Savage Beast World Fantastic

By pinqu_

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蠻荒獸世萬人迷 作者:木心 Not my Story More

Chapter 1 - 10
Chapter 11 - 20
Chapter 21 - 30
Chapter 31 - 40
Chapter 41 - 50
Chapter 51 - 60
Chapter 61 - 70
Chapter 71 - 80
Chapter 81 - 90
Chapter 101 - 110
Chapter 111 - 120
Chapter 121 - 130
Chapter 131 - 140
Chapter 141 - 150
Chapter 151 - 160
Chapter 161 - 170
Chapter 171 - 180
Chapter 181 - 190

Chapter 91 - 100

492 7 0
By pinqu_

ʚChapter 91


    A scream disturbed the silent night.


    The worm queen!

    Black, who was sleeping soundly, opened his eyes suddenly, and almost rushed up to the attic.

    In the pitch-black space, he could see things clearly, and rushed straight to a large bag of animal skin blankets.

    "What are you doing!"

    The black mist was about to attack the figure inside.

    How dare the wolf beast bully his worm queen while he was sleeping!


    Qin Zhenzhen exclaimed.

    In the dark, Blake saw her flushed face, panicked and shy.

    Suddenly, realizing something, the whole black mist froze.

    Carl turned his head fiercely, his eyes shot out green light, and he growled threateningly.


    "Get out!"

    Qin Zhenzhen's neck shrank down, as if something had been triggered, and she made a sound of discomfort.

    "Get out!"

    The shy and angry roar could hear the girl's breakdown.

    Black panicked, fearing that the queen would be angry, he subconsciously flew out of the attic.

    Hearing the sound from the attic, Blake became angry belatedly.

    That's my queen! mine!

    kill him! Kill that wolf beast!

    No, the queen will be sad!


    The strong mood swing caused Blake to spit out a mouthful of green plasma, followed by a heart-piercing cough.

    Doomed to sleepless tonight.



    A loud cicada came from the tree.

    It was already noon, and the scorching sun had scorched the ground hot and dry.

    In the attic, Qin Zhenzhen woke up from fatigue and was about to stretch when her whole body, even her toes, felt sore.

    "It hurts!"

    Thinking of the absurdity of last night, Qin Zhenzhen's face felt hot again.

    Is Carl really the first time? Where did you learn the trick?

    Looking at the empty seat beside her, Qin Zhenzhen was a little disappointed.

    Where is Carl? Don't know if she needs a bath?

    Qin Zhenzhen stood up with her exhausted body, just after taking a step, her legs suddenly gave way and she fell back to the haystack.


    "Little rabbit!"

    The next second, Carl's figure rushed up, looking at her body nervously.

    The snow-white carcass is covered with bruises all over, it looks really horrible, I don't know, I thought someone beat up the female.

    Carl himself wanted to slap himself, full of guilt.

    But last night's feeling was really wonderful, not only physically, but also psychologically. He and the little rabbit were closer than ever before, as if two became one, life as one.

    If Qin Zhenzhen hadn't fainted later, Karl didn't know when he would be willing to end it.

    No, just separated, he began to look forward to the next time.

    Qin Zhenzhen followed Carl's gaze and lowered her head, seeing the marks on her body, she cried out in shock.


    "Carl! Look at what you've done!" Qin Zhenzhen broke down.

    Carl hurriedly hugged Qin Zhenzhen, and said softly: "It's my fault, I'll be gentle next time." "

    Next time, don't even think about it!" Qin Zhenzhen said angrily, this time it's about to be done She has half her life, she is afraid, and she can't afford to play with orcs.

    Carl let out an "ah", not knowing what to do.

    How can a man who has tasted meat be a vegetarian?

    It is absolutely impossible for him to live his original life, and he will seek advice from his seniors later.

    "What are you doing in a daze? Fetch water for me to take a bath!" Qin Zhenzhen raised her head and pouted her lips, commandingly.

    Karl only felt disgusted by this gesture on other females, but he was even more fascinated by his own little rabbit, and he couldn't bear to miss it.

    "Okay, I'll go right away."

    Carl said hurriedly, and rushed down to the attic in two or three steps. Not long after, he came back with a porcelain basin.

    Qin Zhenzhen could smell Carl's scent on her body, if she went out, everyone would be able to see what happened between them, not to mention that there were traces like a map on her body... As a pure

    lover A girl who didn't graduate from high school, Qin Zhenzhen wanted to die of embarrassment.

    She washed her body desperately, washing it over and over again, changing the water one basin after another.

