw the blue orb, land by his feet and bounce a few times.

"Uh oh," He said.

Suddenly a vortex began to form around the orb, sucking in the entirety of the regiment. For a few seconds, the guns still fired, spraying down the entire room with bullets but because no one was feeding ammunition they soon stopped. Suddenly the vortex disappeared with a loud pop and all of the guns and demons landed in a heap.

Cuphead and Mugman jumped out of the elevator and ran over to the pile of demons. Mugman picked up the peashooter talisman and put it in his pocket.

"Quick!" Cuphead shouted, "we gotta find Chalice."


Chalice woke and then groaned.

"Uhhhg, not again," She said, "we need more footpaths."

Chalice got up and looked down at where her feet once were. She tried to float away but a wall of flames erupted around her.

"Oh brother. Here we go again."

Chalice turned around and, sure enough, the devil was there sitting at his desk.

"Hello again Ms Chalice," He said, "long time no see?"

"Uhhg, get your sassy, narcissistic, one liners in while you can i won't be very long." Chalice said.

"That's what you think," the devil said, "i'll admit, i underestimated you cups, you're good at getting out of sticky situations. But I have learnt. The defences of hell are now the most powerful as they have ever been. Soul collection is up, hell is as productive as ever and soon, I will have the three souls that I want the most."

"Three souls?" Chalice questioned, "I think you're getting ahead of yourself. You've got one soul, temporarily. And you didn't even kill me!"

"My collection will grow very soon." the devil said, " you know that those two 'ding dongs', as you call them, will come looking for you. And by golly i'm ready for them."

"That's what you said last time," Chalice said, "more or less."

"See here, Ms Chalice," the devil said, leaning forward while telekinetically grabbing Chalice's head and bringing it up to his, "you think me a fool, do you? You think me weak, do you? Well i'm no fool, i'm not week. I have reigned over these lands for milenia and three little cups are not going to get in my way. You've been lucky so far, but don't you forget, the house always wins. I'm immortal! So count your little victories, count your lucky stars, count the years of your pathetic little lives, but you'll never count to infinity. One day you will fall. And that day. I'll be there!"

"W-w-well i'll count my victories and i'll keep countin' em," Chalice rebuked, "because today is not your day. I'll find a way to get outa here, just you wait."

"I'm not so sure about that missy!" The devil hissed, "this here flame wall is literally impenetrable, nothing can pass through it!"

Chalice looked around her and saw the surrounding firewall, immovable and impenetrable. As she scanned the wall, she noticed something through the flames. Two silhouettes. Shaped like two cups...

(yes, i know that to be able to see silhouettes through the wall, light needs to pass through it, technically not making the wall impenetrable but we don't talk about that.)

It was Cuphead and Mugman! Looks like they were here already, but stuck on the other side of the fire.

"Say," Chalice said, "how does this voodoo flame wall thing work anyway?"

"Oh it's simple," the devil explained, "I simply conjured it up with my pitchfork."

"You're pitchfork ey," Chalice said, "say.. Can you do any tricks with your pitchfork?"

"Why certainly," the devil answered, spinning the pitchfork rapidly in his hand, "I've been doing this for aeons. Don't you think I haven't learnt any tricks!"

"Hmmm," Chalice thought, "bet you can't balance it on the tip of your finger!"

"Well you bet wrong young lady," the devil said as he balanced his pitchfork on the tip of his finger.

Suddenly Chalice lunged forward and smacked the pitchfork off the devil's hand. The pitchfork clattered to the floor and at that moment the flaming wall dissolved into smoke.

"Oh look, I happened to find this pitchfork on the floor. CATCH!" Chalice yelled,picking the pitchfork up and throwing it to the two brothers who caught it.

(if you're wondering what the "Oh look, I happened to find this pitchfork on the floor" was for. It was because the rule of pitchfork ownership is finders keepers etc.)

"WHAT!" the devil screamed, "but.. HOW!!"

"We don't know!" the brothers shouted back. They then shot a ball of fire from the pitchfork at the devil, sending him tumbling away from the trio.

"You revive Chalice," Cuphead shouted to his brother, shoving the pitchfork into his arms, "I'll distract the devil."

