Savage Beast World Fantastic

By pinqu_

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蠻荒獸世萬人迷 作者:木心 Not my Story More

Chapter 1 - 10
Chapter 11 - 20
Chapter 21 - 30
Chapter 31 - 40
Chapter 41 - 50
Chapter 51 - 60
Chapter 61 - 70
Chapter 71 - 80
Chapter 81 - 90
Chapter 91 - 100
Chapter 101 - 110
Chapter 111 - 120
Chapter 121 - 130
Chapter 141 - 150
Chapter 151 - 160
Chapter 161 - 170
Chapter 171 - 180
Chapter 181 - 190

Chapter 131 - 140

349 5 0
By pinqu_

ʚChapter 131 Birth of a Baby Boy

    "Hard work!"

    Miranda kept encouraging Qin Zhenzhen.

    Although she didn't know whether her method was effective, but under her guidance, Qin Zhenzhen didn't panic anymore.

    After exerting force again, the pain was temporarily relieved. Qin Zhenzhen just wanted to take the opportunity to take a rest when she heard Miranda and Carl's surprised voices.

    "It's born!" Miranda shouted in surprise.

    "It's such a small one..." Carl held up the small ball that was still covered with fetal membranes in disbelief.

    Qin Zhenzhen was stunned for a moment, she couldn't believe it.

    This is... born? It seems that there is no difference from the previous labor pain?

    "Show me..."

    Qin Zhenzhen got up curiously and wanted to see, but before she finished speaking, another burst of pain hit her, and she immediately lay back in the bed.

    Carl brought the cub, but Qin Zhenzhen didn't have the energy to look at it. She stared at the ceiling, and ended her labor pain with Miranda's yelling "hard".

    After a short rest, during the second labor pain, another small ball with powder in the white was born.

    At this time, Qin Zhenzhen finally saw her cub.

    Carl cleaned up the fetal membranes on the cubs, revealing their soft hair, eyes half-opened, and a "whimper whimper" cry from their mouths.

    Qin Zhenzhen watched quietly for a long time, until now, she still can't believe that she has become a mother and created a new life by herself.

    Suddenly, my stomach hurts again.

    Probably because she didn't expect it to hurt again, Qin Zhenzhen was not prepared, she just felt that the pain was extra severe this time.

    "Hiss~ Why does it still hurt?"

    Could it be that Carl really guessed it right, it was three?

    Miranda said excitedly: "Work hard, the first child gave birth to three, it's amazing, no one in the tribe will gossip about you again."

    Qin Zhenzhen took a deep breath and tried her best.

    Her legs were covered with mucus and blood, Qin Zhenzhen felt a little cold, she couldn't help but said, "Cover the quilt for me     ?


Zhen Zhen covered her with a double layer of animal skin quilt.

    Qin Zhenzhen exerted force again and again, but this time it seemed that it was not going well, and the labor pains had been more than ten times and hadn't come out yet.

    Wells outside the door asked worriedly: "What's the matter? Has the third one come out yet?"

    "No!" Miranda replied impatiently, and then came to Qin Zhenzhen's head and asked: " Do you still have the strength? If you can't hold on, you have to say it quickly."

    Qin Zhenzhen nodded while enduring the pain, without making a sound.

    "No, according to my experience, it would be dangerous to procrastinate. Miranda, please check to see if the fetal position is abnormal." Wells' voice came from outside the door.


    Miranda replied, and immediately lifted the bed.

    Qin Zhenzhen didn't object when she heard their conversation. It's about this time, and the shame has long been forgotten.

    Miranda seemed to gasp, and Carl leaned over to look.

    The two did not speak for a long time.

    An ominous atmosphere spread quietly.

    "What's wrong?"

    Qin Zhenzhen asked weakly.

    Carl immediately came to Qin Zhenzhen's side, held her hand and comforted her, "It's okay, I saw the hair."

    "How could it be black?" Miranda asked puzzled.

    Qin Zhenzhen heaved a sigh of relief, "That's it, I probably just let me go."

    The three of them didn't tangled up on this issue. After hearing Wells say that the situation was not good, Qin Zhenzhen worked harder and finally gave birth to the last child with all her strength after a deliberation.

    Then, Qin Zhenzhen collapsed and leaned against Karl to rest.


    Miranda suddenly screamed loudly, and she retreated to the door with a terrified expression, as if she had seen a terrible picture.

    "Let me in!"

    Wells yelled, and then pushed open the wooden door.


    A baby cry sounded.

    The last cub was a red human form, lying in the haystack and crying.

    Wells was also taken aback. He had only heard of female and male cubs being born together, and this was the first time he had seen them.

    Immediately after he saw the gender of the cub, he gasped.

    It turned out to be a male!

    Qin Zhenzhen was frightened by their reaction, and hurriedly said to Carl: "You bring him here for me to see."

    Carl also saw the child's appearance, looked at Qin Zhenzhen with a look of reluctance, and still hugged him come over.

    When Qin Zhenzhen first saw that it was a healthy baby, her heart sank, and when she saw the gender, her expression was calm.

    It seems that she really followed her and gave birth to a human cub.

    However, purely human males are not welcome here, just like the former Hanze, who was initially discriminated against as food because he did not have a beast shape, and then he was discovered to have a special role.

    This child may be rejected by females in the future because of his special body. Although he will not be kicked out of the tribe because he has a powerful father, he will inevitably be excluded by males.

    Thinking of this, Qin Zhenzhen frowned slightly.

    "The gender of the child must never be revealed." Carl said suddenly.

    Qin Zhenzhen looked at him unexpectedly. At this moment, Karl became a little strange, overlapping with his father.

    "Mr. Wells, Miss Miranda, please help me keep this secret and let him live as a female." Carl said firmly.

    Wells nodded, "That's the only way."

    Miranda was terrified, her face was pale and bloodless, seeing Carl looking at her expressionlessly, her body trembling, she hurriedly promised, "I will never say anything!"

    "Carl, is this the only way?" Qin Zhenzhen said weakly, facing Carl like this, she was a little scared.

    Carl looked at Qin Zhenzhen, his face softened, and Qin Zhenzhen's heart relaxed a lot.

    "I can listen to you about anything, but you must listen to me in this matter. Aliens cannot survive in the tribe." Carl said in a deep voice.

    Qin Zhenzhen nodded, "I believe in you."

    Carl hugged Qin Zhenzhen tightly, and said softly: "You have worked hard, I will feed you something and have a good sleep, I will take care of the cub. "


    Qin Zhenzhen drank some broth, cleaned her lower body with Carl's help, rolled up the quilt and fell into a deep sleep.

    Karl sent Wells and Miranda away. In the yard, the two wolf cubs immediately turned into human forms, chasing Karl excitedly and asking.

    "Brother Karl, how many sisters did the female master give birth to? Is it three?"

    "Can we go in and see?"

    Karl shot over with cold eyes, which scared them into silence.

    "Qin Zhenzhen is sleeping, please don't disturb her. Also, don't call her Mistress again, or I will take back your right to come and go here at will!" After finishing speaking, she entered the

    wooden house with a sullen face.

    The two wolf cubs were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe out. They looked at each other with bewildered faces.

    Isn't Karl a father? Why are you so fierce?

    Although they didn't understand what happened, they didn't dare to ask any more questions, and turned back into wolf forms and left.

ʚChapter 132 Accept Wells

    Qin Zhenzhen didn't sleep for long, she was woken up by the baby crying.

    "Be good, baby, don't disturb mommy's sleep~"

    Carl was walking around with the baby in his arms, and the two wolf cubs howled in the bamboo basket, but no one cared.

    Seeing Qin Zhenzhen waking up, Karl said annoyedly: "Is it still disturbing you? I don't know why, but the third child is extraordinarily delicate, just like a female." "Human beings are like this."

    Qin Zhenzhen smiled, and then there was some displeasure on her face. Naturally, he said softly: "He may be hungry, give it to me."

    Carl carried the baby to Qin Zhenzhen's side.

    Probably because of the smell of the mother, the baby stopped crying.

    Qin Zhenzhen touched his face, and he immediately opened his mouth and jumped towards his fingers, it seemed that he was really hungry.

    Qin Zhenzhen hugged him into the bed, lifted the sweater with one hand, and let the child's face stick to her chest.

    The child's little face was cold outside, and only one mouth was steaming.


    The baby's mouth was strong, and Qin Zhenzhen frowned immediately due to the tingling pain.

    "Aww! Aww!"


    As if realizing that he was being left out in the cold, the howling of the wolf cub in the bamboo basket suddenly became heart-piercing, extremely miserable.

    "Don't cry, don't cry."

