Little brother

By MIllie77778

953 7 0

Mark starts getting feelings for his bestfriend little brother he also becomes protective against the little... More

Chapter one: Feelings
Chapter 2: dating
Chapter 3: bully
Chapter 4: family issues
Chapter 5: Alone
chapter 6: fight
chapter 7: sick
chapter 8: new ones
Chapter 9: again
chapter 10: new family member
Chapter 11:birthday
chapter 12:married
chapter 13:adoption
Chapter 15: rest
chapter 16: leaving
chapter 17: messed up
Chapter 18: loss
Chapter 19: how it was
Chapter 20: the end of time

chapter 14:problems

12 0 0
By MIllie77778

Marks pov
I wake up on the couch with jay on top of me I look at the tv and see that its on the cull of duty main menu I move jay to my side slowly so I dont wake him I go up to my room I go past alexs room I see that he is sleeping at his desk I go into his room and I see cps stuff and numbers all over his desk plus job sites  "I will talk to him later about that" I thought to myself I pick up alex and I lay him in bed he moves in a ball I leave his room and I go to mine I go take a shower. When I get out I decided to text maddy to see how long alex has been feeling this way

MARK: Hey sis

SIS: Hey whats up?

MARK: Its about Alex

SIS: Whats wrong is he hurt?

MARK: No he is fine

SIS: Oh then what is it?

MARK: Has he told you about anything like how he is feeling or about getting a job or about cps?

SIS: No sorry Mark

MARK: Or about his parents?

SIS: No sorry again he doesn't really talk about himself that much

MARK: Thanks for your help Maddy talk to you later

MADDY: No problem I might hang out later dont know yet

MARK: Okay

"well that does not help I will just talk to him when he wakes up" I said to myself  "talk to who?" jay askes coming into the room "alex" I said "why?" he askes "because im worried about him" I said "is he alright?" he askes "I dont know but you know alex he does not like talking about his feelings" I said "yeah let me talk to him first he might open up to me" he said "yeah but if that does not work let me try I do know more stuff than you do" I said "okay" he said he grabs my waist and pulls me into a kiss with passion he goes down to my neck and starts kissing it "mhm your horny this morning" I said "its your fault for being so fucking hot" he said with a smirk "we cant alex and jack is home" I said he just looks at me with begging eyes "come on please" he begs "no we made a deal with alex remeber no fucking when people are over unless its a party" I said "please~" he begs again "no~" I said walking out of the room "please baby" he said following me "no darling" I said "please what?" alex askes "your brother is being a horny fuck" I said "jay you know the rules" alex said "I know but cant you guys go somewhere for the day?" jay begged I turn around and I kiss jay passionatelly I push him up to the wall I bite his lip before slipping my tounge in his mouth we fight for domanice we stay like that for a while I soon pull away "did that satisfied your hornyiness?" I asked "a  little bit" he said "not what I wanted to see this early in the morning" alex said "sorry I forgot you was there" I said "its fine" alex said "who want breakfast?" I said "oo I am" jay said "im alright" alex said "alright" I said I go down to the kitchen I start making walffles jay rests his chin on my shoulder he kisses my neck "I love you" he said "I love you too" I said I move him in frount of me I lean down to his ear "we can fuck later~" I whisper he feel him jolt a little bit he just smiles "okay~" he whispers back I lean down and kiss him again I go back to making the walffles. I take the food out to the living room where alex is sitting I see that alex is daydreaming "hey alex whats on your mind?" I asked bringing him out of his mind "huh what?" he askes "I asked whats on your mind" I said "oh nothing just thinking" he said with a soft smile I look at jay who is already done with his food "damn you must have been hungry" I said "I was I had not eaten since yesterday morning" jay said "alright" I said I look back to alex it looks like he is about to cry "alex you alright?" I asked "y--yeah im fine" his voice breaking he tries to blink them away but I see that he cant he gets up and goes to his room he cracks the door a little bit I look at jay I tilt my head a little bit "go help our brother" he said I get up and I go up to alexs room. I hear him crying softly through the door I open it and I go to alex I just hug him "shh its alright" I said "can you tell me what wrong?" I asked "m--mark---I---cant---do--this---anymore" he says in between his sobs "cant do what?" I asked "I need help please" he begs "I will help but tell me what I can help you with?" I asked "is it cps and dcf or family or a job?" I asked "its not that its---" he stops I get what he means "its you right?" I asked he just nods I have never seen alex like this before I hold him tighter "I cant do this mark not again" he said panicking "its alright im here" I said "so am I" jay said going onto the other side of alex "im sorry for being a shit of a brother" alex says "alex your not a shit brother" jay said "yes I am" alex said "no your not you took cared of me when mom and dad died you were my parent" jay said "im sorry for not telling you guys I feel this way" alex says starting to cry again I look at him "shh its okay alex no one is perfect" I said "I need you to answer a question for me okay?" I asked "alright" alex said "have you been hurting yourself?" I asked "no" he said "good" I said me and jay hug him tighter he just crys into my chest and I let him he soon falls alseep so me and jay just lay there and fall asleep too.

