If you let me

By yagirlllay11

113K 3.8K 656


twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty two
Forty three
Forty four
Forty five
Forty six
forty seven

forty one

1K 44 1
By yagirlllay11

A week later | Mia's 8th birthday

"You look so pretty princess." I smiled

Mia smiled "Thank you mommy."

"Where's your mama." I asked

"Auntie jade." Was all she replied with

I nodded "Okay I'll be right back."

Before I could walk away she grabbed my hand. I looked down at her "Yes baby?"

"Can you give me some food?" She asked

I chuckled "You hungry again?"

She nodded

"Okay I'll be right back."

Mia nodded and ran off by her friends. I looked around the big back yard but I didn't see Jordyn. I walked inside the house and in the kitchen where I seen her talking to Jade.

She spotted me and nod for me to come over "Everything okay?"

"Yeah i just wanted to bother you but y'all could finish talking."

"Actually I'm going to go call India right quick."

"She still not here?"

"No, it's been thirty minutes and I know it doesn't take that long." Jade said walking out

Jordyn looked and walked behind wrapping her arms around me as I fixed Mia a small plate of food.

I looked down a little "What's up?"

"Nothing just admiring."

I chuckled as she mocked what I be saying about her

"You're eating that little bit?"

I laughed "No it's for Mia. Running around got her hungry again."

Jordyn laughed "I wonder if she's even going to have room for cake."

" I'm sure she will." I said

She nodded "Are you ready for the trip?"

"Yup. I think we could use it."

"I agree."

She looked around "We did our thing."

"The party?"


"We did and our babies are happy so thats all that matters the most to me."

"Me too."

"And you looking sexy as hell in these jeans. Somebody play ginuwine please." I joked

She laughed "Morgan please."

"I'm just saying." I shrugged grabbing spoon when we hard a big thud

"You heard that?" I asked her

"Yeah. I think it's one the kids on that damn bouncy house. I swear that thing probably will pop."

I laughed

"Did they ever reschedule the game?"

"Yeah, it mostly likely will be sometime soon coming back from the trip."

"Okay let me know what day."

"Of course you know I will."

"I also wanted to talk to you about something else."

"Okay I'm listening."

She got quiet which made me look up at her seeing she was nervous.

"What you nervous for?" I laughed at her face

She sucked her teeth playfully pushing me "Stop."

I watched as my mom walked past the kitchen

"Hey mom!" I called her out

Soon she walked back "Yes?"

"Can you bring this to Mia, please?"

"Yeah of course." I handed her plate

"Thank you I appreciate it." I handed her the plate

"You're welcome." She said walking out and I placed my attention back on Jordyn

"It is something we should discuss somewhere more private?"

Jordyn thought about it for a second "Yeah probably so."


I cut off by Tre, Kevin, and Brandon coming into the kitchen laughing loud.

"Aye Morgan let's do a quick game to eight-

I looked down seeing Jordyn about to move but my hand gripped her waist from moving in front of me.

"Not right now I'm kind of in the middle of a conversation." I grabbed Jordyn hand

"Oh okay my bad." Brandon said

"Man if you about to get her pregnant for the second time just say that."

"Man shut up." I said while he laughed

I let her lead the way upstairs to our bedroom. I sat down on the bed.

"What's on your mind?"

"I want to go back to work...."

I'm not sure how my face looked but it obviously must've not been good with Jordyn next reaction.

I wasn't mad, she just kind of threw me for a loop. It was actually kind of funny because I though she was going to tell me she was pregnant.

She sighed shaking her head "That's why I was nervous about telling you."

I couldn't but to laugh

She crossed her arms "Morgan how is this funny?"

"I'm sorry babe. It's not funny I just thought you was pregnant."

She sucked her teeth "Stop playing and give me your thoughts on how you feel."

I sat down next to her "I don't feel anything negative about you going back to work if that's what you're asking. I don't care if you go back to work as long feel like you're comfortable."

"Well I won't be comfortable until I know you are or at least have a pinch of trust in you to trust me. And trust that I won't do anything,"

I nodded "I understand that but I shouldn't have anything to worry about if he ain't there or if his sister ain't."

"He wont be. He's not allowed on my property anymore."

I shrugged "And what about her messy ass?"

She laughed but I was serious. Her ass only came around for him to come around.

"She was been fired. I canceled all of our ideas and deals that was going to come together."