    Qin Zhenzhen anxiously looked at the basket on the ground, and hurriedly said, "Carl, quickly bring them here too!"

    After becoming a mother, hearing this voice almost made her heart ache.

    Karl bent down to pick up the basket, and the two wolf cubs in the basket suddenly staggered and almost rolled out of the den covered with thick hay.

    "Didn't I just use animal skins? Why is there only grass left?" Qin Zhenzhen glanced at Karl reproachfully, grabbed the wolf cub's stomach with one hand, and placed him on top of the baby's head.

    "Aww ow~"

    The wolf cub arched around in his clothes, quickly found a place, and sucked contentedly.

    Karl said: "I pulled my papa when I was born. I don't know how long it will take for them to leave. Let's use grass and save the animal skin for the third child."

    Qin Zhenzhen thought about it. She didn't expect to have a human baby before. The hides are not enough.

    There was only one left in the bamboo basket, Qin Zhenzhen was helpless.

    He stayed alone in the nest, waiting for a long time to be embraced by his mother, crying extremely terribly.

    "What should I do? He screams so pitifully." Qin Zhenzhen said distressedly.

    Carl also looked pitiful, and said helplessly, "I can only feed them after they finish eating." "

    I'm not even sure if I have milk, after they finish eating, can I still eat this?" Qin Zhenzhen said anxiously, At this moment, she is very nostalgic for modern times.

    If this is in modern times, three feeding bottles and one can of milk powder will solve the problem.

    Carl paused, and tentatively said: "If it's not enough, let's give up one."

    Qin Zhenzhen frowned instantly, and raised her voice: "Are you the father of the child? To say such a thing, I'm afraid it's not the stepfather? "

    Carl was scolded and bowed his head.

    He had always resented his father's cruelty, but at this moment, he suddenly understood his father a little bit.

    The law of the orcs has always been cruel. In the case of insufficient milk, if the weak cubs are not given up, it will only lower the physique of other cubs.

    It's just that as the leader's father, he did it even more extreme.


    the cub in the bamboo basket yelled, thumped and crawled out of the bamboo basket with its short limbs, towards the mother's direction.

    Qin Zhenzhen's heart was clenched, she supported the wolf cub in her arms, and pulled out the baby boy underneath.


    The baby's crying sounded heart-piercingly again, and the tender red face instantly turned red.

    "Hey, I'll suck it for you later." Qin Zhenzhen was so upset by the crying that she hurriedly stuffed the third wolf cub into her arms, trying not to feed the baby boy.


    The baby didn't stop crying because of the time, but cried more and more, almost crying to death.

    Qin Zhenzhen persisted for two minutes, then tore off the wolf cub on the top and replaced the baby on it.

    Fortunately, the wolf cub didn't cry any more, instead he smashed his golden milk-stained mouth, turned his head and looked for milk to suck, obviously he wasn't full either.


    Qin Zhenzhen could only sigh, tears rolled in her eyes even though she had not given birth to a child.

    Karl hugged Qin Zhenzhen pitifully, and said sadly: "It's all my fault, I'm too selfish, if I didn't ask you not to associate with other males, I would let other males take care of you, and go to the forest to find a female wolf as a nurse "

    Qin Zhenzhen rubbed against Carl's arms, if she wasn't in a bad mood, she would have been amused by Carl.

    "It's not because of you that I don't look for other males. It's because I'm not used to it."

    Carl looked at the hungry wolf cub, as if he had made some kind of decision, and said with a struggling expression, "Why don't you marry Wells?" Let's go."


    Qin Zhenzhen was as if struck by a thunderbolt, she was completely dumbstruck.

    "What did you say?"

    "You and Wells should be married." When he spoke again, Karl's voice became much calmer, but no one knew how much pain he felt in his heart.

    "It's still unreasonable for a male to monopolize a female. At least I don't have the ability yet. For example, now, I want to go hunting, but it is absolutely impossible to leave you and the children like this. If this continues, our family will starve to death."

    Carl's voice was distressed. He was too naive before, trying to overthrow the rule that males in the beast world share a partner.

    If it is unreasonable, how can it become a common phenomenon?

    Qin Zhenzhen hurriedly took Karl's hand and said, "Don't think about it, when I recover, I can take care of the child by myself." "It's

    just that the wolf cub is fine, but there is another child who is as delicate as a female In..."

    He held the baby for a while just now, and found that this little thing couldn't leave people at all, and it was much more troublesome than the two wolf cubs combined.

    Carl shook his head and said firmly, "I'll call Wells."

    After speaking, he got up and prepared to go out.

    "Hey, Carl! Come back!"

    In Qin Zhenzhen's shout, Carl strode out of the cabin.

    Only Qin Zhenzhen and the three cubs were left in a mess.

    "You can't leave me alone, hey!"

    When the three cubs cried together, Qin Zhenzhen's head grew big.

    "Little boy, don't cry, don't cry, mom is here." Qin Zhenzhen could only hold the three cubs together in her arms.

    The wolf cub was obviously much easier to deal with, and would hug her back and forth. Babies only know how to cry, more like animals than animals.

    Qin Zhenzhen had no choice but to suck the milk for him to stop crying.

    Having nothing to do, he began to observe the two silver-white wolf cubs.

    They all have silver hair without a trace of variegation, and there is no difference, except that their eyes are different.

    The eyes of a wolf cub are beautiful amber, round and big, very cute.

    The other wolf cub has a golden eye and a silver eye. In addition to the cub's unique cuteness, he also has an extravagant aura.

ʚChapter 133 Wells Moves In

    Wells arrived not long after, with a bundle of bamboo under his arm.

    "Hey, Qin Zhenzhen, I'm here." Wells put the luggage in the corner of the room familiarly, his round face became even rounder when he smiled, and his crooked eyes were like two crescent moons.

    Qin Zhenzhen didn't see Carl, so she asked, "Where's Carl?"

    "He's gone out, let me take care of you and the cub." Wells said, patted his generous chest, and said domineeringly: "I have thick hair , the cub will never freeze if he sleeps with me!"

    Qin Zhenzhen cast a black thread down her head.

    "I'm sorry, Wells, to trouble you." Qin Zhenzhen said hesitantly. She likes pandas, but she never thought of marrying them! This matter must be clearly explained to Wells, and his thoughts must be completely cut off.

    Wells said with a smile: "Karl agrees that we become partners, you can use me as you like, I don't mind contributing to this family in advance." "I misunderstood you, I

    just like pandas, no... no I like you." Qin Zhenzhen said the second half of the sentence very lightly, even if she refused, it would be embarrassing to say such a thing.

    Wells' whole body shook, his face froze, and after a few seconds, he showed some embarrassment.

    "Really?" Wells scratched his head foolishly, and smiled to explain his embarrassment, but this smile was uglier than crying: "It turns out that you are nice to me because you like other panda beasts." "

    No " Qin Zhenzhen saw Wells' embarrassment, and quickly explained: "I only like panda beasts. It's your race, and it has nothing to do with individuals. You and I also like it, but it's just a favorite among friends. I think You are quite funny."

    Wells felt a lot more comfortable, and said with a smile: "Then you still like me." The

    male race is a part of female preferences, and Wells can only think that his own race is very good for Qin Zhenzhen Favored, but he is not good enough.

    Yes, compared with Carl, I am far behind.

    Seeing that he was at ease, Qin Zhenzhen felt a lot more relaxed, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I'm only used to one partner. Since I chose Karl, I'll recognize him for the rest of my life. Go back, I can do it alone. Wells

    ' face sank, and he picked up the bamboo basket containing the cubs and said, "What do you think of me? I can't leave if I don't get any benefits. Even if it's not for the sake of getting married, I'm a family doctor It is also my responsibility to take care of the female and the cubs."

    Qin Zhenzhen couldn't see Wells' good intentions, if he didn't want to, no one could accuse him of inaction.

    I really need someone to take care of me now, so I didn't refuse any more.

    "He seems to have peed, help him change the animal skin."

    Qin Zhenzhen said, pushing the third child out of the bed, the cold air made the unprotected cub shiver.

    Wells hurriedly put down the bamboo basket, closed the door, and changed the animal skin for the third child by the light of the night pearl in the room.

    On this day, Karl didn't come home all night, and Wells took good care of Qin Zhenzhen's mother and four children. He is a family doctor, so he is very handy in doing these things, even more thoughtful than Karl.

    Early the next morning, Karl finally came back with a lactating she-wolf.

    Qin Zhenzhen heard the conversation between Carl and Wells, turned around to face the wall and pretended to be asleep.

    The familiar footsteps gradually approached, and there seemed to be a chill.

    "Little rabbit, do you see what I brought back for you?" Carl's flattering voice sounded.

