Dark Enchantment

By solaraestelbooks

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Map of Eloria
Chapter 1
Chapter 1.5
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3
Chapter 3.5
Chapter 4
Chapter 4.5
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 6.5
Chapter 7
Chapter 7.5
Chapter 8
Chapter 8.5
Chapter 9
Chapter 9.5
Chapter 10
Chapter 10.5
Chapter 11
Chapter 11.5
Chapter 12
Chapter 12.5
Chapter 13
Chapter 13.5
Chapter 14
Chapter 14.5

Chapter 5.5

23 5 6
By solaraestelbooks

Eira had tried and failed to fall asleep to the movements of the carriage as it took her further and further from her home. She found herself reaching for her violin case and began to play absentmindedly on the instrument.

First, she began with arpeggios. Then, she continued with scales, trying to warm up her fingers. As Eira played, the notes of her violin filled the carriage. It was a familiar comfort to her, something that she could always turn to when she needed to clear her mind. The music flowed from her fingertips, each note sounding crisp and clear despite the jostling of the carriage.

As she played, she let memories flood her mind that she hadn't dared to dwell on for years. It had been easier to pretend they had happened to somebody else.

Memories of her childhood and the lessons her mother had taught swelled within her. She remembered how her mother had always encouraged her to pursue her music, even when her father had wanted her to focus solely on her studies as a princess. She had conspired against these wishes, spending countless hours practicing her violin instead of studying her royal duties.

The Queen had only been too happy to be her accomplice, and her father had never been able to tell his mate no. She had taught Eira the basics, then built her inner catalog with the folk music of Caladrielle and some of her own works. On her worst nights, Eira had allowed herself to think of that music, let it chase away the terrors of an academy ablaze and filled with death.

Now, as she traveled farther from her home and closer to danger, she was grateful for the gift her mother had given her.

The carriage rolled on and Eira's playing became more intense, each note ringing out with a fierce determination. She played with all the passion and strength she could muster, pouring her heart and soul into the music. For a moment, she forgot about the danger that awaited her, the stakes of her mission, and the uncertainty of the future. All that mattered was the music, and the way it made her feel.

Eira glanced to look out of the carriage window as she continued playing and gasped as she saw soft, blue lights twinkling outside the window, seeming to revel in the melody she was playing.

Lindalumë were joyously dancing to her music, following the carriage as it moved onwards. She put her violin down and cracked open one of the windows.

As she leaned out the window, Eira could feel the rush of cool air on her face and the energy of the Lindalumë swirling around her. They were an ethereal and delicate creature, their bodies made up of a shimmering blue light that illuminated the surrounding trees and bushes. She remembered a tale she had heard as a child, that they had been crafted by the very first Queen of Caladrielle and guardians of those pure in heart and spirit. The Lindalumë were also said to have a particular draw to those in their time of need.

They were also fierce lovers of music. 

One of the Lindalumë flew closer to her, its blue light glowing brighter as it approached. Eira could see the intricate details of its wings, which seemed to be made of the finest silk, and the delicate patterns on its body that resembled starlight.

"Who are you?" Eira asked softly, almost afraid to disturb the creature's dance.

The Lindalumë simply responded with a gentle hum, the sound of which seemed to vibrate through Eira's entire body. Then, with amusement, she realized that the creature was hovering impatiently, wanting to hear the music she had been playing once more.

She picked up her violin once again and began to play, the Lindalumë swirling around her in a dance of light and sound. For a moment, she forgot about the dangers ahead and simply enjoyed the magic of the moment. As the carriage continued to move, the Lindalumë followed, darting through the trees and bushes in a joyful display of light and movement. Eira continued to watch them in wonder, feeling as though they were leading her toward something.

As the night began to fall, the carriage slowed to a stop, and Eira reluctantly brought her playing to an end. She looked out the window, realizing that they had arrived at their destination for the night. She saw the coachman climb down from the carriage and begin to unhitch the horses, but something seemed off. He moved with a strange, jerky motion, and his face was expressionless.

Then, he began to float.

Eira was unsure of many things at the moment, but one thing that she was sure of was that he shouldn't be doing that. 

"Excuse me, are you okay....?" Eira cringed at the question. Of course the man wasn't okay. He was gods damned levitating.

He flew over to hover in front of her window. Eira was not proud of the shrill scream that escaped her.

"Eira," the man—was he a man?—said in Lynden's voice, "you should not lean out the window. It's not safe."

Eira pulled back, startled. "Lynden, how did you... what is going on?"

The figure flew closer, revealing that he was no man at all. A skeletal face and green eyes that cast an eerie light returned her shocked gaze. It almost seemed bemused at her reaction. "I am not Lynden, not in the way you think. I am his familiar, bound to him through a powerful enchantment. He has sent me to watch over you on this journey."

Eira brought her hand to her chin, suppressing a chuckle. A familiar coachman was a great touch from Lynden, as they could not reveal information even upon torture. "Well, he could have at least warned me about you. Do I get to name you, or is that already predetermined by Lynden, too?"

The familiar tilted its head, its green eyes still glowing with amusement. "You make it sound like a bad thing. I'll have you know, I'm quite the capable companion. And I'm certainly better company than a stuffy old coachman."

Familiars could also be quite chatty, she recalled. Eira finally chuckled despite herself, despite the eerie appearance of the familiar. "Fine, I'll try not to judge you based on your... skeletal appearance."

The familiar let out another dry cackle. "I appreciate your open-mindedness. And as for a name, I already have one, thank you very much."

"Oh?" Eira raised an eyebrow. "Do tell."

The familiar grinned, revealing a row of sharp teeth. "My name is Montgomery. Montgomery the Magnificent, if you want to be formal."

Eira couldn't help but burst out laughing. "Montgomery the Magnificent? That's quite a title. I'll have to see some real magic before I start using that one, though."

Eira looked out the window, watching the Lindalumë dance and twirl around the carriage. Montgomery followed her gaze. "They are drawn to your music, and to your pure heart. They are protectors of those who are pure in spirit and in need of their guidance."

Eira looked back at him, still unnerved by his appearance. At least she didn't have to worry about the coachman running off to tell tales of a Crown Princess who played the violin en route to the Aerindirean court. 

"So, Lynden... he trusts you to protect me?"

Montgomery bared his teeth again, in what was likely an attempt at a reassuring smile. "Yes, he does. And I promise to do so to the best of my abilities."

Eira smiled softly, comforted by his words. "Thank you. And thank Lynden for me."

The familiar bowed its head. "Of course. Now, it's time for you to get some rest. We have a long journey ahead of us."

She looked up and saw the Lindalumë still dancing overhead, their light casting a warm glow on everything around them. She suddenly felt exhausted and curled up into a tight ball.

Montgomery almost seemed concerned, if his skeletal face could show such an expression. "Eira, what's wrong?"

"I don't know," she murmured, her eyes closing. "I'm just so tired."

The familiar looked up at the Lindalumë, a realization dawning on him. 

"It's the lights," he said. "They're draining your energy. We will need to find a way to protect you."

But Eira felt herself slipping into sleep, the soft lights of the Lindalumë overhead lulling her into a deep slumber. As she drifted off to sleep, she could hear their soft whispers, their light casting a peaceful glow over her sleeping form.


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I think my favorite thing so far has been exploring the magical creatures and mythology of Eloria. I've always loved will-of-the-wisps, so of course I had to include them here. Who else loves traditional fairytale elements?

Introducing.....Montgomery the Magnificent! Loyal familiar, and more...to be revealed later!

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