Slow Dance With The Devil [Bb...

By FriedBrain9

359K 17.3K 13.3K

Bitterness. Cold. Hotheaded. Are all things that Kim Minji, the young CEO, is familiar with. She's rich and s... More

May I Have Your Attention Please
I Don't Want Her
Morning Coffee(s)
Predator Cat and Docile Dog
Dine In Hell
Starting the Dive
The Night Shift
There's No Turning Back
Let Me Know You Better (1)
Let Me know You Better (2)
Bold Move
Flip The Switch
The Trap Went Well
Giraffe And Deer
Into Her Nest
Love, Affection, Lust
All The Weird Feelings
Love You In The Dark
Hard Heart
To Break Down Your Walls
Her Darkest Scars
Already Damaged
Please Let Me In
Revenge Party [M]
After The Party
Genuine Desire [M]
A Blast from The Past
Broken Handcuffs
No One Can Refuse Her
The Perfect Pair (1) - M
The Perfect Pair (2) - M
The Perfect Pair (3)
Bloody Hands From The Past
The Lingering Stench of Carcasses
What We Have, What We Had
Her Decision
Immersion Of The Past
And Above All, It Is You
I Love You
The Last Note
The Vows and The Heirs (1): Devoted To You
The Vows and The Heirs (2): Treasure

White Lie

6.1K 354 399
By FriedBrain9

A few days passed.

Minji opened the rooftop door, Hyein followed behind her and closed the door.

Several employees who were chatting and smoking immediately stood up when they saw her, they bent 90 degrees. They straightened up and hurriedly walked towards the exit after Minji passed by them, 2 men stubbed out their cigarettes in an ashtray at the center of the garden and quickly walked away as well.

That rooftop garden soon became deserted.

Minji took out her cigarette and lit it, she offered it to Hyein, the taller one bowed her head, "I don't smoke, thank you Ms. Kim." she said.

Minji put her cigarette pack in her coat pocket, she blew the smoke out of her nose, "I know Hyein, neither do I." she said, "Have you ever had fun before? You're like a zombie." she laughed mockingly.

Hyein was silent.

Minji stared at the expanse of buildings in front of her, the wind blowing strongly, fluttering her hair and coat. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the wind on her face, it was cold...she liked it.

It was starting to get into winter, her favorite season.

She took another drag on her cigarette, "What do you think of the Vietnamese?" she asked suddenly.

"She's a kind and considerate person." Hyein replied, her eyes following the cigarette smoke Minji exhaled which soon dissipated into the wind.

"That's not a guarantee to keep hiring her though."

"Are you not satisfied with her performance, Miss?"

Minji squinted her eyes, watching the clouds that scattered in the sky, she just smoked her cigarette again, not answering Hyein's question.

The rooftop door opened.
Hyein looked over, Minji was still staring at the sky.

Hanni walked up to them, she bowed, "I apologize for disturbing your leisure time Miss. Mr. Kim is in your office and requests your presence immediately." she said.

Minji clenched her jaw, "Make sure that you have his personal assistant's number after this, and tell him to let you know if that old bastard wants to visit my place." she said as she looked at Hyein, a flash of anger evident on her face. Hyein bowed her head.

The young CEO threw her cigarette butt on the ground and stomped on it, walking past Hanni, "Buy me a regular coffee, and clear my today's schedule." she growled, Hanni nodded, "Right away Ms. Kim."


Hanni placed the coffee on Minji's desk, she then stood up awkwardly, not sure which way to look. Minji was leaning her bottom against the edge of the table, folding her arms and looking at her flatly.

Hyein stood next to Minji's chair, she stared at the tall man in the dark gray suit, thinking of how to ask for his number. The tall man looked back at her, raised his eyebrows and then gave her a sharp look.

Hyein knitted her brows, she then took out her cell phone and pointed at it, the man furrowed his brows in confusion. Hyein made a typing gesture with both thumbs, "Your number." she said inaudibly. The tall man glanced at Mr. Kim, he then looked back at Hyein and nodded slightly.

Hyein raised her thumbs.

Hyein turned around, Mr. Kim looked at her and smiled widely.

Minji hated that smile.

"How does it feel to work at the biggest company in South Korea?" Mr. Kim leaned his back on the sofa and looked at Hanni warmly. The young woman bowed her head, "It's amazing Mr. Kim, thank you for giving me this great opportunity." she smiled.

"Did you find any trouble?"
"Ah, Secretary Marsh taught me well, I didn't encounter any significant difficulties."

Mr. Kim gave a chuckle, "You're a smart woman, I'm sure Dani also feels lucky that she's teaching someone who is a quick learner like you." he then leaned forward to pick up the teacup on the table, sipped it slowly, and placed it back down.

