In The Name of The King (#Wat...

By natlaxy2424

33.4K 1.2K 393

Adelaide was never quite a charmer or even a lady for that matter. A sister to six brother's is every bit as... More

The Wicked Gentlemen
The Feline
In The Words of Caldwell
The Escape
The Knight In The Shining Armor
To Forget and Remember
To Trust or Not To Trust
The Decision
An Unexpected Visit
The Painful Truth
On The Road Again
In Your Dreams
What am I to you?
Her Highness
The Dream and The Nightmare
The Knight and Her Highness
Her Highness's Obsession
Where am I?
The Hunter
His Captive
You're the Earth, I'm Your Moon
The Plan
Life is But a Mere Game of Manipulation
Jealousy Turns Even the Brightest of Souls Black
My Sinister Captor
The Knight and The Sorcerer
Damsel in Distress
The Rescue
To Love and to Be Loved
An Act of Betrayal

The Seamstress

1K 43 14
By natlaxy2424

Chapter 9

I clutched the damp towel to my chest, worried.

My cheeks still burned from Arthur's presence. The door creaked open, revealing a mop of brown hair and matching brown eyes. Gavin's apologetic eyes connected with mine.

"I'm so sorry Mary," he stood in the entryway, looking torn between entering or departing. I bobbed my head from side to side.

"It wasn't your fault," Gavin had nothing to do with what happened. He was blaming himself for something we couldn't control. The feeling of humiliation was still prominent. My grip tightened, only one man had ever seen me that vulnerable.

Oliver's eyes smiled back at me from under the silk sheets. His wavy dark brown hair stuck up from all directions. A smile sneaked its way onto my lips.

"Addie," he cooed in a soft voice, making a shiver crawl up my spine. My grin grew wider as I lightly tapped his nose.

"Tsk, tsk, Oliver," I clicked my tongue against the roof of my mouth, receiving a grin in return. This man was going to be mine forever, I internally thought. My heart swelled with anticipation for tomorrow to arrive already. His grip tightened around my waist, lifting me up onto his lap.

"You know I hate being teased, Darling," he growled, connecting his lips with mine. I chuckled in between his soft kisses, teasing me. My fingers dug into his thick dark hair, pulling him forward. His chest vibrated in laughter, while his hands started roaming my body.

"Yet you love to do all the teasing, Darling," I teased as his intense gaze bore into mine, stealing my breath away. I loved this man, my betrothed, with my whole being. He flipped onto his back, straddling my thighs. The echoes of laughter slowly disappeared with the distant memory.

A hot tear escaped my brown eyes, gliding down my soft cheek until it plopped onto the dirty floorboards. Gavin cleared his throat, trying to get my attention. Quickly, I swiped the wetness from my face, not wanting anyone to know where my thoughts wandered. Gavin was silent for what felt like hours, I kept intertwining my fingers together and then untwining them. Hunger was gnawing at my insides, making me want to puke. Sounds of gurgling and what sounded like howling vibrated from my stomach. Gavin's head snapped up, his eyes connecting with mine.

"Mary, you should've reminded me!" He frantically clutched my wrist, dragging me out of the doorway. The suns rays blurred my vision momentarily. Arthur was positioned on the edge of the wagon before us. He dragged his long fingers through his thick hair. Gavin urged me forward while nervousness took ahold of me. What if he was upset? Arthur's lips were set in a firm line, his brows knitted together. Crap, he seems upset, I thought worriedly. The gravel crunched beneath me, signaling my approach. I wiped my now sweaty palms against my new gown.

"...Arthur?" I said hesitantly as I reached my hand out. But, Before I could feel his soft golden strands, his head jolted in my direction. A gasp escaped my lips as our eyes connected. My mind instantly went blank, like a light switch was turned off. His green eyes held a spark of...embarrassment?

"I didn't mean, wasn't my intention to...," Arthur stuttered, trying to apologize. Sweat beaded across his forehead, a slight blush staining his cheeks. I gripped his shoulder, shaking my head.

