I'm sorry

By COTWrain

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A tan, rabbit like human thing was found by the overland girl. She didn't know what the little rabbit was, al... More

Fun times
Santas workshop
The Blizzard of 68': The Tipping point


50 2 8
By COTWrain

a/n: quick reminder: some of the dialogue was taken straight from the movie so it will be in italics :)

anyway, I'm really still trying to keep jacks goofy and sarcastic personality in place even with the extra trauma added on top so yea lmk what u think :)

It hurts to be around Jamie when there was the slightest hope his joyride could have caused him to believe in Jack only for it to have been thrown away for the tooth fairy in an instant, but he knows he wouldn't stay away for long, he cared about the kid. He wanted to make him smile, hear him laugh. Make sure he slept safe, although Sandman was already taking control of that part, the golden strands already all spread throughout the town.

Jack spent more time than he realized watching the Sandman's dream sand spread all throughout Burgess, giving the children wonderful dreams of whatever. He wondered what it was like, the Sands creations always looked so calming, happy, and relaxing.

He wasn't sure if he's ever actually had one of Sandmans sand caused dreams, with him being a guardian he knew every child he sent out his dream sand to and Jack wasn't sure if he himself counted as a child when he was alive; he wasn't human.

He walks along the telephone poles and their wires, mind elsewhere as he hums softly in the dark. He had long hidden away his rabbit features but kept his hood up as he walked out of habit. He knew he should probably move along, bring the storm he had brought down on Burgess to other areas for more snow days for the kids, but the thought of more children unknowingly enjoying his storm, created out of anger and not-so-nice emotions, made his stomach buzz in an unhappy way. He wasn't a newly turned spirit, he should have more control over his powers than that, emotional snow storms are dangerous snow storms.

He's pulled out of his thoughts when he catches sight of sharp movement out of the corner of his eye, the thing darting within the shadows caused by the trees, buildings, and street lights. He narrows his eyes, warring within himself on whether or not to check out exactly what it is.

Shadows acting strange almost always meant Pitch, which meant a bad time all around, and another creepy monologue about something stupid from the monotone man. The thing moves too fast to be Pitch, he realizes (and slightly hopes) and gives chase, curiosity winning out as he leaps from trees to rooftops to cars, louder on his human feet than if he had been in his normal form.

He tries to keep his emotions in control, clinging onto the curiosity over the slight fear and anxiety he feels chasing after some unknown being. He holds his staff out in front of him, eyes still narrowed as the thing ends up in an alleyway between two different buildings. He spins slowly, taking in the space he's in as he tries to find what exactly caught his attention. His skin itched with the desire to change back, the emotion-filled day not helping his control in the slightest.

There's a slight scuffle, another movement, and Jack does not hesitate to shoot off a blast of ice in hopes of stopping whatever it is from escaping before he can get a proper look at it.

The loud "bloody hell," he gets for his actions makes him tense up, fear filling his body. He knows that voice. He's frozen to the spot, thinking over everything he's done today that could warrant Bunny searching him out. He steps back, his skin crawling with the need to run, with the desire to change back and hide in a hole far, far away from the other male.

He's not sure if he'd rather deal with Pitch or the easter bunny.

"Of course you'd be the same, ruining my holiday back in '86, and attacking me now?" Bunny's voice pipes up behind him and he holds back a screech as he jumps, twirling around to point his staff at the rabbit again.

"You can't be mad at me! You're the one who startled me!" Jack defends and the other rabbit scoffs.

"So it's freeze first ask questions later? What a smart idea," he mocks, stepping out of the shadow cast by the building.

"Wh-what do you want bunny? Why are you here?" Jack forces out, finally getting a good look at the other male. He had frost plastered down his shoulder to his chest caused by Jacks's shot, but otherwise, he was the same he had been all those years ago. His eyes were narrowed at Jack, and he really didn't appreciate it. His skin was already crawling but with the others eyes on him, it felt like it was burning up along with the crawling.

He doesn't like this. Not one bit.

