Dark Love ( Misspelling

By Titan_luzan

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Amity has a strange obsession with luz and seems to be aggressive towards anyone who tried to get close with... More

hangout : chapter 1
red flag?: chapter two
Love and Pain part one: chapter three
Love and Pain part two: chapter three
Love and Pain part three: Chapter three
I want you to myself: Chapter four
Luz : Chapter five
revenge: Chapter six
unknown: chapter seven
Dark love fans
You are mine and mine alone part one: chapter eight
your mine and only mine part two: chapter eight
(not mine from deviart) Fear: chapter nine
overprotective:chapter ten
sleepover: chapter eleven
(short) obsession: chapter twelve
touch her and ill hunt you down and end you.: thirteen
i did it: chapter fourteen
Reality: chapter fifthteen
Lumity : Chapter Sixteen
failed: chapter seventeen
dear darklove fans
(short)Love: chapter eighteen
clue? (short) :chapter ninteen
sabotage : chapter Twenty
King: chapter Twenty one
dead end: chapter Twenty two
loss :chapter Twenty three
back :chapter twenty four
a dream: chapter twenty five
wad spoilers fanart
... : chapter twenty six
training 1: chapter twenty eight
lumity angst (not a chapter)
training 2: chapter twenty eight
Amity (a POV before chapter 28)

before and after : chapter twenty seven

430 10 3
By Titan_luzan

After the disappearance of luz noceda her loved ones seem to hardly Recognize who she is the day of unity is approaching closer and closer with any magic without luz a plan or allies
It seems like there is no hope

As Camila sighed she looked at Vee then down at the picture frame
Vee had told Camila the truth of who she was Camila had seemed to freak out for a little then calmed herself and allowed Vee to stay with her
Silently praying hoping her daughter is safe and okay 'oh luz please be okay mija' 'Manny I'm falling apart first we lose you and then our little girl is missing' clutching her fists vee noticed and hugged camila "I'm sure she's safe miss Camila I saw her talking with a witch she was with" camila sighed "I hope so" camila took off her glasses wiping away her tears she had to stay strong for vee she had to stay strong for manny she had to stay strong for luz
Her phone vibrates as she picked up the phone "vee I have overtime this week don't wait up for me okay? " vee nodded worried for the well being of her newfound mother 'luz will find a way back home to her she will be back'

At work camila felt disconnected from everything she was quiet and distant from her usual social self cleaning some of the kennels she thought to herself 'my baby.. Please come back home' 'I miss you so much'

Flash back

"Push! I can see the head!!" "Keep breathing!!" Camila groaned and screamed in pain just as her lower body felt relief and light not even a second had past and she along with her husband heard it "it's a girl!" the cries of their beautiful baby girl showing signs of life the doctors and nurses smiled down at the little one "welcome to the world" some time after the baby was cleaned and wrapped in a blanket camila held her close while crying tears of joy "she's beautiful!.. My baby" Manny smiled down at his little light "she has your eyes that's for sure" luz looked up at her parents with a spark in her eyes "hello my little light" the baby had smiled at them "she's got your smile hun" camila commented "that's my girl!" manny replied as he took luz in his arms and raised her up in the air then held her close giving her a kiss on the forehead at the slight touch luz giggled her tiny hand reached out holding onto her dads finger "awwe tiny hands!" He joked giving luz another forehead kiss


Five year old luz covered in mud ran up to her parents "mamà and papi!" She called out holding up a bug she caught
As if it were to be her proudest achievement while jumping up and down "look what I found!" Manny chuckled "ah mija a new friend I see?"
"Si papa!" Camila sighed "mija now you gotta change your clothes" smiling warmly at her "but mamà! I wanna spend time with my friends!" Gesturing to the bug manny picked up the bug and pats her head "mija you can play after getting cleaned listen to your mother baby" luz sighed in defeat "fineee" luz went inside the house
Staring down at the casket being buried underground tiny hands wrapped around Camila "mami...?" "Yes my little light..?" "When will we see papa again....? " she looked up at her with tears in the corners of her eyes her heart ached so much as if someone was physically squeezing the life out of it Camila choked back tears the pain hurting so much filled with sorrow "of-.. of course.. Goodbyes aren't forever sweetie.." luz rested her head on Camila "I wish papa was here" "me too luz.. Me too"
'Manny what am I gonna do without you..? What if I fail as a mother to our precious baby?... Our little light' she thought to herself and looked down at six year old luz holding back tears 'stay strong for her.. For him'
End of flashback

"Uh miss noceda? You okay?" Asked by one of her coworkers she hadn't realized she had been crying the pain was overwhelming it was to much to handle Camila nodded and continued her work worried coworkers gave her the space she needed since she made it clear she needed to be alone

Eda and the king sat on the couch for a while thinking "that girl... She's so... Familiar" "edaaa my head hurts by thinking so much about it" eda groaned "I know it's making me frustrated too" "all I know is that I seem to have a bond with her" king said "same here I only remember her name and that she and I said we love each other" "what's her name?" King asked "luz noceda"
'gotta head to school! Love you guys!'
They both heard in their minds in her voice "....what happened to her?.."