    "Bring me another basin of water!" Qin Zhenzhen said angrily, she still couldn't wash it clean, she stared at Karl, wishing to beat him up.

    Carl felt distressed when he saw his partner's skin all over his body was red from rubbing.

    "How about I make you a robe? You won't be hot even if you wear Bingpo." Carl suggested.

    Qin Zhenzhen thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay."

    Carl immediately brought over the deerskin he had just tanned a few days ago.

    The deer fur is short, suitable for wearing in hot weather. Karl originally planned to use it to make some new clothes for Qin Zhenzhen, but it was a waste of leather to use it as a robe. Not to mention wearing hot clothes now, but in the cold season, you still have to keep out the cold.

    But as long as Qin Zhenzhen is happy, Carl doesn't care about it.

    Carl picked up the leather without measuring it, and was about to tear it off.

    "Hey! What are you doing?" Qin Zhenzhen quickly stopped him.

    "Make clothes!" Carl said as a matter of course.

    "What... are you going to do?" Qin Zhenzhen asked suspiciously, she thought of the cloak on Blake, it was... almost the same as wearing a whole animal skin.

    Sure enough, Karl said: "Tear off the excess and surround it." "


    Qin Zhenzhen was speechless for a while, and pulled the animal skin.

    "I'll do it!" Qin Zhenzhen said, "Call Blake over, he cuts neatly." "


    Carl hurried away.

    When she heard the sound of going upstairs, Qin Zhenzhen put the quilt on her body.

    But Blake still saw Qin Zhenzhen's exposed skin at a glance, such fair skin was covered with shocking marks.


    Anger erupted in his chest, causing him to cough violently.

    Qin Zhenzhen asked with concern: "Blake, why is your cough getting worse?"     Blake

    coldly swept towards the wolf beast next to him, and a deep and hoarse voice sounded: "The Queen of Worms is delicate and delicate, she cannot be suppressed!"

Touching it casually caused the queen to be covered in injuries, and she begged for mercy from the pain.

    Now that the worm queen has been made like this by a wolf beast, how much pain should she have?

    What does the queen like about wolves?

    After anger, there is sour sadness.

    Carl gave Blake a sideways look, and he was easy to talk to, "I'll let the little rabbit be on it from now on."

    Embarrassed, Qin Zhenzhen grabbed a handful of grass and threw it at Carl.

    It's a pity that the grass floated in the air and fell down, which made Qin Zhenzhen feel as if she had punched the cotton, making her even angrier.

    "Shut up! Come and work!" Qin Zhenzhen ordered.


    Carl quickly ran to Qin Zhenzhen and squatted down obediently. The big wolf behind him swung its tail, like a big wolf dog with only eyes on its master.

    Black looked at them, the black mist seemed to be getting tighter, and he sat down opposite Qin Zhenzhen.

    "What can I do for you?" he asked.

ʚChapter 92 Qin Zhenzhen is a Disaster

    "What can I do for you?" Blake asked in a low voice.

    Qin Zhenzhen was embarrassed to look at Blake, she blushed and lowered her head and said, "Cut the animal skin for me, I want to make a new suit." "

    Okay." Blake said.

    In the sunlight, the water in the small river shimmered, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds.

    A mutilated female body floated on the surface of the water, staining the waters red. Several passing males found it and hurriedly salvaged it.

    The Palace of the Wolf King has a solemn atmosphere.

    "Notify the whole city to strengthen their vigilance and guard the females at all times!" The wolf king said in a deep voice.


    Xima walked into the Wolf King Hall accompanied by her peacock companion, and asked with some dissatisfaction: "What did you ask me to do? I don't know how to govern a tribe." The peacock beast

    said hostilely: "You made me lose Son, Xima has agreed to give me another one, what do you mean now? Don’t you even give me a queen?”

    Xima quickly comforted the peacock man.

    There were quite a few people in the hall, and being so suspicious of females and rivals in front of his subordinates, the Wolf King's face was very ugly.

    "I suspect that the tribe has infiltrated dangerous orcs. You should be careful during this time, and you'd better stay by my side." The wolf king said to Shima with a sullen face.

    Shima hesitated, and the peacock man immediately became angry.

    "I think it was caused by your partner, Carl. Since she came, how many people have died in attacking the Zerg? How many people have been killed by the snake and beast? Even the females have accidents one by one." The more the peacock man said, the more he felt that it was true

    . With such a thing, he continued to analyze: "Qin Zhenzhen is so beautiful. I heard that she is still barren. It is completely a monster in the legend that specially confuses orcs, and wants to kill our orcs!

