fall ~ damon salvatore

By emmylils

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Fallon is the older sister of Elena and Jeremy Gilbert, and she is a brand new lawyer in a very prestigious l... More

The Return
Brave New world
Bad Moon Rising
Memory Lane
Kill or be Killed
Plan B
The Sacrifice
By the Light of the Moon
Daddy Issues
Crying Wolf
The Dinner Party
The House Guest
Know Thy Enemy
The Last Dance

The Descent

896 32 6
By emmylils

a/n: posting this a bit early because of my exams tomorrow and friday :)

"SO EVERYTHING LOOKS AMAZING, THE INTERIOR IS COMING ALONG REALLY WELL." The contractor, Mark, explained to Fallon when she came to check up on the progress of her office.

"It looks beautiful so far." She smiles to Mark.

"Thanks." He nods. "However, there are some filing cabinets in the basement that weren't harmed by the fire that look pretty important." He informs and Fallon frowns.

"Really?" Fallon asks. She assumed everything had been destroyed but apparently not.

"Yeah. We weren't going to touch the basement anyways, because, well, it's a basement." He says and Fallon chuckles.

"Thanks for letting me know." She says and he nods before going over to his team.

Fallon then made her way downstairs to the basement where she kicked a few charred pieces of wood out of the way.

She could almost imagine where the Mayor was when he died. She shuddered at the thought before continuing forward.

Noticing that she didn't have a flashlight, she created a ball of magic and made it float in front of her as she walked.

She reached the side room and found the filing cabinets that Mark was talking about. She tried to open it but the drawer wouldn't budge. Yanking a few times, she realised that it was locked.

Twiddling her fingers, she let a small burst of magic hit the door and it flew open. Smirking in success, she started rifling through his old papers.

It was mainly just a bunch of stuff about old patients and some research he did back in the day.

She then stumbled upon a document that had her name on it. She picked it up and looked closely to see that it was her adoption certificate.

Smiling fondly, Fallon traced her fingers over her name and decided that she would be taking this home.

Once Fallon arrived home, she headed for the kitchen where Jenna was making a cup of coffee.

"Hey there." Jenna smiles at her and Fallon greets her with a hug.

"Guess what I found when I went to Dad's office today?" Fallon asked Jenna.

"What did you find?" Jenna asks her.

"Well I went there to check on how the renovations were going and the contractor said to me that there were some old filing cabinets in the basement." Fallon started explaining, accepting the mug Jenna was handing her as they made their way to the sofa.

"And then I found my adoption certificate." Fallon smiles and Jenna's face lights up.

"Oh really? I thought they lost that. Can I see?" She asks and Fallon hands her the sheet of paper.

As Jenna scans over it a small frown appears on her face.

"Huh. That's weird." She says.

Fallon leans over and looks to see what Jenna is looking at. "What's weird?" She asks.

"It's just that- well, it's only Miranda's name on the certificate. Surely it should have Grayson's as well?" Jenna asks and Fallon frowns.

"Yeah, you're right." She mutters and Jenna catches the worried look on her face.

"I'm sure it's nothing." Jenna says, trying to console Fallon.

"Right. Nothing." Fallon mumbles but she can't stop staring at her mother's name.

In a trance, Fallon takes her certificate and goes upstairs to try and do some more research into it. She enters her bedroom and is instantly met with the feeling that something is off.

Her magic came before her thinking, almost as if it was on auto-pilot, and her hands were raised defensively as she pinned the intruder to her wall.

She looked at the intruder and lowered her magic.


"Quick reflexes, I must say. Quite the show, Miss Gilbert." He praises and Fallon nods confusedly.

"Fallon, is fine." She tells him, making him smile politely to her. "What brings you here in my room in the middle of the day?" Fallon asks him.

"No reason in particular other than to just... get to know you." He replies with a charming smile, something that made Fallon feel slightly giddy.

"To get to know me? Really? Is that all you could come up with?" She asks him with a scoff. "If I had a dollar for every time a man has said that to me I'd be even richer than the president." Fallon scoffs and Elijah let's out an amused smile on his face.

"Well, more like scoping you out. You are Elena's family, after all." He mentions and Fallon narrows her eyes at him.