"I shouldn't have thrown that bowl at you either," I frowned. The ground begun to sway from side to side. Darkness curled in at the edge of my vision. My breathing became ragged as Arthur's forehead creased in worry. Right when I could feel my knees buckle beneath me, the darkness consumed my consciousness.

Frantic whispering reached my ears. "What did you two do to the poor girl?!" It was obvious the female voice was trying to stay calm but not succeeding. Where am I? What happened? Hundreds of questions circled inside my head.

"Please just take a look at her, Adri," the feeling of someone's hands against the small of my back made my toes curl. I recognized his voice and the way he walked with me in his arms. Only one name came to mind, Arthur. Oddly, I felt safe and secure with this man I've only known for a couple of days.

"Do I look like a doctor Artorious?!" This time the woman named Adri let out her frustration.

"No, you look like a seamstress," Gavin retorted to her loud whispers. The sound of forceful footfalls and a loud thwack resonated throughout the space. Slowly, I peeled my eyelids open.

"Ow!" Gavin shrieked in pain, clutching the top of his head. A women with striking strawberry blonde hair, a straight nose, sapphire blue orbs, and an hourglass figure, looked up at Gavin with annoyance shining in her eyes.

"You're awake...," Arthur said softly. His grip tightened just a fraction on my waist. I clutched his neck as he carefully lowered me to the ground. It took Gavin and Adri a couple of minutes to take a break from their bickering and notice I was awake. 

"Oh! Mary is it?" Adri ran up to my side and squeezed her hands together in an excited manner. Her attitude instantly changed from her fiery temper with Gavin to the now childlike excitement she displayed with me.

"Yes, and you're Adri?" I asked, already knowing the answer. From the corner of my eyes I could see Gavin glaring daggers towards Adri.

"Don't get your underpants in a twist, Gavin," She gestured for Gavin to leave with a wave of her hand. He grumbled in protest while shutting the door behind him. I giggled at Adri's antics. "Anyways, my full name is Adriana but those two fools call me Adri," The name Adriana sounded familiar....where have I heard it before? Suddenly, her eyes held a glimmer of delight. "You chose the lavender one!" Adriana lifted my arms up to get a closer look at the stola I was wearing. The fast movements of Adriana inspecting the seams and fit of the dress made my head feel like it was working in overdrive. I felt weak and tired, as if all the energy I had a moment ago was sucked out of me.

"Adriana, for the umpteenth time get her some food!" Arthur pulled me against him, supporting my weight. I felt like I was going to faint again. Bile tried making its way up my throat, to my dismay.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry Mary!" Adriana scurried out of the area in a frenzy. I held my forehead in the palm of my hand, trying to erase the pounding feeling in my skull.

"Arthur, you worry too much," I gasped out, angling my head towards him. A laugh vibrated from his chest.

"You're the one who keeps giving me reasons to worry," he scoffed, laying a wet towel across my temple. I finally noticed how different the space we were in was compared to Gavin's shack. The seating area had two large red sofas that were angled towards each other. While a candle sat in the middle of an oak table that was seated farthest to the right. Before I could make out the rest of the room, Adriana sat plates and bowls of mutton, beats, and rice onto the oak table. Enticing smells lured me towards the food.

Arthur pulled out the chair, motioning for me to sit. I took his offer, quickly piling food onto my plate. I didn't realize how long its been since I had a decent meal. A week? Maybe more? I grabbed the leg of mutton, digging my teeth into the soft skin. With my other hand, I swiped a loaf of bread from the center of the table, stuffing it into my mouth. I felt two pairs of eyes trained on me. Adriana and Arthur both had shocked expressions. A blush creeped up my neck, halting me from my rapid eating.

"You sure can put away some food!" Adriana exclaimed, smiling widely. I gulped, uncomfortable from their stares. Arthur chuckled, biting into his leg of mutton.