    Qin Zhenzhen didn't say a word.

    A golden orange appeared in front of her eyes. The bright orange color and fresh smell made Qin Zhenzhen's eyes light up instantly.

    "Oranges? How many did you pick?" Qin Zhenzhen said in surprise, she caught the oranges and turned around.

    It was the first time she saw oranges in this world. There was a shortage of fruits and vegetables in the cold season, and people would get angry if they lacked vitamins. At this time, most of the females in the tribe were tricked. Qin Zhenzhen deliberately ate toon and cactus every day. Although she didn't get angry, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

    At this time, smelling the scent of oranges, I feel as hungry as a traveler in the desert seeing an oasis.

    "Just one." Carl said enthusiastically, "The wild beasts should have eaten all the fruit. This one is hidden, so I came across it. If you like it, I will pick it early next year." In order to find a lactating female wolf,

    he After running a long way, I found a fruit tree I had never seen before.

    Qin Zhenzhen sniffed the oranges in her hands, held back her anger, and was too embarrassed to post Carl's flattery.

    "I made it clear to Wells that I won't marry him, but he still took care of me and the cubs all night, and he hasn't slept until now. You have to thank him very much." Qin Zhenzhen said.

    Carl was not happy when he heard the words, but his heart was sour, mixed with sweetness and bitterness.

    What is sweet is Qin Zhenzhen's devotion to him, what is bitter is the helplessness of reality.

    If one male cannot maintain a family while hunting, it can only prove that two males are not enough.

    With the personality of the little rabbit who does everything by himself, he will definitely not take a good rest in order to help. Even if the little rabbit is in good health, it is only a female after all, and cannot stand such a torment.

    Other females can take the best care, how can a female who is such a good little rabbit suffer because of herself?

    "Have you eaten yet?" Carl didn't talk about Wells' fate, but asked about Qin Zhenzhen's life.     Qin Zhenzhen nodded first, and then shook her head: "It's been a while since I ate, you can get me something to eat, I hope I can have

    more milk.


The sensible person didn't enter the house, but squatted by the stove and took a nap.

    In his human form, there are two dark circles around his eyes, and he looks really sleepy.

    "Go to sleep in the attic." Carl said.

    Wells woke up suddenly, stretched himself, looked up at Carl and said, "You haven't slept all night, you should go to bed and replace me at night. Is Zhenzhen hungry again?" "Yes." Carl

    responded , the voice was cold, but the words seemed to enclose Wells in the scope of his own people: "I gave you the opportunity, whether you can become the little rabbit's partner is up to you." Wells grinned: "Understood! From now on you will

    be My big brother, big brother, let me cook the food, and you go to rest."

    Carl looked at Wells, who was five or six years older than him, with a hint of disdain flashing in his silver-gray eyes.

    "You made it, it's unpalatable!"

    Wells choked, feeling ashamed to grab the job.

    More than two males didn't sleep, Qin Zhenzhen actually didn't sleep well, because she had to keep feeding the cubs, even if she fell asleep, she had to get out of the deep sleep, after a whole night, the whole person was chaotic .

    After Carl finished cooking rice noodles in broth, Qin Zhenzhen fell asleep again.

    Karl was about to wake her up, but Wells immediately stepped forward to stop her.

    "Let her sleep first, Zhen Zhen rarely falls asleep, if she can sleep for a while longer." Wells lowered his voice.

ʚChapter 134 Confinement

    Carl put down the bowl, and at his insistence, Wells also went to the attic to rest.


    There was a cry of a baby, and Carl, who was dozing against the wall, woke up instantly, and hugged and coaxed him helplessly.

    "Give it to me, I must be hungry." Qin Zhenzhen said with a sleepy face.

    The two wolf cubs in the bamboo basket were also woken up, humming and chirping around.

    Carl hurriedly put the child beside Qin Zhenzhen.

    "Why are you here again?" Qin Zhenzhen had just fed the third child, and looked at the two wolf cubs who were also hungry, and fell into a difficult multiple-choice question again.

    Carl said with a smile: "I found the she-wolf, and I will take them outside to drink the milk of the she-wolf."

    Qin Zhenzhen was overjoyed when she heard that, and said a little worriedly: "Is this okay?"

    "Don't worry, many people do this. After Carl

    finished speaking, he went out with a basket.

    The female wolf was chained by Karl in the open space of the yard. When she saw Karl, she immediately showed a gesture of surrender, allowing Karl to put the strange cubs in her belly to nurse.

    Its own three wolf cubs were newborn calves not afraid of tigers, curiously sniffed around Karl, and then sniffed at the smaller wolf cubs, which made the female wolf stop and stop in fright.

    "Feed my son well, I won't treat you badly," Karl said.

    After all, it was the same kind of animal, and the female wolf did not resist it very much.

    For them, it is a lucky thing to be raised by orcs as nurses, at least this cold season will not freeze to death and starve to death.

    The premise is that they have enough milk, otherwise their cubs risk starving to death.

    Carl stared at the female wolf feeding her cubs, and then brought a bowl of boiled meat to the female wolf, and the female wolf immediately began to eat it.

    In the room, the third child who had his mother alone seemed full for the first time, and fell asleep very satisfied.

    Qin Zhenzhen also woke up from her doze, put on the heavy animal skin clothes with difficulty, and walked slowly into the yard while leaning on the wall.

    "Why did you come out?" Karl hurried forward to support her.

    Qin Zhenzhen looked at the snow-capped world outside, her eyes felt sour.

    "It hurts after lying down for a long time." Qin Zhenzhen leaned against Carl's broad chest. Although the temperature here was extremely cold that she had never experienced before, it was the warmest winter she had ever lived.

    She has a husband and a child.

    Looking up, seeing Carl's red eyes, Qin Zhenzhen's heart ached.

    "How long have you not slept?"

    Carl said nonchalantly, "It's only two days, it's okay, I've been used to it since I was a child. Go inside, I heard that females can't leave the house after giving birth, or they will get sick!" "You guys sit

    too Confinement?" Qin Zhenzhen asked in surprise.

    "Confinement?" Carl was puzzled, he put his arms around Qin Zhenzhen and forced her back to the wooden house.

    Qin Zhenzhen said: "It means being locked up in the house for 30 days and not being able to go out, and not being able to wash your hair or face, and all of your body must be tightly wrapped, and your toes must not be exposed." Carl listened very seriously, and asked

    : "What else?"

    Qin Zhenzhen was not aware of the crisis, and thought about it: "Every place is different, I heard that in some places you can't eat salt, you can't eat seasoning, you can't eat vegetables and fruits, oh, you can't Holding the baby, I said it would hurt my back. I also saw the partner of a pregnant woman wrap the doorknob, and wrap everything that the pregnant woman would use with cotton cloth, showing affection and cruelty to the dog." God knows she is an eighteen-year-old girl, what about the short video platform

    ? Will push these to her every day.

    Karl nodded, helped Qin Zhenzhen to sit down in the nest, then picked up the wool gloves and put them on Qin Zhenzhen's hands.

    "What are you doing? I don't want to wear gloves."

    Before Qin Zhenzhen could react, Carl picked up the woolen socks and put them on Qin Zhenzhen's feet.

    "Hey, you're not giving me confinement are you?"

    Qin Zhenzhen's heart skipped a beat, and then she realized that something was wrong, and said in horror: "This is all the thinking of the older generation. Nowadays, young people are scientifically educated, and they don't Pay attention!"     But it was too late, Carl looked at Qin Zhenzhen several times, picked up a piece of animal skin that was originally intended to be a nest for the child, covered Qin Zhenzhen's head, and deliberately The face was covered.     "..." Qin Zhenzhen was completely speechless.     "I only know now that what the old people say is right, and it's right to listen to the old people." Carl said.     It's as if he didn't like his father's way of education before, and a powerful male can only become one of many female partners, not all of them were severely slapped in the face by reality.     "Is there anything else I should pay attention to?" Carl asked again.     Qin Zhenzhen hurriedly shook her head, "No! There's none left!"     Looking at the cold soup next to her, Qin Zhenzhen was about to say something, but Karl had already taken the soup away.     "I'll cook you a new pot without adding salt."     Qin Zhenzhen: I bought a watch last year!     In the next thirty days, she might be finished.     Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a touch of orange.     fruit!     Before he had time to move, Carl folded back and took the orange with one hand.     "You can't eat fruits and vegetables, I'll save them for you first," Karl said.     The expression on Qin Zhenzhen's face was cracked, she broke down and said: "The fruit will be spoiled in thirty days, just this one fruit, please."     Carlton didn't even pause, and went out with the orange.     "Ah!"     Qin Zhenzhen collapsed in the bed, crying sadly.

