Movie One :Alice Cullen x Mal...

By KyloSean

37.7K 1K 242

You are the best-friend friend of Bella Swan, you have just moved to Forks and uncover some socking things ab... More

Chapter 2:First Day
Chapter 3 :Friends?
Chapter 4:Secrets?
Chapter 5: Uncovered
Chapter 6:Tracker
Chapter 7:Baseball
Chapter 8 :Sick But Fighting
Author's Note
Chapter 9:Goodbye James
Chapter 10:Dance
Next Project Ideas*
Info Update:2
Chapter 1 :Freedom Cry
Chapter 2:Forever...
Chapter 3: Wedding
Chapter 4: The Rest Of Time
Chapter 5: Questions?
Chapter 6:Preparing for a baby.?
Chapter 7: Sickness...for longing
Chapter 8: Answers...
Chapter 9 : Sleep...but Awoken

Chapter One:Arrival

4.3K 91 22
By KyloSean

I’d never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. So I can’t bring myself to regret the decision to leave home. I would miss Phoenix. I’d miss the heat. I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained mother. And her new husband…But they want to go on the road, so I’m gonna spend some time with my dad, and this will be a good thing. I think. In the state of Washington, under a near constant cover of clouds and rain, there’s a small town named Forks. Population, 3,120 people.

"You guys coming we aren't going to wait all day you know" the step-father said "We're coming okay" Bella said while holding alot of luggage

'ill take that for you"Y/n says will running to take the luggage as fast as he can

"Lets get to the airport or you guys will be late" Bella' s mother said


"You think they got some fun stuff to do over ther" Y/n says while looking over to Bella

"I don't know just hope it will be over soon" Bella said before trying to get some sleep.

"Oh...."Y/n said with a crack in his voice" No i... I just mean that i don't know people there and its just going to be like it is here" Bella said looking upset.

"Understandable but you shouldn't be so down you don't know what tomorrow might bring, we should get some shut eye"

"Yeah, goodnight Y/n" Bella said getting back in her sleeping positoin

"Goodnight Bella" Y/n said doing the same.


"This place seems peaceful not going to lie to you" Bella said while gazing at the woods from the taxi window

"See i told you, you got to be patient and wait" Y/n said looking outside
"Thanks 'Dad'"Bella says while rowling her eyes


Y/n proceeds to knock on a door
"Im coming" The voice inside the house says

The door opens and the man hugs you and Bella "How you kids doing how was your flight" Charlie Swan says

"It was ok back still hurts tho" Y/n answers "Yeah same" Bella adds

"Lets me show yall your rooms" Charlie says while walking upstairs
"Here is your room Bella"

"And here is your room Y/n"

For reference :

"Thank you very much Mister Charlie" Y/n says while walking in the room "Dont worry about it kid"Charlie says while closing the door

" Wow Dad lived here in this town"
Y/n says but something catches his eye.Keys and a helmet on the counter be the computer and a piece of paper

*To my son*
Have fun and don't do anything stupid boy

Y/n laughs and picks up the key and the helmat and puts them in his closet


Y/n is relaxing on the couch and looking at Bella's old pictures

"I know i looked pretty dumb" Bella says leaning against the wall and begins to walk over to Y/n

"No You looked.... intriguing"Y/n struggle to get to the word wich gets a chuckle out of Bella

" You ready for this new life we got here"Bella asks Y/n while layung on his shoulder

"Don't know until we find out right"
Y/n says while nugging Bella "Well look before you leap my good friend"

"I never liked that saying i think you have to Look after you leap because if you look to long you might get to scared"Y/n ads

" Since when did you get so smart ay"
Belka asks while looking at Y/n "Since this.." Y/n begins to grab his best friend and put her on his shoulder

"Put me down you dumbass" Bella says while laughing"No me hungry you make food"Y/n says

"Fine you dumb cave man" Bella says while being carried to the kitchen
Y/n then puts down Bella

"What you want to eat? "Bella asks
" Hamburgers and chips!! " Y/n yells out" Fine"Bella then starts to cook


The time is eight at night the three are now sitting at the dinning table eating there dinner

"This is great Bella" Y/n says while stuffing his face with food"Slow down there kid your going to choke or something "Charlie says looking at Y/n

" Ok sorry im just kinda hungry the plane food is not the best"Y/n says disappointed "He's not wrong tho" Bella adds

"Well Jacob will be coming over tomorrow so be ready" Charlie saysto the group

"It'll be great to see Jacob again he was always fun" Y/n says"Mabye, Mabye not who know.

"Dont be such a downer it will be great"Speaking of great it would be great if you guys do the dishes while i go in town for a few things"

"Sure" Y/n and Bella say in unison
"Thank you guys bye" Charlie says walking out

"You clean, I will dry off" Y/n says getiing up and picking up the plates
"Fine by me" Bella says going to the tap and begins cleaning


"Well that was tiring, you can take a shower and ill take one after you"Y/n says pointing to the bathroom

" Ok" Bella proceeds to go into the bathroom.


"Done!" Y/n hears Bella yell from the bathroom "Ok be up in a min" Y/n walks to the bathrooom.


Y/n wallks out head wet with only a towel around his waist and goes to his closet and puts on his pjamas

For Reference :

Y/n goes over to his bed to go to sleep but he hears a notification from his phone

*Mom:How was the first day*

*The flight made my back hurts but all around ok*

*Mom:You whin too much, I have to go work but goodnight*

*Goodnight mom*

Y/n puts his phone down and thinks to himself 'New day tomorrow.... It's going to be pretty fun'

Y/n falls into his dreams ready for tomorrow

A/n:Sorry if its short im just trying to get it out as fast as i can and give your thoughts on the chapter

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