Dragons: The Nine Realms (Fem...

By Dragon_Lightning

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Meet Y/n Kullersen, she's Tom's twin sister but she has brown hair. She's the only one in her family who has... More

Chapter 2: First Flight Part 2
Chapter 3: A Hole New World
Chapter 4: Dragon Club
Chapter 5: Featherhide
Chapter 6: Fault Ripper
Season 2: Y/n's Bio
Chapter 7: Uniconned
Chapter 8: Magma Breather
Chapter 9: Dragons of the Undead
Chapter 10: Downpour
Chapter 11: The Tangled Web

Chapter 1: First Flight Part 1

1.4K 32 13
By Dragon_Lightning

Keys and info:

Y/n is your name
F/f is favorite food
F/c is favorite color

Y/n is a skilled climber, good drawer and a technical genius.

She's best friends with Alex and Jun.

Close relationship with her brother and other dragon riders. Eugene still annoys her and she has slight anger issues but also has leadership potential.

Her outfit. She likes to wear her hoodie around her waist.

More could be added later on.

Y/n's Pov:

I the beginning shows a book with a night fury symbol on it.

"You wanna hear a story about dragons? Everybody's got a favorite, right? " Tom asked

The book is opened and reveals a Night fury and other dragons.

The page turns to dragons burning down Berk.

"Attacking villagers, threatening fair maidens, hoarding piles of gold." Tom said

The page turns again to Vikings and Dragons fighting.

"You know those stories about the dragons that terrorized the Vikings in the Northern seas? Yeah. Yeah. Those are some of my favorites." Tom said

The page then turns to Hiccup and Toothless in the cove.

"Of course, those stories are just stories, right?" I asked

The page turned to Hiccup bonding with Toothless and then at the bottom the two of them fighting the Red Death.

"They're just, they're just myths and legends. You know, stuff to scare kids." I said

The page then turned to Hiccup flying on Toothless into the horizon. Later it turns to Hiccup's map.

"But we've got a dragon story you haven't heard. A story that really happened, and this story (we scoff). This one is our absolute favorite because this story is ours." Tom and I said

The book closes and an asteroid flys past the earth.

End of introduction

We were in a helicopter flying over some sheep and chickens.

Tom and I were both sharing the front.

"This thing go any faster, mom?" Tom asked

Mom laughs "Any faster, Tom, and the blades will come off. Okay, just ahead, over this row of trees. You two ready for this?"

"I think you know the answer to that." I said

Tom and I both looked ahead and gasped. "Whoa! The Kullersen Fissure."

"Hey mom, how deep is it?" I asked

"It's been scanned to be deeper than the Mariana. Over seven miles down. Of course at that depth, you find poisonous gas, razor sharp rocks, rivers of lava." Mom explained

"You had me at poisonous gas." Tom said

"And me at rivers of lava." I said

We flew over the Fissure and saw two things of lightning light up a part of the Fissure.

The helicopter then flew past it and around the corner.

"Is that....." Tom asked as it came into view.

"Project ICARIS." Mom says as we could fully see it.

"No way.... Mom that place looks so cool." I said

Mom than talked to someone about landing.

We flew around the building and landed in the back.

Tom opened the door and we all jumped out.

"Alright. Let's head to the fissure." Tom says and he almost ran into someone.

"Ah! A.....hat?" He questioned

He then looked down and saw someone.

"Thomas, Y/n. How you've both grown! The last time I saw you two, you both jumped into the polar bear habitat at the zoo, and a couple weeks after that Y/n was put in a coma. What a ruckus! Hope you two learned from those experiences." Director Wong says

"Dr.Kullersen!" She exclaimed

"Director Wong. You remember Mrs. Wong." Mom says

"I remember the hat." Tom says

"And her height." I whispered to mom.

"Welcome to project ICARIS. Follow me." Mrs. Wong says

We then started to follow her.

"How are the preparations coming along?" Mom asked

"Ah, well, as with any new project, we've had our little bumps. You three must be exhausted from the trip." Mrs. Wong says

Tom and I almost got hit by a metal barrel being lifted by a crane.

"Actually, the earthquakes you mentioned have me concerned. I'd like to see the data." Mom says

"That's the Olivia I know and love. Rest is for the weak......(Tom and I were lagging a bit behind.) Thomas! Y/n! I'm stealing your mother! My daughter will show you around. You remember my Jun bug, don't you?" Mrs. Wong says

"You three were so cute together when you were 6." Mom says

"Jun? Uh....Yeah? Yeah." Tom says

"Of course I remember her. She's my best friend." I said

"Jun, you remember Tom and Y/n. When your done playing with your magical cards, can you help them find orientation?" Mrs. Wong asked

"They're tarot cards, mom. They're not magic." Jun corrected her.