    Such a big commotion scared the three sleeping cubs to tears, and a fluffy giant panda rushed down from the attic.

    In the end, the oranges still entered Qin Zhenzhen's stomach.

    It's just that the freshly made soup has no salty taste, and the toon that I used to eat is gone, so no matter how much Qin Zhenzhen makes a fuss, it won't work.

    After eating, while the cubs were sleeping, Karl and Qin Zhenzhen lay down in the nest together to catch up on sleep.

    "Hey, Carl, let's give the babies a name." Qin Zhenzhen said.

    "It's so troublesome. It's fine when they grow up and can't get it by themselves." Carl didn't understand this kind of behavior. You must know that every female can have dozens of births in a lifetime. I can't remember, it's still called ranking convenience.     Qin Zhenzhen smiled and said: "I've already thought about it. One is called Hu Po and the other is called A Tong. These are their nicknames. When they grow up, they will choose their own names. The third child is called Qin Shu." "     Qin Different?" Karl looked at Qin Zhenzhen in surprise, "It has the same word as your name." Having     the same name as your parents is a big taboo in the animal world.     "It's a surname, the way we name it. Xiaoshu is an ordinary human being, so let's use our name." Qin Zhenzhen looked at Carl with bright eyes, thinking of the existence of a child with her surname, she couldn't help feeling a little bit little excitement.     Beast World doesn't have a surname, so Karl probably wouldn't rob him.     Seeing that Qin Zhenzhen was happy, Karl disagreed and kissed her on the forehead.     "Okay, it's up to you."     "Yeah."     The two hugged each other tightly, and the family of five fell asleep together.

ʚChapter 135

    Qin Zhenzhen spent the whole month like a year, counting the days every day.

    Finally, after a full thirty days, Qin Zhenzhen got up early in the morning, dressed in three layers, and walked out of the house even more bloated than when she was pregnant.

    "Ah! the taste of freedom!" she cried to the sky, and the air outside seemed so fresh.


    Because of her voice, the two little wolf cubs in the family also stumbled and ran out.

    It snowed for a while last night, and there was a thick layer of snow on the ground. Two wolf cubs who had never been out of the house jumped out of the house one by one, and disappeared into the snow with a "poof".


    Qin Zhenzhen turned her head, looked at the empty room, and said doubtfully, "It's strange, I clearly heard their     voices



Qin Zhenzhen used to think that the screams were funny, but now that she is the mother of two wolf cubs, she can hear them crying.

    My heart skipped a beat, and I hurried back.

    Then, two wriggling "snow balls" were found in two snow pits.

    The silver hair was very inconspicuous in the snow, if it wasn't for the sound, Qin Zhenzhen would definitely not be able to see it.     Qin Zhenzhen lifted one of them in each hand, brought them up in front of her, and said with a smile: "Don't run out, you wo n't

    be able to find you if you lose your parents.


The ground responded, the back of the neck was lifted, and their whole bodies seemed to be unable to move.

    Qin Zhenzhen put them on the ground, and the two little guys instinctively shook the snow off their bodies, their young bodies suddenly swayed to and fro, and fell to the ground, revealing their soft bellies.


    The third child in the swaddling baby was woken up, and burst into tears.

    Qin Zhenzhen hurriedly picked him up, coaxed him softly, unbuttoned his clothes, and lay down in the nest to nurse.

    Obviously the cubs of the same litter, wolf cubs can run and jump within a month, but human babies can't even roll over.

    Qin Zhenzhen couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

    This is only in infancy, and when they become adults, the gap between them will be even greater.

    How will the third child live in the future? When he was young, he could pretend to be a female to hide his eyes and ears, but when he grows up, he can't find a few males to cheat for food and drink, right?

    At this time, a panda came down from the attic, holding his animal skin skirt in its paws.

    Qin Zhenzhen hurriedly covered her bare upper body with a quilt, and greeted him politely.



    the panda yawned, and while wrapping the animal skin around its waist, it transformed into a human form.

    With a low temperature of tens of degrees below zero, Wells, who was naked, didn't seem to be cold at all. He said, "Morning."

    Then he tidied up the baby's animal skin diapers, and took over the third child after Qin Zhenzhen finished feeding.

    Qin Zhenzhen asked: "Can I let the third child follow you to study medicine in the future? It would be good to let him become a family doctor in the future."

    Wells looked at Qin Zhenzhen's body under the quilt, and said in a light tone: " If you can gather herbs outside alone, then he can study medicine."

    Qin Zhenzhen immediately showed a disappointed look, and said unswervingly: "You can also grow herbs yourself? It will be more convenient to treat people in the future."

    Wells Looking at Qin Zhenzhen with an "innocent" look, he said, "Do you know why family doctors like to travel? That's because the medicinal materials are scattered all over the place. Let alone whether they can be cultivated or not, collecting medicinal materials is almost impossible." It's gone."

    Qin Zhenzhen sighed, touched the still young baby, and stopped thinking about this issue for the time being.

    "It's time to eat."

    Carl came in with hot bird soup, and the smell of the food made Wells and the two wolf cubs salivate.

    Qin Zhenzhen frowned, "It's bird soup again, I've been eating it for a month, and I feel bad when I smell it." "I

    added salt today." Carl coaxed, "Eat some first, and I'll take you out of the tribe later Play."

    Qin Zhenzhen's eyes lit up, it was Karl who understood her, after holding back for a month, what she wanted to do the most was to wander around.

    "Okay, let's bring something to eat and have a picnic outside!" Qin Zhenzhen said enthusiastically, and she didn't think the food was bad, so she handed the third child to Wells, and scooped up a bowl full of soup for herself.


    The little wolf cubs stared at their mother's mouth, their eyes were shining, and the saliva around their mouths was also shining.

    At this time, silence is better than sound.

    Qin Zhenzhen couldn't help laughing, she couldn't help but tore a piece of shredded meat without skin and handed it to them.


    The meat was closer to Amber, but Xiaotong bit the meat faster and began to chew.

    Amber was so greedy that she gnawed on Xiaotong's mouth.

    Qin Zhenzhen hurriedly tore off another piece of meat, Hu Po was busy snatching the meat from Xiao Tong's mouth, and didn't pay attention to her mother, but Xiao Tong quickly snatched the meat from her mother's hand again.

    "Hey, you boy, can you save a bite for my brother?" Qin Zhenzhen said with a smile, so she had to prepare the meat for the third time.

    Karl casts admiring eyes on Xiaotong.

    For the third time, Qin Zhenzhen covered the little pupil with her hand, and then fed it into Hu Po's mouth, making Hu Po roll over with the meat in her mouth, revealing her soft belly.

    Xiao Tong's eyes, one gold and one silver, glanced at her mother, seeing that she had no intention of continuing to feed her, she went to look at Amber lying on the ground.

    Suddenly, Xiao Tong suddenly jumped on Hu Po's stomach, Hu Po whimpered, her mouth opened wide, revealing a small piece of flesh on the tip of her tongue.

    Xiao Tong saw the timing, took a bite of the meat, and swallowed it whole.

    Hu Po spun around and stood up, tsk tsk tsk tsk with an empty mouth, instantly dumbfounded.


    Qin Zhenzhen laughed so hard that she fell down in the bed.

    Both Carl and Wells couldn't help laughing, and the room suddenly burst into laughter.

    After breakfast, Qin Zhenzhen packed up her playthings, and finally looked at the three cubs reluctantly.


    Xiao Tong and Hu Po seemed to understand that their parents were going out to play, and hugged their mother's arms from left to right, acting like a spoiled child.

    Qin Zhenzhen didn't want to give up on them, but when the wolf cubs begged her, her heart melted immediately, and she asked Carl, "Can I take them?" Carl

    glanced at them, but said, "Take them "

    Qin Zhenzhen was overjoyed, and asked again: "Then take Xiaoshu with you, Wells will go with us too." "



    The two males said in unison.

    Such a tacit understanding made them look at each other.

    Wells said: "Xiaoshu's physique is similar to that of ordinary females, and it's too easy to get sick if you take it out."

    Carl also said: "When the wolf cub is gone, it will be gone. Xiaoshu is unique, and we have to protect it."

    Qin Zhen The corner of Zhen's mouth twitched, what do you mean it's gone when it's gone? Feelings take them just because they are dispensable?

    "They are all babies that I conceived for hundreds of days and finally gave birth to. If you dare to ignore them, Karl, I... I will find a stepdad for them!" Qin Zhenzhen said aggressively.

    "Stepfather?" Carl raised his eyebrows and looked at Wells meaningfully.

ʚChapter 136 Skiing

    Wells patted his chest proudly, "I'm here."

