Soundwave X Cybertronian

By SilverJetPrime

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This is a story that is a working progress. It may not be sudden for me to update it. This is my first time d... More

Please Vote Or Comment Which Photo Is Better To Represent And Describe Snowfall
Characters In My Story
This Page Goes With The First Page Of Characters In My Story
Confessing Feelings To Soundwave
Remembering The Memories Of The Good And The Bad
Somewhere To Get Away And To Relax
Megatron Gets Sick
Being In Charge For Today
Her Sire Discovers And He Finds Out The Truth
Her Sire Isn't Going To Let Starscream Get Away With It
She Tells Her Sire That He Needs To Learn On How To Control His Temper
She Finds Out That She Is Sparked
Spending Time Alone With Sire By Meditating But Something Unexpected Happens
Trying To Find Ways To Protect Snowfall From Unicron: Part 1
Rescuing Snowfall And Soundwave From Unicron: Part 2
Megatron Gets An Unexpected Visit From His Ex-Lover: Part 3
Hoping And Waiting For Any Signs Of A Miracle: Part 4
Still No Signs Of A Miracle: Part 5
Soundwave Finally Comes Around: Part 6
He Tries To Forget His Ex-Lover But He Can't & Ravage Is Discovered To Be Alive
Soundwave Gets Something Back That He Thought Was Lost And Gone Forever
Snowfall Notices & Discovers That This Megatron Isn't Her Adopted Sire Megatron.
The Past Returns And Never Goes Away From Knockout's And Snowfall's Family
One Month Later: Snowfall & Soundwave's Sparkling Is Close To Full Development

Megatron's Ex-Lover Doesn't Know When To Stop

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By SilverJetPrime

It was the next morning. Starscream was at the cave that he needed to work on and work at. He was walking and looking at his pad. He looked up and his eyes immediately widened. He was pissed at what he was seeing. And he knew his master would be pissed too.

"Scrap. My master is not going to be happy about this." The seeker said and whispered to himself.

He then messaged his master through the com link. Afraid of what his master was going to say.

"Master." The seeker says to his master through the com link.

"What is it, Starscream?" Megatron's voice said coming through the com link.

"Master. I need you done here at the caves. It happened again, my Liege." The seeker says to his master through the com link.

It was silent for a moment until shouting and yelling could be heard throughout the com link.

"I'll be right there." Megatron's voice said coming through the com link.

Starscream walked and he looked around. He was pissed. He was looking until he heard loud peds. And he knew those peds from anywhere. They belonged to his master. He looked and he saw his master.

Megatron looked and he was pissed. Very pissed. He only knew one option. Contact his ex-lover. Which he hated doing.

Megatron sighs.

"I have no choice but to do it. She is really starting to piss me off." He says to himself.

{"LightSphere."} He says calling out to LightSphere through the transmission.

{"Megsy. Finally you decided to contact me, my love."} LightSphere's voice said, coming through the transmission.

Megatron growled.

{"Don't you start calling me, my love. I ain't yours. I used to be. But that was eons ago during The Golden Age."} He replies back to her.

{"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, big guy."}
She said to Megatron.

Megatron rolled his optics.

{"So what do I owe the pleasure of you calling me and contacting me today."} She asked him.

{"Well, there is one certain problem that I have."} He says to her.

{"And what is that."} She asked him.

{"Why are you destroying everything that I have in the caves?"} He asked her, wanting to know why she is destroying all the items he has in the caves.

He waited for her to answer his question. Until he heard her start laughing.

She started laughing.

{"Do you think this is funny?"} He asked.

{"What do you think?"} She replies back.

{"This isn't funny, LightSphere."} He says.

{"To me it is."} She replies.

{"Well, it isn't funny."} He replies back.

{"It is to me."} She replies.

Megatron growled.

LightSphere giggled

{"Okay. So you were wanting to know why I destroyed all your items that were in the caves right?"} She asked him.

{"Yes."} He replies.

{"To get your attention doofus."} She says. Almost making fun of him.

{"Are you making fun of me and are you mocking me?"} He asked her.

{"Maybe."} She replies.

{"Why, you."} He says.

{"I also left a little present on the ship for you. And I know you won't like it."} She replies.

She giggled and she ended the transmission.

{"LightSphere."} He says.

He waited but no answer.

{"LIGHTSPHERE!"} He shouted.

She didn't answer. That's when he knew she ended the transmission call.

Megatron immediately growled.

He quickly got up and he immediately ran to the ship.

Snowfall was walking and she approached the throne room. She walked in but she didn't see her sire. But she saw something. She walked over and she picked the item up. Soon the item exploded. And she was covered in pink paint and a bunch of glitter.

Megatron was on the ship when he heard something exploding. He immediately ran to the throne room. The doors slid open to the throne room. He looked and he saw his daughter covered in pink paint and covered in glitter.

Megatron immediately burst out laughing.

Snowfall looked at her sire.

"It's not funny, sire." She says to her sire.

"Actually it is. It was actually meant for me." He says and explains to her.

"Meant for you. Like how." She asked him.