"Yes. And they're showing me a future where you don't reach your potential. This way, Olivia!" Mrs. Wong says

"Mom! What about checking out the fissure?" Tom asked

Mrs. Wong and mom walked into an elevator and mom just shrugged and the elevator door closed. Tom then sighed and turned to Jun.

"Hey!" Tom says

"Hey yourself. You two look different than I remember." Jun says

"A lot can change in 8 years." Tom said

Jun got up and gave me a hug.

"How've you been Y/n? It's good to see you again." She asks

I returned the hug. "Good, even though I was in a coma for 9 months a couple years ago, still good."

"So, uh, where's this orientation thing supposed to happen?" Tom asked

"It'll be in the ICARIS Vistor's Center. We'll be heading there once the other students arrive." Cheif Baker said walking over to us.

"I'm here, pops! And I am......(his watch beeps.) on time!" The boy said

"We're still waiting on one more teen." Chief Baker said

"Uh, are we?" I asked

"Yeah, uh pops?" The boy questioned

Behind him was a girl with her nose in her tablet.

"Whoa! Where's you come from?" Chief Baker questioned backing up a bit.

The girl holding her tablet hid her face beings her tablet and stood next to me.

"Alright. Everyone, close order on my son here." Cheif Baker says

No one moved and didn't understand what he meant.

"That means shoulder to shoulder! Move!" Cheif Baker explained

We all stood shoulder to shoulder next to each other.

"Okay, we have D'Angelo Baker." Chief Baker says

"Here! I mean, you already knew that." D'Angelo says

He then checks him off on his tablet.

"Jun Wong." Chief Baker says

"Present in this dimensional timeline." Jun says

It was quiet for a bit.

"I'm here, too, Phil." She says

Chief Baker checks her off the list.

"Tom Kullersen." Chief Baker says

"Yup! I'm also here." Tom says

Chief Baker checks him off the list.

"Y/n Kullersen." Chief Baker says

"Right here. Chief." I said

He checks me off the list.

"Alex Gonzalez." Cheif Baker says

Alex raises her hand and puts it down.

"Sorry, what was that?" Chief Baker asks

"Here." Alex says softly

"I can't hear you." Chief Baker says

"She said here chief." I said

Chief Baker than looks at me before checking her off the list.

"Okay. For those who don't know, I am Security Chief Phillip Baker. Welcome to Project ICARIS. International Crevasse and Research Investigation Station. Your safety orientation begins now." Chief Baker says hitting a watch.

He started walking away and we followed him.

"Your names are Kullersen? Like, named after the fissure?" D'Angelo asked us

"Actually it's named after our mom. She and my smart sister here worked together and figured out the comet that would tear it open." Tom explained

"Yo, that is crazy! So you're both famous." D'Angelo said

"More like infamous. He climbed into a polar bear habitat when they were 5. Made the local news. Then Y/n here after a couple weeks after that was put into a coma for 9 months." Jun said

"And we don't even know how it happened. They said I was hit by lightning but they don't know how." I explained

"In our defense, the bear looked lonely." Tom said

"Oh, man. Polar bears might look cute, but they can be very aggressive." D'Angelo says

"Nah. He just needed some friends." I said

We then made it to the elevator.

"Alright, everybody, simmer down. Except for you. You're fine. I like my elevator rides quiet. Chief Baker says

The elevator door opens and we go inside and check out each floor in the elevator.

"On this, the green floor, you'll find our amazing research division. It is state of the art." Chief Baker explains

"Nice." Tom says

He then try's to check it out but Chief Baker wouldn't let him.

"Children are not allowed." Chief Baker says

The doors shut and we go down onto another floor.

"Still leaping before you look?" Jun asks

We then stopped on the next floor.

"The blue floor is home to our high tech control center and security hub. The virtual brain of the station.

Alex and I's eyes widened in awe.

"It is state of the art." Chief Baker says

"Can we....." I asked

"Children not allowed." Chief Baker says

I sighed at this response.

"What's on the red floor?" Tom asks

"The hangar. It's a highly restricted area. Home to our explorer class drone fleet. It is state of the art. (Tom and I raise our hands.) Children are not allowed." Chief Baker explains

Tom then crosses his arms.

"So where are children allowed?" He asked

We then arrive onto another floor.

"The Vsitor's Center. You have three jobs while you're here. Number one, go to school. Number two, stay away from the fissure. And number three, make sure you stay away from the fissure." Chief Baker explains

Tom and I hang back while the others leave the elevator.

