Honkai Star Rail: Ultimate Ri...

By CrimsonValor

17.9K 758 187

Dying was not what Hyde had in mind, though at least he ended up getting another chance at life. He just wasn... More

A New Chance
The Self-Centered Genius
Desperate Struggles
Doomsday Aftermath
All Aboard

The Doomsday Beast

2.5K 123 12
By CrimsonValor





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"So, this is the Master Control Zone..."

Hyde looked around curiously as he saw all kinds of people walking around, though most if not all appeared to be scientists.

Heck, he could even see kids no older than six also wearing similar clothes. He could only guess kids in this station were way smarter than their age suggests.

"So, Herta... where the fuck did she go?!"

Hyde turned around only to see that the place he expected to see Herta was no completely empty, she was literally nowhere in sight.

Although confused, Hyde quickly shrugged it off, he was where he wanted to be. Speaking of which, a ding sound soon echoed in his ear.

Mission Completed
Objective: Locate and arrive at the Master Control Zone (Complete)
Side Objective: Defeat 20 or more Antimatter Legion members (Complete)
• Tier 1 EXP-Module (Amount: 3)
• Tier 2 EXP-Module (Amount: 1) (SO)

Hyde didn't pay too much attention to the rewards for now, they were pretty self-explanatory.

He wanted to focus more on his surroundings, to look around and see just what this place had to offer.

Looking around though, everyone looked to be in a panic. From what he was hearing, it was all due to the Antimatter Legion.

From what he could pick out from the surrounding conversations, they were currently being invaded by them.

'Just got reborn and I already find myself in the middle of an invasion, absolutely wonderful...'

"Oh, you must be Hyde." Upon hearing the voice, Hyde turned his attention to the side. "Herta just messaged me about you!"

The person who walked on over to him was a young female barely older than himself.

With somewhat long pink-hair and a pair of blue eyes, her hair also looked to have a small ponytail tied on the side.

"You are...?"

"My name is Asta, the Head Researcher here at the Herta Space Station. It's a pleasure to meet you, though I would've like it not to have been during this invasion."

"Nice to meet you Asta, my name is Kogami Hyde. I'm surprised Herta even gave you my name, she kept calling me Little Twerp..."

"Sorry about her, Herta is just like that..."

"No worries. In any case, what's up with these Antimatter Legion people?" Hyde asked curiously. "Why're they invading?"

"I honestly wish I knew." Asta responded with a sigh. "We detected a security breach, then they suddenly started attacking us soon after!"

"That's quite coincidental, are they perhaps the reason for that security problem?"

"We're not sure, but I don't think so. We may be dealing with two entirely separate parties here, though I can only say that as a hunch."

"Huh." Hyde hummed as he held his chin in thought. 'If only I got to play the game before being sent here, at least then I wouldn't be so confused...'

"Is something wrong?"

"No, it's nothing." Hyde shook his head before crossing his arms. "What's the current situation regarding the invasion?"

"To be completely honest, it's not good..." Asta sighed as she looked up at the gloating holographic screens. "They're coming in waves, and I don't see them stopping anytime soon. We can't hold on forever."

"Is there anything we can do?"

"At the moment-!"

Their conversation was interrupted when the sounds of alarms rang out, accompanied by various warning signs appearing in the space above.

Whatever the heck was going on, the red signs were more than enough to tell Hyde that it was anything but good news.

"Asta, what's happening?!"

"I-It's the defence shield, something is trying to break it's way through!"


Turning their heads, Hyde saw a group of three people he didn't recognise rushing over to both him and Asta.

As soon as the group arrived, the one with red hair was the one who addressed Asta. "Asta, what's the situation?"

Before Asta could even give a small reply, their attention was quickly brought up to the screens where a new picture was displayed.

From what could be seen, it looked to be a massive dragon of sorts trying to claw its way through a forcefield.

No doubt the forcefield was the defence shield that Asta mentioned not to long ago, and it didn't look to be doing so hot right now.

"Take the Express and leave!" Asta quickly shouted to the newcomers. Asta then looked back up at the screen. "I'll stay..."

Although they had looks of hesitation on their faces, the red-haired woman glanced at the others before nodding.

"Let's go!"

The other two looked at each other unsurely before nodding, quickly following after the red-head as Asta and Hyde were left behind.

Hyde frowned heavily as his eyes narrowed at the screens. "What should I do?"

"Get to safety with the rest of the staff. I'll stay here and do whatever I can to hold back the Doomsday Beast, and if you can, help get anyone along the way get to safety."

"Very well, you be careful!"

