Soundwave X Cybertronian

By SilverJetPrime

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This is a story that is a working progress. It may not be sudden for me to update it. This is my first time d... More

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Characters In My Story
This Page Goes With The First Page Of Characters In My Story
Confessing Feelings To Soundwave
Remembering The Memories Of The Good And The Bad
Somewhere To Get Away And To Relax
Megatron Gets Sick
Her Sire Discovers And He Finds Out The Truth
Her Sire Isn't Going To Let Starscream Get Away With It
She Tells Her Sire That He Needs To Learn On How To Control His Temper
She Finds Out That She Is Sparked
Spending Time Alone With Sire By Meditating But Something Unexpected Happens
Trying To Find Ways To Protect Snowfall From Unicron: Part 1
Rescuing Snowfall And Soundwave From Unicron: Part 2
Megatron Gets An Unexpected Visit From His Ex-Lover: Part 3
Hoping And Waiting For Any Signs Of A Miracle: Part 4
Still No Signs Of A Miracle: Part 5
Soundwave Finally Comes Around: Part 6
He Tries To Forget His Ex-Lover But He Can't & Ravage Is Discovered To Be Alive
Soundwave Gets Something Back That He Thought Was Lost And Gone Forever
Megatron's Ex-Lover Doesn't Know When To Stop
Snowfall Notices & Discovers That This Megatron Isn't Her Adopted Sire Megatron.
The Past Returns And Never Goes Away From Knockout's And Snowfall's Family
One Month Later: Snowfall & Soundwave's Sparkling Is Close To Full Development

Being In Charge For Today

33 1 0
By SilverJetPrime

Soundwave was in the throne room at his station. He was working and decoding the relics of Iacon when he heard the doors open to the throne room. He looked and he saw his sparkmate. But he didn't see his master. Which was usual. He would usually be up by now and be in the throne room. He then saw his sparkmate walking over to him.

"Soundy. My sire has put me and you in charge for today. He has come down with a cold. Well I mean he has a bug. But it's not contagious, thank goodness." She said to Soundwave.

"It's okay, sweet spark. And I understand." He replied. "Oh. That reminds me." He said out loud. He reached over and grabbed something. "I was supposed to give this to our master. I got done decoding the rest of the relics. But I still have more to finish." He said to his sparkmate.

"Okay. Anyways. I also better check to see if the inventory is up to date." She said to Soundwave. Soundwave nodded. He went and he lifted his visor up. He went and he kissed her. He then backed away. He smiled. He then put his visor back on. Snowfall then walked off.

Snowfall was walking in the halls. She sighs. "I know sire is making the right decision of making me and Soundwave in charge." She said out loud. Soon she heard a voice.

"WHAT!!!" The voice said while yelling.

Snowfall turned but soon she immediately went backwards. She reached up and she felt her optic was shattered. She looked up and saw Starscream.

"You are so dead Starscream. Because sire just said that if you do anything stupid that he will make sure that you don't have any wings or any legs." She said to Starscream. She immediately walked off covering her optic.

She made it to the room. She went inside. But soon she heard a bridge. She looked and saw Soundwave stepping out. She immediately turned not wanting to look at him.

Soundwave looked and he saw his sparkmate had her back turned to him and not looking at him. And that was telling him that something did happen. Just like what he felt in the bond that he shares with her.

"Sweet spark. Turn." He asked her, wanting her to turn around.

"No. I… I don't want to." She replied back. Not wanting to turn and not wanting him to see her face and her damaged optic.

"Sweet spark. Turn for me. Please." He asked her. "I felt that something was wrong in the bond that we share as mates." He says to her.

"No." She replied back. Still not wanting to turn and look at Soundwave.

Soundwave walked over and he turned her around. He noticed that she was covering her face with her servos. He slowly moved her servos off her face. Once he did. His eyes immediately widened at what he was seeing. And he was shocked at what he was seeing. He immediately gasped.

"SWEET SPARK! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR OPTIC!" He asked her while still shocked and shouting. He went and he checked her damaged optic.

"It's nothing. I fell." She said, giving a white lie.

Soundwave looked at her. He knew that she was lying. Her optic didn't get damaged by her falling. It would have to be done by someone hitting her directly into her optic.

"Liar." He replied back. "I know you are lying to me. And you know that I have security footage. So tell me what happened to your optic. NOW!" He said to her, yelling the last part and demanding to know who hurt his sparkmate.

"It was… Starscream." She whispered, saying the last word.

"What. What was that, Sweet spark. Tell me what she said. And I hope I didn't hear you say the word Starscream." He said and asked her.

"Yes I did, Soundy. It was Starscream who damaged my optic." She said, finally telling him the truth. Soundwave immediately grabbed her servo. Her eyes immediately widened.

"Hey. Soundwave. What the heck." She said to Soundwave. Soon she noticed that he was taking her to the med bay. She immediately dug her peds into the floor.

