
By AKidFromNeverland

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"So you like good guys, huh?", Damiano asked when I felt his hand on my knee and my brain froze for a split s... More



587 10 3
By AKidFromNeverland

Damiano's POV

  I woke up with a hammering headache and groaned. I got wasted the night before. All because of my stupid pride. It didn't allow me to call Bianca and say I'm sorry. Jealousy took the best of me. Lorenzo De Luca was once my friend but then he stabbed me in the back and turned against me. He stole a girl I liked. She and I were close although we never made it official. I was falling for her when it happened. One day she simply said she got feelings for someone else and left my life. Later I saw her with Lorenzo. I was heartbroken to see one of my best friends stealing my lover away. We used to hang out daily, all three of us. And then they betrayed me. I was so hurt that I couldn't write any song for a good while. I was in bad shape. De Luca called me a hundred times but I never returned the call. Later I heard they'd broken up but it meant nothing to me. And when Bianca told me about working with him my heart dropped. The flashbacks almost blinded me and a huge wave of anxiety washed over me. Ever since, I could not be still, or sleep well, especially since I was so far away from her. I thought the history would repeat itself and every article about Lorenzo and Bianca was like a punch in the nuts. I couldn't make myself tell her these things. And I knew she would be hurt if she ever found out for not telling her. She would think I don't trust her. It's not that. This was just a part of my life that I had buried deep inside to the point when I thought I forgot about it completely. That was until he showed up again.

  I tried to sit up as my headache worsened. When I looked beside me, my heart sank. A half-naked girl lay next to me. What have I done? I tried to remember if anything happened. I found out I was completely naked and quickly covered myself. I saw lipstick stains over my chest. Then I remembered! Bianca called me and I was wasted! Did she see anything? I recalled that the girl took my phone as she climbed on top of me and that's when Bianca hung up.
  I tried to wake the girl up and she groaned. Slowly, she opened her eyes and smiled but I didn't smile back. I was terrified.

"Well, good morning handsome!", she said leaning in to kiss me and I immediately backed up.

"What's wrong?", she said.

"Get out.", I said.


"Get the fuck out of here!", I raised my voice.

"Dami, hun, are you okay? Last night you were-", she was confused.

"I SAID GET OUT, NOW!", I screamed at her. I knew I would regret it later but I was furious with myself. This girl did not deserve it.

"You're such a dickhead and I bet you're the worst in bed!", she said furiously as she was picking up her stuff from the floor.

"What?", I said confused.

"You heard me!"

"So we did not have sex?", I asked now calm.

"You were so wasted that you passed out immediately after that girl called you. I'm not into necrophilia.", she said heading towards the door.

"Hey, look, I'm sorry for screaming at you. This was a terrible mistake. I should have never brought you here.", I said feeling guilty.

"So I'm not good enough for you now?", she was offended.

"I love someone else. And I love her more than anything else. That's the point.", I explained.

"Then you shouldn't go and sleep with strangers while she's alone.", she said closing the door behind her.

  I was sure Bianca knew everything. I tried to call her but she blocked my number. That's when I knew she heard everything. I screwed up a big time and I did not know how to fix it. I did not know what came over me the night before. Why did I take that girl to my room? I couldn't remember a thing and it drove me crazy. I begged Ethan, Victoria, and Thomas to call her but they were all angry with me.

"Come on Vic, please. You don't get it! I did nothing! I didn't sleep with that girl.", I spoke as I followed Victoria all around her room.

"Damiano, I do not care. You did a terrible thing last night! We were terrified!", she said.

"Was it that terrible? I can't remember a thing!", I said.

"Of course, you don't! You fucking idiot! You were high!", she yelled.

"What?", I said surprised.

"We were in a club and you were wasted as fuck when some guy offered you some white powder. We tried to stop you but it was too late and you just pushed us away when we approached you so we could take you home. We couldn't believe our eyes. We never did drugs, Damiano! You went too far this time.", she said with tears in her eyes and I hugged her tight. By this time she was sobbing.

"I am so sorry, Vic! I am so, so sorry!", I said kissing her head.

"It's dangerous, Dam! You know we were always against it! I was so scared! I love you!", she mumbled into my chest.

"I love you, too! Please, forgive me! It won't happen again!", I said hugging her tighter.

"Promise?", she looked me in the eyes while a tear rolled down her left cheek.

"I promise!", I said hugging her again.

"Good.", she whispered.

We pulled away and sat on her bed.

"I screwed up with Bianca. I screwed up completely. I don't know if I could ever fix it.", I admitted.

"You did. I don't know if she'll wanna speak to you right now. After all, you did bring another girl in your bed. Even though you did not fuck her, you had an intention of it. It's the same.", she said.