"Why does that matter?" She asks him, crossing her arms.

"Considering the deal she and I have, I thought it would be wise to familiarise myself with her loved ones. Especially someone who's as powerful as you." Elijah commends. Fallon frowns.

"What deal?" She asks him with a small shake of her head in confusion.

Elijah looked somewhat surprised by her question. "They deal in which she goes about her business as normal, and I'll keep her loved ones safe. I would've thought she'd have told you by now." Elijah elaborates and Fallon scoffs in disbelief.

Of course she's been kept out of the loop. Again.

"Well, Elena and I aren't really on speaking terms right now." Fallon sighs and Elijah frowns.

"So I take it you're no longer on the list of loved ones I have to protect, then?" He asks her. Fallon almost cowers away in fear but then catches the look of amusement in his eye.

"Was that a backhanded threat?" She asked with a half-smile.

Elijah gave her an amused look. "No, it most certainly was not." He answered comically. Fallon almost wanted to laugh but remembered who he was, and why he was here.

"Look, Elijah. I can tell you're an honourable and loyal man. So why don't you just do us both a favour and tell me the real reason you're here." Fallon said to him and he gave her a somber smile.

"I find myself rather... intrigued by you." He answered honestly.

"Intrigued how?" Fallon asks him curiously.

"You honour family above all else, something I strongly admire." Elijah admits and Fallon nods. "And because you're the Scarlet Witch, you possess abilities one could only dream of having, yet, you don't use them for ill-mannered reasons." At the sound of the name, Fallon's eyes widened. "Yes, I know all about the legend." He confirms.

"What-how?" She stumbles but he shushes her.

"Another time." Elijah says and Fallon swallows. She has so many questions. "I also find you alluring. As well as that, we have much in common." He tells her.

"I have so many things I want to say right now." Fallon mumbles and Elijah gives her a small smile.

"Well, I'm afraid it'll have to wait for now. Until next time, Fallon." He fixes his suit before leaving her room with a 'whoosh'.

Fallon kept her glance towards her window as her curtains blew in the wind, trying to comprehend the conversation she just had.

Elena had made a deal to keep everyone safe, yet she was on a suicide mission? And what was Elijah gaining by keeping her safe?

Yeah, no. Something didn't add up.

But yet again, her peace was disrupted when her phone flashed with Elena's name across the screen.

"What's up?" Fallon asks. Elena still hadn't apologised for what she said the other day, and Fallon was pretty hurt by it. Whenever she made Elena feel upset she was apologising the same hour, let alone the same day. It had been two days now and Elena had avoided her like the plague. So, to say Fallon was surprised that she was calling would be accurate.

"Rose is dying." Was what Elena said, and it was enough to make Fallon's heart drop.

"What?" Fallon asked weakly.

"Her werewolf bite didn't heal like you thought it had, and now it's infected." Elena explained over the phone and Fallon sat down on her bed, a hand covering her mouth.

"Fuck. Shit." She said and ran a hand through her hair in stress.

"Look, Fallon, I know you're still really upset with me right now, but she needs you. She needs us." Elena starts with a soft voice. "Come to the Boarding house, and we'll take care of her together." She suggests and Fallon swallows thickly.

"Yeah. Yeah, of course. I'll be right over." Fallon replies and hangs up. She shakes her head in dismay, angry at herself that she was so careless.

Not only was Rose a friend to her, she was Damon's friend as well, and he cared about her.

She was still annoyed them as well, but right now her feelings really didn't matter. Rose was dying and it was all her fault.

After a short drive to the Salvatore's, she exited the car and rushed towards the house as fast as she could. She made her way to the living room, where she saw no one, then to the parlour and again no one was there.

Suddenly she heard coughing and retching from upstairs. Being quick on her feet, Fallon followed the sound and found herself headed towards Damon's bedroom.

She walked in confused when she couldn't see anyone.

Slowly, Fallon approached the bed to see the sheets stained with blood.

"Fallon?" Elena asked from behind. Fallon turns around and she goes to reply but she see's a disturbingly pale Rose behind her, with a deadly look in her eyes.