"Then go back to work. If you're mind is ready to be the genius I love then go ahead. I know you miss being the boss."

"I'm always the boss." She corrected me

I chuckled "Eh i don't know about all of that."

"And what exactly do you know?" She grabbed my hands

I placed them on her hips "A lot." I simply replied

Jordyn placed her hands on my stomach before nudging me to sit down. She always wanna straddle me but I didn't mind.

I tugged on her jeans "Take these off."

She chuckled "No. I'm not being nasty while kids are running all through out our house downstairs."

"You heard what you just said? Downstairs. We're upstairs. We'll be good if you keep them moans down."

She pushed my shoulder

I chuckled "I'm just playing babe.... A little bit."

She chuckled with a slight embarrassed look on her face "Stop Morgan."

"It's true though."

She crossed her arms "And what about you. You aren't so innocent with the moaning."

"I never said I was. I'll let the whole world know I moan and express how I feel when we make love. I don't have any shame." I gripped her ass making her bite her lip

Before I could make another move our bedroom door was bust open

Jade stood there

I shook my head "You're lucky we're covered because five more minutes and you would've seen ass, breast, and penis."

Jordyn laughed moving off of my lap"No you weren't."

"You was." I said

Jordyn playfully rolled her eyes before we both bought our focus back on Jade who was texting deep in her phone. She was texting real fast but her face showed concern and scared. Her face started to tear up. Soon my mom came up there behind her, her eyes was a long red like she was just crying.

"Hey, everything okay? Ma, why you crying?" I asked

Jade didn't respond

"Jade, you okay?"

She looked up from her phone

My mom finally spoke up "I-I just got off the phone with Tyrell."

"Oh cool, India ass finally on her way?" I asked

Her face softened making me sit up "What? Why are you looking like that?"

"He- he said that she was in an accident-

I raised an eyebrow "W-what do you mean by that?"

"Morgan..." Jordyn said grabbing my hand

"Ma, what do you mean by accident?"

"While I was on the phone trying to call India he ended up calling me too. He said she got into a... a car accident." Jade teared up

"What?" I felt my heart drop

I jumped up

"Morgan come on let's go to the hospital." My mom said

"Where's my phone? Ain't nobody called me?" I patted my pockets but felt nothing

"It could be downstairs." Jordyn said

I placed my hands behind my head. The party just fucking started not too long ago.

"I'll ask my mom and the guys if they could handle the party until we get back. Go get the car started and I'll be out there." Jordyn said

We all left out the room and went our separate ways. I headed to the car and waited for Jordyn to come out. About five minutes later she did.

"How was Mia?"

"I told her we'll be back but I think she was too happy off candy to care." She chuckled

I just nodded she frowned and put her hand on my thigh "Babe she's going to be fine."

I nod my head "Can you drive?"

"Y-yeah of course." We both got out and switched places

I settled in the passenger seat and grabbed her hand locking it into mines.

She rubbed her thumb over my hand before pulling out the driveway. On the way to the hospital it was quiet but that's only because I was so busy in my thoughts. I just needed to see India's. Telling me she was going to be okay wasn't enough for me.

When we got there we got out and met my parents and Jade on the floor she was on.

"She's in the second to last room."

"Is she okay? Is she up?" I asked

"She's up, go ahead and see her. Jade is in there too."

Walking to her room, we went in and seen her up. Jade was talking to her but stopped mid sentence when we walked in.

India turned head turned looking at me before giving me a small smile.

"You was crying? Big baby." She joked

I sucked my teeth "I wasn't crying. I almost started though. Girl you scared me."

I walked closer to her other side "How you feeling? Any pain?"

"A little bit on my side and back."

"Your car look terrible?"

She nodded "I'm definitely going to have to get a new one. My whole passenger side is messed up."

"I got you."

She shook her head "No, I got me. I'll buy my car this time Morgan."

"India you don't have to-

She cut me off "But I want to."

"Okay." I gave up and agreed

"How did Tyrell know you were in a accident?"
Jordyn asked

"I was on the phone with him. I was actually on my way to pick him up and then we were going to be on our to the party. I was at the light someone rammed into my passenger side. I'm not sure how I don't have something broken."

"I'm just happy you're good." I said

"Me too." She groaned

"Pain?" Jade asked her

"My back is killing me. The doctor was supposed to come check on it again and give me something but she must've forgot."