    " There was a moment of horror.

    Although the peacock man is hostile to the wolf king and his son, his words are not unreasonable.

    If Qin Zhenzhen is really a monster...

    The wolf king was furious, and a black air instantly wrapped around the peacock man's neck.

    "Shut up!"

    The voice suddenly became low, carrying a strong majestic pressure.

    The peacock man's legs suddenly became weak, and his face turned purple.

    Because of being favored, he almost forgot the strength of the fifth-order wolf king beast, and crushing himself to death was as easy as crushing an ant.

    Xima hurriedly supported the peacock man, and looked at the wolf king angrily and anxiously: "What are you doing? Let him

    go!" Then the wolf king let go of the peacock man and turned his back, his heart was so cold.

    "If you don't want to stay by my side, you must take someone with you at all times."

    As if it was for his own life, the wolf king still warned.

    Shima didn't speak, but asked the peacock man's injury in a low voice.

    The Peacock Beast stared at the back of the Wolf King unkindly, and said, "This is a disaster that your son brought to the tribe, and Qin Zhenzhen is a disaster!" Since he became

    Shima's partner, he has always dominated the Wolf King, even his son It is also the capital for his comparison.

    But his son Bin was expelled from the tribe because of Qin Zhenzhen, and died to protect Qin Zhenzhen, causing him to send a white-haired man to a black-haired man, how could he not hate him?

    The atmosphere in the hall was extremely heavy because of the peacock's words. Xima was afraid that the wolf king would lose control, so she dragged the peacock out of the hall.

    At last it was quiet.

    The wolf guards and tribal elders in the hall watched each other, not daring to make a sound.

    But the mood of doubt, spread silently.

    The wolf king's eyes swept over their faces one by one, and the anger that had been suppressed for a long time finally broke out, and he roared, "Get out of here!"

    Now it seems that Qin Zhenzhen's pregnancy is imminent. I hope Karl can fight for his strength, otherwise they won't be able to keep them this cold season.

    In the wooden house, Qin Zhenzhen finally put on the new clothes she made.

    The camel deerskin was made into a western style suit by her.

    The upper body is a long-sleeved slim-fit jacket, and the lower body is a short skirt with hips. The fabric is well-cut, and the seams are fixed with thin animal skin strips. The tassels are decorated by the way, adding a bit of decoration to the simple design.

    The whole set of clothes wrapped her exquisite body, showing her figure advantage even more. She was tall and had long legs, and it also properly covered the bruises on her body.

    "How is it?" Qin Zhenzhen walked two steps in her new clothes, her legs were still very weak, she quickly supported the wall.

    Karl was stunned, "Is this the clothes from your place?"

    Blake was also fascinated by it, his own queen is amazing, and her clothes are more beautiful than other females!


    Qin Zhenzhen raised her delicate pointed chin, and responded playfully.

    This appearance is so fascinating that Karl can't move his eyes, his eyes are so bright that they seem to be filled with stars.

    Qin Zhenzhen sat back in the grass nest, combed her messy hair with her hands and said, "Help me braid my hair, this dress matches the dreadlocks best!"

    Carl hurried over.

    Black, who was sitting by the side, suddenly seemed redundant.


    He coughed weakly, and suddenly heard footsteps near the wooden house.

    "Wolf beast, someone has invaded your territory." Blake reminded, not because of kindness, but because he wanted to separate him from Qin Zhenzhen.

    Carl got up and went to the attic window to take a look, "It's a member of the Wolf Guards, it should be about the tribe, I'll go down and ask." "

    Yes." Qin Zhenzhen replied.

    Carl jumped directly from the window.

    Blake volunteered to move behind Qin Zhenzhen, "Queen, I'll help you!"

    "You...will you?" Qin Zhenzhen asked suspiciously.

    "No." Blake answered honestly.


    Qin Zhenzhen finally gave the hair to Black, but Black's black energy is more flexible than the wolf's claws, Qin Zhenzhen felt that the whole head of hair was pulled together, and it didn't hurt at all.

    It was only a few minutes before I heard Blake say: "Okay."

    Qin Zhenzhen raised her hand and touched her head, and said in surprise: "Yes!"

    It feels smooth to the touch, and the scalp is also very comfortable. have this talent.

    "From now on, I'll find you for hairdos!" Qin Zhenzhen said pleasantly.

    Blake was overjoyed and coughed again with excitement.