Rose then pins Elena to the wall in a flash, holding her in a chokehold. Her veins burning under her eyes. "It's all your fault, Katerina." Rose says, distressed. "You, Katerina, you did this." She says and Fallon steps forward.

It's then she sees the gaping, infected wound on Rose's back. It had spread since last night when they thought it had healed.

"Rose! It's Elena." Fallon yelled as she stepped forward to intervene.

"You betrayed us!" Rose kept muttering loudly over and over. Fallon then used her magic to push Rose off of Elena, and onto the floor.

"I'm not Katherine!" Elena yells. Fallon. holds her close as she tries to catch her breath. Rose's face slowly becomes normal and a look of realisation dawns on her face.

"Elena?" Rose repeats weakly, standing from the floor. Elena replies with a nod as she tentatively steps forward.

"It's me, it's Elena." Elena says weakly. Fallon still wasn't sure if she liked the idea of Elena being here.

"Oh, my God, Elena. I'm so sorry." Rose says shakily and then she looks to Fallon. "Fallon, please, I had no idea." Rose pleads with her and Fallon nods.

"I know, I know." Fallon comforts as she places a hand on Rose's good shoulder.

"I don't know what's happening to me." Rose mutters and Fallon chews the inside of her lip, guilt knowing at her from the inside.

"It's okay, you're gonna be okay." Fallon comforts her as she leads her to the bed.

"My mind..." Rose trails off.

"It was only just for a second." Elena said to try and make her feel better.

"I'm sorry. Don't be scared of me." Rose said to her, allowing Fallon to lay her in the bed.

"I'm not." Said Elena. "I'm not but... you need to rest." Elena says, tucking Rose in.

"I'm scared." Rose admits and Fallon strokes her hair.

"It's, okay. You'll be okay, Rose." She whispers comfortingly. "I'm right here."

"Here? Where's here?" Rose asks, alarmed.

"Damon's bedroom. You're in Damon's bedroom." Elena replies calmly.

"I want to go home." Rose said tiredly, putting her head down on the pillows.

"Tell me about it." Fallon says with a small smile. She then looks to Elena and nods her head to the door. "I'll take it from here. I think it'll be safer if you go." She says and Elena nods.

"What are you going to do?" Elena asks her.

"Take her home." Fallon replies. Elena nods in realisation and smiles at the kind gesture.

As Fallon listens to the description, she grabs Rose's hand and uses her magic to get into her head. This time, she wasn't searching memories, she was creating a new one. A safe space from the hallucinations she was experiencing.

They sat in a sunny field, the sun shining down on them. Rose in her period-accurate attire, and Fallon in her modern clothing. There were horses scattered everywhere and flowers that sat at the edge where the forest was.

It was truly beautiful.

"I've always loved the sun. I loved the feeling of it soaking my skin." Rose said with a nostalgic smile as she closed her eyes and turned her face towards the sun.

"I know the feeling." Fallon replies with a smile.

"I don't know how I'm here, but whatever it is that you've done I want to thank you." Rose tells her gently.

"Please, don't thank me." Fallon shook her head remorsefully. "I'm the reason you're here in this mess, this is the least I could do." Fallon continued guiltily.

"Please, Fallon. How many times? I would rather it was me than you. I've lived for five hundred and sixty years, I'm ready to go." Rose smiled kindly but it didn't ease the guilt Fallon was feeling. It still didn't take away from the fact that she has indirectly ended someone's life. Someone that she cared about.

"And besides, I haven't been a great friend to you either." Rose continues. "I know you know I've been sleeping with Damon." Rose says with a raised brow.

"Right, that." Fallon says. She was hoping to avoid the awkward conversation.

"I know what you must think of me, but I assure you I had no intention of hurting you." Rose started to explain.

"I know that, but you still did." Fallon shrugged. "I don't care that you slept with him, you guys are adults and so am I. We're all mature enough to do what we want. It's just the principle of: I told you that I have some... growing affections for Damon in a non-platonic way, and you went ahead and slept with him. That's what upset me." Fallon explains and Rose nodded.

