Soundwave X Cybertronian

By MarcyWeisinger

994 40 0

This is a story that is a working progress. It may not be sudden for me to update it. This is my first time d... More

Please Vote Or Comment Which Photo Is Better To Represent And Describe Snowfall
Characters In My Story
This Page Goes With The First Page Of Characters In My Story
Confessing Feelings To Soundwave
Remembering The Memories Of The Good And The Bad
Somewhere To Get Away And To Relax
Megatron Gets Sick
Being In Charge For Today
Her Sire Discovers And He Finds Out The Truth
Her Sire Isn't Going To Let Starscream Get Away With It
She Tells Her Sire That He Needs To Learn On How To Control His Temper
She Finds Out That She Is Sparked
Spending Time Alone With Sire By Meditating But Something Unexpected Happens
Trying To Find Ways To Protect Snowfall From Unicron: Part 1
Rescuing Snowfall And Soundwave From Unicron: Part 2
Hoping And Waiting For Any Signs Of A Miracle: Part 4
Still No Signs Of A Miracle: Part 5
Soundwave Finally Comes Around: Part 6
He Tries To Forget His Ex-Lover But He Can't & Ravage Is Discovered To Be Alive
Soundwave Gets Something Back That He Thought Was Lost And Gone Forever
Megatron's Ex-Lover Doesn't Know When To Stop
Snowfall Notices & Discovers That This Megatron Isn't Her Adopted Sire Megatron.
The Past Returns And Never Goes Away From Knockout's And Snowfall's Family
One Month Later: Snowfall & Soundwave's Sparkling Is Close To Full Development

Megatron Gets An Unexpected Visit From His Ex-Lover: Part 3

32 1 0
By MarcyWeisinger

It was the next morning. Megatron slowly woke up. He got up. He walked to his doors and he walked out. He was heading to the throne room but he saw one of his Vehicons walking towards him.

"My Lord. There is someone in the throne room that is requesting to see you." The Vehicon said to his master.

"Do you know who this person is?" He asked him.

"No. I don't. And the person didn't give me the name either or they didn't want to say why they wanted to see you." He said and replied back to his master.

"I see." He replied back to the Vehicon.

Megatron walked and he approached the doors leading to the throne room. The doors slid open. He looked up and his eyes immediately widened at what he was seeing. He rubbed his optics hoping he wasn't seeing and hoping that he was dreaming. He looked and it wasn't dreaming. This was real.

He hissed. He walked over and he sat down on his throne.

"What do you want, LightSphere?" He asked her. "And why are you here?" He asked her again. Wondering and wanting to know why she was here.

If you don't know. Here's the little backstory. LightSphere used to be Megatronus/Megatron's girlfriend or sparkmate whatever you can call it. But she once broke his spark. Because he confessed his feelings to her and apparently she didn't have the feelings or she didn't return the same feelings back to him. So he ended their relationship.

"I am sorry for this unexpected announcement, Megsy." LightSphere replied back to him.

Megatron immediately slammed his fists down on his armrest to his throne.


"Look. I am sorry for what I did to you. And I was wrong for what I did." She replied back to him. "I made a mistake. And I messed up." She says to him.

Megatron turned and he glared at his Ex-Lover. He immediately spat at her.

"Mistake. I'll tell you who made the mistake." He says to her. "It was you. I loved you. I even confessed my feelings to you. And for what. What did I get? Pity. I didn't get anything or nothing. You didn't return the same feelings back to me that I had for you." He said and explained to her.

She stepped closer but she heard a growl and a hiss coming from him. It was a warning telling her to stay away from him and not come any closer to him.

Megatron watched her. His claws and talons tapped alongside his armrest. He wanted to do damage to her. But he couldn't. He's not that person. Even though he has killed thousands of Cybertronians that were mech and femme. He just couldn't do it. Because he had a daughter. Soon the doors open to the throne room. He looked and he saw his daughter.

"Oh. Did I interrupt something, sire." She asked him.

LightSphere turned and she looked at Megatron.

"Megsy. I didn't know you had a daughter." She asked him. Surprised that he had a daughter.

Megatron looked at her. He slowly got up off his throne and he walked and he cornered her into a wall.

"DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT NAME EVER AGAIN!" He says and yells to her. "And so what if I have a daughter. That ain't any of your business. You stupid and ugly femme." He said to her while spatting at her.

Snowfall was shocked seeing her father's behavior and reaction. She was upset and mad.

"SIRE!" She yelled to her sire.

"STAY OUT OF THIS!" He shouted.

Snowfall looked at her sire. She immediately threw down the item that she was going to give to him and she immediately ran off.

Megatron watched her run off. He sighs. He then turns his attention to his ex-lover.

"LightSphere. I advise you to leave now. Before I do something that I won't regret." He says to her. Giving her a warning to leave now before he changes his mind.