    Qin Zhenzhen was speechless again.

    Naturally, Xiaoshu couldn't bring him with him, so he stayed at home and was taken care of by Wells.

    Qin Zhenzhen told Wells very reluctantly: "If he is hungry, let him drink the mother wolf's milk first. Hey, I don't know if he can drink wolf milk. After all, he is not a wolf cub." Wells glanced at

    Carl Said: "I know that you and other males are temporary imprints, why don't you and I get married too, so that we can take care of the children."

    Qin Zhenzhen was stunned for a moment, then glared at Karl viciously.

    This Karl really wants to push her to another male!

    "Ahem..." Carl covered his lips with his fist and coughed twice in embarrassment, then changed the subject and said, "It's okay, female cubs sometimes eat animal milk, as long as they are of the same race as their father, it's fine." Qin Zhenzhen felt

    relieved Come on, pack your bags, step on the bamboo basket containing amber and Xiaotong, and set off with Karl.

    It was the first time for the cubs to see the outside world. Regardless of the cold, they kept poking their heads out of the basket to look out, their big eyes full of curiosity.     Qin Zhenzhen then introduced to them: "This is still our tribe. Look at those houses ,

    there are families like parents and cubs living in them.


The voice is blown away by the wind, which is another kind of cuteness.

    Qin Zhenzhen pressed the animal skins on their bodies, covered her own face with the animal skins, and lay on Karl's body to avoid the wind.

    When Karl's pace slowed down, Qin Zhenzhen straightened her sore waist.

    The forest is also a snow-covered world, the trees have turned into a snow-white color, and the branches are extended by the ice, as if growing long ice branches, as beautiful as crystal trees.

    There was thick snow on the ground that no one had cleared. When Karl slowed down, all four of his legs sank into the snow, making it impossible to move.

    "Wow, I haven't seen such a beautiful snow scene for a long time." Qin Zhenzhen stared dumbfounded, put her hands with two layers of gloves on and let out a breath, the scarf around her mouth was wetted by her breath, turning into ice slag.

    Carl landed on all fours and turned into a human form. Qin Zhenzhen felt her body suddenly drop, and when she realized it, she was already sitting on the waist of the human form of Carl.

    She hurriedly stepped on the ground to retreat into the snow layer behind, and conveniently placed the bamboo basket on the snow layer up to her waist.

    "Cubs, you can come out now."

    As the mother's voice fell, two fluffy puppies poked their heads out of the basket, looked at the transparent ice tree, their pupils were dilated, and they were full of love for the new world. curiosity.

    "Where do you want to go?" Carl stood up, Mai Se's body was naked in the snow, but it looked warmer than Qin Zhenzhen who was wearing thick animal fur.

    Qin Zhenzhen said enthusiastically: "It's snowing so much, let's go skiing. I liked skiing very much when I was young, but I didn't have the chance later." The winter in Xinjiang is also very cold, so it's very suitable for skiing. After being adopted, skiing has become

    a A scene that would only appear in her dreams.

    Looking at such a pure natural snow field, the fun of childhood was instantly drawn out.

    "Skiing?" Carl asked curiously, "How to play?"

    Qin Zhenzhen looked at the surrounding environment, and said, "Find a piece of dead tree bark first, and then slide down on a high slope."

    Carl frowned, "It's too dangerous Right."

    "No, I played it when I was a child!" Qin Zhenzhen swore.

    Carl hesitated for a long time, but under Qin Zhenzhen's persuasion, he still agreed.

    Fortunately, there is a sloping field not far away, and the snow layer here is evener, like a piece of steamed cake just out of the cage, white and fat, clean.

    Qin Zhenzhen tidied up the bark, sat on it happily, and hugged the cub basket tightly in her arms.

    "Okay, push it." Qin Zhenzhen ordered.

    Carl looked at the hillside that could not be seen, and was really worried, but he couldn't bear to refuse, so he pushed the bark lightly.


    The bark lumbered forward an inch, but sank three inches.

    Qin Zhenzhen urged: "Be stronger, or I'll have to change the place again when the snow falls."

    Carl sighed and pushed down hard.

    "Yo Hou~"

    Amidst cheers, the bark slid down smoothly.

    Karl hurriedly followed. In the snow, his speed was extremely fast, and he raised his feet again before sinking, as if he was floating on the water.

    At the beginning, the speed of the bark was not fast, like riding a cable car, Qin Zhenzhen supported the basket and said, "Look, baby, is it

    fun     ?


Zhen Zhen is happier.

    Soon, Karl caught up with them. In order to keep his body from getting stuck in the snow, he kept his speed constant, and the silver figure overtook them with a whoosh.


    The cubs were anxious, thumping about in the nest.

    Qin Zhenzhen shouted: "Hey, wait for us!"

    As the slide accumulated, the speed of the bark became faster and faster, so fast that the wind was as cold as ice knives, making Qin Zhenzhen unable to open her eyes.

    Carl fell behind the bark, so it was more convenient for him to take care of the mother and child on the bark.

    Karl chose the location very well, the terrain ahead was open and flat, Qin Zhenzhen simply didn't look at the road ahead, and turned to look at Karl behind, just as there was no need to blow the wind.

    "Hurry up, Karl!"


    the silver wolf accelerated, and howling wolves echoed on the snowy slope.

    Qin Zhenzhen's complexion changed, and she hurriedly shouted: "Don't call!"


    Carl ran too fast, and the wind was too loud, so he couldn't hear clearly, so he had to run faster and asked louder: "Oh Huh?"

    What did the little rabbit say?

    "Don't yell!" Qin Zhenzhen yelled even louder, looking at the snow around her, her heart skipped a beat.

    In this circular terrain, sound waves are not easy to radiate, and it is more likely to cause an avalanche!

    Just as she was thinking about it, she didn't know if it was because Qin Zhenzhen had something in her heart, she vaguely saw that the snow above was shaking slightly.

    The swaying white snow blended with the sky, making it hard to see clearly. The swaying was like the fluctuation of air when boiling water boiled.

    "Carl, look behind!" Qin Zhenzhen shouted.

    Before Karl turned his head, his ears moved first, and he heard the rolling infrasound waves.

    How can there be such a sound? Is there going to be an earthquake?

    Carl was startled, turned his head subconsciously, and then his pupils shrank.


    Karl rushed towards Qin Zhenzhen like flying.

    When Qin Zhenzhen saw him, she knew that she was right. She suddenly stopped feeling cold, and was so nervous that her hairs stood on end, and she was even a little hot.

    She hugged the bamboo basket tightly, and pressed the wolf cubs tightly into the bamboo basket.

    Carl ran after the tree bark, Qin Zhenzhen shouted at him: "Carl! Come up!"

    Saying this, she made room for Carl.

    Carl saw the timing and jumped onto the bark.

    The bark swayed suddenly and almost turned over. Karl staggered on the bark, stabilizing the bark's center of gravity without any danger.

ʚChapter 137 Avalanche

    The bark gained weight and was faster, but still not as fast as the avalanche.

    With the accumulation of the avalanche, the snow layer is getting bigger and bigger, like a tsunami hitting, and the tiny human beings seem so insignificant.

    "What should I do? I'm going to be chased." Qin Zhenzhen said anxiously. Although she had skied on the snow, she was still young at that time, and she only remembered that the snow should not shout loudly, as it would easily cause resonance and cause an avalanche.

    But this kind of situation has never been seen before. After all, places with many humans are still not as primitive as this world's environment, and the degree of danger is completely incomparable.

    Carl protected Qin Zhenzhen with one hand, picked up the stick that Qin Zhenzhen used as a ski pole under her arm with the other, and controlled the direction of skiing with one hand.

    But it was clear that sooner or later they would have to be buried under the snow.

    "Call Black to come out." Carl had to suggest that only Black, who can fly, can help them out of the crisis.

    Qin Zhenzhen shook her head without thinking, "No, he's hibernating, what if he freezes to death."

    If the heroes of the area perish like this, it would be ridiculous.

    Karl frowned, and simply dropped the control lever, hugged Qin Zhenzhen tightly with both hands, and whispered in Qin Zhenzhen's ear: "Then tighten your body and hold the cub tightly." Qin Zhenzhen was startled, knowing that

    this was It's time for a hard top, so do it quickly.

    The wave-like white snow fell from the sky, Qin Zhenzhen only felt her eyes brighten, and then it became dark again.


    Carl lifted the bark and put it on the heads of several people, and then he turned into a pillar, supporting a sky for his partner and cubs.

    In the dark, there was a moment of silence.


    the cub's cry broke the silence, Hu Po and Xiao Tong poked their heads out timidly, and looked around with wide eyes.