Jays pov:
I wake up in alexs bed I see that alex and mark are gone so I go down stairs and they are not done there I hear them talking out back I go to mark and I go to his ear "when can we fuck?" I whispered he looks at down at me "later you horny shit" he said "how about now?" I asked kissing the back of his neck "fine~" he whispers giving in I smirk "hey we have something to deal with" mark said to alex he looked at me then back at mark "dont be too loud" alex said waving us off mark grabs my hand and he pulls me to our room he closes the door and he starts to kiss me deeply he moves us to the bed "mhm so you where horny too" I said "its your fault" he said kissing me again he goes down to my neck and starts to leave hickeys on it I moan loudly he covers my mouth "quite darling" he said I just nod I bite on my finger to stop me from moaning I hear a loud noise coming from down stairs "what was that?" I asked "what was what?" he askes "I thought I hear something" I said "well what was it?" he askes "I dont know the only ohter person home is--" I said "alex!" we both said we head downstairs we see glass on the floor and alex hands our bleeding "alex what happened?" I asked softly "it slipped out of my hands im sorry" he said "come here" I said he walks towards me I bring him to the bathroom and I wash the blood of his hands and I bandages them "there" I said "now what is the real reason?" I asked "I was daydreaming and my thoughts got the best of me and I dropped it" he said looking down "knew it" I said "sorry for ruinning your guys fuck" he said "its fine we will do it later" I said he looks at me then down at his feet "and im sorry that you need to take care of me" he said "alex its alright we are family thats we do" I said "but I should be taking care of you im older not the other way around" he said "alex sometimes its good to get help from others dont matter if they are older or younger" I said "yeah" he said mark comes into the bathroom and wraps his hands around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder "what do you guys want to do?" I asked "I dont know" mark said "want to play cod?" I asked them "sure" they both said we go to the living room and we play cod. Someone knocks on the frount door daisy runs and starts to bark like crazy I get up to answer the door "hello?" I asked I relized its maddy "oh hey maddy" I said "hi" maddy said I let her in "maddy is here" I said going into the living room "hey sis" mark said "hey" alex said "hi" maddy said back I scoot over so she can sit on the couch "you guys playing cod?" maddy askes "yeah" I said "you can play after this game" I said "no thats fine I will just watch" maddy said "you sure?" mark asked "yeah" she said  we finish the game I won "ha get recked!" I said getting up "damn it!" mark said he grabs my waist and pulls me down on top of him I look up and he kisses me then he starts tickling me "stop please" I begged maddy and alex starts laughing at us mark finally stops "fuck you!" I said "now you would like to do that" he said I blush at his comment he starts laughing. We just talk and hang out with each other alex lays on maddys lap she starts playing with his hair alex soon falls alseep "so did you figure out what was wrong?" she askes "yeah his emotions got a hold of him from him bottling it all up" mark said "so when did you guys start liking each other?" I asked "uh a couple of months ago well for me but not for him he liked me for a year" she said "is true" mark said "wait you knew he liked me?" she asked "of course I knew he tells me everything well almost" mark said "and you did not tell me?" I asked "not my place to tell" he said "alright" I said lay on his side "have you guys had sex yet?" she askes I blush a little bit I look at mark "yes we have multiple times" he said "why you want to have it with alex?" he askes "maybe but not this soon" she said "thats alright" he said "but we do have rules in this house rule one no fucking on the couch rule two not when other people are home" he said "you guys have rules?" she said "yes" I said "alex made them" I said "after you guys done it" she said "maybe" mark said.