Minji snorted quietly.

"I'm glad you didn't have one of them, does that mean this young woman in front of me is also being nice to you?" Mr. Kim leaned back again, his eyes looking at Minji and Hanni in turn.

Hanni tried hard to keep a calm look on her face, and it was difficult because right now Mr. Kim was looking at her intently, trying to read her expression, and Minji next to her didn't say anything, but Hanni knew that she couldn't make a wrong answer.

She tried to remember anything that Minji had said or done to her that she could use to make a good impression on the company owner in front of her, but it was just zero, blank, nothing.

Hanni gave a smile, she had to think fast to come up with something.

But her tongue felt numb.

The air felt suffocating in there. Hanni felt Minji's death glare beside her. She had to say something, anything.

She cleared her throat and stared at Mr. Kim, "She wasn't being nice Mr. Kim, she's being reasonable, but she didn't trouble me at all." she said softly.

Kim Bung Hyo paused, the corner of his lips suddenly rising slowly.

Hanni smiled awkwardly.

"Your father is blessed to have you, and I'm lucky to have a friend like him. It's a pity that I only managed to meet him again when he was already in a coffin. Now he is up there with your mother."

Minji raised her eyebrows, so this Vietnamese was an orphan. She sipped her half-cold coffee.

Mr. Kim looked at his watch, "I have to go now, I just stopped by to check on you." he smiled at Hanni and got up from the sofa, Hanni and Hyein bowed to him.

Hanni suddenly gasped, "Mr. Kim, please wait a moment." She immediately ran out of the room, a moment later she came back in carrying a lunchbox. The big man standing beside the sofa immediately approached her, Hanni stopped.

"Stop it Hwan, you're scaring her, let her come to me." Mr. Kim said, the big man backed away. Hanni continued her steps hesitantly, approaching Mr. Kim.

"I..made this for my lunch, but I think you should try it, it's my Dad's favorite." Hanni bowed and handed the lunchbox to the middle-aged man.

Minji laughed mockingly inside, how dare she give ordinary food to the owner of the biggest company in Korea. If Minji was her father she would throw the lunch box.

Mr. Kim took the box, "I'll eat it." he smiled.

Minji snorted, of course the old man accepted it, he probably thought Hanni was a more suitable daughter for him than her.

"Well, take care of yourselves." Mr. Kim stepped away and walked towards the door after a quick glance at Minji.

His bodyguard followed him, the tall man joined him after hurriedly scribbling something on a paper, he then crumpled it up and threw it at Hyein.


Danielle sliced her steak, her eyes glanced at Haerin who was sitting in front of her, her boss was typing something on her phone and adjusting the position of her glasses which were slightly down.

Danielle's looked at her with her dreamy eyes. So cute and cool at the same time.

Haerin put down her phone and stirred her avocado salad, poking the small tomato that rolled to the end of her plate, "Have the Mapo agreement documents from yesterday returned to them?" she asked. Danielle nodded, "They received it at 10 a.m." she answered, putting the steak into her mouth, chewing on it.

Haerin gazed out the window, watching the people passing by, she smiled when she saw a mother cat licking her kittens.

"Do you like animals?" Haerin asked suddenly, Danielle put down her fork and wiped her mouth.
"I like cats." Haerin said again, still looking out the window. Danielle looked up at her face, into her smiling eyes.

"Me too." she said softly.

Haerin turned her head, "Do you have one?", Danielle shook her head, "I have two dogs, but they are at my parents' house.", "Do you want to have one?"

Danielle's cheeks flushed, why was she imagining the person in front of her and not the actual animal?

"I'm afraid it'll get neglected because I'm alone and sometimes I come home at night."
Haerin rested her chin on her hand, "Am I giving you too much work?" she chuckled, Danielle immediately shook her head, "No Miss." she said in a small voice.

They fell silent again.

"About what happened yesterday..." Haerin drank her wine, Danielle who had picked up her fork and knife put them back on her plate.
"Did you hear it?" Haerin put her glass on the table, stared at it and then looked at Danielle.

Danielle knew she had to be honest.

"Some of it..."

"Which part?" Haerin looked at her intensely, Danielle cleared her throat awkwardly, she closed her eyes, "It's very pure and your hunter instinct will save the best meat for last." the words came out smoothly, she then opened her eyes again and looked out the window.

Haerin nodded.

"Actually, if I may know, what was that about? You look very angry." Danielle asked cautiously.
"It's just a matter of sisterhood, nothing to worry about." The cat-eye gave a small smile.

"You know Danielle, a lot of people will say things about us. Good, bad and sometimes most of them are bullshit." Haerin stuffed the avocado into her mouth, her eyes wandering.

