sinful little thing // feitan...

By daydreamstars

9.6K 295 174

rewritten click on my profile to read the original from three years ago. :) - One of the best police officers... More



186 8 5
By daydreamstars

It was around three in the morning when Feitan finally returned back to the apartment. He reeked of cigarettes and after hours of trying to do this investigation on his own he ended up with nothing but a dead end. No wonder the case was still unsolved, most investigators ended up in a dead end as well. Or in a ditch.

He was ready to call it a night. A hot shower is what he needed and if (y/n) was still awake he'd love to keep her company for a few more hours. But when he came back he found the door to her apartment open.


The chief and Janice both stared down at him after his explanation.

"She's missing." Janice repeated once again, not fully believing the fact that her best friend and only friend was missing. After years of training and always being careful, how was it that her friend just went missing?

"I knew this was going to happen." The chief sighed. "She doesn't even have her phone with her, there's no way to track her."

"We can use the street cameras." Feitan suggested. "I can find her! Just give me a few hours and..."

"Oh Feitan, you can't do that." Janice gave him an awkward smile.

"What? Why not?" He jumped out of his seat and both of them warily backed away. His eyes then softened and he realized that they were both afraid of him. Who wouldn't? He was a criminal and a monster to them. It didn't matter if he managed to find that missing girl or (y/n), he'd still be viewed as the bad guy. This only made things worse too. They didn't believe him, they didn't trust him either. They both probably thought he did something to her.

"This whole situation is really messy. Without her you can't leave the prison." The chief explained.

"Without me you'll never find her. I know how this works too, I can find her." He fell back into his seat.

"We're going to have to put you back in your cell until she's back."

"If you can't find a missing child how are you going to find (y/n)?" He tried to convince them but the chief was already ordering a few of his officers to grab him. He tried to pull away, still having hope that they'd let him help but as he was dragged back into his cell he completely lost hope. The cold floor and silence was once again his friend.

The boring breakfast, lunch and dinner was back. The constant muttering and talking during the night kept him up, along with the cold, hard bed. Freezing showers in the morning and a long hour of useless therapy. He wondered how she was doing, if she was alive, if she was okay. Deep down he somewhat blamed himself for leaving her side, if only he had just stayed there with her then he would've still been sleeping on her couch which was a lot better than sleeping on concrete bed.

He rolled onto his side, almost imagining her sleeping by him. He'd wrap his arm around her and pull her closer. He didn't need a blanket or covers to keep him warm, he had her right there anyway. But he couldn't understand why he had these thoughts and urges. Why couldn't he do it when she was right by him? It was like his mind would go blank. How could he have so much courage to run from the police, fight with them and threaten others but he just couldn't get himself to make a move on her?

Maybe I'm scared of her. She threatens me too much. The thought of that nearly made him laugh.

"What's on your mind?" A voice finally pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked over to the man who sat in his cell across from his. Chrollo had just finished reading a page in his book when he caught sight of the depressing cell across from his.

"Nothing." He pulled himself out of bed and stretched his sore arms.

"You're not painting anymore." He pointed out and Feitan glanced over to his sketches. "You don't do nothing all day. You're going to drive yourself insane if you don't keep the mind busy."

"I've been sketching." He stared down at the open book.

"The detective." He added with a smirk tugging on his lips and Feitan glared at him. "Except the new pages are a lot messier than your first ones. You're forgetting how she looks like."

"You know something?"

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." He shrugged.

"Tell me what you know."

"Do you have anything to exchange?"

"What the hell am I supposed to exchange with you? My phone number?" He rolled his eyes.

Chrollo stayed quiet and watched him pace in circles around his cell. "Out of curiosity how important is the detective to you?"

"Really fucking important if my life is on the line." He scoffed. "She's my way out of here."

"Really?" His eyes sparked with interest. "If I tell you, will you get me out of here too?"

Feitan hesitated at first. "I'm not sure."

"Well then," he chuckled, all the interest was lost in a second and he was already backing away from the door. "When you figure out a way to get me out of here I'll let you know what I know."

"Wait!" He stopped him. "I'll figure out something, maybe not now but I promise I'll figure something out. If I talk to her then she can probably help you too."

"Are you lying to me?"

"No, I'm not lying-"

"I have people that can find you if you end up screwing me up. Just a warning, you know?"

"I get it." He snapped.

Chrollo studied him carefully as the guards passed by. He sat back down and smiled at his friend.