Something moves in the corner of his eye and he throws himself to the side, avoiding the swiping hand of something. He doesn't stop to see what it is, his instincts once again screaming at him to run and hide so he shoots ice at Bunny's feet to slow him down and throws himself into the air, sending another blast of frost at what he can now see are yeti before letting Wind bring him to his pond to dig up his outfit. He had seen the anger in the rabbit's eyes at his escape and he knows Bunny was probably going to keep coming after him, you don't just randomly trick a guy into chasing after you and then attack him with backup for no reason. Jack really does not want to learn what reason Bunny has for this new encounter. He knew he wasn't safe, the itching to return to normal was practically unbearable at this point. He wasn't going to stay in the meager hoodie and pants he wore now, he didn't trust himself enough to not shift back to normal.

He manages to get the hood over himself, the scarf shoved into his hoodie pocket and his gloves forced onto his hands and too-large shoes dragged over human feet, he's trying to get the wraps he uses to cover his legs into his pockets as well, hoping his normal pants would be well enough for if he is forced to transform when bunny reappears and tackles him.

Jack screams and fights back, kicking up at the larger body as he holds back any more animalistic noises that may want to come out.

"Freeze me to the ground, for an outfit? Yer more of a vain wanker than I thought." Bunny growls as he helps the yeti shove Jack into a sack non-too gently and then Bunny is moving; he tries not to let his fear take hold of himself, who wouldn't be afraid to be, essentially, kidnapped and lets his anger course through him. He kicks and struggles, the tingling in his skin practically exploding in his frenzy and he's thankful he went back for his clothes.

With being so close to returning to his form just by being around Bunny for a few minutes, he wouldn't last with wherever Bunny is taking him. He can't get his staff with how awkward he was curled in the bag and the gloves now impeding his hands. He keeps kicking and thrashing in the bag as Bunny or the yeti moves, making him somewhat nauseous. He can hear them talking but he can't make out the words before the bag he's in is thrown, spun around, and then finally dropped harshly onto the ground.

He feels like he may throw up. Jack grasps for his staff and scrambles out of the bag, ready to attack with his staff held defensively in front of him, words ready to insult the rabbit on the tip of his tongue when he freezes, looking around at exactly where he'd been dropped.

"Woah." He breathes, not even caring that his hood is down even with his skin still feeling prickly. He turns and sees North and Sandman watching him with curious eyes, the tooth fairy was fluttering around behind them, multiple smaller fairies following her as she blurts out orders.

North clears his throat and he jolts slightly, turning his staff towards the big man as he crouches slightly, prepared for any attack. North seems semi-surprised by this, eyebrows jumping up, but he gathers himself fairly quickly and smiles, throwing his arms out as he exclaims, "There is he, Jack Frost!"

"You've gotta be kidding me-" he mumbles before jumping away when the yetis hands once again reach for him, a snarl on his lips as he turns his staff on them, "Don't touch me," he growls.

"I, uh, I hope the yetis treated you well?" North continues, put out by Jack's behavior as the yetis step back when he sends them a gesture.

"Oh, yeah. I love being shoved in a sack and tossed through a magic portal." He grumbles, letting himself relax from his crouched stance. He eyes the building a bit more, trying to orientate himself with the exits. Who knew after all this time trying to get into Santa's workshop, he'd be desperate to find a way out? All he wanted was to get away from Bunny, the rabbit leaning in the shadow of a doorway.

"Oh, good! That was my idea! You know Bunny, obviously."

"Obviously" He replies, watching as Bunny crosses his arms and grumbles something under his breath, stepping away from the doorway to get closer to his fellow guardians. He jolts slightly when he catches sight of the really close mini tooth fairies, all staring at him and twittering to one another.

"And the tooth fairy," North continues, bringing the woman's attention away from calling her orders. Before Jack can answer she glides over, excitement practically radiating off her.

"Hello, Jack. I've heard a lot about you. And your teeth!" she exclaims, wings fluttering quickly.