    "Qin Zhenzhen! Are you picking fruit? Let's go together!"

    "Sister Zhenzhen!"

    Miranda and Xueli's voices came from the attic.

    Qin Zhenzhen glanced at the sky, feeling strange.

    It was hot at this time, why would they go out to pick fruit?

    At the door of the wooden house, Miranda and Shirley arrived in front of their house just as Karl sent off the wolf guards.

    Qin Zhenzhen walked out of the wooden house slowly with her legs intertwined, trying not to let others see the abnormality of her body, and said to the two: "You guys go, I'll go later."

    Miranda said: "Don't you know? Another villain from the tribe has come in, let's be safe together, and I brought a lot of males." "

    Yes, I heard that a female was bitten to death, which is more terrifying than snakes and beasts!" Shirley chimed in.

    As she spoke, she glanced at Karl and said, "You should come with us, you are stronger."

    "Bad guy?" Qin Zhenzhen was taken aback.

    Carl then told Qin Zhenzhen the news about the tribe.

ʚChapter 93

    Qin Zhenzhen was also shocked to learn that someone was brutally murdered, and it was a female.

    "Let's go, it won't be safe if it's late." Miranda urged, dragging Qin Zhenzhen's arm. Only then did she notice the strange clothes wrapped tightly around her body, and she couldn't help but look up and down in surprise.

    "Yes." Qin Zhenzhen replied.

    The three girls walked ahead side by side, and Karl followed behind worryingly.

    Because Qin Zhenzhen was dressed thickly, she brought ice caps to relieve the heat, Miranda and Xue Li stood next to her to cool off.

    "How do you make clothes like this? No trouble?" Miranda asked.

    "Sister Zhenzhen, you are tied up by your clothes, can you move?" Shirley also asked innocently.

    Qin Zhenzhen was seen by them as Alexander, forced herself to walk in an awkward posture, and tightened her coat tightly.

    I don't know if it's completely covered, but don't be seen.

    "It's not troublesome, and it's very comfortable to wear." Qin Zhenzhen replied embarrassingly.

    The two were busy asking questions again.

    "How do you do it? Can you teach me?"

    "I want to learn too, sister Zhenzhen's clothes are beautiful!"

    Qin Zhenzhen: " can do it anytime."

    The three of them chatted and laughed, and soon came to the strawberry field .

    There are many females in the strawberry field, gathered in groups of three or four, each carrying a small bamboo basket, and bringing one or two male partners, making this hillside unprecedentedly lively.

    "Pick it quickly, it will be finished in a while!" Miranda said anxiously, before she knelt down and picked one and put it in her bamboo basket.

    Only Qin Zhenzhen frowned while holding the porcelain jar, and squatted down with great difficulty.

    Seeing that she was unwell, Carl stepped forward and said distressedly: "I'll pick it, you sit and rest."

    Qin Zhenzhen stared at her beautiful eyes, and lowered her voice angrily: "I'm annoyed when I see you, go aside !"

    Karl, who was scolded, laughed, which made Qin Zhenzhen angry and funny.

    Ignoring Carl, Qin Zhenzhen picked up the fruits seriously, and finally saw a big red one. She just stretched out her hand, but a dirty foot was one step ahead of her, and ruthlessly stepped on the bright red fruit. on the fruit.

    The fruit exploded instantly, and a drop of pink pulp splashed on Qin Zhenzhen's face.

    Qin Zhenzhen frowned, raised her head in displeasure, and saw her slightly swollen belly before seeing the person's face.

    "Haha!" Lilith was pleased by Qin Zhenzhen's embarrassment, and let out a piercing laugh, "You have the nerve to go out, you trash who can't give birth!" "Who do you think can't give birth!"


    Zhenzhen Before she could speak, Shirley on the side became angry first.

    "These are all other people's nonsense! Don't talk nonsense!" Shirley, who has always been soft-tempered, showed her sharp claws and said loudly to Lilith.

    The child doesn't know how to bear his temper. In the darkest time of the underground palace, sister Zhenzhen gave her warmth. Hearing that sister Zhenzhen was so slandered, she was more angry than herself being slandered.

    Lilith snorted coldly, and said, "She's not young anymore, if she could bear children, she wouldn't have a single cub by now?" A

    sentence blocked Xue Li's speech, and she was so angry that she blushed and had a thick neck. .

    "There are people who say that Qin Zhenzhen is a beast monster who only kills females! If you get so close to her, be careful not to be bitten to death by her?" Lilith made a scary face at Xue Li.