"The little gift was from my ex-lover." He said and explained to her.

Snowfall growled.

She then walked off heading to her Sparkmates room to get clean.

Megatron watched her walk off. Once she was gone he snickered.

Soundwave was able to leave the med bay. But he was resting in his room. But he was put to bed rest for a while until his wounds healed up. He was resting when he heard the doors open to his room. He looked and his eyes immediately widened.

Snowfall looked at Soundwave.

"Don't say a word or don't even laugh. Sire already laughed at me because of this." She said to Soundwave while groaning.

Soundwave kept his mouth shut. He didn't even say a word. But she looked beautiful covered in glitter. It actually matches with her right blue optic. (In case you didn't know this or some may not know. Her left optic isn't working. It is damaged beyond repair because of Starscream.)

"And I hate this stuff on me. And I know what my brother Knockout would say if he sees me like this." She said to Soundwave.

"Well. I think you look beautiful. Because the glitter almost matches your right optic." He replies back to her. Telling her that she still looks beautiful.

Snowfall immediately blushed at what Soundwave had said to her.

She then walked off heading to the washroom to get cleaned up.

Soundwave went and he laid back down trying to get some rest.

Snowfall was washing her frame but she noticed that it wasn't coming off.

Snowfall growled.

She immediately shouted.

"NOOOO! SIRE!!!!" She yelled.

She immediately ran out of the room to find her sire.

Soundwave watched her run off. He knew what was wrong. The paint wouldn't come off.

Megatron was in his room sitting at his desk when he heard Snowfall shouting and yelling his name.

"SIRE!!!!!!" She yelled.

Megatron turned and he saw his doors open to his room. He looked at his daughter. He saw that she was still covered in pink paint and still covered in glitter.

"I thought you said you were going to get yourself cleaned up." He asked her.

"I was. But guess what." She asked him.

"What." He asked her. Afraid of the answer she was going to give him.


Megatron sighs.

Megatron got up and he walked his daughter to his washroom. He shut and he locked the doors. He walked over to his daughter.

He gently went and he took part of her frame off and he used something to wash it and clean it.

Snowfall stood pissed and scared and shy.

"Daughter. Don't worry. No one is coming in. It's just you and me in the washroom. I have the doors locked. Anyways this will work. Trust me." He says to his daughter. Reassuring her that this will work.

Snowfall sighs.

"Okay. Whatever you say, sire. I trust you." She replied back to her sire.

Soon there was a knock on the door.

Megatron growled.

"LEAVE NOW! I AM IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING!" Megatron shouted at the person that was at the door.

"Yes master." The voice said on the other side of the door.

Soon they left.

The person that was on the other side of the door was Starscream.

Megatron got up and he walked over to his daughter and he gently sat her down washing the other parts.

"This is so not cool, sire." She says to her sire.

Megatron looked at her.

Megatron sighs.

"I know. And to be honest. I don't know how to stop her." He said and explained to her.

"Well. She's getting on my nerves. You're lucky this time that you didn't get this." She said and explained to him.

"Yes. I know. She is also getting on my nerves as well." He said and replied back to his daughter.

Soon she was spotless and clean.

She looked and she immediately sighs in relief.

"Thank you, sire. I really didn't want this on me forever. But not only that, Knockey would freak out." She says to him.

"I know. And yes. Your brother would have freaked out if he had seen you like that. Covered in pink paint and covered in glitter." He replies back.

He walked over and he grabbed the other piece. He went and he attached and he put her front frame back on her.

"Thank you, sire." She said to her sire.

"You're welcome, my child." He replies back to his daughter.

Snowfall then walked off.

Megatron sighs.

"Leave us alone LightSphere. Or you are dead." He said and whispered to himself.

Snowfall walked down the halls. She was walking when she felt something. She giggled. She approached the doors to her mate's room. They opened and she walked inside.

Soundwave looked and he saw his sparkmate. He then saw her walking over to him.

Snowfall walked over to Soundwave. She went and she grabbed his servo and placed it on her stomach.

Soundwave looked at her. He was confused until he felt movement and something kicking in her stomach. He looked at her stomach but then back at her.

"Our sparkling. It's moving and kicking." He said to Snowfall.

"Yes. He or she is." She replied back.

Soundwave slowly got up and he placed his servos on her stomach. He felt that the little one was moving and kicking again.

Soundwave chuckled.

"We can't wait to see you until the day comes, little one." He said to their unborn sparkling.

Snowfall smiled.

Soundwave laid back down on the berth. And he saw his sparkmate climbing on and laying next to him

Snowfall slid on the berth and she laid next to him. She rested her helm on his chest hearing the hum of his spark. Before she knew it. She fell into a deep and peaceful recharge.

Soundwave looked down and he saw his sparkmate in a deep recharge.

Soundwave chuckled.

"Sleep well, my love." He said and whispered to Snowfall. He went and he kissed the top of her helm. He then kissed her stomach. "Sleep well, my little one." He said and whispered to his unborn sparkling. He laid his helm down. And soon he fell into a deep and peaceful recharge.

Words: 1,758

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