"Look all you want, but touch nothing! When you're done looking, take a seat, and we'll begin your first safety film." Chief Baker explains

Tom then hits the Red button to the hangar bay.

Jun turns around and shakes her head while the door closes.

Tom and I arrive on the hangar bay and step out of the elevator.

"Woo.... Heh. Wow." Tom says in awe

We watch as a drone gets activated and we follow it by sliding down a ramp and looking over the side to where it goes and it starts to repair the bottom of the hangar that's hanging over the fissure.

"That is definitely State of the art for sure Tom." I said

While watching Tom and I both see two things of lightning one purple and one blue fly from under the hangar and we go to the other side to try and see it, while Thunder crashes in the background while it moves.

"Huh? What was that? A drone?" Tom and I questioned

"What are you doing out here?" A worker asks as they spotted us.

"W-We saw something. It was......" Tom tries to explain but everything starts rumbling and shaking.

"What is that? What's happening?" I asked

"Oh no......Earthquake!" The worker yells

Tom and I both fall and the worker holding the tablet fell and dropped the tablet. This caused the drone beneath us to stop working and it crashed below her exploding upon impact.

Tom and I both backed up when we saw cracks form on the opposite side of where we were.

We watched as the female worker fell and held onto the side to see her barley hanging on.

"Get help!" The worker called out.

"I'll go get help Tom. Keep an eye on her." I said

I ran back inside and saw a alarm on the wall. Unfortunately the earthquake caused a crane holding boxes to start swaying around it hit more boxes and they were falling around me.

I held my hands over my head to avoid it from hiting it but some fell on top of me which weren't that heavy and I was able to move them and hit a button to activate an alarm.

"Y/n, hurry!" Tom yelled

I then heard the woman scream and Tom calling out to me. I saw a rope to the side and grabbed it and ran back out and gave some of it to Tom and we lowered it to the female worker hanging off the edge.

The female worker grabbed onto the rope and Tom and I were struggling to pull her up.

"Ah! Not like this! I'm too young! I have a cat!" The female worker said

Tom and I pulled back slowly but slipped in the process sliding back towards the edge again. We were able to stand up again and tried to pull her up.

"We're just......I don't know what we're just..... We can't......." Tom strained saying

We then saw the same lightning flashes from early one blue and one purple flying beneath us again.

Unfortunately a piece of the stations fell off into the fissure. Tom and I couldn't hold it anymore and fell but we were both luckily caught by Chief Baker.

"I got you! I got you three, climb up, Linda!" Chief Baker says

'So her names Linda.'

Linda climbed up and Chief Baker walked beside me and and Tom. The door opened and mom ran out to us.

"Did you see that?" Tom asks

"Yeah, I definitely did." I said

"What? Our lives flashing before our eyes?" Chief Baker asks

"Tom! Y/n! Are you two okay?" Mom asks

Mom then starts checking us for any injuries.

"Mom! Mom! Hi, W-We're fine. We just saw something—" Tom says but mom hugged us.

"What happened!" Mom asked

"Earthquake. Falling. Screams. Death riding toward me on a pale horse." Linda explained

"Your kids thought fast, threw her a cable, saved her life." Chief Baker explained

"Thomas? Y/n? What are you doing down here? This is a restricted area." Mrs. Wong says

"Oh! W-We...." Tom tries to explain.

"Wait a minute. You two weren't supposed to be down here?" Mom asked

"Well, no.....See the elevator doors were closing, and we couldn't....." Tom tried explaining.

"Oh, Tom and Y/n! From now on, they will be where their supposed to be. Right?" Mom says

Tom and I sigh.

"Chief Baker, show the Kullersens to their dome." Mrs. Wong says

Tom and I followed Chief Baker outside.


Tom and I were standing next to Chief Baker outside while it was getting dark by a car.

Chief Baker sighs. "What you two did back there.....Pretty stupid. (Tom and I looked down.) But pretty brave, too. (We then looked at him smiling.) You two gotta understand that fissure is dangerous, kids. No one knows how deep that thing is. If you fell in, you might never hit the bottom. The outcome of that is much worse then being in a coma like your sister here."

The door behind us opens and mom walks out and it closes behind her.

Chief Baker sighs "I'm glad I'm not you two right now."


Mom was driving us to our dome and we arrived to see boxes everywhere and Tom closed the door behind us.

"This place is pretty nice. Feels very....domey." Tom says trying to lighten the mood.

Mom didn't respond and kept looking through a box.

"Look, I know you're mad at us, but...." Tom says

She turns around and keeps looking through the box.

"So, uh, maybe after we unpack, we can wander around? I think we saw something in the fissure." Tom says as we walk next to her.

