Soundwave X Cybertronian

By SilverJetPrime

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This is a story that is a working progress. It may not be sudden for me to update it. This is my first time d... More

Please Vote Or Comment Which Photo Is Better To Represent And Describe Snowfall
Characters In My Story
This Page Goes With The First Page Of Characters In My Story
Confessing Feelings To Soundwave
Remembering The Memories Of The Good And The Bad
Somewhere To Get Away And To Relax
Megatron Gets Sick
Being In Charge For Today
Her Sire Discovers And He Finds Out The Truth
Her Sire Isn't Going To Let Starscream Get Away With It
She Tells Her Sire That He Needs To Learn On How To Control His Temper
She Finds Out That She Is Sparked
Spending Time Alone With Sire By Meditating But Something Unexpected Happens
Trying To Find Ways To Protect Snowfall From Unicron: Part 1
Megatron Gets An Unexpected Visit From His Ex-Lover: Part 3
Hoping And Waiting For Any Signs Of A Miracle: Part 4
Still No Signs Of A Miracle: Part 5
Soundwave Finally Comes Around: Part 6
He Tries To Forget His Ex-Lover But He Can't & Ravage Is Discovered To Be Alive
Soundwave Gets Something Back That He Thought Was Lost And Gone Forever
Megatron's Ex-Lover Doesn't Know When To Stop
Snowfall Notices & Discovers That This Megatron Isn't Her Adopted Sire Megatron.
The Past Returns And Never Goes Away From Knockout's And Snowfall's Family
One Month Later: Snowfall & Soundwave's Sparkling Is Close To Full Development

Rescuing Snowfall And Soundwave From Unicron: Part 2

20 1 0
By SilverJetPrime

Sideways walked and he made sure that, Snowfall was ready. He looked and he noticed that she wasn't cooperating with him. And this angered him. Because his master wants him to make sure that she cooperates fully. But she wasn't.

Sideways growled. "Just cooperate with what I am doing." He asked her.

She immediately spat at him. "No. I will not." She said to Sideways. She looked and she saw her sparkmate walking in but he was still being controlled by Unicron.

Soundwave turned and he looked at Sideways. He ushered him to leave. Sideways immediately left. Soundwave walked over and he stood. He purred constantly. He went and he gently caressed the side of Snowfall's left cheek. Snowfall whimpered. She wanted her Soundy back.

"Soundy. Please fight him. This isn't you my love." She says to him. Telling him to fight this.

He went and he whispered into her receptors. "He may hear you but he can't help you, my dear." He says while whispering in her receptors.

Snowfall then remembered something. Something that her and her sparkmate talked to each other about. It was a word. Like a code if they were in trouble.


"I love you, Soundy." Snowfall says.

He chuckles.

"I love you too, Snowfall." He replies back.

"Soundy. If we are ever in trouble, what word or what code should we say or use." She asks him.

He went and he bent down and he whispered in her receptors.

"Just say the word sun." He says and replies back to her.

"Why the word sun." She asks him.

"Because I just love the word. But not only that you are brighter than the sun my dear." He says to her.

She smiles. "Soundy." She replied back. Soon they went and they kissed each other. Soon the Flashback and the vision ended.

Flashback/Vision Ends:

Snowfall stopped and she looked at her sparkmate. She then yelled and she shouted and she said the word and the secret code word.

"SUN!" She yelled and shouted.

Soon Soundwave immediately went down. He groaned in pain. Soon he slowly stood up.

"Soundy." She said to her sparkmate. Hoping she got through to him. Which she did. He immediately turned and he saw his sparkmate being held by chains. He quickly ran over.

"Sweet spark." He says.

Snowfall had tears. Both her and Soundwave nuzzled their helms against each other. Soundwave lifted his visor up and he kissed her. They both shared their romantic kiss that they had missed. Soon they backed away.

"Let's get out of here." He said to his sparkmate. He went and he unhooked the chains.

She immediately went down but Soundwave caught her. He went and he immediately ran. Snowfall turned and she saw Sideways running and chasing after them.

"Soundy. It's Sideways. He works for Unicron." She says to him. She then felt Unicron trying to control her. She groaned.

"Sweet spark. Don't let him get to you." He says to her. Saying to her to not let him get to her.

Soundwave ran until he stopped and he realized that it was a dead end. He immediately ran but soon he backed up. He saw Sideways and the army behind him. Closing in on him and his sparkmate. Snowfall held tight on her sparkmate.