marks pov
"You only stopped at rule two is there any others?" she askes "yeah rule three can fuck with people in the house when its a party that was the last one" I said "alright got it" she said alex starts to move in his sleep and starts to murmur somthing "m--mark---im--sorry" he mumbles he starts to cry a little bit I go over to him "why did he say your name?" jay and maddy boht ask "I dont know" I said "shh its okay baby im here" maddy said but alex starts to panic in his sleep he wakes up with a jolt "you okay alex?" jay asked with a worried look "y---yeah im fine" alex said with a small smile I knew it was fake "I need to talk to him I cant take him like this anymore I hate to see him hurt he is my brother it hurts to see him like that" I thought to myself I text alex

MARK: Lets go on a walk


"im going to go get more beer for the house anyone want to come with?" I asked looking at alex "I will" alex said getting up "alright" I said we head to the door someone grabs my wrist "I know what your doing and I love that thanks love" jay said kissing me "no problem its what family do" I said kissing him back I see that alex is waiting for me "alright lets go" I said. Its a quite I go sit on a bench he sits down next to me "want to explain what that dream was?" I asked he looks at me "n--no" he mumbles "alright" I said "im sorry" he mumbles "for?" I said "that you guys have to worry about me" he said he looks down at his hands "its okay alex your just having a bad time and its a good thing someone is worried about you means that you are loved" I said "alex please tell me whats wrong its good to tell people how you feel man dont do this it hurts the both of us" I said "I know and I try" he said "I--im--scared man" he said voice breaking a bit "from?" I asked "that you guys will leave and forget about me" he says starting to cry "alex we will never leave and forget about you" I said "your suck with us forever" I said he lets out a small chuckle "I do have to ask why did you have cps stuff all over your desk?" I asked "oh you saw those?" he asked "yeah I did now spill" I said he let out a sigh "they contacted me a few days ago something about jay and how they where going to take him away and split all of us up" he said "over our dead body" I said "they are coming to vist" he said looking down after he said that "alright when?" I asked "uh today" he mumbled "today!?" I said raising my voice a little he flinches "sorry" I said in a softer tone "I was going to tell you guys" he said "alright well we need to clean the house" I said "yeah so that means we cant bring beer home" he said "damn" I said "alright lets go" I said "okay" he said we get up and starts walking back home "hey mark?" he askes "yeah" I said "thanks for the talk" he said "no problem your my brother after all and you will do the same for me" I said "I would" he said. We get back home "wheres the beer?" maddy askes "we need to clean this house now" I said "why?" jay asked "because cps is coming here today" alex said "and they are going to try and take you away and slip all of us up" I said "come on lets clean and someone call tina so she can say that she is taking care of us" jay said "alright I will call tina" maddy said "alright we need to get rid of all the beer and cigerettes" I said "okay" jay and alex both said alex goes into the kicthen to get rid of the beer me and jay are hidding the cigerettes we hear a knock on the door "shit!" we all said I go and open the door hoping is just tina "hi im part of child protective services" a guy said "oh come on in" I said letting him come in "so we where informed that you guys are living by yourselves and you have no adult looking after you" the guy said "well we are 18 so we dont really need a parent anymore" alex said "yes you do you have to be 20 years old to be with out a parent" the guy said "so do you have an adult here?" the guy askes "she is at work" I said "okay I will talk to her later then but I need to look around" he said "alright go at it" I said he lookes in the kitchen and in the fridge "do you guys drink at all?" he askes me and alex just look at each other "no" we both said "alright" he said walking to the living room " ow fuck!" jay says "who was that?" the guy askes "that was jay" I said "where is he?" the guy askes "I think he is in his room" I said "okay" the guy said heading up stairs he goes into alexs room first "oh hello" maddy says "who is this?" he askes "thats maddy my girlfriend" alex says "oh alright" he says "so mark I see that you have ring on your finger is it just for show or are you married?" he askes "oh im married" I said "at such a young age?" he askes "is there a problem with that?" I asked "no no not at all" he said. He goes into mine and jays room when he walks in daisy starts to growl and  back she goes to jay to protect him jay pets daisy "hi you must be jay" the guy said "yeah" jay said he looks at me I see the fear in his eyes I go over to him I sit down next to him daisy moves to my side still looking at the cps person "its going to be okay me and alex wont let him take you" I whisper "can you go get my ring from the bathroom I was taking a shower its on the sink" he whispered I nod my head I get up to the bathroom I get jays ring "here" I said handing him his ring "thanks" he said he puts it on his ring finger "oh your married too?" the guy askes "yeah" jay said looking at me "oh you guys are married to each other?" the guy askes "yeah" jay said "oh" he said "im almost done here just got to look outside.