"You're right. And you have absolutely every right to be mad at me. But I just want you to know, that that's all it was. Sex. It meant nothing to either of us other than getting laid." Rose elaborated and surprisingly, it made Fallon feel slightly better. "It was a spur of the moment thing, and one thing led to another..." Rose trailed off.

"I get it, I really do." Fallon laughed slightly. "What also annoyed me, was that right before I left, Damon and I... We almost kissed." Fallon admitted. Rose smirked.

"He said you had a 'moment' if I recall." Rose tells her and Fallon scoffs.

"Yeah, it was. Because he ended it as quickly as it started. It's not the first time it's happened." Fallon said, picking at the grass below her. It felt so real.

"He does it to protect you, you know." Rose informs.

"Protect me from what?" Fallon asks confusedly.

"Himself." Rose replies. It only made Fallon more confused.

"Why on earth would he do that?" Fallon asks her.

"Because he believes he's too broken and damaged. He believes that he'll only end up doing the same to you, and he cares about you too much to do that." Rose informs her and Fallon let's her words sink in.

It wasn't because Damon didn't like her, it was because he was afraid that she would like him back. In case he couldn't protect her from himself.

"I understand that he might want to do that, and I get that it's far from turning into anything more than just liking each other, but don't you think that's up to me?" Fallon asks Rose. "Shouldn't that be something I decide? If I want to deal with his baggage?"

"I completely agree. It should be up to you." Rose nods thoughtfully. "But clearly whatever's made him this way, has affected him deeply. And he doesn't want you to have to deal with the consequences of it." Rose shrugs.

"I'm his best friend, of course I'll deal with the consequences! It's what makes him who he is, and that's the Damon I became friends with." Fallon exclaims frustratedly. "Oh, but, of course he's fine with Elena carrying the baggage." Fallon mumbles.

"To be honest with you, I've never understood that." Rose admits. "I have no idea how he's in love with her. Every time they're together it just feels... wrong. Forced, somehow." Rose says.

"In what way?" Fallon asks curiously.

"They just don't work together. She tries to make him change himself to meet her standards, and he tries to make her change her morals to meet his standards. It doesn't seem like real, true, love." Rose explains and Fallon nods.

"I can see why you'd think that." Fallon admits.

"I'm rooting for you two, you know." Rose smiles and Fallon returns it.

"Really?" Fallon asks dryly.

"Oh, yeah. I'm making it my dying wish that you two will end up together." Rose teases and Fallon laughs.

"If it happens, I'll make sure to give you credit." Fallon says.

"Thank you." Rose replies before turning more serious. "Don't give up, okay? Not on him, not on your relationship. Just don't give up. Promise me that." Rose asks and Fallon nods, tears forming in her eyes.

"I promise." Fallon says, giving her a sad smile.

Rose closes her eyes again and enjoys the sun once more. No matter how short of a time they knew each other, Fallon will miss this woman so much.

Leaving Rose by herself in her own mind, she left the secured new memory and went to find Elena.

She found her getting clean sheets for Rose.

"Here, I'll help." Fallon offers and gives Elena a small smile.

"Thanks, Fal." Elena smiles before swallowing. "Hey, um... I'm really, really, sorry." She then says.

Fallon turns to her in surprise and looks over Elena's guilty features.

"I shouldn't have said what I did. At all. You're right, I don't know what you went through, and I shouldn't of used it against you. You were only trying to save your little sister. If I were you, I would've done the same." Elena rambles and Fallon gives her an appreciative smile.

"Thank you, Elena. It means a lot that you've said that." Fallon nods. "I promise you, once we're done here I'll explain why I kept away." Fallon says with a squeeze to Elena's shoulder.

"That would be nice, thank you." Elena smiles before they head back upstairs to Rose.

When they re-entered Damon's bedroom, Rose wasn't anywhere to be found. Elena and Fallon glanced at each other nervously before heading back out and searching the house.

Elena went to check the basement and Fallon would check the upper level of the house.

Grabbing her phone, Fallon dialled Damon's number, and went straight to voicemail. "Hey, um, I'm really worried about Rose. She isn't getting any better and she keeps thinking Elena is Katherine and keeps attacking her, so it's not safe anymore. I think you should come back." Fallon says before ending the voicemail, hoping beyond hope that he comes back soon.