"CUPHEAD YOU BONEHEAD HAVE YOU REALLY NOT LEARNT YOUR LESSON!" Mugman cried but his brother but Cuphead had his mind set.

The devil jumped up to his feet and growled. He tensed his hand into a claw like position and slowly, from the palm of his hand, a pitchfork emerged. Not made of metal this time, but of bone.

(this works on the principle that the only thing the devil can do without his pitchfork is change form, same with his other attacks in this scene. Also "Introduction" from Cuphead begins to play)

"Where is that cup!" the devil screeched getting into and animalistic battle stance

Suddenly the devil felt a sharp heat on his back. He spun around and saw Cuphead shooting his finger gun at the devil. The devil then jumped back onto the wall behind him and pushed off from it, propelling himself towards Cuphead. Cuphead tripped backwards and the devil smashed the place where he stood with the pitchfork.

Cuphead scrambled back to his feet, keeping his finger gun trained on the devil. The devil swiped again at Cuphead's head and Cuphead dropped to the floor to avoid the attack. He EX-ed in the devil's face, momentarily blinding him. Cuphead rummaged about on the floor until he found a large flat rock. After the devil had rubbed the pain from his eyes he stabbed at Cuphead but was blocked by the flat rock, which promptly shattered.

Cuphead then rolled in between the devil's legs, kicking him in the groyne in the process and then jumping to his feet on the other side and hitting the back of the devil's head with another EX. the devil turned, roared and charged once again at Cuphead.


Mugman hurried over to the devil's desk and began to look through the draws.

"How are you going to revive me?" Chalice asked.

"The devil probably has something in his desk," MUgman replied, "besides that, I have no clue."

Mugman pulled out a draw and saw a large pale white crystal that he promptly grabbed and shoved in his pocket. He pushed that draw back in and pulled out the one below it. In that draw was a book labelled "Magic spells". He flipped to the section on necromancy and found the right spell.

"Ok here goes," Mugman said, pointing the pitchfork at Chalice and began to chant.

May this spirit, from body, torn

Once again to be reborn

To breath, beyond one's final breath

A shadow of, both life and death

A pink ball of energy shot from the tip of the pitchfork and hit Chalice in the chest, forming a bright pink heart. Suddenly, Chalice popped back into existence and fell to the floor.

"Thanks Mugsy, let's go help Cuphead!"


The devil and Cuphead were still locked in the duel. Because of his anger, The devil had become wild and violent in his movements, allowing Cuphead do dodge and weave more easily.

The devil stabbed at CUphead who dived to the side. Cuphead then noticed Mugman and Chalice running towards him and was temporarily distracted.


The devil smacked Cuphead in the forehead with the hilt of his pitchfork, knocking him to the floor in a daze , and then charged at the incoming cups. Cuphead waved away the birds flying around his head (the little blue ones that symbolise being dazed) and frantically reached into his pocket and pulled out the effervescent tablet. He dropped it into his head and immediately the milk began to boil. Cuphead pointed his head at the devil and a torrent of milk blasted forth from it. The devil turned his head in surprise and was hit full in the face by the blast.

The devil was flung backwards and pinned against a stone column by the blast. Mugman and Chalice slowly backed away from the blast, fearing what it would do to them.

The deluge of milk stopped abruptly and Cuphead staggered forwards and then regained his balance. He stood and stared at the devil, who was hunched over and breathing heavily.

"Cuphead!" Mugman yelled, gesturing for CUphead to follow him. Cuphead began to jog over to Mugman when the devil stood up straight again and roared.

"I have had enough of your BUFFOONERY!!!" the devil cried," THIS ENDS NOW!!!!!!"

He then grew his fist to a massive size and punched the floor below him. From the point of impact the floor began to cave in. The devil fell into the abyss but the floor continued to break and fall, making the hole slowly larger and larger. Chalice and Mugman were a decent distance away and so watched in horror as Cuphead, who was much closer, struggled to outrun the collapsing ground.

He ran with all his might but the falling floor was too fast and Cuphead fell into the darkness.

"CUPHEAD" MUgman said, running towards the hole but Chalice grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt.

"Mugman the spells," Chalice yelled" there has to be a spell to help!"

Mugman grabbed the book and opened it to a random page.

"That one," Chalice said, pointing to a spell, "that one's good!"