Jays pov
He goes outside we all follow him "can you open the garage?" he askes we all look at each other me and mark nudges alex "sure" alex said "shit" I hear mark say under is breath I grab his hand we go into the garage he looks around he picks up two baseball bats one with nails sitcking out of it and a broken on with dried blood on them me and mark look at alex he mouths sorry "uh why do you guys have these for?" the guy askes "we got it from a holloween store" alex said "oh okay explains the blood on it" he said he picks up a box I relized its the box that has lukes ashes in it I feel marks hand let go of mine I look at alex "whats in here?" the guy askes "nothing put it down please" mark said I look at him he lets out a breath trying not to yell at the dude "if there nothing in there than why cant I look?" the guy said "because its not important of what is in there" mark said "now please put it down I cant have anything bad happen to it" mark said I grab his hand to try to calm him down "baby calm down" I whispered he does not say anything "its just a stupied box" the guy said mark lets go of my hand again I grab marks arm and holds him back "sir please put down the box" alex said "no im going to take it with me to see whats inside it" the guy said "sir if you dont put down that box I dont think I can hold him back much longer so please put it down" I said his phone starts to ring "your lucky I have to go now this is not over yet I will be back soon" the guy said he leaves to his car. "Thank god he his gone" alex said "mark you good now?" alex asked "im fine" mark said we go inside "who wants a beer?" alex askes "oh I do" maddy says coming down the stairs "me too" mark said "and a soda for you jay?" alex askes "yeah" I said daisy comes down the stairs and comes and sits with me and mark I start to pet daisy "im just glad that he didnt take any of us" alex said coming out of the kitchen handing us our drinks "me too" mark said pulling me to him so that im laying his side "I love you" I whisper "I love you too darling" he said he kisses my forehead I make a whine noise he rolls his eyes and kisses me on the lips this time "god your so bosy" he said "shut up" I said kissing him again it gets heated qickly "guys you know no fucking on the couch and when other people is home" alex said "you said nothing about kissing" I said cathing my breath "well I know you guy when you guys kiss you always to fuck" he said "well then how about you guys fuck so we can fuck too that was one of the rules remember we can fuck if the ohter ones home are fucking too" mark said "yeah" I agreed "you guys are so horny" alex said "like your never horny" I said "you guys can fuck tomorrow me and maddy have something to do tomrrow" alex said "okay" mark said looking at me and smirks I blush a little "want to play cod?" I asked "sure" mark and alex both said. We play cod for an hour "me and maddy are going to go to bed" alex said "okay" me and mark both said they leave me and mark still play cod for a while I wait till I hear nothing coming from alexs room lean to marks ear "bedroom~" I whispered I get up and go to our bedroom mark follows me with a pep in his step he closes the door behind him and locks it I go to mark and I kiss him deeply he pushes me to the wall I put my arms around his neck he picks me up I wrap my legs around his waist he starts to suck on my neck leaving hickeys and love bites I bite I moan he covers my mouth "shh quite they cant hear you" he said I nod my head he brings us to the bed he crawls over me kissing me he tugs at my shirt "off" he says kissing me I take of my shirt I take his off too he kisses my chest he grinds his hips on mine I bite down on lip so I dont moan I cant take it anymore "m--mark--please" I begged "please what?" he askes with a smirk "p--lease---fuck--me" I said trying not to moan "as you wish" he said he gets up "where are you going?" I asked "to do this" he said he turns on the fan and the tv "now we can be loud as we want to" he said with a smirk he strips down "damn your so hot" I said breathing out slowly I strip down too he goes back over me he kisses me deeply he goes down to my waist he looks at me and smirks "m--mark---please~" I moanded "please what?" He askes "please fuck me!" I said he smirks he goes down to my member which is all ready hard he puts my member in his mouth he starts to suck on it "ah mark~" I moaned he starts going faster "ba--baby--im--going--to--cum" I said panting he goes faster "ah mark~" I moaned "i--im---about---to--cum" I said panting he goes faster I cum in his mouth he swallows it he kisses me on the lips "you ready?" he asked I nod my head he puts his cock in slowly "ah~" I moaned once its in he starts to go faster "ah mark~" I said he goes faster he kisses my chest he goes deeper "faster~" I moaned he starts to go faster "ah mark~" I moaned "im--" I said he cuts me off by kissing me "I know so am I just wait okay?" he askes "okay" I said he goes faster "ah~" I moaned "b--baby---I--cant--" I said panting "im alomst there just hold on" he said kissing me I just nod he pickes up the place "ah I cant~" I moaned me and him cum at the same time he pulls out and layes next to me he run his hand through my sweaty hair "I love you" he said "I love you too" I said weakly "lets take a shower and clean up then go to bed" he said I nod I try to get up I whince he chuckles a bit "sorry darling" he said picking me up bridal style we take a shower he pickes me up again and he changes the bed sheets he lays me down "love you" I heard him say as I was drifting to sleep.