"My... teeth?" he questions, eyebrows raised as he stares at her as she moves in way too close. Jack leans his head back a bit, unsure of what exactly was happening.

"Open up! Are they really as white as they say they are?" She questions, shoving her hands into his mouth as the mini fairies all around her swoon and scream, and that's too much for Jack who jolts away and snaps his teeth at her, body tense and hand gripping his staff with bloodless knuckles hidden within the confines of his too big gloves. That gets everyone's attention and snaps Tooth out of her teeth frenzy, making her flutter back a few steps at the sight of Jack's narrowed eyes and tense form.

"Sorry, about that" she starts, the mini fairies all nodding along. Everyone glances at each other for a moment, unsure of the outburst before Santa tries to go on.

"And Sandman-" None of them see Jack preparing himself to slam his staff into the ground, wanting everything to just stop.

"Yes, I know everyone here, now does anyone wanna tell me why I was kidnapped and brought here?" He snaps, ignoring the surprised looks the guardians have for his outburst.

Sandman is the first to try and explain, a barrage of golden dream sand images appearing over his head as he speaks. Jack watches him with a confused look as the man finishes his show, smiles, and gives a sharp nod to Jack as if he explained everything.

"That wasn't much of a help, but thanks little man" he answers and Sandman deflates a bit, turning his eyes to the other three in the room.

"I musta done something really bad to get you four together." He says with false bravado, moving away from the group as he takes in the workshop further. He frosts an elf as he walks by, watching as both the elf and the tray it was carrying fall to the ground with a slight clang. He turns back around to face them, "Am I on the naughty list?" he jokes, faking innocence as he looks at them.

"Ha! Naughty list? You hold record! But no matter. We overlook. Now we are wiping clean the slate." North explains, slapping his hands together as if he were wiping crumbs from them.

"How come?" he questions, tilting his head as he studies the other man. He doesn't trust this, whatever this is.

Bunny steps forward a bit to get into North's line of sight, "Good question," he states with a slight growl.

North ignores Bunny's comment, sending his fellow guardian a look before turning excited eyes back on Jack, "How come? I tell you how come! Because now...you are Guardian!"

Following North's statement the workshop bursts into a flurry of noise and movement, torches lit up, elves jumping from shelves with banners unfurling in their hands as they descend. Jack steps away from some baby teeth as they show him a necklace of paper snowflakes.

"what are you doing?" Jack exclaims, dodging the baby teeth as they continue to attempt to put the necklace on him, he doesn't want to swat at them and hurt them. Drums and trumpets erupt and he flinches as even with his weaker human ears it still has them ringing with the explosion of noise.

"This is the best part!" North exclaims over the noise, an elf marching band marches into the room. Two yetis try to grab Jack but he spins on them with his staff, backing up as they close in on him before stepping away, apparently happy with his placement in the room. Something yanks at his leg and he kicks in surprise, cringing as the elf goes flying and crashes with a jingle.

A Yeti hands North an old large book and North blows off the dust, opens it, and clears his throat. Jack clenches his jaw as he scans the room: The Mini Teeth continue to fawn as they hold the necklace, Sandy's smiling, and Bunny's glaring at him but also looking bored at the same time.

Jack once again slams his staff on the ground, harder this time than before, and sends both a blast of frost and wind across the room. The torches go out, elves go flying, and the guardians all startle. They all turn to face him, confusion and questions written all over their faces.

"What makes you think I want to be a Guardian?"

His exclamation is met with laughter that seems semi-forced from North who still holds the book the Yeti had given him. Jack tenses when North stops, suddenly his expression is stony and his eyes are slightly narrowed.

"Of course you do! Now," he turns back to the elves, "Music!"

"No music!" Jack snaps back, stopping the trumpets before they could get back into the proper swing of it. An elf throws his trumpet to the ground and storms off with more jingling.

North flowers at him as he starts to ramble, "Look, this is all very flattering, but ah...you don't want me. You're all hard work and deadlines, and I'm snowballs and fun times," Jack shrugs, leaning against his staff, "I'm not a Guardian."