Mugman pointed the pitchfork at the air above the hole and recited the spell

To spawn a vessel of aviation

Just recite this incantation

Suddenly , just above the hole, a small red aeroplane appeared and then fell into the void.

"I sure hope that works," Mugman said as he watched the plane fall, "it has to work"


Cuphead was falling. Falling. Falling .falling., dust and rubble filled the air, obscuring his vision of most things. He looked down at where the floor should be but it was too far away to see. He looked up and saw mostly nothing except a vague red shape that seemed to be getting bigger.

As the thing got closer Cuphead noticed it was a plane. A plane! He could use it to fly to safety! He looked down and the bottom of the pit was now in view. Once the plane was within arm's reach Cuphead pulled himself into the pilot's chair. He frantically pulled, pressed and turned anything he could and just before he hit the bottom, the plane tuned and flew upwards.

Cuphead flew the plane straight up, hoping to escape. He was almost out of the pit when a massive red clawed hand swiped at the plane. Cuphead swerved dodging the hand and then tried to continue upwards when another red, clawed hand swiped at him. He descended slightly and stabilised the plane (i know planes need to be moving to stay aloft but you can fly while static in the game so i'm doing it). He squinted into the dust filled air in the middle of the hole . as the dust slowly began to settle a monstrous form came into view. It was the devil, now towering nigh on 200 metres, standing menacingly in the middle of the pit. His skin and fur had turned a bright, flaming red and his horns were now yellow and curled, like a ramm's.

(like this v)

In the devil's hand was the, now tiny in comparison, bone pitchfork. The devil then spun the pitchfork rapidly, causing it to grow to be in proportion with the devil. The devil flicked his, now forked tongue out in a reptilian manor and then snapped his head around and stared Cuphead dead in the eyes.

Cuphead frantically pressed random buttons until one that he pressed shot bullets from the front of the plane. He shot the devil with these bullets but they seemed to have no effect on him.

Suddenly the torso area of the devil began to bubble and convulse. Out of nowhere, 8 more arms sprouted from the devil's torso. the devil began to use his new limbs to try and swipe down the plane.

Cuphead swerve and dived the plane like a maniac, somehow dodging all of the slashing claws. The devil swiped at Cuphead with his pitchfork and Cuphead managed to manoeuvre in between two of the pitchfork's prongs.

Meanwhile, Chalice and MUgman were standing on the edge of the hole, looking down on the chaos below.

"This is bad. This is bad!" Mugman panicked, "how will we get CUphead out of there!"

"The book," Chalice suggested, "it hasn't failed us yet."

The two flipped through the pages of the book until a spell caught Chalice's eye.

" a bomb transformation spell" Chalice said, pointing at said spell, "we'll use that."

"I don't think that this is a good idea," Mugman protested but Chalice had already snatched the pitchfork form Mugman's hand and was pointing it at herself.

If you need an edge in a fight

Just turn yourself to dynamite

A blast of energy shot from the tip of the pitchfork and transformed her into a bright yellow missile.

(like this v)

"Are you sure about this?" Mugman asked.

"Nope," Chalice shouted back at Mugman as she flew down, into the hole and towards the devil.

"Hey devil!" she shouted.

The devil snapped his head round to look at Chalice and at that moment Chalice hit the devil dead in the pupil and exploded.

Chalice ,now no longer in bomb form, tumbled down the hole and Cuphead,who was knocked out of the plane by the force of the explosion, also fell. The two fell, only about a meter apart, spinning in the air.

"Not again!" Cuphead complained

Suddenly the two felt something grab them by the back of their collar. They looked up to see Mugman riding the pitchfork like a broomstick.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes," Chalice said.

Mugman hoisted his friends onto the pitchfork and began to fly out of the hole. However, as the devil roared and clawed at his eye in pain, the entirety of hell seemed to be in pain with him. The upper roof of hell seemed to be collapsing. Raining rocks and boulders down on the cups. Mugman tried to manoeuvre around the rocks but there were too many and one caught the back of the pitchfork, causing it to spiral out of control.

The three cups held onto the pitchfork for dear life. The pitchfork spun as it fell, causing the cups to be stretched out as they held on from the centripetal force.