She immediately walked off. And soon she was gone.

Megatron shook his helm.

"What did I just do? I just yelled at my daughter for no reason. I need to find her and apologize to her." He says to himself.

He walked over and he picked up the item that she threw down. He looked at it. He immediately sighs.

"I definitely need to control my temper. She is right that it may get out of control." He says to himself. He then walked off to locate and to find his daughter.

Laserbeak was trying to get Snowfall to come out. Snowfall kept hitting Laserbeak.

"No. I won't. Not after what my sire did." She said to Laserbeak.

Megatron was walking looking for his daughter when he heard a voice. He slowly approached the private room. He opened the doors. He walked inside. He sniffed the air. He immediately got the scent of his daughter. Telling him that she was in the room. He slowly walked, he turned one corner and he saw her sitting near the wall. He walked over and he sat down next to her.

"Snowfall. I am sorry for yelling at you. I had no right to yell at you like that." He said to his daughter.

"Yeah. You didn't." She replied back. "But not only that, you talked to that femme almost like trash." She said to her sire. "Why?" She asked him.

"To me she is." He replied back to his daughter. "The reason why is because she used to be my ex-lover who left me and the one who didn't have the same feelings in return for me." He said and explained to his daughter.

"Oh. I see now." She replied back to her sire.

"Here's the item that you threw down, my child." He says to her while handing her the item.

"It was for you, sire." She says to him. "But now it's broken." She says to her sire.

He looked at the item.

"I still love it. Even if it is broken." He said to his daughter.

She smiled.

"I think I am going to see and visit Soundy. I want to see how his progress is going." She said to her sire.

He nodded. He went and he gave her a hug. He went and he kissed the top of her helm.

"I love you, Snowfall." He says to her.

She smiled.

"I know. I love you too, sire." She replied back to him.

She went and she kissed his right cheek. Laserbeak flew and she landed on Snowfall's shoulder. Snowfall slowly got up. And both her and Laserbeak walked off to see Soundwave and to see how he is doing.

Knockout was checking Soundwave's vitals. Soundwave still hadn't come around. And it may take him a while. He was looking at his pad when he heard the doors open to the med bay. He looked up and he saw his sister and Laserbeak sitting on her shoulders. Snowfall walked over and she saw her mate still hadn't come around.

"Sis. Are you okay?" He asked her.

She looked at her brother.

"Somewhat. I guess I really don't know." She said to her brother giving him the truth on what she really thinks and what she really feels.

"Sis. Soundwave will come around and he will pull through. Even Laserbeak will be able to tell you." He says to her.

Snowfall looked at Laserbeak and she saw her nodding. She smiled. She sat down and she held her mate's hand.

"I was just out in the halls for a little while. I think it was about 15 minutes ago. And I heard Lord Megatron shouting and yelling. Why was he yelling?" He asked her.

"He accidentally shouted at me. He did apologize for it." She replied to her brother. "But the reason why he was shouting and yelling was because his ex-lover unexpectedly showed up unannounced." She said to her brother.

Knockout was shocked and surprised that she had the guts to show up after what she did to their master.

"Wow. She had the guts to show up." He replied back to his sister. "Did he do some damage to her?" He asked her.

She shook her helm.

"No. But he wanted to." She replied back to her brother.

*"Chirp."* *"Chirp."* Laserbeak said.

"No, Laserbeak. If you are wanting to fly around. No. I don't want Soundwave to get mad with me letting you fly around the ship. What if you get hurt?" She says to Laserbeak.

Laserbeak was quiet. She knew what she meant. He can be grouchy sometimes and get to the point where he can snap if something happens that he doesn't like or if he doesn't approve of it.

Snowfall gently went and she took his visor off. She missed his beautiful and gorgeous purple hue optics. She went and she kissed his left cheek. She then went and she kissed him on the lips. Even though she isn't getting one in return. She slowly backed away.

Megatron sat on his throne thinking about his daughter. He wanted Soundwave awake already. But he knew that it would take some time for him to come around. He was thinking when he heard his pad go off. He took out his pad. He looked at it and saw that it was from Starscream. He growls.

"That stupid seeker doesn't even know how to do a mission." He said out loud.

"Master. I'm right here." Starscream's voice said.

Megatron turned and he saw Starscream.

"So. Why did you fail this mission?" He asked him. "It was simple and easy." He said to Starscream.

"Master. It was because of that stupid ex-lover of yours, LightSphere." He replied back to his master. "She destroyed everything that we had down there." He said to his master.

Megatron's eyes immediately widened. He immediately yelled and shouted.

"WHAT!!!! STARSCREAM!!!!!" Megatron yelled and shouted.

Starscream looked at his master.

"It wasn't my fault, master." Starscream said to his master.

Megatron growled.

"Oh. She doesn't know when to let it go and to leave me alone does she." He said out loud.