Soundwave was scared about his safety and his mate's safety and his unborn sparkling safety. He slowly backed up but soon he heard a voice coming through his com link. It was Vehicons corresponding with their master. With their master corresponding back to them.

"Master. There's no way in. We tried everything." The voice of the Vehicon said to his master through the com link.

"Try everything. Give everything you got. We are not stopping until we get my daughter back and Soundwave back. Do you understand and is that clear?" Megatron's voice said and replied back to the Vehicon giving full authority through the com link.

"Yes, my Lord." The voice of the Vehicon said and replied back to his master through the com link.

Soundwave went and he immediately used his com link that was located on the side of his helm. He then went and he pressed it with his digits. He then tried to communicate with his master. Hoping that it will work. Because this looks like the only option and the only way to get help.

"Master. Lord Megatron. Please if you can hear me. Just say yes or I can hear you." He says to his master. Hoping he got through to his master through the com link. Which he did. He heard him.

"Yes. I can hear you." He replied back to the voice through the com link. "Wait. Soundwave. Is that you?" He asked him through the com link.

"Yes. It is, master. Master. Where are you? I am going to send a bridge to your location and both Snowfall and I will come out." He said to his master through the com link.

"Right. I am sending you the location and the coordinates to you right now, Soundwave." He said and replied back to Soundwave through the com link.

Soon Soundwave got the coordinates and the location. Soundwave had no choice but to use the bridge. He knew that it wasn't good for his unborn sparkling. But he thinks that it may not hurt or harm the child because the child isn't developed yet. He immediately opened a bridge. Snowfall immediately held tight. Soundwave immediately turned and he ran.

Sideways immediately threw his blade which was almost shaped like an ax and it went through the bridge.

Megatron waited until he saw a bridge opening. He then saw Soundwave run out of the bridge holding and carrying Snowfall. Megatron immediately ran over and he took his daughter and he immediately hugged her. Snowfall hugged her sire until both her and her sire heard someone gasp.


They turned and they were shocked at what they were seeing. Soundwave had a blade go right through his back and straight into his chest.

"SOUNDY!!!!" She yelled and shouted. Shocked that she saw a blade right through her mate's back and chest.

He slowly looked down and he saw a blade had gone through his back and straight into his chest. He looked up at his master and he looked at his sparkmate. He immediately collapsed. Megatron quickly sat Snowfall down. He immediately ran over to Soundwave. He slowly lifted Soundwave up. He slowly lifted his visor up and he saw his optics were dimming.

"We need to get back to the ship, sire." She said to her sire.

"Yes, I know." He replied back to his daughter.

"I... will... use... a... bridge." He said to Snowfall and to his master in a weak voice

"No, Soundwave. You are too weak." Megatron said to Soundwave.

Soundwave really didn't care; he was more worried about everyone's safety. He went and he used a bridge. He used every amount of energy that he had. Everyone immediately ran through. Soon the bridge closed. They finally got back on the ship. Megatron quickly ran to the med bay.

Snowfall walked but she collapsed onto her knees. One of her guards walked over and they lifted her up and they carried her to her mate's room. They walked and they approached the doors. The doors slid open. They walked inside and they laid her down. She then fell into a recharge. The guard walked over and sat down on the chair that was next to Soundwave's desk. He sat there until his master showed up.

Knockout went and he quickly set everything up. Soundwave's breathing was short and he was wheezing. He tried staying online. But he was losing so much energon that it was causing his systems to malfunction. Knockout went and he hooked up some cables. He looked and he saw Soundwave almost slowly going out. He then heard a weak voice.

"I... love... you... Snow... Fall." He said in a weak voice before his systems had shut down on him. Soundwave sighs last breath. Soon his systems immediately shut down. Soundwave's optics went dark and he immediately went down.

"SOUNDWAVE!" Knockout yelled.

Knockout immediately went straight to work. He went and he repaired the hole that was damaged by the blade. Knockout started sweating and everything but he had to save Soundwave. He was his sister's sparkmate. He was everything that she had.

Skip To 1 Hour:

Knockout was working and it had been about an hour or so. He looked and saw he still needed to fix and mend Soundwave. He then felt a servo. He turned and he saw his master.

"Knockout. Tell me what to do. And I will help you." He said to Knockout. He is also my daughter's sparkmate and your sister's sparkmate. I don't want her to lose him. He's everything that she has." He said and explained to Knockout.

Knockout nodded. Soon both Knockout and Lord Megatron were mending and fixing and working on Soundwave.