(kinda like how they show the port keys work in the Harry Potter movies, i tried my best to describe it.)

"What are we going to do!" Cuphead shouted over the noise of the collapsing cavern, "we can't fly out of here!"

"And if we stay we'll be crushed by the falling ceiling!" Chalice cried, "not to mention hitting the floor!"

"I know!" Mugman said, "we'll teleport out."

"But that takes a thousand years to master!" Cuphead pointed out.

"Maybe if we all concentrate on where we want to end up, it'll work!"

"It's the only chance we've got!" Chalice shouted, "lets go to the cottage!"

The other two nodded in assent and looked down at the rapidly approaching floor.

"Three.." Chalice said

"Two.." Cuphead said

"One!" Mugmna said

The three cups trust the pitchfork downwards, timing it so that it hit the floor before they did. The three cups and the pitchfork disappeared in a puff of smoke.

The camera then focuses on the devil, stumbling about and still clawing at his wounded eye and he is slowly buried in the rubble.

("One Hell of a Time" stops playing)


In a puff of smoke, the trio appeared on the front step of the cottage.

"That *huff* was *huff* too close *huff*" Cuphead said, catching his breath.

"Agreed," Chalice said, "at least we're safe now."

Suddenly the ground began to rumble and, some way off in the distance the cups saw a large black winged figure fly up out the ground.

"WHERE ARE THOSE CUPS!" it boomed.

"Head for the forest!" Mugman commanded, "he can't find us in there!"

The three cups ran into the forest and out of sight.


Meanwhile in the cottage, Elder Kettle was jovial washing the dishes. He was unfazed by the rumbling as mount Eruptus had been quaking for the past few months. As Elder Kettle was washing a plate he heard an explosion from the door!


The Elder Kettle yelped, reached under the counter and pressed his secret panic button. A secret trap door opened behind him, which he promptly jumped inside, seconds before the door closed again.

The devil stomped into the kitchen and looked around.

"Dagnabbit,"the devil complained," they must have hidden somewhere else!"

He then stomped out of the house grumbling to himself.


The three cups trekked through the woods until the sunn began to set.

"Ok, we'll be sleeping in the rough tonight," Mugman said, "it looks like there's a large stratus cloud out and because it's summer we should be warm enough. I just hope it doesn't rain.

Mugman tried to forage for food but only found some wild mint which he gave to the others and they all begrudgingly chewed on it.

"Since there's nothing left for me to do here," Mugman announced, "I'm gonna try and get some sleep. We'll trade the devil his pitchfork back for our safety in the morning. *yawn* I feel like this is becoming a regular thing."

And with that Mugman leant against a moss covered tree and fell asleep, leaving Chalice and Cuphead sitting alone on a log, both stubbornly chewing their fibrous sprigs of mint.

for about tes seconds the scilence was so thick that, Cuphead could feel it gumm up his mouth.

"Errr, Chalice?" Cuphead said

"Hmmm," Chalice replied in acknowledgement .

"I.. umm there... i mean uuhh," Cuphead stuttered and then scrapped that sentence and started again, "there's.. Something I've been meaning to say..."

"Welp," Chalice replied, "let's hear it."

"This is the second time I thought I've lost you, this is the second time i thought you were dead and buried, and I can't go through that again without saying this. Chalice i... i love you..."

Cuphead fixed his eyes to the floor. He then slowly looked up and Chalice's face while ripping apart little pieces of grass from stress.

"Aww Cuphead..." Chalice said,smiling, "I love you too."

And in the empty warm summer's night, they kissed. Neither of them had anything to compare it to, it was an experience not like anything they had experienced before. (this is solely a narrative choice and not just me not knowing what the heck i'm talking about)

Cuphead struggled to get a sentence out his mouth, stuttering and spluttering, and Chalice giggled at him.

"d'you think we could maybe go on a... wadjamacallem... oh, a  date?"Chalice asked, "like on Friday, maybe?"

"yes, yes definitely, yes," Cuphead blurted out, "I'll figure out the details."

Chalice looked at Cuphead's flustered expression and laughed again. 

"We should probably get to sleep," she said, "we're confronting the devil again tomorrow."