"I'll call her for you." Jade got up and left out the room

"Is that what thirty feel like?" India joked

"I'm twenty nine." I corrected her ass

"You know you got a lot of jokes since this accident." I laughed

India chuckled "Go back home I'm okay here."

"Nah it's cool-

"But it'll be better if you were at home with my niece celebrating her birthday. I'm fine, Jade will stay with me and after today you can stay with me for however long you want. I just refuse for you guys to stay here watching me. Go be with your babies." She waved Jordyn and I off

"Are you sure? I just got here India."

"I'm fine. Once I get this medicine for the pain and some food I'll be fine. I'll be sleep before eight." She chuckled

I shook my head at her. She think everything a joke no matter what.

"Well can I at least get a hug?"

"Of course." She opened her arms, "Come on Jordyn."

We both walked over and gave her a hug. I gave her kiss on the forehead.

"You better not act a ass in this hospital."

"You're worse than mom, Morgan." She rolled her eyes as Jade came back in

"Yeah whatever. Do yall have any clothes?"

"Mom going it bring some." She said

"Alright I'm just making sure. We Love you kid."

"Love you guys too." She made her hands into a heart

I shook my head before we left out the hospital room.

"You feeling okay?" Jordyn asked me as she wrapped around my arm

"A little bit better knowing that she's going to be okay besides the pain."

"That's going to go away you know?"

"Yeah I know. It's just always that thought of how things could have been. You get what I mean?"

"I lost my dad to cancer. He was in and out of
the hospital for weeks so I definitely know what your feeling but like you just said she's okay. It could have been worse but god had another plan & India is so young, so much energy, her ass would be up around LA and doing photography again. And the charity basketball."

"If she wants to play, she's definitely going to get checked out. I don't want her playing in the game if she'll still be in pain."

"I'm sure she'll tell you."

I nodded as we got onto the elevator. We headed down and to the car.

"Did you want me to drive again?"

"Do you mind?" I asked

"No, not at all babe." We got in and Jordyn drove home

The drive was silence but it more comfortable than the way to the hospital.

Walking inside the first person that I locked eyes with was Mia. She smiled and this time she had her face painted into an animal. She looked so cute and happy.

She ran towards me and I picked her up "Hey princess. You look cool."

"Thank you." She blushed shyly

"Okay everyone gather around we're singing happy birthday and cutting cake!" Jordyn mom called out

"You want to get down?" I asked Mia

She nodded

I placed back down so she can stand on the ground.

I wrapped my arm around Jordyn "I love you."

She looked up at me "I love you more."

"I don't think that's possible."

She chuckled "For me it is."

I chuckled and leaned to give her kiss but was stopped.

"How did everything go at this hospital? Is India okay?" Jordyn's mom asked

"Yeah she's okay." I said

"That's good." She gave us a small smile

We all stood around the with the group of kids.

"I feel like we got the whole school in our backyard." Jordyn said to me

I laughed "The whole grade at least."

She laughed as everyone began to sing happy birthday and we sung along.

I picked Mia up "Make a wish babygirl."

She smiled big and blew out her candles making everyone cheer.

I helped cut cake for everyone before going to wash my hands.

"We have to clean so this up? I forgot being a parent is a full time job." I groaned

Jordyn shook her at me "You know you're dramatic right? It's not that much."

I shrugged opening my arms for her to come in. She did and I wrapped my arms around her.

She looked up at me "Do I get my kiss still? I know it was interrupted before."

I chuckled leaning in giving her a kiss. It was slow but very sexy, she made sure of it.

"Y'all know y'all can always go upstairs and get nasty in your room?" I heard Tre irritating ass

Jordyn pulled back turning her head the other way blushing shyly. I looked up at Tre who stood there.

"What do you want?" I asked

"I got thirsty man."

"The fridge is waiting for you to grab something." I pointed

He nodded and grabbed a drink out of it. I watched as he stop midway out the kitchen.

"One more funny smart ass remark and I'll make you clean this whole house without help while I watch you eating some cake."

He sucked his teeth and walked out

Jordyn looked up at me and laughed

"Aww my baby can't get a kiss in." She pouted

"Oh you think this is some funny shit?" I crossed my arms

She shrugged "The faster you clean up, the quicker you can get whatever your want."

And with that she walked out

It's been a long day and it's about to be an even longer night.


kinda short chapter but the next one will be longer.

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