"The fissure you weren't supposed to be near?" Mom questions and takes out another book and puts it to the side.

"Yeah, that fissure. That's the one." I said

"Tom! Y/n! You two totally went against everything we talked about before we got here. I know you're both excited. I am, too. But you two cannot, under any circumstances, sneak around places that could get you both killed." Mom explains

"Okay, okay, we get it. We just wanted to see the drone fleet. And we didn't know an earthquake was coming." Tom said

"You two have a drone. Look at that." Mom says

Tom mutters. "It's not the same thing."

We then looked in a different box.

"We've been here barely an hour, and we almost had a tragedy. Not the best first impression." Mom says

"Okay, we admit it. The drone mission was misguided. We should've stayed with the group. We get it." I said

Tom then finds an old Viking helmet and a necklace. (The one in the beginning.)

He takes out both and hands me the necklace and puts on the helmet.

"But, come on, mom. We come from Vikings! We don't ask for permission! (He picks up an umbrella and I grab an old shield in the corner.) We don't care what other people think! (He then talks in a Scottish accent.) We crave adventure!" Tom says

"There won't be any adventure if you two keep breaking the rules." Mom says

"Rules are for suckers." I said

"You two will complete the safety orientation videos.(Tom and I look down. Then mom picks up a broom.) Or die by the sword!" Mom says pointing it at us.

"Now, she wants us dead sis. How quickly we forget. You'll never defeat us! This umbrella and Y/n's shield is state of the art." Tom exclaims

Tom and mom start hitting each other's weapons while I provide some cover for Tom.

"Oh, but I will because I am your mother and have responsibilities!" Mom says

"I see your responsibilities and raise you two independent teenagers." Tom says he then raises his umbrella and hits mom's broom.

"Parental duty!" Mom exclaims

"Teen angst!" Tom and I said

Mom then pushed us back and I drop my sword and Tom drops his umbrella and mom hits us with the broom and we dramatically drop dead in the couch.

"We gotta behave our selves, kiddos. This expedition is even bigger than I thought. Look at this place. A lot of eyeballs are on us." Mom explains

"Well, can we at least use our eyeballs and go look at the fissure? I'm serious. Me and Y/n think we saw something." Tom asks

"Yeah. Please, mom." I pleaded

"W-What do you mean "saw something"?" Mom asks

Just then her phone rings.

"Oh, I gotta take this. Hello, May. No, sorry. I didn't forget. I'm just getting Tom and Y/n situated. Be right there.(She ends the call.) I gotta get back. They need time at the station." Mom says

"What do we do while you're gone?" I asked

"I don't know. Unpack. Play a video game. Gotta go. Love you both." Mom says

She closes the door but opens it and reminds us to stay away from the fissure and to stay near the dome and she leaves to the station.

I put the shield in my room and hung it on the wall above my bed.

Tom then came into my room.

"Hey, I'm gonna go fly my drone on top of the drone. Wanna join?" Tom asks

"Yeah, sure." I said

I held my necklace and looked at it before putting it down and followed Tom outside.

We climbed on top of the dome and Tom flew the drone around above us.

"Alright. Lets check out the world's deepest hole and see if we can spot those flying things." Tom says

"How do you like your drone?" Jun asks

This scared Tom and he almost drops his tablet.

Luckily I caught it and handed it back to him.

"Well, they're all the same, right?" Tom says

"Pretty much. How did you two get up there? (She tries to climb up.) Help me." Jun says

Tom then hands me his tablet and helps Jun up while I flew the drone.

"I heard what happened on the platform." Jun says

"Wow. That was quick." Tom says

"Her mom caught us out there." I said

"Well, when people almost die and a chunk of the station falls into the fissure, word travels fast." Jun says

"Good point." Tom says

"Your not wrong." I said

"Guess your still the boy and girl who makes the local news. " Jun says

"I guess so." Tom says

"I knew you both were coming here, you know. It was fated." Jun says

"Fated?" Tom questioned

"Yeah. It was in the stars. I read both your astrological charts...... I-I was just curious. It doesn't mean anything." Jun says

"Guess your still the girl who's into everything magical." Tom says

"It's not a bad thing." I whispered to Jun

Jun sighs "Its not magic, but yeah. I am."

The drone flys by us in circles.

"Okay, uh, what's the point of this toy? It's making me dizzy." Jun asks

Tom scoffs "It's not a toy, Jun. It's a drone."

"It's a toy." Jun says

"Look, me and Tom saw something in the fissure earlier. Something flying and it was fast." I explained

"What do you mean? Like another drone?" Jun asks

"No, no, bigger, faster, and there was two of them. I don't know....different." Tom says

"Well, your drone has a camera on it, right? Let's go check it out." Jun says

"What do you thinks we're trying to do?" Tom asks

Jun then takes the tablet from me.