Skip to this part ⬇

Marks pov
I open my eyes and I see jay still sleeping kiss his forehead and I get up slowly and I go to the tv stand I grab my meds and I feel that its empty "shit" I mumble I go down stairs I see that alex is in the kitchen and maddy is holding onto him "hey mark" alex says "hey" I said I look down at the empty med container then I look back at alex he looks down "shit your out arent you?" he said "yeah" I said "alright I will make an appoment" alex said "yeah no" I said "they arent going to be open for five days" I said "oh shit I remember they said that last time" alex said "wait what are we talking about?" maddy askes "mark ran out of his meds and it wont be open for five days" alex said "damn its going to be a long five days" maddy said "yeah tell me about it" I said "did you tell jay yet?" alex askes "no he is still sleeping" I said "oh mark I need to show you something outside" alex said maddy gets off of him "fuck he found out we are so dead" I thought to myself we get outside daisy runs pasted us "what was the rule?" he said "shit" I said I try to leave but he grabs my shoulder "ah wait" he said "its not my fault" I said "oh how so?" he asked "well me and jay where still playing cod and then you guys said you are going to bed when jay saw your door close he whispered bedroom to me and got up then the rest of the night was his fault" I said "I will let it slide this one time but not again" he said "wait how did you know we where fucking?" I asked "I heard him moan" he said "oh that was probably when we first started before I turned on the stuff" I said "yeah" he said "its not my fault you have a hot as shit brother" I said "gross dude" he said hitting me lightly "how hard did you do it this time?" he asked "well when we were done he could not walk with out it hurting him so I had to carry him" I said "so he is going to be out for a while" he said "yep" I said "he was horny all day" I said "he was?" he askes "yeah so just be glad we waited to do it later or you would not have want to hear it" I said "alright then" he said we hear a car door open "come on" I hear jack say "well jacks home and sound like he is bring someone here" I said "yeah stay here I will be back" I said "alright" alex said starting to play with daisy "hey jack we are outback" I said I look down and I see two little kids "who are these little ones?" I asked "this is tilin and this one is peter" jack said "h--hello" they both said "their mom is picking them up in ten minutes" jack said I look at him he just shrugs "alright" I said they follow me outback. "Hey alex jack brought his little siblings to chill before their mom picks them up" I said "alright" alex says he comes over "alex!" the little ones say as they run to him he gets down on one knee "hey kiddos" alex says "how do you know them?" jack askes "yeah thats what I want to know" I said "I use to babysit them" alex said "what when?" jack askes "well tilin was three and peter was eight" alex said "how come I never met you?" jack asked "you were never around" alex said "true" jack said "dog!" tilin says running to daisy she licks tilins face "where is jay?" jack askes alex looks at me "he can tell you that" alex said with a smirk "in his room sleeping and he will sleep for like an other