"Rose, no!" Elena screams and Fallon rushes to the living room. She sees Elena trying to coax Rose back into sanity.

It almost looked like it had worked but then Rose tackled Elena to the floor with an animalistic growl.

Thinking quickly on her feet Fallon ripped the curtain down to unleash the sunlight onto Rose.

She started screaming in agony when the sunlight burned her skin. Fallon grabbed Elena's hand and started sprinting towards the door when Rose tried to recover from the burns on her skin.

Elena reaches the door first and manages to get out before Rose comes from behind and slams Fallon into it, in turn shutting it closed, in a firm chokehold.

Fallon could hear Elena screaming and banging it from the other side but she was too focused on not being mauled to death by the vampire in front of her to respond.

Rose's bloody mouth came towards her neck but before it could make contact, Fallon used her magic to send her flying into a wall, where her infected shoulder pressed against it.

Screaming in pain, Rose collapsed to the floor and Fallon kept her magic gathered in her hands. Rose goes to lunge again only for Fallon to keep her in a hold against the wall with her magic.

"Elena, run! Get Damon, and go!" Fallon yells and she really wishes that Elena listened to her this one time. It seems like she had as it had gone quiet outside and there was no more banging on the door.

"Rose, I'm going to let you go. I'm not going to hurt you anymore unless you calm down." Fallon says, panting.

Rose still had the murderous look in her eyes but it calmed slightly.

She released Rose and let her down gently onto the floor.

It was then the veins reappeared that Fallon had realised her mistake.

Fallon ran for the parlour and raised her hands to put up a light red mist of a barrier to the room. It was quick and it made sure that Rose couldn't enter.

Rose starting snarling and banging on the barrier to be let in and Fallon couldn't sit by and watch. So, she shut the doors to the parlour and she poured herself a bourbon and nursed it until the sounds became quiet and distant.

Eventually there was silence. 

Fallon came back to find that Rose wasn't there, and the house was dead silent. Apprehensively, Fallon let down the barrier and opened the doors to hesitantly walk around.

When she approached the corridor, she saw that the door was wide open and it was now night time.

When she felt a presence behind her, she gathered her magic up in her hands and spun around to attack. When she saw that it was Damon, giving her a confused but concerned look, she let out a sigh of relief and dropped her magic.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

"I'm fine. Elena nearly wasn't." Fallon replies, putting a hand to her forehead.

"Where's Rose?" Damon asks her, looking around.

"Beats me, Damon." Fallon said frustratedly.

He gives her an exasperated look and a shake of the head.

"How could you have lost her?" Damon asks, raising his hands out to his side.

"Damon, she went rabid." Fallon muttered quietly. Damon looked at her with intensity, listening to her statement. "I mean it when I said that she nearly killed Elena. Did you get my voicemail?" Fallon asked him.

Damon shook his head and reached into his pocket for his phone. He clicked on her voicemail and heard Fallon's voice explaining the situation. After clicking the end button he looked to see Fallon clutching her shoulder, in discomfort.

"Is it hurting?" Damon asks, gesturing to her shoulder.

"A little, but I'll be fine." Fallon replies and Damon nods.

"We should find Rose." He says and Fallon nods.

As they drove, Damon got a call from the Sheriff. Apparently there was a vampire attack at the school.

"Damon, this can't go on for much longer." Fallon says quietly as he made his way to the school.

"I know." He replies, his grip on the wheel tightening.

"She's in pain. It has to end." Fallon continues, glancing to see Damon clenching his jaw.

"I know." He grits out through his teeth.

Once they made it to the school, Damon met up with the Sheriff, while Fallon looked around to see if she could spot Rose.

Eventually, Damon came back up to her and took her arm in his.

"Come on, this way." He said as he led them to the west side of the school.

The police were leading people into the school and the two walked past, keeping a sharp eye out for a manic vampire.

Eventually they heard screams coming from the parking lot, and they rushed to see Rose draining the life out of a young woman.

"Rose, stop!" Damon yelled as he rushed forward and tackled her off of the woman and to the ground.

While Damon was handling that, Fallon rushed over to the woman and started performing CPR.