"No, no, no, no, Jun! Jun, it-it takes a lot of practice to—" Tom says

The drone flys past us.

"Hey! This is kinda fun." Jun says

"Okay! Easy! Jun. These things are expensive you know?" I said

"I got it. I got it." Jun says

The drone then turns and flys in front of us before it nearly misses our head and flys behind us and into a sheep and almost a chicken.

"Oh. Sorry. My bad. Where did it go?" Jun apologizes

We then heard a sheep bleating and an angry chicken.


Now we are taking the drone of a sheep and I was calming down an angry chicken.

"Oh, you poor thing. I'm so sorry." Jun apologizes to the sheep.

"Never shaved a sheep before." Tom says he then frees his drone.

"Easy, there chicken. It's okay." I said to the chicken

The chicken look mad and started semi flying and pecking me.

"Ah! Ow! Ow! Ow! Bad chicken! Bad chicken!" I exclaimed trying to shop it off.

Tom and Jun were both laughing at me and the chicken looked like it scoffed before walking away.

"Stupid bird." I groaned

The sheep runs away.

"Your welcome." Tom says

He then takes the pieces of wool off his drone.

"I should get goin. It's getting late. You two gonna be okay?" Jun asks

"Yeah. We're just going to take one more flight and check out the fissure." Tom says

"Your charts were right. You both have an unquenchable thirst for adventure." Jun says

Tom and I laugh "I told you. We saw something weird. We wanna take another look." Tom says

"Just be careful. Like I said, you two were dated to be here. All three of us were, and something big happens." Jun says

"Something big? Like what?" I asked

Jun then takes out a card.

"Life changing." Jun says

Tom then takes the card and looks at it closely.

Jun then leaves and Tom and I then leave to head to the Vistor's Center and flew the drone from there.

Tom flew the drone into the fissure and we watched on the camera.

"Okay. Where are you?" Tom says

The drone then lowers and we found a pile of rocks. Blue and pink lightning radiated from it.

"There you two are." Tom says

The drone flew past it and blue and pink lightning shot from it and disabled the drone.

"What the...." I questioned

Tom and I then used a flashlight to head down there to retrieve the drone.

We then found the ledge and Tom put the flashlight on his backpack.

"Okay. This is probably a bad idea." Tom sighs

"After today. Bad ideas can always be good." I said

Tom took out his hammer and I took out mine and we put them both in the wall and made our way down.

Once we landed we went and picked up the drone and Tom put it in his bag.

Tom and I then went to look at the rocks and saw a two claws next to each other.

When we got closer we heard growling and both claws slipped away.

"What are you two?" Tom and I questioned

We then saw more lightning being charged and quickly backed away.

"Okay, sis, time to go." Tom says

Tom the starts to climb up to rocks.

While he starts climbing I was about to when I heard roaring and sad groaning.

"Tom wait. We should help these things. We can't leave them here." I said

Tom jumped down next to me.

We then saw two heads in the hole and two tails sticking out both were different though on had three fins, two on the side and one on top. While the other only had two.

"A tail?" Tom questioned

"Two tails, actually." I said

"Okay, okay, okay. Just—Just hold on." Tom says

We then heard more low growling.

I then helped Tom lift up and boulder that had the two tails stuck and it fell back down after the tails were moved.

"Okay, in there. Okay. You two can come out now." Tom says

"It's okay. We won't hurt you." I said

We then heard electricity firing up and a plasma blast and loud screeches and there was lighting radiating off the rocks and with a plasma blast and lighting blast the rocks exploded letting both creatures out.

Tom and I gasped as we saw it flying out of the rocks and fell of the side.

Luckily I held out my hammer and Tom did the same and we grabbed onto the wall. We then climbed back up to a sturdy spot in the fissure.

"Oh, that, was a close one." I said

Tom then turned his flashlight on a looked around. He then shown it up and saw how far down we were.

We were about to put our hammers into the wall when we heard growling above us.

We looked up to see the two creatures climbing down the wall and they both landed in front of us.

"Ah!" Tom and I both gasped

The two of them both started growling at us.

"Go away! Go on! Get outta here!" Tom said he then started yelling trying to scare them off.

The creatures both stopped when Tom shown his light at them and they stepped away from the light.

Both of the creatures radiated lightning for a bit and circled us.

Then one of them blasted the flashlight with lightning making it turn off.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Oh you've gotta be kidding me." Tom says

"Oh, of course this had to happen." I groaned

Both creatures started roaring at us.

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