Asta responded with a simple hum as Hyde quickly dashed off, following after the other staff who were also all rushing to who knows where.

Since he still didn't know the proper layout of this place, he could only follow after the staff members.


Hyde really underestimated just how many people were aboard this damn space station, it was like a river of people right now.

At the present time, he along with the staff members were rushing through one of the hallways.


Hyde had to quickly grab the person in front of him before yanking them back, just in time as a beam of light shot past them.

As the light faded, all they could see was a hole now in place of the glass wall that helped seal the interior of the hallway away from the void of space.


"I-It's sucking us out!"

With the rush of air being sucked out into space, Hyde could only watch as a few unlucky individuals were soon thrown out to who knows where.

To make matters worse, a very familiar beast soon emerged from the void, flying over to the hole in the wall before releasing a powerful roar.

In fear, the staff all began to panic as they tried to their best to run as fast as they could to wherever could be safe.




Having quickly summoned forth his equipment, Hyde wasted no time in inserting the progrisekey as he went through his usual transformation.






After transforming, Hyde quickly kicked back the claw as hard as he could after it reached inside to swipe at the other people.

"Get up and go!" Hyde shouted impatiently at the people who fell to the ground in fear. "I'll try and hold it back!"

Seeing their chance, none of them hesitated to quickly run away as Hyde tried his best to fight back against the Doomsday Beast.

'Thirty-five minutes, and considering this is the only transformation I have left until at least three hours, I think I'm fucked...'

As the beast continued claw through the glass and swipe at him, Hyde avoided them all with difficulty as the space he had was really not ideal.


Hyde raised both arms up as a beam of light was directly fired towards him. The beam struck his arms as he was sent skidding back.

Lowering his arms slightly, Hyde gritted his teeth as his arms now had some smoke rising up from them after the attack.

He didn't even get to relax as the Doomsday Beast continued fired blast after blast, some which he was able to dodge despite his position.



Hyde was too focused on dodging the beams that he failed to notice the claw flying towards him. He wasn't sent flying though, instead he was being tightly held in the claws of the beast.

Without being able to get another sound out, Hyde soon found himself being pulled out into space without resistance.


"Shit... let go, motherfucker!"

Maybe it was thanks to the helmet, but Hyde was able to breathe rather normally despite being in the vastness of space.

Though, that didn't exactly help too much as the amount of power this creature had in its claws was pretty damn great.

Hyde continued to struggle as he tried any possible method to escape, though with his arms and legs restrained, there wasn't much he could do.

'Wait, do I even want to be let go? I'd just get thrown into the depth of space! Where are we even going?!'

Turning his head as much as he could, Hyde saw that they were flying towards what looked to be a... railway station?

He had to question why the fuck the space station had a railway line, but that was the last thing he needed an answer for right now.

What he wanted to know right now was... why the fuck were those people from before there and why is one of them pointing an arrow at him?!

He could also see a new male member amongst them, Hyde was pretty sure he didn't see that guy with them before.

"Hold on, I'll help you out!"

The one that shouted this was the girl who was holding the bow, one which he could see was ready to fire at any moment!

"Yeah, much appreciated! And if you don't mind, don't accidentally hit me with it!"

"And... go!"

As soon as the arrow from the bow was shot, it travelled through the arrow quickly before hitting the claw of the Doomsday Beast.

The arrow seemed to be imbued with a frosty blue energy, which when it struck, caused a small forming of ice.

Although the damage it did was negligible, the Doomsday Beast's slight flinch from the hit was enough for Hyde to quickly take advantage.

Using all his strength, Hyde quickly kicked the claws apart from one another as he quickly dropped down to the area where the others were.

"Thanks for the help!"

"No need, are you okay?"

The red-head asked as Hyde rushed over to them as the Doomsday Beast quickly landed a few meters away as well.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine..."

"I don't think I recognise you." The girl who wielded the bow said with a curious look. "With armour like that, it'd be hard to forget. Who are you?"

"Not the best time for introductions, just call me Hyde! For now, we have to focus, here it comes!"

Hearing this, the others all quickly got into stance as the Doomsday Beast let out an ear-piercing roar that shook the space around them.

New Mission Available
Objective: Defeat the Doomsday Beast alongside the Trailblazers
• Tier 3 EXP-Module (Amount: 3)
• Kamen Rider Token (Amount: 1)
• REAL×EYEZ (Phonograph Record)

Hyde didn't pay any attention to the announcement of the mission right now as his focus was entirely on the fight ahead.

He was one a time limit here, so he needed to make the best use of it while he could!

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