Hoping to re-start her heart, Fallon sang the tune of 'Stayin' Alive' in her head, and applied the correct amount of pressure to the woman's chest, for she heard the breaking of ribs underneath her hands.

With a little help from her magic, she was able to stop the blood flowing from the woman's neck, but it was no use.

Fallon sat back on her heals and dropped her head down, disappointment flooding through her.

Three people dead in one night.

"Oh, make it stop. Please, make it stop. I hate it. Make it stop!" Fallon hears Rose sob loudly.

Wiping the tears off of her face, Fallon rushes over next to Damon and places a hand on her shoulder.

"I'll make it stop, I promise. Just as soon as we get you home." Fallon replies, the tears coming back.

Damon looks at her and she gives him a shake of the head, telling him that this was it. He had to put an end to Rose's suffering.

They made it back to the Salvatore house and Damon took her upstairs.

Fallon heard her screams and shouts of agony and decided that she couldn't stay away any longer.

She saw that Damon was behind her in the bed, hugging her close to his chest and trying to lull her to sleep.

"Who'd have thought you'd be a nice guy." Rose whispered weakly.

"Damon? Nice? We must live on different planets." Fallon remarked. Rose smiled weakly and Damon gave her a roll of his eyes. Fallon approached the bed and sat down gently at Rose's feet.

"You're my best friend, you're supposed to say the opposite about me." He mutters and Fallon smiles. "But she's right. I'm not nice. I'm mean, I like it." Damon admits and Fallon tilts her head.

"You lie." Rose replies quietly and Damon doesn't respond apart from telling her to sleep.

"I made a safe place in her mind for her to go to escape the pain. It's based on a place she told me about when she was human." Fallon said quietly to Damon who nodded, and understood what she meant.

Rose shouldn't be in pain for her last moments.

"Come on, I'll take you there." Fallon says and she holds her hand out for Damon to take. Damon grabs her hand and interlocks their fingers. She gives them a squeeze before shutting her eyes and using her magic once more to enter Rose's mind.

Fallon, Damon and Rose end up sitting on the hill that they were sitting on before, and Fallon smiled at the beautiful place.

"Thank you, Fallon. I do love it here, I always have." Rose sighs in contentment. She looked much better here than she did in real life.

"Anytime." Fallon replies to her with a smile. "I'll
leave you two at it." She then says.

"Remember what I told you, Fallon." Rose said to her, meaningfully gazing into her eyes.

"I will. I promise." Fallon repeats and Rose gives her a smile. "I'll see you soon." Fallon whispers before bringing herself out of Rose's mind where she meets the gaze of Damon.

He mouths a 'thank you' and reached for something on the bedside table. A stake.

Heart clenching at the sight, Fallon stood up and walked away. She didn't want to be there when Damon drove the stake through her heart.

She only stood outside his room, still listening to make sure that if Damon needed her then she was.

After a few minutes, she heard a grunt from Rose and it was over.

Tears streamed down Fallon's face and she couldn't hold it back.

Turning the corner, she saw Damon in the same state, hiding behind Rose's hair.

Stepping forward, he heard her footsteps and saw a distraught Fallon coming towards him. He gently placed a desicated Rose on the bed and stood up to meet Fallon's hug.

They hugged tightly, letting each other's presence soothe the other. They had lost a friend tonight.

"I'm so sorry, Damon." Fallon whispered into his neck.

"Why?" He asked into her hair, her scent calming him every time he inhaled. He almost expected her to say that it was because he had cared about Rose, and that it must've been painful for him.

"If it wasn't for me, Jules wouldn't have come to the house and attacked us. It was supposed to be me." Fallon choked out and Damon shushed her, stroking her hair.

"Don't blame yourself, okay? Don't you dare blame this on you." He said thickly.

"But it's my fault." Fallon sobbed. Damon closed his eyes and just held her tighter.

"You couldn't have known that Jules would've attacked you in my living room, Fallon." Damon whispered.

Fallon only nodded weakly and tightened her arms around his neck.

Eventually they stepped away and Damon looked over her face. Her tear-stained cheeks and bloodshot green eyes made her somewhat even more beautiful. He wiped her tears and swallowed thickly.