"No. I don't want Knockout to know." She said to Soundwave. "Because he would run and go tell my sire." She said to Soundwave.

"You are my sparkmate. And I made a promise to our master that I would take care of you." He says to her. Soon they approached the doors leading to the med bay.

Snowfall went and she hit Soundwave's servos. "No. I don't want him to see it. I don't want him to know." She said to Soundwave. Soon the doors open. Soundwave walked in. He went and he sat her down on the med berth.

Knockout walked in and he looked up but he dropped everything that he had in his arms. "WHAT HAPPENED?" He yelled to his sister. He immediately ran over. He looked and he saw his sister's optic damaged and shattered.

"It's nothing." She said to her brother. Soundwave went and he lightly hit her back.

"Tell him the truth, sweet spark. Or I will." He said to his sparkmate.

"It was Starscream." She said to her brother.

Knockout's eyes immediately widened. He immediately ran out.

"STARSCREAM!!!!!" He yelled.

Megatron was resting when he heard Knockout yelling and shouting Starscream's name. "Oh for Primus shake. Can I get some rest?" He said in a weak voice.

Starscream turned and he saw Knockout. Walking towards him.

"What do you want, Knockout." He asked him.

Knockout immediately snapped. He immediately grabbed Starscream's helm. Starscream immediately yelled.

Knockout went and he dragged Starscream to the med bay. The doors open. He went and he threw Starscream down.

"Soundwave. Here is Starscream. Thought maybe you want to do some damage to him." He said to Soundwave. "I will attend to my sister's damaged optic." He said to Soundwave.

Soundwave nodded. He went and he dragged Starscream to the torture chamber.

Skip To 1 Hour:

Knockout went and he tried to do his best for almost an hour trying to repair his sister's optic. He went and he realized that the damage of her optic was damaged beyond repair. He immediately threw his tools out of frustration.

She looked at her brother. She knew that he tried his best to repair her optic. But he just couldn't. "Knockey, you tried your best by trying to fix it." She said to her brother. Knockout looked at his sister.

"Well, not hard enough." He replied. "But how are you going to show this and explain it to our master? And to your sire." He asked her.

"Don't tell him. I don't want him to worry. He needs to rest. He is not well." She said and explained to her brother.

He sighs. "Good luck with that. Because he always knows everything that happens around and on this ship." He said to his sister.

"Yeah. I know. He almost knows everything." She replied back to her brother. But she was afraid someone on this ship would tell their master and her sire on what happened to her optic.

Skip 6 Hours Later:

Knockout walked into his master's room to give him his medicine. He walked over to his desk and started pouring his medicine into a cube. He soon heard his master's voice.

"Knockout. Explain why I heard shouting and yelling. And do not lie to me." He said and asked him.

Knockout looked at his master. "Uh. Shouting and yelling. Like where." He asked his master.

Megatron slightly raised an optic brow. "Knockout. Stop being dumb and stupid. Tell me why I heard you shouting and yelling out Starscream's name." He said and asked him.

"He messed up on one of his missions again." He said to his master. Giving him and telling him a big lie.

What Megatron really didn't know was that his daughter's optic was damaged. And beyond repair.

Megatron looked at him. He then saw him walking over and giving him his medicine. He took the medicine. He went and he drank his medicine. He then looked back at Knockout.

"Just telling you this. And I am also giving you a little warning. If I ever find out that you are lying to me. I will scratch and destroy that precious paint of yours." He says to Knockout.

Knockout looked at him. "I am not lying sir." He said to his master. Not telling me the full truth of what happened. He then took the cube and he left.

Megatron laid back down. "I have a sense that you are lying to me. If I found out the truth that you are lying to me. You are so dead." He said and whispered to himself.

Snowfall was sitting on her sire's throne with her optic covered. She started to not be herself after the incident with Starscream. Soundwave was working but he turned and he noticed his mate still hadn't moved an inch. He sighs. He went and she turned off the computers. He then walked over and he bent down.

"Sweet spark. You still look beautiful to me." He says to her.

She turned and she looked at him. "How am I, beautiful. My optic is damaged. All because of that stupid Starscream." She replied back.

"My dear. You are beautiful. You are beautiful from the inside and out. I still love you even if your optic is damaged." He said to his sparkmate.

She smiled. "Thank you. I think it's time we head to bed for a recharge." She said to her sparkmate.

Soundwave nodded. He went and he lifted his sparkmate up. He then walked out heading to his room.

"I don't know how I am going to tell my Sire about this. About my optic being damaged." She said to her sparkmate.

"Sweet spark. It's better to tell him the truth instead of lying. Your sire hates liars." He says to her. Soon he approached the doors. He walked inside and he laid her down. He then laid next to her.

"Night sweet spark. I love you." He says to her. He went and he kissed her.

"Night Soundy. I love you too." She replied back. She went and she kissed him back. Soon they both fell into a deep and peaceful recharge.

Words: 1,740

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