hour or so" I said "why is he sick?" jack askes "no mark went a little too hard on jay last night" alex said the smirk turnning into a smile "ohh damn wait you broke the rule!" jack said alex starts to laugh "jay was being a horny fuck all day" alex said "so I had to do what need to be done" I said "at least they did it when me and maddy where going to bed so we can drown at the noise by sleeping" alex said we hear a car door slam shut "shit there is my mom" jack said she bangs on the door "shit she is going to wake up jay!" I said I go to the frount door an open it "yes?" I asked "where are my kids!?" she yells "keep your voice down someone is sleeping in here!" I said I levae to go out back she follows me "alright kids your mom is here" alex said they run to their mom "we had so much fun with jack!" they said "great did he feed you guys?" she askes "yes we had dino nuggets" tilin says "great junk food" she said "where is jack anyways?" she askes "he went inside" peter said I follow her "jack where are you!" she yells she goes up stairs "jack get your ass out here so we can talk!" she shouts "shut up someone is sleeping right here and if you wake him mark wont be so happy" jack said "I dont care if someone is sleeping here or not you gave my kids junk food!" she said she pushes him I move forwards jack shakes his head so I stop "we can do this somewhere else just not up here" jack said "I dont care that someone is sleeping!" she shouts again she punches jack this time I go up there "you need to leave your not welcomed here anymore" I said "oh what?" she askes "I can do what ever I want to my kid" she said "first off he is not your kid anymore we adopted him second off my husband is sleeping and he barely sleeps" I said "you stole my kid from me!? she shouts "no you told us we can have him" I said still not raising my voice I hear jay start to move on the bed "get out" I said I shove her towards the stairs "now" I said I punch her "now!" I shout she does a quick left hook and hits me in my nose she tries to go into my room but maddy stops her "I dont think so bitch" maddy says "get out or we are calling the cops and if you come near any of us again we will have you arested" maddy said she leaves the house "thanks guys sorry for this" jack said "hey its okay every family is fucked" I said I feel someone wrap their arms around me "mhm" jay said I sigh "come on jack lets get you cleaned up" alex says they leave so its just me and jay "what happend?" jay mumbled "jacks mother came here and picked a fight" I said "im okay dont worry just a bloody nose" I said I pick him up and kiss him he rest his head on my chest "still tired?" I asked he nods already going back to sleep I put him to bed "mhm stay" he said grabbing my arm when I was turning around to leave "alright darling" I said I lay in bed next to him he burries his face in my chest "hey jay?" I asked "mhm" he said "I ran out of meds and wont be able to get more for five more days" I said "I know heard" he mumbled "love you" I said "love y--" he tried to say but sleep took the best of him I soon fall alseep too.

H guys im back I did not go to school today so I got one out
thanks for all the reads!
have a great day/night/evening!

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