He then muttered Cybertronian curse words. That was not so nice. Starscream's eyes immediately widened.

"You really do hate her." He said to his master.

Megatron looked at Starscream. He then looked back at the computers. He then raised his right arm. He immediately warmed up his fusion cannon. Aiming directly at Starscream.

"WAIT!!!!" Starscream exclaimed. "I am sorry my Liege. I can see why you hate her. Because of what she did to you. But not only that to the Decepticons." He said to his master.

"Starscream. We were lovers before the war started, you idiot." He replied back to Starscream. "Just when the war was about to start I asked her to be my sparkmate and to be my queen. But guess what." He said to Starscream.

He then looked at Starscream.

"What." Starscream replied and asked. Scared of the question or what was about to happen.

"SHE DIDN'T HAVE FEELINGS FOR ME!!!!!" He shouted and yelled at Starscream.

He immediately shot his fusion cannon hitting the wall and going through and hitting Peter, one of the Vehicons. Who was just standing around and talking to Steve.

"OW!!!! STEVE I'M DYING!!!!!" Peter said, shouting and yelling at Steve.

"OH YOU'RE NOT DYING!!!! YOU JUST GOT HIT ON THE SIDE OF YOUR ARM AND SERVO!" Steve replied back and yelled to Peter.

Megatron looked and he was getting annoyed with all of this.

"YOU'LL SURVIVE PETER!" Megatron shouted to Peter. Telling him that he will survive.

Peter rose up and he looked through the hole. He looked and he saw his master sitting on his throne.

"I HATE YOU MASTER!" He shouted and yelled to his master.

Steve went and he took his brother to the med bay to get patched up.

Megatron shook his helm.

"Starscream. Head back down there and get everything back up and running." He said to Starscream. "NOW!!!!" He said and yelled at Starscream. Starscream immediately left.

Megatron sighs.

"I need to do that… meditation." He said to himself.

He slowly got up off his throne.

"Maybe I should ask my daughter if she would like to join me. She needs it anyway. After everything that has happened." He says to himself.

He then com-linked his daughter. To see if she would join him for some meditation.

"Snowfall. Care to join me for some meditation." He asked her through the com link.

"Yes. I will, sire. I need one anyway. After what has happened." She replied back to her sire through the com link.

"Excellent. We will do it on the flightdeck. It's a lot more… quieter." He says and replies back to her through the com link.

Snowfall got up and she walked out of the med bay. She looked and she saw her sire walking over to her. She smiled. Soon both her and her sire walked to the flightdeck to do some meditation. Because they both deserve it. They both walked out and they both sat down.

"Decepticons. Do not bother me or my daughter. We need to be alone." He said to his army through the com link. "Except for you, Knockout. If something comes up with Soundwave's health do bother us and let us know." He said to Knockout through the com link.

"Yes my Lord." Everyone replied back to their master through the com link.

"Of course my Liege." He replied back to his master through the com link. "And sis. It looks like he may come around next month or in the next 5 days." He said to his sister through the com link.

Snowfall sighs in relief. But she still is worried.

"Thank you, Knockey. What would I do without you brother." She replied back to her brother through the com link.

"Don't know. Anyways love you sis." He said to his sister through the com link.

She smiled.

"I love you too, Knockey." She replied back to her brother through the com link.

Soon both Megatron and Snowfall turned off their com link. And soon they both went into deep meditation.

Skip To 6 Hours:

Megatron slowly came out of his meditation. He looked and he saw his daughter slowly coming out of her meditation. She looked at her sire.

"That actually worked and helped. But it still didn't solve all the issues." She said to her sire.

"Yes. It did help. And yes you are right that it won't solve all our issues." He said and replied back to his daughter.

He went and he looked at his internal clock. His eyes immediately widened.

"PRIMUS!" He exclaimed.

Snowfall looked at her sire.

"What's wrong, sire." She asked him.

"We've been doing our meditation and we've been out for about 6 hours." He said and replied back to his daughter.

"Wow. Anyways I am heading to bed for a goodnight's recharge." She said and replied back to her sire.

"Yes. We should all head for bed." He replied back to his daughter.

They both got up and they walked back inside the ship.

Megatron went and he kissed her on the top of her helm.

"Sleep well, my child." He says to his daughter.

"I will. Night sire. I love you." She said and replied back to her sire.

"Night my child. And I love you too." He says and replies back to her.

They both hugged each other. Soon they both went their separate ways to get a goodnight's recharge.

Snowfall walked and she headed to the med bay. She walked and she approached the doors to the med bay. The doors slid open. She walked inside and she slid on the other med berth.

"Night Soundy. I love you, my handsome mech. Please come back to me." She says to her sparkmate. Even though he can't respond back. She closed her eyes and soon she fell into a deep recharge.

Words: 2,694

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