Only you (Book 4)

By Some1isReading

16.9K 1.3K 147

Things don't seem to settle for Nora. She is back but it doesn't feel the same, it never did. But she needs t... More

Shitty night
A glimpse of us
Back home
Tears and rain
Spiraling mind
Lawyer stuff
Memory linen's
Lots of arguing
From mother to mother
Kitchen talk
Clear amd clean
She will always be your mama!
Mom's lesson
This bitch
I really thought i lost you
F you
In the car
You and I
Good night
She is here !
She did it to keep you safe
Shower and waffles
Pinky promise
Phone call
The trial pt. 1
The trial pt.2
The trial pt.3
Justice lays in the eye of the beholder
Police station
Goodbye but the „good" is missing
672 hours later
Back home
After all this time

Wake up slap

362 32 1
By Some1isReading

Nora POV

„I gave her some medication that helps against the headache. But it makes someone really tired. She's asleep for now but she should be up in some hours." the doctor stopped me in the hallway as I was planning on walking back to Lizzie's room to talk to her.

„Oh okay."

„Can I just. Give you some advice."
He added and I nod, even though I didn't ask for any advice. I don't even know what to expect.

„Concussion have to be taken serious. It would be best for her if she wouldn't be surrounded by stress. She should relax and take things easy."
He told me clearly.

„I've had the impression that she is a really ambitious person when it comes to her work. I put her on strickt bed rest but I don't know if she will listen to my advice." he added.

„I will make sure she won't be surrounded by any type of stress." I reassured him.

„Great. Awesome. Thank you." he answered and walked off. Right as i lost him from my sight I saw scar walking up to me.

„Sorry for making you stay away for so long."

„No it's fine. I went to grab a coffee and I talked to Lizzie's mom. They are on their way to see her. How is your hand doing?" she asked me.

„Wrapped up and clean. I'll be fine." I replied as I waved with my mummified hand.

„I don't know how to tell you this. But do you mind if we could leave?" I asked and she nod.

„Of course. Why though? Are you in pain?"
She asked me and I shook my head. Even if it is true. I am in pain but I don't wanna let her know.

„No. I Just don't want to run into Lizzie's family like this. It's an chaotic situation and everyone is emotionally overloaded. So I don't wanna make a bad first impression on them. Even though they might already have a terrible impression on me.
I don't wanna make it worse."
I told her as we started to walk off.

„I get that. That's a good decision." she replied while she was holding the doors open for me.

„The doc just told me that Lizzie has strict bed rest. Which means no work her even if my father says she should come to work. I know that she won't be at my place because things aren't good right now for the both of us. But could you do me the favor and kick her out of college if she appears there?" I asked her to make sure that Lizzie won't get into college to work.

„Of course I will." she answered as we got into the car.

„Don't you want her to stay at your place?"
Scar asked digging in a bit deeper wanting to understand why I said what I said.

„It doesn't matter if I want it or not. She needs to rest and I know damn well that she won't get any rest because it will either be chestnut jumping her every time or the kids wanting to spend time with her. Or me saying some dumb shit that I should have thought through before saying it. But looks like I can't contain myself around her. I really don't know why I do that shit."

„Oh Nora what did you say this time?"
She asked me as she turned her whole upper body to me. She still didn't started the engine to drive off. It was just us sitting in the car.

„Something like „you were a temporary mother to my kids." But I-." scars flat hand collided with my face.

„I know Lizzie would have slapped you if she would have had the strength. So take this as a wake up slap. What the fuck Nora."

„I deserved that." I mumbled to myself while rubbing the burning spot that probably turned red with her hand print on my face.

„Why on Earth would you say something like that?" she asked after some silent seconds.

„When it comes to Chase and Quinn I become overprotective and feral. I felt like shit when I noticed how much I missed out on and I've been replaced so good that they didn't even trust me with their secrets. We were inseparable and now they can't do anything without Lizzie."

„Wow. Your jealous as fuck." scar answered and I gave her a glare.

„Thank you for remind me I guess. It's just. I felt powerless and helpless when it came to the fact that they wanted her around and not me. You know how much that hurts as a mother? As a Mother of two twins who raised them on her own for so long."

„That's the thing Nora. You are not alone anymore. Maybe she took over for a while but that doesn't mean that you have been replaced... and it sure does not mean that they don't want you around anymore. You are and always will be their mother. Lizzie became their mother too during that time and they all became attached. That's totally normal." she explained as she placed her hand on my thigh to comfort me.

„You have absolutely no reason to feel this way. That being overprotective over your kids. You as mama bear won't have to do it anymore. Your kids are safe and especially you too. I know and Lizzie knows too that you've been on your own for a while. But that mechanism of loneliness and protection is becoming to much for you that you damage other relationships that have the potential to be something great and pure."

„You just gotta let her in. She's been in your heart before. I don't think she ever left. I know it. But even if you don't know it yet. She always had a special place in your heart."

„I hate that."

„What? That she has a special place in your heart?"
She asked sounding a bit angry.

„No! Not that. The fact that everyone around me knows more about my relationship with her than I do. It sucks to stand in the dark. I am sick of it."
I answered as frustration fills my body.


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