"I heard that the chief acts a little shy around the detective." He whispered so the guards wouldn't hear. "He's trying to get her wrapped around his finger and to do that he has to get rid of everything she has, including you."

"A little shy?" He asked and then he understood. "The chief has feelings for (y/n)? But why would he have to get rid of everything she has to have her?"

Chrollo shrugged. "Don't know, maybe he's a control freak or maybe he's using something against her. You weren't moved to this prison yet but a few years ago she was in some deep shit, ended up screwing herself over in some investigation and now she's acting like a saint to keep herself out of trouble. Her partner was found dead as well and somehow the chief managed to brush it under the rug well."

"Who was her last partner?"

He nodded over to an empty cell across from them.

"A criminal was her partner?" He chuckled in disbelief. "So I'm not the first? You ever think maybe the criminal ended up trying to kill her and she had to defend herself?"

"Do you think she was trying to defend herself? Everyone has secrets, Portor. Especially these fucking pigs. They just hide it better than most since they're familiar with the law." He leaned back against the wall. "Why do you think she needed a new partner for this case? I heard the last one was on death row too."

His eyes flickered to his sketchbook. The hurriedly drawn (y/n) was staring right back at him.

"Feitan." He heard Janice's voice and suddenly she was in front of him with keys in her hands.


"I need you to come with me." She hurriedly unlocked the door.

"Remember, Portor. You're getting pulled into a nasty mess." Chrollo cooed as he watched him get out of his cell. "Try not to forget our little deal. Otherwise this is going to turn into an eye for an eye situation."

"I won't forget."

Chrollo turned to look over at Pakunoda who had been listening to the entire conversation and on his other side was Hisoka who seemed to be enjoying it as well. The three watched him leave with Janice. He sighed, now bored that his new friend had left. He fell back onto the floor and stared at the ceiling.

"So what's the plan, boss?" Hisoka teased.

"He's not going to get us out." Pakunoda stated the obvious.

"No, he will. It'll take time but I'm sure that he's going to need us for something."


Running was all she knew how to do. Ever since being in middle school the girl had learned that running away when a group of bullies tried to pick on her always worked. Especially when they'd circle around her. She'd slip right through them when they'd least expect it and run as far away as possible. She'd run away into her mothers room after a nightmare too and somehow running away from her problems always seemed to work.

Except for a while now the missing girl seemed to be running away from her and the detective was doing all the chasing. It was getting exhausting and she was starting to think she'd never catch up to her.

The loud thunder outside woke her up completely. Her hotel room was freezing and the thin layers of blankets didn't seem to be helping her at all.

This is just great. She annoyingly thought to herself as she got up to make herself some coffee. The blue and red lights from the bar across the street managed to make their way through her curtains. She could see hundreds of drunk people trying to enjoy their night even during the storm outside. Seeing them down there having fun filled a strange feeling in her stomach. She desired nothing more but to go dancing with her friends, instead she was stuck at a job she didn't even know if she liked. Instead she was with a boyfriend who had nothing in common with her. And instead, she was starting to let her mind itch for something new like last time.

It was as if she was living another persons life instead of her own. Haha, maybe you are. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and was quick to look away. She grabbed her coat and decided to get back to work. At least it'd keep her mind busy off things.

She opened her door only to see a dark shadow standing over her. She gasped, ready to scream when he bolted to her side to cover her mouth. Both of them nearly fell, crashing into the wall instead. He kicked the door shut, trapping them both inside. No one knew she was in danger. No one knew where she was either.

He was soaked from head to toe. She could feel her own clothes getting drenched from his wet coat. Her heart was racing and her fingers reached for gun until she caught a whiff of his cologne. Then she relaxed in his arms and looked him in his eyes.

Feitan, you found me.

"What are you doing here alone, detective?" He spoke quietly. It was just past midnight, other than the people at the bar the rest of the city was asleep. His hand finally left her mouth, instead they traced up to cup her cheek. His fingers brushed over the somewhat healed cut on her cheekbone.

"My job." She whispered back.

"If I remember correctly, your job is also my job at the moment. Why did you leave me?"

"You left me first."

"You knew they'd put me back in jail."

"And Janice took you back out like I asked her to do." She smiled.

"At this point she should be my partner instead. I bet she wouldn't leave me."

She felt a pang in her chest and lowered her eyes to his chest instead. Her fingers brushed against his coat, wanting him to get closer. "I did it to teach you a lesson. Don't ever leave my side again."

He pulled away from her but she remained stuck to the wall.

"I won't."

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