Danielle felt sad to see her, she fiddled with her fingers, "I trust you Ms. Kang, no matter what others say." she looked at Haerin.

Haerin stared at those almond eyes, they were filled with hope, and a spark that she believed it was love.

So pure and innocent.

"Thank you Dani." Haerin said softly, extending her hand and placing it on top of Danielle's.

The Australian glanced at their hands, she bowed her head and nodded. Haerin saw the blushing on her cheeks.

Haerin then withdrew her hand and stared out the window again, a small smirk on her lips.


Hanni turned off her laptop and put it into her briefcase, she then put the bag away in her desk drawer. She stood up from her chair, her eyes glancing towards Minji's office where the lights were still on.

Hanni raised her hand and looked at her watch, it was almost 9pm. She would say goodbye to Minji and then order a taxi.

The woman put her handbag on her desk and stepped towards Minji's room, knocking on the door.

There was no answer.

Hanni opened the door slowly and looked inside, Minji was facing the window, gazing at the night view outside. There was no sign of Hyein, she must have gone home.

"Ms. Kim." Hanni called out to the tall woman.

Minji looked over, she then turned around slowly, facing Hanni fully.
"I'm gonna go home now, I'll take my leave." Hanni bowed.
Minji didn't answer her, she walked by her desk, "Come over here Pham." she said.

The Vietnamese woman was confused, but she didn't dare ask why or argue, she walked slowly towards Minji who was now standing in the center of the room.

Minji smelled the scent again as Hanni stood in front of her, "Closer Pham." her deep voice dominated the quiet room. Hanni took two steps forward, she bowed her head.

What did this grumpy want?

Minji closed her eyes, the scent wafted more clearly, but it didn't make her nauseous, it oddly made her...a bit calm.

She opened her eyes.

"You know I hate you but you keep coming near me." Minji sneered.

Hanni knitted her brows, then what should she do? Say no?
Minji hated rejection and Hanni didn't want to face an angry Minji.

"Because you told me to Miss." Hanni replied, still looking down.
Minji smiled viciously, "That's right Pham, I'm your superior, you should obey me, and only me."

Hanni shuddered at the tone of that voice.

"Now tell me." Minji's voice hovered over Hanni's head, "Why did you lie to my father?"

Hanni stared at the carpeted floor beneath their feet, what should she say?

"I..told the truth."

"I said, fucking look at me if you talk to me." Minji growled.

Hanni lifted her face, and was immediately met with Minji's face that was staring down at her. She almost felt that piercing gaze breaking through her, so belittling.

But this was the first time Hanni had seen her face up close, and she had never seen such a beautiful nose, beautifully sculpted above her lips. Her face was gorgeous, her long jet-black hair framing her face perfectly.

They locked eyes.

Hanni cleared her throat, but it came out sounding like a squeak because of her nervousness.


"I'm telling the truth Miss." she raised her voice.
Minji grinned, "I'm glad you didn't feel like I was giving you a hard time." she brought her face forward, "This is just the beginning Pham." she whispered.

Minji was about to pull her face away but the soft fragrance, again, filled her sense of smell. It was like a spell on her.

"Move closer." she commanded Hanni, her voice low and very clear in Hanni's ears.

The Vietnamese woman was perplexed.

Why was she asking for such strange things? Was she drunk? But Hanni didn't smell alcohol.

"How close?" she asked nervously.

Minji glanced at Hanni's face, she looked stupid with that innocent look of confusion, she smiled wickedly, wanting to toy with the woman.
Her hands slipped onto Hanni's back, and her palms pressed against it, pushing her so that their bodies were touching.

"This close." she grinned.

Hanni gasped, she held her body by placing both hands on Minji's chest. The taller woman stared at her half-open lips.

They were so plump. A light pink color tinted them. So tempting.

Hanni clenched her hands that were on Minji's chest, that small movement sending a strange electricity into Minji's stomach.

Her lower body trembled.

Minji suddenly pushed Hanni roughly, the young woman staggered backwards, luckily there was a sofa behind her, she slumped into it.

"Go home Pham." Minji said coldly.

Hanni gaped at Minji, still trying to realize what was going on.

Minji turned around, staring at her chair, her hands gripping the edge of her desk tightly, "LEAVE!!" she yelled.

Hanni stood up and strode hurriedly to the door, the sound of her shoes echoing in the room, she went to her desk, grabbed her handbag and sprinted towards the elevator.

Minji panted, staring at the bulge in her pants.



author here.

I've finally decided to make this a g!p story, which is to suit the plot I've drafted.

I just hope I can make this story good and you guys will like it.

One more thing, there will be no smut, but I will try to represent the sexual scenes in other ways (in a soft and good manner I hope).

That's all.

Thank you and stay healthy.

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