"We can't catch a break with that jerk, can we?" Cuphead replied

"Anyway, night Cuphead," Chalice said

"Night," Cuphead also said and they then each found a mossy tree, lay down and fell asleep.

(I did do my research on courtship in the 1930s and I will tell you now, this isn't it. I can barely write coherent stuff like this now with more modern customs, let alone be historically accurate.)


The trio all woke up early from the morning's cold, everyone shivering and stuttering from the chills.

"H-h-h-h-h-ow ar-r-re we going to find the d-d-devil," Chalice asked, her teeth chattering from the cold "besides dying again."

"It-t-t looks like he's b-b-been around," Cuphead said, looking at a column of smoke rising from inkwell city.

"Let's sh-sh-shoot a fireball into the sky," Mugman suggested gesturing to the pitchfork, "that way the devil will see it and come over here, then we can trade our safety."

Mugman gave Chalice the pitchfork as she was the only one without a finger gun. She shot a fireball into the air which exploded like a firefork, forming an image of Chalice's face with the colourful sparks.

Suddenly, a black shape fell from the sky and landed in front of them. It was the devil, now complete with two large black dragon-like wings.

All of the cups pointed their weapons at the devil.

"We're here to make a deal," Mugman spoke confidently, "you get your pitchfork back and you stop trying to kill us."

"You cups have gone too far this time!" the devil shouted, "not holding up your end of a deal is one thing, but you little brats are toying with the very powers of life and death. I will not stand for this. You little cups think yourselves immortal, powerful. But your overconfidence will be your downfall."

"Well you... uhhhg..." Chuphead shouted, trying to think of an insult," well you is a mutherfucker you know that!"

Both Chalice and Mugman looked at Cuphead in shock but quickly got over it.

"We all know you need youre pitchfork to run hell and we would like to not live our lives on the run, so this trade is essential to both of us. Let's just get it over with."

Chalice held out the pitchfork and the devil grabbed it.


Chalice zapped the devil with the pitchfork leaving him smoking and chard .

"rrRRRRRRG!!" the devil growled and snatched the pitchfork out of Chalice's hands before she could zap him again.

"I'll get you cups! mark my words, i will!"

And with that the devil slammed his pitchfork into the ground and disappeared in a puff of smoke.


Cuphead and Chalice held hands on the walk back to the cottage. No one really initiated it, it just sort of happened. Mugman saw them hold hands and smirked. He'd known. He could read his brother like a book and he hoped that Cuphead couldn't do the same to him.

"That was one hell of a few days!" Cuphead said

"Yup" Chalice replied, "I've now died three times."

"Let's hope we don't see the devil again," CUphead said, "I think I've had my fill of danger for this month."

The three cups then walked over the hill and out of sight.


The devil appeared in a puff of smoke and sat down at his desk. Hell was completely trashed, there was rubble everywhere and you could barely tell what the rooms used to look like. The devil slammed his pitchfork on the floor and everything began to fix itself. Rocks floated up and reattached themselves to the ceiling, the floor was reconstructed and the decorations were reinstalled.

"Uuh, hiya boss,"Henchman said, coming out of a tunnel, "are you feeling alright?"

"NO OF COURSE NOT!" the devil boomed, "those cups have made a mockery of me. This is more than just a few stubborn souls, my entire reputation is crumbling.i need a redeeming act, I need enough power to destroy those cups once and for all and i can think of only one way to do so."

The devil walked over to his desk and pulled out another book. He opened it to a bookmarked page. He laid the book open on the table and Henchman and the devil both looked down at the page.

"The Wondertart," the devil said, looking down at the page "a confectionery masterpiece that grants the consumer complete control of the astral plane. I just have to acquire the ingredients."

The screen then cuts to black and the credits roll but his time the song "Baking the Wondertart" plays instead of the normal outro music.

(WOOO! Season 4 is done. There will be more but I'm gonna write a few other things before writing season 5. season 5 will be published here, in this book. I actually finished writing this on the seventh of May but it came out now because I'm delaying uploads because of viewing reasons. All of the Cuphead x MsChalice bits will probably take twice as long to write because I have to take breaks to watch memes and contemplate my life choices, I reread the bit above like 7 times. Thanks for all the support on this book and I hope you enjoyed it. I'm going to touch grass. toodaloo!) 

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