    Qin Zhenzhen touched them in the bamboo basket, then pressed them back and held them in her arms.

    "Carl, how are you?" Qin Zhenzhen asked with concern.

    Carl breathed heavily, panting and said: "I'm fine, just squat at my feet, the bark is about to collapse."

    Qin Zhenzhen hurriedly hugged the cub and hid beside Carl.

    In the next second, there was a crisp sound of "click", and the bark rubbed against Qin Zhenzhen's body and fell down. Fortunately, after Qin Zhenzhen put it on, she felt pushed hard, and fell on Karl's legs. superior.

    A large amount of snow poured in, covering them up to their waists in an instant.

    Carl held on to the little bark left, and with a slight movement, more snow came pouring in, and he couldn't help laughing wryly.

    "It's good that Wells is here, bears are the best at shoveling snow." Carl said.

    Was he implying that he shouldn't have rejected Wells' request for a temporary marriage just now?

    Qin Zhenzhen pinched Carl's waist hard. Carl, who is rough and fleshy, didn't feel any pain, but his partner's hand was soft and slippery, which made him itchy, and he couldn't help but feel distracted.

    "It's about this time, don't make trouble." Carl's voice was hoarse, with a hint of warning in his tone.

    Qin Zhenzhen immediately became angry, "I'm making trouble? Who is making trouble for no reason? I'll strangle you to death."

    As she spoke, she touched Carl's thin waist with one hand and moved her hands everywhere.

    Karl was bracing against the snow above him, and he could still hear the roar of the avalanche, but his body was completely awakened by his partner's unruly hands.

    The young orc who had just started eating meat was forced to hold back for more than two months before he had tasted it. At this time, he finally couldn't help it.

    He put one arm around his partner's body, bent down, and hugged Qin Zhenzhen with the other hand, and kissed her partner's sweet breath.


    Something hit Karl hard on the back, Qin Zhenzhen felt a shock, but she forgot to think and anger for a moment, and blushed like a little girl.


    The cubs howled in panic, and the snow drifted into their baskets, making them feel cold.

    Qin Zhenzhen's maternal instinct was so strong that she regained her senses, pushed hard on Carl's hot chest and said, "Get out, don't delay any longer."

    Carl smacked his mouth longingly, and began to scratch upwards.

    The hillside after the avalanche is still covered with snow, but the avalanche is still spreading.

    Suddenly, a wheat-colored hand stretched out from the snow, and the snow layer fluctuated, slowly revealing the head of a silver-haired youth.

    "Little rabbit."

    Carl didn't have time to take a breath, panting heavily, while pulling out Qin Zhenzhen from below.

    As soon as Qin Zhenzhen came out of the ground, she immediately took a deep breath.

    The two little wolf cubs climbed out of the basket unsteadily, looked at the white ground, and jumped down excitedly.



    The little boy who had just come out fell into the snow again.

    Qin Zhenzhen: "..."

    Carl: "..."

    "You're so stupid, stop it." Qin Zhenzhen complained speechlessly.

    Karl nodded earnestly: "Okay."


    The muffled cries of the cub came from the snow, Qin Zhenzhen was still worried, crawled to the edge of the small pit and looked down, it was gone. .



    The voice came from nowhere, and it was obvious that they were still crawling around underneath.

    "Hey, don't run, stop still, I'll call your father to save you."


    The voice changed direction again, and if you listened carefully, you could hear the "squeak" of snow squeezing in the snow layer. They were still digging the snow, and they completely ignored their mother's words.

    Qin Zhenzhen took a look at Carl, who looked like a normal person, and said anxiously: "Quickly dig, they haven't even grown their hair yet, don't get sick from the cold." "They are not afraid, what are

    you in a hurry for?" Carl said nonchalantly.

    Qin Zhenzhen gave Karl a hard look, and then he reluctantly found the position of the cub and began to plow the snow.

    Seemingly aware of their father's arrival, Hu Po and A Tong drilled faster under the ground, their small bodies were nimble and vigorous, much faster than their father's plowing snow.

    After a short while, the snow was dug into a big hole with Qin Zhenzhen as the center, and Karl finally caught these two "snow mice".

    With two snaps, Karl threw the two mischievous wolf cubs in front of Qin Zhenzhen.

    "Carl!" Qin Zhenzhen gave Carl a reproachful look, and hugged the two cubs distressedly.


    The wolf cubs hugged their mother coquettishly.

    "Aren't you hungry? Mommy will feed you now." Qin Zhenzhen endured the cold wind as she unbuttoned her clothes while stuffing the two icy wolf cubs into her clothes. She was so cold that she shivered trembling.

    Carl picked up a piece of bark and came to Qin Zhenzhen's side, blocking the howling wind with his body.

    Qin Zhenzhen doesn't have much milk, and after feeding the third child every day, there is not much left. Often, the two wolf cubs can't touch their mother once a day. It is rare to have the opportunity to breastfeed. They are very happy, and they refuse to eat for a long time come out.

    While waiting, Qin Zhenzhen looked at the snow scene in the distance.

    Suddenly, she found a group of black spots in the sky.

    "Carl, what do you see ahead? It's so cold, is the tribe still hunting?"

ʚChapter 138 Snowy Invasion

    Karl squinted his eyes. The eyesight of the wolf beast was the best among the orcs, and he could clearly see the orc race in the distance.

    Snow bear tribe?

    "Not good! People from the Snowland!"

    Carl's face was horrified. The orcs from the Snowland came to the territory of the Beast Juggernaut City, and they just nestled quietly without saying hello. It was self-evident what they wanted to do.

    If it weren't for this avalanche, I would never have discovered it.

    Snow bears are most suitable for cold places. If you want to attack Gathering Beast City, the cold season is the most suitable.

    Qin Zhenzhen was in a peaceful world, she hadn't thought of this yet, and asked: "No way, what are they doing here in the cold weather?" Karl said:

    "Go back to the tribe first."

    After finishing speaking, she turned into a wolf shape, Lie down beside Qin Zhenzhen.

    Although Qin Zhenzhen was puzzled, seeing Karl's serious expression, she didn't dare to delay. She immediately picked up the basket, wrapped the wolf cub tightly in her arms, and climbed onto the wolf's back.

    Karl sent Qin Zhenzhen home and ran to Wolf King Fort.

    In the middle of the night, Karl came back in a snowstorm.

    Qin Zhenzhen had just fed and was about to fall asleep when she heard footsteps and immediately opened her eyes.


    She took away a piece of animal skin by the side of the nest, revealing a bright green night pearl, and the room suddenly brightened.

    "Did I wake you up?" Carl apologized, walked into the room and closed the door.

    Qin Zhenzhen shook her head and asked, "Have you eaten yet? I left you dinner and it was warmed in the ashes of the fire, so it shouldn't be cold yet."

    Carl felt a surge of warmth in his heart, and instantly melted the ice after traveling all day. cold.

    When I opened the lid of the pot, I saw that there was a pot full of my favorite meat inside, and I immediately started to eat it.

    Wells and the three cubs are sleeping in the attic, and there are only Qin Zhenzhen and Carl on the first floor.

    Qin Zhenzhen sat on the edge of the nest with the quilt rolled up, and asked in a low voice: "Why did you come back now? Did something important happen?"

    Carl paused in his chewing, and said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid Xueyu is going to attack Juju Beast City, fortunately we found them during the day, otherwise we will be unprepared and we will definitely suffer a big loss."

    Qin Zhenzhen was also very grateful, thinking of the three cubs at home, she asked very worriedly: "Xue Yu Who is stronger with us?"

    Carl replied objectively: "In normal times, Xueyu is slightly better. But in cold season, Xueyu is stronger, and we probably don't have much chance of winning."

    Qin Zhenzhen's heart sank to the bottom of the valley , She even thought of taking the child to escape, but soon realized that Karl was the young master of this tribe, and it was impossible for anyone to escape him.

    Qin Zhenzhen analyzed calmly: "The snowy region is in a position to win, but they are lying in ambush and are unwilling to make a move. They should be afraid. What are they afraid of?" "

    The power of the Zerg." Carl gave the answer.

    "But Black and the Zerg are hibernating..." Qin Zhenzhen's heart ached, didn't Xue Yu know that the Zerg would hibernate?

    Carl said again: "The Snowy Land is afraid that we won't be able to destroy us this time. We will be supported by the Zerg until the end of the cold season. They will definitely not be able to defeat them. Although they can return to the Snowy Land, where they are invincible, the war is over." If it starts, they will never set foot in the oasis."

    Qin Zhenzhen nodded understandingly, and said happily, "Then we will have to procrastinate."

    "Father also decided the same way." Karl said.

    Jushou City did not expose Xue Yu's actions, but only secretly strengthened its vigilance.