Fallon knew that he cared for Rose. He didn't need to say it, but she knew. And he knew she knew, that's why he wasn't running away from it. He didn't have to admit it out loud, because the second he admits that he cared, he becomes vulnerable and he gets scared and he runs away from it.

So, Fallon didn't say anything. She just moved the hair out of his eyes gently and turned to walk away.

Damon needed to be alone for a while, he needed space and Fallon would give him that space.

She drove home, and made sure she looked semi-decent before walking through the front door.

Elena and Stefan soon appeared and saw Fallon's disheveled state and instantly knew that it wasn't good.

"Rose?" Stefan asked and Fallon shook her head, not letting the tears escape her eyes.

"Fallon..." Elena said sympathetically but Fallon shook her head.

"Please, don't. I don't want pity." Fallon trembled.

Elena nodded but the concerned look didn't leave her face. "Stefan called Isobel today." Elena said, changing the subject.

"Did you? Is she here?" Fallon asked, now intrigued by the topic.

"Not exactly. Come on." Elena said, holding her hand out for Fallon to take.

Fallon took her hand and led her to the kitchen where their guest was.

"John." Fallon said in surprise. John looked up and smiled at her.

"Fallon. Wow, you've grown so much." He said as he looked her over.

"How are your fingers?" She asks him dryly. He chuckles.

"They're fine." He said, wiggling them.

Fallon didn't know what else to say and so they stood there in an awkward silence. Eventually, Fallon just wanted to go to bed so she bid her goodnight's to everyone and headed up the stairs.

It was then she was met with the tall figure of Damon, standing in the moonlight. He turned around at her presence and she froze in shock at his face before a sad then came across hers.

His mouth was bloody, and his eyes bloodshot. He's been feeding on people in retaliation. Looking at him with soft eyes, she took his hand and led him to her bathroom where she flipped on the switch and sat him down on the toilet seat.

Fallon grabbed a face cloth and soaked it in warm water before wringing it out and bringing it to his face.

His eyes held no emotion, yet every emotion at the same time. He stared blankly at her figure as she gently wiped away the blood surrounding his mouth.

It was only when she bent down to finish getting the blood on his lips off, did he really look at her.

The freckles that were painted across her face, looking delicate in the light. Her soft skin, with laughter lines around her eyes.

She looked unbearably human. And he envied her for it.

His blue eyes kept searching her face and Fallon held his chin gently, holding him in the same place so that she could easily wipe the blood away.

Once she was done, she washed the cloth out and left it in her sink.

"I didn't want to do it." Damon finally said when they were laying in bed, facing each other.

The darkness spread over them, their faces close to one another but not too close. The only source of light was the moon shining through Fallon's curtains, highlighting certain high points on their faces.

"I don't believe you did." Fallon answers him. "But why? What good does it do?" She whispers.

Damon takes a second before answering. "It's a way of reminding myself that I'm not good. That I am a monster. That I'm not human." He whispers. Fallon knew he wanted to say more so she kept quiet. "I don't want to be anything that I'm not. I can't be the person everyone expects me to be." He answers.

"By everyone, you mean Elena?" Fallon asks. Damon nods. "Why does it matter to you so much, what she thinks of you?" Fallon asks him.

"Because I want her to love me. To see that, I'm as good as Stefan, that I'm a good choice to make." He  says, shifting slightly so that he could see her better.

"But don't you think she should love you for who you are? Damon, it's killing you. You're trying too hard to be someone you're not. I can see that it's driving you insane." Fallon tells him.

"But it's all I have left." Damon says. At this, Fallon could feel her heart breaking.

"That's not true." Fallon says. "You have me."

Damon presses his lips together and dwells on her statement. It's true, he did have her. She's been there for him through everything, ever since she came back to town. She never expected him to change, or to be better. She accepted him for who he was, and nothing more, nothing less. Fallon never judged him for his impulses, or his outbursts like tonight. To him, she was enough.

"You're right. I do." He eventually says.

"And you deserve to be loved by someone who can see how amazing you are. Just by being yourself. You don't need Elena to prove that." Fallon says, hoping he'll take it to heart.

And he did.

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