Skip To 3 Hours:

Finally after 3 hours. Soundwave was fixed up and he was mended. Megatron walked over and he patted Knockout's left shoulder.

"Well, done Knockout." Megatron said. Telling Knockout he did an excellent job of saving Soundwave and repairing and fixing him.

Knockout almost blushed but he didn't.

"Thank you master. I am glad that we got him in stable condition because I actually did lose him. So I am glad he is in stable condition." He replied back to his master. "But I can't take all the credit. You also helped me out. So the credit also goes to you." He said to his master. "If you can, master. You can tell Snowfall that Soundwave is going to be okay. I need to stay here and watch his vitals. It's going to be a while until he comes around." He said and explained to his master.

Megatron nodded. He then left heading to Soundwave's room to tell his daughter about the condition on Soundwave.

Snowfall was sleeping and she was in a deep charge. The guard made sure that she got energon. Which she was thankful for. The guard looked at some things on his pad until he heard the doors open to the room. He looked up and he saw his master.

"Sir. She's in a deep recharge. But I have been making sure that she is getting energon that she needs to stay online." He said and explained to his master.

Megatron nodded. "Thank you." He said and replied back to the guard.

He made a hand gesture and the guard immediately walked out and left. Megatron walked over and he sat down. He looked and he saw his daughter sleeping almost peacefully. He reached for his pad and he looked at some things until he heard something. He looked and he saw his daughter slowly waking up.

She reached over with her servo out. Megatron turned. He reached for the cube and he handed the cube to her. She went and she drank it.

"Thank you." She said to the guard. Not knowing that the person who handed her the cube was her sire.

"You're welcome, my child." Megatron replied back.

Snowfall turned and she saw her sire. She slowly got up and she walked over to him. Megatron reached out and he sat her down on his lap cradling her.

"Sire. How is Soundwave?" She asked him, wanting to know the condition of her sparkmate.

"He's in stable condition for right now, my child. But your brother said that it will take some time for him to come around." He said and replied back to his daughter.

She nodded. But she felt like her sire wasn't telling her what he knew. And he didn't want to tell her. But she wanted to know.

"Sire. What are you not telling me?" She asked him.

Megatron sighs.

"Knockout actually did lose him. But he got him back and he's in a stable condition as of right now." He said and explained to his daughter. "I also stepped in to help your brother. Because I couldn't let you lose Soundwave." He said to his daughter.

She was thankful that her sparkmate was going to be okay. But not okay until he wakes up and until he comes around.

"Sire. I want to be in the med bay with Soundwave. And don't stop me. I want to be near him." She said to her sire.

Megatron got up and he walked with his daughter. They walked and they approached the doors to the med bay. They opened. Snowfall looked and she saw her sparkmate lying on the med berth hooked up to cables and a cable to help him breathe. Megatron slowly helped her walk in. Snowfall got a chair and she sat next to the med berth that her mate was lying on. Megatron kissed her on the top of her helm.

"Let me know if you need anything." He says to her.

"I will. I love you, sire." She replies back to him.

He smiled.

"I love you too, my child." He replied back to his daughter.

He then walked off. Letting her be alone with her sparkmate Soundwave. She immediately let out all her emotions. Tears of lubricants kept pouring out of her right optic. She immediately had her helm down.

Knockout walked in and he saw his sister. He immediately had tears. Snowfall heard something she turned and she saw her brother. She immediately got up and she ran to her brother. Knockout immediately embraced his sister.

"Thank you, bro." She said to her brother. Telling him thank you for saving Soundwave and her Sparkmates life

Knockout chuckled.

"Bro I thought you usually say my nickname. Like Knockey." He says and asks her.

She giggled.

"I just switched it up a little." She replied back to her brother. She turned and she looked at her sparkmate.

"Sis. He's going to pull through. I know Soundwave. But he will pull through to you and to his unborn sparkling." He said to his sister.

"I know." She replied back to her brother. She walked over and she climbed on the med berth and she laid down.

Knockout walked over to his sister.

"Just get some rest sis. It's late." He said to his sister.

She nodded. She watched her brother walk off to his room.

She looked at her sparkmate. "Pull through, my love. I need you and our unborn sparkling needs you. I love you, Soundy. Night my handsome mech." She says and whispers to him. Hoping that he heard. Which she doubts that he did. Which he sorta did. She closed her eyes and soon she fell into a deep recharge.

Words: 2,468

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