    It's just that the next morning, the Xueyu army came out on its own initiative.

    The snow bear at the head was emitting black energy from his body, and the huge coercion spread out without restraint, which made the tens of thousands of bears behind him look like a rainbow.

    Next to it was a young female sitting on the shoulders of a slightly smaller snow bear, her whole body was like an ice sculpture, as cold as ice.

    "Wolf King, we didn't intend to attack Gathering Beast City this time. We just want you to hand over one person." Xue Ji raised her chin and said proudly.

    The wolf king breathed a sigh of relief at first, and understood who she wanted after hearing the second half of the sentence.

    Who else? Qin Zhenzhen, who snatched Xue Ji's prospective partner, but the wolf king couldn't figure out that Xue Yu would mobilize so many people for such a trivial matter.

    Karl on the side couldn't help saying angrily: "No matter who it is, you have to give me a reason to hand over."

    Seeing Karl who was obviously stronger than a few months ago, Xue Ji felt more unwilling in her heart, and sneered : "You bring back a beast monster, it's all right to hurt your own people, we don't want to be implicated."

    Karl couldn't help being stunned, the rumor spread to the snowy area?

    "Have you ever met Lilith?" Carl narrowed his eyes, feeling a chill in his heart.

    Xue Ji said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, I just want to burn the beast monster to death, so that the two clans won't fight     !

    "     The wolf king's heart trembled, he knew very well that he was not the bear king's opponent, if he couldn't resist the bear king's attack, the Beast City would be over.     So he put on a smiling face and said kindly     : "Qin Zhenzhen has already given birth, so it is absolutely impossible to be a beast monster." Death is always right." Xue Ji wanted to add a crime, so there was nothing wrong with it.     She hated Qin Zhenzhen to the bone, even if Qin Zhenzhen wasn't a beast monster, she would have wished for her to die, but now she just had an aboveboard excuse.     Carl said without fear: "If you want to fight, fight, I will never be afraid of fighting in Beast City!"     After finishing speaking, he looked at his father indicatively.     The wolf king hesitated, but still ordered his subordinates to turn around and return to the tribe.

    "Aren't you really afraid?" Xue Ji was stunned, she was still doubtful about Qin Zhenzhen's identity, but now she couldn't help but really doubt it.

    How could an ordinary female make a tribe willing to take the risk of being wiped out? Isn't this a beast monster?

    "Father?" Xue Ji looked at the tallest snow bear beside her inquiringly.

    Xiong Wang patted his chest and roared, leading an army of ten thousand people to rush towards Jushou City.

    The Wolf King and the others had long since disappeared. They entered the territory of Juju City, but did not see a single orc, and even the wooden house was empty, which was very strange.

    "Father, it's not like the people from Jushou City have escaped?" Xue Ji asked.

    Xiong Wang sniffed the ground and turned into a middle-aged man with a burly figure like an iron tower. He said in a deep voice, "Impossible. The smell on the ground is very fresh. It is impossible for such a large tribe to be emptied within a few days."

    "Then why is there no one?" Xue Ji looked at the empty tribe, the desolate appearance, which made her inexplicably panic.

    Bear King recalled the young wolf beast's fearless phrase "never fear war", and vaguely smelled something.

    "Shouldn't the Zerg be inside? Although the Zerg are afraid of the cold, maybe the Zerg King is not afraid. Once we go in, won't we be stuck inside and beaten?" The Bear King's heart beat wildly. It's over.

    "No way?" Xue Ji was not sure either.

    The more Xiong Wang thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case, and he immediately ordered: "Withdraw, withdraw! We will fight after we find out!"

ʚChapter 139 Empty City Plan

    Beast City, Karl and the Wolf King returned to the Wolf King Fort.

    Qin Zhenzhen and all the residents of Jushou City hid here. Seeing them coming back, Qin Zhenzhen immediately embraced the third child to greet them.

    "Xueyu really didn't attack, they were obviously going to fight when we left." The wolf king said in surprise.

    Yesterday Karl asked him to remove all the guards overnight. He absolutely did not dare to do so. Once the snow region invaded, they were unprepared and would only lose even worse.

    But Karl pledged his life. He thought he would lose anyway, so he just took a gamble. Anyway, the Beast City will be handed over to Karl in the future, so let Karl try it.

    But now who is going to tell him why he dare not enter without defense?

    "Carl, what's going on?" the wolf king asked.

    Carl looked at Qin Zhenzhen, his eyes were extremely hot.

    "It's all the little rabbit's attention." Carl said honestly, walked in front of Qin Zhenzhen, and naturally took the baby from her hand.

    The wolf king looked at Qin Zhenzhen in disbelief, this strange, beautiful, and mysterious female.

    Qin Zhenzhen smiled embarrassedly, and said in a soft voice: "This is called an empty city plan, and it's a psychological warfare. It makes Xue Yu think that we have an ambush and dare not come in easily." The wolf king understands the truth, but this is

    also It's too risky.

    What if the snowy region breaks in?

    Therefore, general talent and handsome talent are not the same.

    No matter how powerful the orcs are, they are only in force, and they are far inferior to weak humans in terms of scheming.

    The wolf king asked again: "Then how long can this method deceive them?"

    Qin Zhenzhen lowered her eyes and sighed: "It may take three to five days, or a day or so, and when they find out the reality, they will no longer be afraid. "

    For a while, everyone's joy faded.

    While the wolf king was thinking, his eyes fell on Qin Zhenzhen unconsciously. Qin Zhenzhen noticed his gaze and asked, "Did Xueyu make some request? It has something to do with me?" The wolf king was surprised again,

    " Why are you so smart?"

    Qin Zhenzhen was speechless, your old eyes are almost falling on me, it's hard not to guess!

    Carl held the baby in one hand, and hugged Qin Zhenzhen's body protectively with the other hand, and said, "For some reason, they also heard that you are a beast, and they want us to hand you over." "

    Again Lilith!" Qin Zhenzhen wanted to scold her, she must not be soft next time!


    The voice woke up the sleeping Xiaoshu, and when he woke up, he burst into tears.

    Qin Zhenzhen hurriedly carried the baby back from Carl's arms, sat on the open space, and began to breastfeed while untiing her clothes.

    The wide animal skin on his body completely blocks the view of the outside world.

    Newborns have always been the most talked about thing in the tribe, especially among the females, all the females gathered around at once.

    "Wow, Qin Zhenzhen, did you really give birth to a female cub and two male cubs?" "

    Can we cuddle her after she finishes feeding? The tribe hasn't had a female cub in three years." "

    My cub The cub is five years older than her, let's move around more in the future."

    For a while, there were constant compliments and flattery.

    Qin Zhenzhen responded politely and distantly, but her gaze found Miranda standing aside.

    Seeing her looking at him, Miranda panicked for a moment, then walked over cautiously.

    "Can I give you a hug?" Miranda said uncomfortably.

    Qin Zhenzhen smiled and said, "Okay."

    Then she hugged the full Xiaoshu to Miranda.

    She understood Miranda. After all, there were no male cubs born in human form in the animal world, which was equivalent to a deformity. They deceived the world and asked Miranda to hide it together. Honest and responsible people will naturally feel guilty and suffer.

    But Miranda's initiative to approach Xiaoshu has already represented her position, and it is only a little time away from fully accepting it.

    "It's so cute." Miranda said looking at the pink baby's face. They are both mothers, and they have a natural instinct to protect their cubs. In a flash, Miranda forgot the strangeness in her heart, and was completely captured by the baby's cuteness. .

    "If he can't find a partner, I will give him one in the future." Miranda lowered her voice and said to Qin Zhenzhen.

    Qin Zhenzhen chuckled, she didn't expect that Beast World would also engage in arranged marriages, and Karl was just a special case.

    Miranda's voice was very low, but it was heard by a female who was close, and she said amusedly, "Look at how white this cub is, and she must be as beautiful as her mother in the future. Why can't I find a male? Miranda You're so shameless, it's as if you're talking about taking advantage."

    The people on the side also guessed Miranda's words and echoed.

    "That's right."

    "There is a cub in my family who is so strong that he doesn't even dare to marry him. In the future, this cub's partner will definitely be the strongest in the tribe."

    Qin Zhenzhen and Miranda looked at each other, and burst out laughing .

    This smile completely resolved the previous embarrassment.

    At this time Carl came over and said to Qin Zhenzhen: "Father told us to go there." "

    Oh." Qin Zhenzhen responded, and then said to Miranda: "We will talk later." "

    Yes Hmm." Miranda waved her hand to Qin Zhenzhen, reconciled with Qin Zhenzhen as before, and she felt relieved.