"Yeah, that's exactly what I said!" Bunny exclaims and Jack grimaces at Bunny agreeing with him on something. Tooth sends him a look as she flutters over to him, slower than her excited zipping from when he first arrived.

"Jack...I don't think you understand what it is we do," she says softly, taking him gently by the shoulders and turns his attention to the massive lit-up globe behind him.

"Each of those lights is a child." she starts, slowly fluttering over the globe as she gestures to it. Jack tenses as North steps up beside him to finish, "A child who believes. And good or bad, naughty or nice, we protect them."

Jack turns, stepping away from the globe as North claps his hands together; "Okay, no more wishy-washy! Pitch is out there doing who knows what!"

The name sends a shiver down jacks spine, straightening up as he looks between each of the guardians, "The Boogeyman?"

He hates how his voice shakes as he spoke, hates how he wants to run and hide.

"Yes! When Pitch threatens us, he threatens them as well." North's voice becomes solemn as he gestures to the globe but all Jack can think of is Jamie and his little sister. The thought of him and Pitch even being in the same area makes him want to throw up.

"All the more reason to pick someone more qualified." He states because if Pitch was fighting with the guardians, joining them will just paint a bigger target on his back. He's sure of it.

"Pick? You think we pick? No, you were chosen like we were all chosen. By Man in Moon." He states, his voice softening.

"What?" he whispers, dumbstruck.

"Last night, Jack. He chose you." Tooth says with a soft conviction.

Jack snaps back to himself at the sound of Bunnys muttered, "Maybe"

"He talks to you?" Jack questions, staring through the skylight at the giant moon as it shines down on Earth.

"You see? You cannot say no! It is destiny!"

"But why, why wouldn't he tell me that himself?" He says exasperated, "After years of being ignored this is his answer? What does he expect from me, To spend eternity like you guys cooped up in some, some hideout thinking of, of new ways to bribe kids? No. No, that's not for me. No offense."

He scoffs and shakes his head, turning to leave the stunned guardians where they stood when Bunny speaks up, "How is that not offensive?"

"You know what I think? I think we just dodged a bullet. I mean, what's this clown with too big gloves know about bringing joy to children anyway?" Jack stops and turns, brows furrowed and eyes narrowed in anger as he storms a few steps back to the group.

"Uhh, you ever hear of a snow day? I know it's no hard-boiled egg, but kids like what I do." He taunts, forcing down a reaction as Bunny stalks closer.

"But none of 'em believe in you," He states, leaning in, "Do they? You see, you're invisible, mate. It's like you don't even exist."

How Jack wants to pummel the smug bastard's face in, gloves protesting at how tight he balls his hands into fists. His lips lift in a snarl, words ready to leave and hit the rabbit where he knows it hurts most when the guardians intervene.

"Bunny! Enough!" Tooth shouts in his defense, the Rabbit moves away from Jack's face, crossing his arms over his chest as he waits for Jack's reaction, some emotion shining in his eyes and brows furrowed following Jack's display.

Jack breathes, calming himself before speaking up, "No, the Parrots right."

"The, the what -- what'd you call me? I am not a Parrot, mate. You should get your eyes checked," He growls, narrowing his eyes as he glares.

"I see perfectly fine thank you for your concern, I mean with all the eggs and stuff If you're not a big Birdy, what are you? Because last I checked, mammals don't lay eggs and your not scaley enough to be a reptile"

"I'm a bunny. The Easter Bunny. People believe in me." He emphasizes the last point, digging the knife in.

"ah, uh, Jack! Why don't you walk with me." North states leaving no room for argument as he gently places a hand on Jack's shoulder and leads him away from Bunny before the two start a full-out brawl in his workshop.

a/n: Also I felt like jack wouldn't insult bunny for being a kangaroo exactly since they are the same thing but he would insult bunny and his eggs because a bunny does not equal to eggs and its kinda weird that easter and bunnys all relate eggs lol

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