"Luz noceda! Wake up you have to fight!'
Luz woke up in amity's arms seeing she was peacefully sleeping luz nuzzled her face on amity at the same time amity smiled and wrapped her arms around luz keeping her close. 'What was that voice saying my name?..' while Amity whispered "mine and mine alone" luz nodded while being half asleep "amity?" luz asked trying to sit up and being unable to due to amity holding her ".. Hm..? What is it batata?" amity asked in a sleepy voice luz looked up at amity "I'm bored can we do something like make drawings?" amity agreed as the two got up from their nap amity brought luz papers, notebooks, pencils ect. Amity sat next to luz on the ground "batata look at me" luz looked at amity to be greeted with a kiss 'eep-!' amity smiled at luz then grabbed a note book as she began drawing

Luz laid on the ground while working on a mini comic thinking of what to do on the next page she yawned and took a quick stretch she sees that from time to time amity had been watching her
'My Titan amity calm down I'm not going anywhere' thinking to herself again what was that voice calling her? "Luz!! Luz the human!" luz flinched looking around the room she feared she was losing her sanity amity came up to luz and picked her up "hey, hey, everything alright?" luz hugged amity "I... I think I'm going crazy.." "Tell me what's wrong" "i... Can hear someone calling my name?."
amity looked concerned "let's get you to bed I'll bring you some dinner sound good?" luz nodded resting her head on amity's shoulder, amity brought luz to her room placing luz down on the bed covering her in the blankets leaving the room "luz! Get up now!" She sat up and looked around suddenly she saw a tall figure approaching her "Wh- who the fuck are you!?" "Luz calm down I want to help you" she was confused paying close attention to him she noticed some details horns wings fur a skull for a head "how.. Am I seeing you?" "King is that you?" "L-" amity came in holding luz's food placing it next to her "you okay Luz? You look pale" Luz held amity close "I thought I saw king!" "Amity I'm going crazy!" Amity had Luz look up at her "you just probably need some rest and to eat something you look exhausted I'll give you medicine and if you still see him I'll see what I can do" Luz nodded "Ami Don't leave me stay with me.." Luz pleaded amity got back in bed with luz making sure she ate her food and gave her medicine. Calming her down luz stayed in her arms "amity.?" "Yes?" "I.. Love you" "I love you too"

In a blur luz fell asleep
In her dream luz saw a strange place with cubes floating around everywhere
"what is this place?" "Luz" she looked to see the same figure "king?" "Haha no but he does get his good looks from me" he points at himself that laugh gave her some comfort "oh... Titan" "oh me!" He held his paw out for Luz to shake "nice to meet you Luz" "you... Your the boiling isles and that Titan is-" "dead looking?" "How am I seeing you? What is this place" "the space in between, and I couldn't stand to see you suffer I'm sorry I took long to visit" "you don't need to apologize I'm fine" "are you really?"
She stopped to think for a moment "Luz you were kidnapped you are being held against your will" "its-.. Fine she loves me I love her" "I will tell you everything I had been watching everything" "tell me what" "have you been wondering why amity had been acting the way she did before you got kidnapped by her?" "Yeah.." "Sorry to break it to you that's not the real amity" "WHAT!?!" "She had an accident and by the time it took affect she had already been with you"

Before everything

"Boscha give it back!" Amity yelled trying to reach for her potion "or what human kisser? You've gone soft since Luz came around.. Stupid human," "thats none of your Godnamn business! That potion is not a toy it's dangerous!" "What does it even do? And why were you making it?" "It's an advanced project! Give it back!" The blight grabbed it tightly kicking boscha in the gut causing them to fall amity got up quickly panicked but calm to see the potion hadn't wasted a single drop 'oh thank Titan that would have ended up so badly!' Amity left boscha laying on the ground turning the corner she entered the empty classroom leaving the potion there 'I should head to lunch'
What she didn't realize someone followed her to the classroom waited for her to leave before grabbing the potion 'your gonna get what's coming to you human kisser' boscha growled

At lunch amity had been watching Luz willow and Gus get their lunch as she was happily waiting for her friends 'I'm so happy I'm friends with willow again and Luz is my friend Gus is a cool guy as well' Luz called over "hey amity can you come over for a second??" Amity got up and left her lunch alone for a certain witch to tinker with her food 'heh' leaving without getting caught and to be sure the food looked normal the four sat at the table amity had already been eating her food while Luz had been talking about the crazy adventures her and eda had been on lately the more amity listened to her the more her heart fluttered a growing desire to be her girlfriend to have Luz all to herself willow and gus had noticed the way amity states at Luz they looked at each other and grinned "soo luz?" "Whats up?" "We are asking because we are bored if you could date any witch here who would you pick?" "What do you mean?" "Let's sayyy like hmm Amity for an example would you?" Luz Tensed up 'I- AMITY?-' a gay panic on the outside but calm on the outside "uhm- I don't know?" She shrugs amity blushed a deep shade of red 'mine mine mine mine mine mine'

In the locker rooms Luz hadn't realized amity had been watching her the entire time somehow not making it obvious luz sighed while putting her shirt on "so what's next class" "abominations class"

