Soundwave X Cybertronian

By SilverJetPrime

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This is a story that is a working progress. It may not be sudden for me to update it. This is my first time d... More

Please Vote Or Comment Which Photo Is Better To Represent And Describe Snowfall
Characters In My Story
This Page Goes With The First Page Of Characters In My Story
Confessing Feelings To Soundwave
Remembering The Memories Of The Good And The Bad
Somewhere To Get Away And To Relax
Megatron Gets Sick
Being In Charge For Today
Her Sire Discovers And He Finds Out The Truth
She Tells Her Sire That He Needs To Learn On How To Control His Temper
She Finds Out That She Is Sparked
Spending Time Alone With Sire By Meditating But Something Unexpected Happens
Trying To Find Ways To Protect Snowfall From Unicron: Part 1
Rescuing Snowfall And Soundwave From Unicron: Part 2
Megatron Gets An Unexpected Visit From His Ex-Lover: Part 3
Hoping And Waiting For Any Signs Of A Miracle: Part 4
Still No Signs Of A Miracle: Part 5
Soundwave Finally Comes Around: Part 6
He Tries To Forget His Ex-Lover But He Can't & Ravage Is Discovered To Be Alive
Soundwave Gets Something Back That He Thought Was Lost And Gone Forever
Megatron's Ex-Lover Doesn't Know When To Stop
Snowfall Notices & Discovers That This Megatron Isn't Her Adopted Sire Megatron.
The Past Returns And Never Goes Away From Knockout's And Snowfall's Family
One Month Later: Snowfall & Soundwave's Sparkling Is Close To Full Development

Her Sire Isn't Going To Let Starscream Get Away With It

31 1 0
By SilverJetPrime

Megatron walked heading towards the torture chamber. He cracked his knuckles waiting to punch the seeker. He wanted to do some damage to that seeker after what he did to his daughter. Megatron wasn't going to let this one slide. He approached the doors that led to the torture chamber. The doors slid open. He looked and he saw Starscream still unconscious. Megatron walked inside and he pulled out a chair and he sat down waiting for the seeker to awake and to come around.

Starscream was slowly starting to come around. He groaned which caught the attention of the warlord.

Megatron quickly looked and he saw Starscream coming around. He got up and he walked over. He waited until he opened his optics.

Starscream slowly opened his optics. He groaned in agony. But he slowly looked up and he saw his master. Starscream immediately yelped. He quickly got up but Megatron grabbed him before he got the chance to run.

Megatron went and he punched Starscream in his stomach and in his tanks. Starscream immediately groaned. Starscream went and he accidentally kicked his master in the groin.

Megatron immediately went down cupping his groin. He looked and saw Starscream running but he shot Starscream with his fusion cannon hitting him directly in the back.

"AARGH!!!!" Starscream said, yelling and groaning in pain.

Steve, and Peter were walking in the halls when they saw Starscream groaning in pain. Soon they saw their master walking out of the torture chamber. They saw their master slowly walking over to Starscream and they saw him lifting Starscream up.

Megatron turned and he saw Steve and Peter. "LEAVE!!!!" He yelled and shouted. Both Steve and Peter left.

Soon before anyone and everyone knew it. Both Megatron and Starscream were both fighting in the halls. Starscream went and he shot his missiles directly towards his master. Which was a huge and big mistake. Megatron immediately moved out of the way and the shot missed him. Megatron quickly drew his blade out. He immediately charged after Starscream.

Starscream immediately ran for his life. He was running. He was slowly losing energon. He kept running. He even heard his master yelling and shouting.

"GET BACK HERE STARSCREAM!!!!" Megatron's voice boomed yelling and shouting to Starscream.

Megatron ran looking in every corner. He didn't even see the seeker. "WHERE ARE YOU?! YOU STUPID SEEKER!" Megatron said and yelled out loud. Megatron walked and he finally found Starscream. Limping and losing energon. He walked over to Starscream.

Starscream slowly turned and he saw his master. Soon he was lifted up in the air. Choking and gasping for air.

Megatron went and he dug his claws and talons into the seekers neck. He then pulled Starscream closer and he whispered in his receptors in a deadly tone.

"Don't think I will let this slide." He said and whispered in the seekers receptors while chuckling evilly. He went and pulled Starscream's wings off. Starscream immediately yelled in pain.

"MY LIEGE!!!! PLEASE STOP!!!! I'M BEGGING YOU!!!!" He said to his master. Begging for him to stop. But he realized that he wasn't stopping. He kept going on like a crazy lunatic.