    Qin Zhenzhen handed over the children to Wells, and went to the backyard with Carl.

    In the backyard, there are only green shrubs and white snow left in the garden, without the beauty of blooming flowers, but it also has an elegance that ordinary people do not have.

    The Wolf King paced back and forth anxiously in the yard, his eyes lit up when he saw Qin Zhenzhen.

    "Zhenzhen, what should we do next?" Wolf King asked.

    Qin Zhenzhen was a little embarrassed, she was just an ordinary human being, how could she be regarded as a wise man? Ashamed, ashamed.

    Qin Zhenzhen said: "The cause of everything is because of Lilith, if we want to solve the root cause, we have to solve Lilith."

    Carl said: "I don't know if she is in the snowy army, I just sneaked in and caught her "

    No need."

    Qin Zhenzhen immediately vetoed it, took a deep breath, and said, "Didn't they want me? Then I'll go to the Xueyu tribe." "



    Wolf King and Karl Open your mouth at the same time.

    "They won't let you go, you'll die if you go!" The wolf king couldn't bear it. Although he was prepared to sacrifice Qin Zhenzhen, he was unwilling to let such a young female lose her life, and she was his own son. companion.

    Carl looked at his partner affectionately, and said, "I know you don't want to see dead people, but it's too dangerous for you, just take it for me and the cubs, don't take risks." The male snake killed last time,

    let The little rabbit still can't let go of it, he knows the kindness of the little rabbit, and only by using his own life can she hesitate a little.

    Sure enough, Qin Zhenzhen hesitated, but she still said firmly: "I'll be fine, don't forget, I still have my back." After finishing speaking,

    she gestured to raise the scorpion animal pattern and mermaid beast on her hand pattern.

    Two fifth-tier beasts, even if one is in hibernation and the other is not suitable for land combat, at least they are enough to deter the snowy army.

ʚChapter 140 Qin Zhenzhen's Dedication

    The wolf king and Karl were finally persuaded by Qin Zhenzhen, so Qin Zhenzhen packed up her clothes, sat on Karl's back and came to the snowy army.

    Right now, the senior management of Xueyu is arguing.

    The tallest bear king said: "I think we should discuss it with Jushou City, it's better not to fight."

    Xue Ji said dissatisfiedly: "Karl is Qin Zhenzhen's partner, and Karl is the young city master. If we don't defeat them, Jushou City The city will not hand her over."

    "That's right, we can't beat us, we can just go in!" The one who spoke was Lance, the son of the Bear King, with white hair and blue eyes, handsome in appearance, but as burly as a bear. youth.     Bear King is getting old and doesn't like to do risky things. Risky things are done by young orcs who are full of blood. He said in a deep voice, "But they must have the help of Zerg, and we can't get it right." "It's all because of my incompetence.     " , if you get the young master of the Hushan Tribe, you won't be afraid of them at all." Xue Ji said angrily.     "Although you didn't get it, I got it."     Lilith walked over with two winged orcs, one black and one white, and Anderson and his party.     Lance's eyes lit up instantly. The first time he saw Lilith, he fell completely. Others were fighting to eradicate the beast monsters, but he was fighting to win the favor of females.     Xue Ji showed surprise on her face, and felt a little uneasy about being compared.     One Qin Zhenzhen is enough, this seemingly ordinary female actually compares herself, and she is so arrogant.     If she hadn't hated Qin Zhenzhen a long time ago, she might have hated Lilith even more.     Anderson smiled at Xue Ji gently, and said, "Long time no see."     "How come there are only so few people in the Hushan tribe? Isn't it too dishonest?" Can't help frowning even tighter.     Anderson's face sank, showing sadness.

    "The Hushan tribe is gone."

    Everyone in Xueyu was shocked.

    "The beast monster is real, it's terrifying!"

    "She must be destroyed!"

    Lance took the opportunity to say, "What Lilith said is indeed true. That female is the beast monster. If we don't act, the next one to exterminate the clan will be Xue Territory!"

    Immediately, the bear king did not hesitate anymore, fearing that his clan would be wiped out, he got excited and shouted: "Follow me to destroy the Beast Juggernaut City!" "Roar


    The bears roared like a rainbow.

    Just then, a bear ran over in a hurry.

    "My lord, a female in Jushou City wants to see you."

    Everyone was taken aback.

    "The female of Beast City? What's her name?" Xiong Wang asked.

    "Qin Zhenzhen."

    Everyone was even more confused.

    This is knowing that he is invincible, but finally willing to hand over someone?

    Whatever the reason, it's good to achieve the goal.

    Xiong Wang hurriedly said: "Bring her here quickly!"

    "Hurry up and gather firewood and burn her to death immediately!" Everyone

    present was overjoyed at once, only a long-haired young man with an extraordinary temperament was stunned and lost his mind for a moment.

    Soon, Qin Zhenzhen was carried by a bear.

    She was riding on the neck of a bear, and she was fully clothed, only revealing a delicate and small face, white and flawless, with a peach-like pink, so beautiful that it was unbelievable.

    Seeing everyone, she smiled and waved: "Hi everyone, I am Qin Zhenzhen."


    There was a gasping sound from the crowd.

    This is too beautiful!

    Behaving so tenderly, it really is a beast monster! How can a female be so gentle and pleasant?

    "Burn her to death!" Lance was the first to come back to his senses, and shouted forcefully.

    Then more people responded, shouting in unison like slogans.

    "Burn her to death! Burn her to death!"

    Lilith sneered, let's see how you escape this time, you will still be defeated by me after all.

    The bear beast carrying Qin Zhenzhen sat on the ground, and Qin Zhenzhen slid down his back. She was clearly dressed thickly, but her figure was tall and slim, making all the males present couldn't take their eyes off her.

    Bringing in her identity as a beast monster, the more charming she is, the more everyone will believe in her identity.

    To a certain extent, Lilith is still sad, the real beast monster is compared to an ordinary human being.

    "I'm here to explain to everyone that I'm not a beast monster." Qin Zhenzhen's voice was soft and calm, without any aggressiveness.

    Everyone's sense of urgency to burn her to death could not help but fade away.

    Lilith was afraid that Qin Zhenzhen would pour dirty water on her, so she hurriedly acted first: "Are you going to slander others again? Everyone, please don't believe her!"

    Qin Zhenzhen glanced at Lilith lightly, weakly but very cold.

    Anderson said, "How do you prove that you are not a beast monster?"

    Seeing Anderson, Qin Zhenzhen was stunned, and said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

    Anderson and his subordinates are also young and strong in the tribe, If they attacked the Beast Gathering City together with Xue Yu, then the Beast Gathering City would be a disaster.

    Lilith sneered and said, "You killed the Hushan tribe and pretended to be innocent."

    Qin Zhenzhen was terrified and wanted to ask Anderson, but seeing Anderson's gloomy expression, she understood everything.

    "Is it made by a mermaid?"

    Anderson was silent, thinking of his father who died tragically, his eyes were full of hatred.

    Lilith said loudly: "Look, everyone, it was Qin Zhenzhen's partner who wiped out the Hushan tribe, and she did it on purpose! If you don't take advantage of her partner's hibernation and burn her to death, Xueyu will be the second one to be wiped out in the future." tribe!"

    "Burn her! Burn her!"

    the crowd shouted again.

    Xiong Wang sternly said: "Do it!"

    Someone immediately dragged Qin Zhenzhen to the woodpile.

    Qin Zhenzhen didn't cry or make trouble, she obediently walked to the center of the pyre, raised her right hand and laughed wantonly.

    "I only have three partner marks, one is a fourth-level beast, and two are fifth-level beasts!"

    Hearing these words, people were frightened.

    "I heard that males who lose their mates will go crazy, but I think they are capable of destroying a tribe in a short period of time." Qin Zhenzhen said with a smile on her face, but the meaning in the words made everyone feel a little nervous trembling.

    Threats, naked threats!

    Xue Ji gritted her teeth and said: "You beast monster! Even if Xue Yu takes revenge, we will destroy you! Eliminate harm for the Beast Man Continent!"

    Qin Zhenzhen is a little appreciative of Xue Ji at this moment, taking care of the overall situation, what a pity She got it wrong.

    "No need." Qin Zhenzhen said with a mischievous smile: "You can force me to lure my partner into a trap and kill them first." Yes


    Everyone suddenly realized.

    Xiong Wang immediately said: "Then hurry up and summon!"

    Both Qin Zhenzhen and Xue Ji cast contemptuous glances at Xiong Wang.

    "Father is sure that you can defeat two fifth-order beasts alone? Although one is in hibernation, the other is a mermaid out of water." Xue Ji reminded coolly.

    Xiong Wang choked and shook his head.

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