"I...guess...," I meekly said. The door swung open, slamming loudly against the walls. I snapped my head up, staring at Gavin in astonishment. His hair had a windblown look to it as he gazed at all of us in surprise.

"You're eating without me?!" He dashed to the chair seated next to Adriana, pouting. She scoffed, rolling her eyes in annoyance. Arthur and I connected eyes from across the table, smiling knowingly at each other.

"Tell me Mary, how did you come to know Artie here?" She ignored Gavin's piercing stare, gesturing towards Arthur with her thumb.

"Well, I'd rather not say," I laced my fingers together, nervously picking at the curve of my fingernail. All of the sudden Adriana went silent. Her aqua irises were trained on Arthur and I.

"...Are you two hiding something from me?" she asked skeptically. Arthur fidgeted uncomfortably in his chair, knowing exactly what she was implying. I stabbed my utensil into a beat, twirling the red juice around the small plate. It was hard enough when I told Gavin and Arthur about the incident I was pulled into, yet another person was just as curious. I don't think I could handle going through the emotional memories it brought up again. Tears started building up at the corners of my eyes. I couldn't cry now, I refuse to give in. Arthur cleared his throat, directing the attention to himself.

"Adri, the way we met unfortunately brings up unpleasant memories that we would rather not discuss just yet." He grabbed my wrist, pulling me up to my feet. "Besides, it's getting late and I'm positive Mary is just as tired as I am." I nodded, letting Arthur lead me up the stairs. Adriana ran to the base of the stairs, the look of understanding reflecting from her eyes.

"Well, have a good night you two!" she whispered loudly. Arthur opened the door that was the farthest to the right. Inside the room was a large bed with silk sheets, wooden tables on either side, and a large mirror that was positioned right next to the window.

"I wanted to thank you for what you did down their for me," I peered up at him, smiling. "You have no idea how grateful I am," I said, wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders. His eyes widened in surprise at my sudden show of gratitude.

"I know how hard it is to forget something that life changing, I just didn't want you to relive those memories," he mumbled, returning the hug.

"I should be getting to bed," I whispered, not wanting to withdraw. But before I could pull away, the next thing I know his hands are cupping my chin on either side. A million thoughts were running through my mind at that very moment.

"Goodnight, Mary," he whispered in my ear, connecting his lips to mine. Instantly, tingles started spreading throughout my body. His hands pressed the small of my back against his midsection. I couldn't help but moan into his mouth. My breathing became ragged and uneven when he pressed his firm lips even harder against my own. I couldn't believe what was happening. How was I letting this happen?! Arthur backed me up until my legs hit the sides of the bed, causing me to fall backwards. I shrieked, pulling Arthur down with me. The corners of his mouth curved up into a devilish grin as he trailed kiss's down my kneck. Every time his lips would connect with my skin it felt like little trails of fire were left in its wake. We should stop. No, we need to stop. Now Adelaide! Now! I pressed my palms against his chest, pushing forward.

"We need to stop," I breathed out. No matter how much I wanted to continue what we were doing I knew it was wrong. The look of hurt flashed in his eyes as he cleared his throat in embarrassment.  

"I get it," he muttered, getting up from the position we were in. Panic started to settle in. I didn't want him to withdraw, or worse, despise me. But I knew I had to make the hard decision, whether I wanted to or not.

"Night Arthur," I whispered, showing him to the door. Nothing came out of his mouth, it was dead silence. Arthur scratched the back of his head, turning on his heel and disappearing down the hallway. I touched my bottom lip, still feeling his searing kiss. Why couldn't this happen at a more convenient time? I thought to myself.


Oh my! Hey readers, I feel so horrible that I've been gone for a month. I've had school exams and SOL's that have been taking up my time. So, I made this chapter extra long as an apology. Sometime in the future I'll be editing and adding some paragraphs to make my first couple of chapters longer. I look back on it now and am sooooo embarrassed! Don't forget to vote for this chapter and comment some feedback!


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