Luz rested her head on the desk while amity had been keeping track of what the teacher was saying while taking notes from time to time she had been staring at Luz while she slept writing L+A in her notebooks
Current timing now

Luz had been pacing back and forth "ALL OF THIS BECAUSE OF A FUCKING POTION!?! A POTION???? BOSCHA THAT ENTITLED BITCH" Luz shouted in frustration "HOW THE HELL DOES NO ONE SEEMS HER MESSING WITH AMITY'S LUNCH? SHE COULD HAVE KILLED HER UGHHHH!!!" Papa Titan held Luz "Luz I know your mad but listen to me carefully we are going to help amity we are gonna have eda and king remember you we will get this all sorted out and I am gonna give you a gift" "a gift?" He held out his paw as glyphs appear glowing Luz looked down at it "... Magic?" He nodded "and tell my son I loaf him will ya?" She nodded "are.. you sure im.. Worthy?" "Of course you are"

After Luz woke up she sees that amity was still sleeping she got up slowly making her way to the bathroom she looked in the mirror then gasped her eyes changed color from light chocolate brown to golden yellow the white part of her eyes where now black looking down at her body she had patches of fur growing on her arms and legs she was freaking out "WHAT THE TITAN!?"  amity woke up and noticed Luz wasn't in bed with her, Luz closed the bathroom door and took her shirt off but quickly the shirt was caught onto something she looked up to see what it was horns "WEH-?" She let go of the shirt while panicking "how do I get dressed Luz looked down from behind her seeing a tail catching her off gaurd the fur on her body puffed 'I'M A TITAN I'M A TITAN' '.. Wait...i can.. Fight amity?' 'But.. I don't know how to use the magic' amity knocked on the door "Luz what's wrong I heard you scream" "uhhhh.." "... Help me" amity came in the bathroom but then her eyes widen seeing the sight Luz was taller then her and her finger nails became claws Luz also had fangs seeing her horns and tail along with the fur on her body "... Luz.. What the fuck" "batata- amity- mittens- ami- please help me"
After getting Luz through the bathroom door and into the living room for more space amity had Luz sit on the floor "Titan Luz your clothes don't fit you-"
"Uhhh what does this mean" ".. New clothes" as amity grabbed a blanket "Luz your clothes look as if they are gonna rip off here" she tosses Luz a large blanket to cover her body "how did this happen?" "I don't know I woke up like this" amity grabbed the shirt off of luz's horns "I'm gonna have to get you bigger clothes can't have you running around naked" "haha..yeahh that would be awkward"
Amity blushed then shook her head quickly Luz sighed "I'm also hungry" "Ill get you the clothes first then ill bring the food wait here batata" luz nodded she waited twenty minutes as amity brought
clothes and food "here batata, Ill give you some privacy" she said while leaving the room for luz to eat and get dressed luz walked around in her new clothes "thanks am" "your welcome"

vee POV

It's been awhile since I've heard from luz and while being my own person and having to take the form of luz at the same time is exhausting but thank Titan luz had Camila get me a huge stash of those magic cards and I've noticed some girl luz was classmates with being a little to friendly with me whenever I am pretending to be luz but after luz had told me back her crush it makes it awkward for me personally

While vee packed her bag after class ended still pretending to be luz to keep up her school life so no one got suspicious a girl came up to her and had her hands over 'luz's' eyes "guess who" she joked Masha tilted her head 'damm vee's sister being flirted with' (vee took her OG form and became friends with Masha also saying luz and her were sisters) "uhm lemme guess..eve?" eve hugged 'luz' "how have you been luz?" "I've been okay" vee/luz looked at Masha signaling a cry for help Masha spoke up "sorry eve me and luz have a project to work on and it's due tomorrow" Masha grabbed her hand and took her away from eve "oh my God thanks" "man that seemed uncomfortable" "IT WAS" vee cried 'I don't even feel that way about her I like Masha for crying out loud!' she sighed "I know she just couldn't take the hint" "I think she knows and just doesn't care.." "Girl-" Masha said "don't look behind you but eve is staring at you"  'LUZ COME BACK AND TELL HER NO'
Masha said "uhm luz?" "Yeah?" "Don't tell your sister but..." masha blushed "I like vee" vee flinched holding back trying her hardest not to blush she pretending to look around "oh- you do?" "Okay- I won't tell her" 'THEY LIKE ME THEY LIKE ME THEY LIKE MEEEE'

After vee took her original form her and Masha began hanging out after school Masha sighed "vee?" "Whats up?" "I.. Gotta tell you something" "oh?" vee felt her heart pounding faster "...well"
They grabbed vee's hands making eye contact with her "Vee i like you" they said with a straight face "I-" "Masha-" "I feel the same" Masha and Vee looked at each other blushing a deep shade for red "soo.." "Does this mean.. We are together?" "Do you wanna be..?" Vee nodded quickly giving holding mashas hand a gentle squeeze "Vee will you be my girlfriend?" "Yeah!"

I am so sorry for taking a long time about updating a home there's no wifi  I'm literally at a McDonald's  and also because I had no freaking idea what to make the next chapter about

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