Knockout was walking in the halls. He looked up and he saw his master going crazy on Starscream because of what he did to Snowfall. He quickly ran over and he took his master off of Starscream.

"Master. Stop. I think he's had enough. I think he's already learned his lesson." He said to his master. Telling him to stop.

"No. Not after what he did to your sister. And to my daughter." He said to Knockout. He immediately went straight towards Starscream.

Starscream immediately covered his face and he ducked. Knockout had no choice but he had to do it. He immediately grabbed and he took out his staff pod and he immediately shocked his master with his staff.

Megatron immediately went down. He slowly went unconscious after what Knockout did. Starscream looked up and he saw his master was lying on the floor unconscious.

"T... Thank you, Knockout." He said to Knockout. Telling him thank you for saving his life.

Knockout looked at him. "Don't thank me. Be glad I showed up on time before he killed you. But I won't forgive after what you did to my sister. But help me lift up our master. I need to take him to the med bay. And once we are done. Just head to your room and I will work on your injuries." He said and explained to Starscream.

Starscream nodded. They both went and they lifted up their master. They both started walking to the med bay. They approached the doors to the med bay. They slid open. They walked in and they laid their master down on the med berth. Starscream immediately left heading to his room. Knockout got his stuff and he walked off heading to Starscream's room.

Starscream laid on his berth in an excruciating amount of pain. He soon heard his doors open to his room. He slowly looked and he saw Knockout. Knockout walked over and he started working on Starscream.

"I really did learn my lesson by not messing with your sister. Or my master's daughter." He said to Knockout.

Knockout looked at him. "Yes. I hope you did. I mean I have seen him act like that before. But it's been eons since I haven't seen him act like that." He said and explained to Starscream.

Starscream then thought of something. "Then how come I don't remember him losing his temper like that before, Knockout." He asked him.

"It's probably because you blocked out that memory by not remembering it when he lost his temper on you." He said and explained to Starscream.

"Well it's weird that I don't remember." He said to Knockout. "Does he only lose his temper when someone harms something that he cares for and loves for." He asked him.

"Yes. He does. So please. Next time watch what you do around or near him. Because next time I may not be around or I may not be able to stop him on time." He said and explained to Starscream.

Starscream slightly nodded. He agreed with Knockout. He is going to watch what he does around Snowfall. But he is more afraid with Soundwave.

"Do you always carry that staff pod with you at all times?" He asked him.

"Yes. It actually comes in handy. Like it just did today with our master." He said and replied back to Starscream.

Knockout went and he welded and he put back on Starscream wings. Starscream immediately winced at the feeling.

Starscream groaned even more. He even moved because he didn't like the feeling.

"Starscream. Try to stay still. I still need to get this part welded." He said to Starscream.

Starscream nodded. Knockout went and he continued his work.

Skip To 2 Hours:

"There. Almost as good as new." He said to Starscream. "But I need to go and let my sister know about what happened. She will be able to get through to our master." Knockout said to Starscream.

Starscream nodded. He then saw Knockout gathering all his stuff and soon he left. Starscream immediately went into a deep recharge.

Soundwave was sitting at his desk with his mate having her arms wrapped around his neck. She went and she kissed the left side of his visor. He smiled. Soon he shivered. He felt her licking and massaging his back. He went and he extracted his tentacles. He slowly wrapped them around her. She giggled and chuckled feeling them. Soon they heard a knock on the door. Soundwave immediately extracted his tentacles back to his body.

"Come in." He said. Wondering who it was at the door. He looked up and he saw Knockout. "Knockout is something wrong." He asked him.

Snowfall walked and she sat down on her mate's berth.

"Actually there is. It's our master. He sorta, well. He lost his temper again." He said and replied back to Soundwave.

"WHAT!" Snowfall exclaimed. "But how." She asked him. Knockout looked at his sister.

"He lost his temper with Starscream because of what he did to you." He said and explained to his sister.

"Why did he lose his temper like that because of me?" She asked him. Wanting to know why her sire lost his temper and went crazy because of her.

Knockout sighs. "The reason why is because whenever someone or something gets hurt that he loves and cherishes he will lose his temper." He said and explained to his sister. "So maybe you will be able to get through to him." He said to his sister. Telling her that she may be able to get through to their master and to help him get through his temper issue that he has.

Snowfall looked at Soundwave. Soundwave nodded. Telling her to go to her sire. Because he needs her. Snowfall went and she hugged her mate. She went and she kissed the side of his visor. He smiled. She knew that he was smiling even with his visor on. She then walked off heading to the med bay to help her sire get through on the temper issue he has.

Words: 1,544

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