"How? We did nothing!", I tried to defend myself.

"Damiano, you were making out and your body was covered in her lipstick.", she pointed out.

  I knew she was right but I couldn't even bare the thought of losing Bianca.

"Help me!", I said desperately.

"I will call her now, but if she doesn't wanna talk I will not pressure her.", she said seriously.

"Okay.", I agreed.

  She called her and Bianca hadn't been answering for a long while. Then suddenly, her face appeared on the screen and I moved from the sight.

"Hey, girl! How are you?", Vic greeted her trying to sound cheerful.

"Hey, Vic! I'm amazing!", she said but Vic and I just looked at each other knowing she was lying. I could hear her voice trembling.

"Cool!", Vic said.

"What happened? Were you crying, Victoria?", she asked.

"I'm just tired. That's all! Hey, Damiano told me what happened and I wondered if you wanted to talk to him?", she said carefully as if she was scared she might anger Bianca.

"No. I can't. I am sorry, but it has gone too far.", she said and with every word, her voice lowered in volume. She was about to break.

"Understandable baby! He doesn't deserve it anyway but he thought he could explain it. He did not sleep with that girl.", Victoria said.

"Huh? How is that any different? He was about to!", Bianca said, her voice cracking.

"I told him the same thing.", Vic agreed with her.

"Look, tell him it's over. I do not have the strength to talk to him about it and I just want him out of my life. I decided to break our contract. Starting this Monday, I will no longer work for you. I'm sorry but I cannot see him, and I can't see you guys either at least for some time. I hope you'll understand.", she spoke quickly as if to stop herself from bursting out in tears.

"Okay.", it was the only thing Vic could say.

  They hung up and Victoria looked at me with a pale face.

"You broke her, you motherfucker!", she said with a tearful look in her eyes.

"Stop it! Stop saying that Victoria!", I yelled.

"You are my best friend, but you deserve this.", she continued and I became hysterical.

"STOP!", I screamed at the top of my lungs running out of her room.

  I left the hotel and got to one of our cars. I was breathing heavily, and I was so goddamn mad at myself. I started slapping myself and pulling my hair violently. Then I punched the steering wheel and finally drove away. I drove until I was out of the town we were having a show in. I found myself in the middle of nowhere and my vision became blurry because of the tears so I pulled over. I got out of the car and walked a bit into a dusty nothingness. Then I started screaming so loud that I thought my voice was going to disappear forever. After an hour I sat back into the car and drove back to the city where I found the nearest bar and got wasted again. I woke up in my room to Thomas slapping me and Ethan splashing me with water.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!", Victoria yelled, her voice hurting my brain.

"The show starts in an hour, bro! You are wasted as shit!", Ethan said trying to suppress his anger. Ethan always knew when to be gentle even when I was guilty.

"How are you going to sing in this state?", Thomas asked frustrated.

I tried to speak but my voice was gone. Completely gone.

"Damiano, you can't speak!", Victoria said in a worried tone.

"What are we going to do?", Thomas said.

"Oh, my God what happened to your face? It's bruised!", Vic noticed.

  Then they told Francesca everything about my condition and decided to call that night's show off. After seeing a doctor I found out I wouldn't be able to sing the whole week after this. So they canceled all the shows we had coming that week. I felt so much guilt about it and it only piled up to the guilt I felt about Bianca so I spent the whole week in my bed. And I still drank.

"Damiano, are you going to fucking kill yourself? Would you like to ruin your career and your life?", Victoria said after barging into my room on one of those days.

"Shut up!", I said standing up, my throat still a bit sore.

"You need to get your shit together, Dam! It's not the end of the world! Try to forgive yourself.", she said.

"Why does it matter when she won't?", I said almost stumbling.

"You have to move on! Collect yourself if you still wanna have a job and fans!", she said seriously.

"Stop saying that! I don't wanna move on! I love her! I love Bianca more than anything, more than the music itself! You don't get it! It's all my fault!", I yelled falling onto my knees and hugging her legs. She hugged my back.

"Shh! It'll be okay! You're gonna get through this!", she whispered.

"It hurts!", I said starting to cry, to sob like a baby. I felt helpless like I was the smallest thing in the world. I hated that feeling. All my masculinity was gone as I was wrapping my arms tighter around my best friend's legs and as she soothed me. I cried, and I cried, and I cried until I couldn't cry anymore.

Hello everyone,

  I hope you enjoyed this part from Damiano's point of view. We haven't heard his thoughts in a while. Thank you all for reading this story and voting for it!

P. S. Thanks for 9k reads! <333

A Kid From Neverland

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