    Xue Li was so frightened that her face turned pale, her aura instantly changed back to that of a cowardly quail, and she said weakly, "Don't talk nonsense!"

    Miranda heard the movement and walked over, holding Xue Li in her arms.

    Qin Zhenzhen wiped off the juice on her face, sneered, and stood up.

    "It's all for you to target me, bullying children, isn't that good?" Qin Zhenzhen said coldly, the always gentle and submissive person gets angry, with a ruthless vigor in him.

    She just didn't bother to tear up with Lilith, but the people around her were affected by it, so Qin Zhenzhen didn't intend to bear it anymore.

    Lilith couldn't help being startled, and suddenly remembered the memory of being slapped by Qin Zhenzhen, and couldn't help but feel scared.

    "Did Lilith say something wrong?"

    Suddenly, another female voice sounded.

    A group of seven or eight females came over and stood behind Lilith arrogantly.

    "Since Qin Zhenzhen came, Jushou City has been unlucky. I think she is the disaster star!" "

    My brother died to save her. She actually used meat to compensate us. Is my brother worth a piece of meat?"

    Qin Zhenzhen was startled, no matter what, many people died because of her. Facing the family of the deceased, she could not refute.

    "Hey! Your name is Miranda, right? Didn't you still get killed by snakes and beasts because of her? You're still on her side!"

    Someone even provoked dissension openly.

    Miranda said without hesitation: "Qin Zhenzhen is also innocent, she is a victim!"

    However, her explanation paled in front of this group of females. They detailed Qin Zhenzhen's faults and even hunted and injured their partner. The wild fruit is sourer than in previous years, it's all on Qin Zhenzhen's fault.

    Qin Zhenzhen didn't want to argue with them, so she said to Miranda and Xueli: "Let's go back."

    Lilith was watching a good show, and she stretched out her hand to push her when she was willing to let her go.

    "Where are you going?"

    Before she finished speaking, Qin Zhenzhen fell limply to the ground.

    Everyone was stunned, including Lilith.

    She didn't work hard!

    "Little rabbit!"

    Carl, who was at the side, rushed over quickly, helped Qin Zhenzhen up, and shot Lilith with his eyes like a sword.

    Lilith took a step back in fear.

    Carl's threat enraged the group of females even more. They had never seen Carl's iron-blooded methods to vent his anger on Qin Zhenzhen, so they were not afraid at all.

    "What's wrong with the males?"

    "Lilith, don't be afraid, we're here. Does he still want to beat the females?"

    the females said eloquently.

    Karl ignored them, looked away, and lowered his head to ask about Qin Zhenzhen's physical condition.

    "Does it hurt from the fall?"

    "I'm fine." Qin Zhenzhen replied in a low voice, how dare people know that she fell only because her legs were weak.

    But a childish roar was heard.

    "Ah! Bully my sister Zhenzhen, I will fight with you!"

    Xue Li roared, and her small body suddenly slammed into Lilith.

    Then, he was kicked back by Lilith reflexively.

    If Qin Zhenzhen is "touching porcelain", this kick is a real deal.

    Xueli was small and light, fell to the ground and groaned, then curled up with her stomach in her arms, unable to utter a sound.

    "Shirley!" Miranda hugged Shirley, watching Lilith dare not speak out.

    Males can't beat females, and Lilith has a lot of females, so if they really fight, they won't please them at all.

    "It deserves it!"

    Lilith rolled her eyes, relying on a group of local females to back her up, her arrogance rose again.

    But Qin Zhenzhen suddenly pushed Carl away and walked towards Lilith step by step.

    Is this going to be a fight?

    Lily was not afraid at all, and even looked forward to it.

    "Zhenzhen, don't be impulsive!" Miranda advised.

    Before the words fell, there was only a loud "pop".

ʚChapter 94 Lilith Was Beaten

    Qin Zhenzhen slapped Lilith expressionlessly and knocked Lilith to the ground.

    Lilith's head was buzzing, her face was burning hot, and she could only hear severe tinnitus in her ears, and she lay on the ground and could not move.

    This group of females, who were about to move around, also froze in an instant.

    In the face of absolute strength, no one dared to take risks.

    For a while, the crowd was silent.

    It took a long time for Lilith to raise her head, half of her face was swollen into a pig's head after being beaten.

    " hit me like that, I'm pregnant." Lilith's voice was trembling, her ears were still ringing, she was already terrified by the aura of Qin Zhenzhen's slap.

    Is this female strength? The slap last time wasn't so hard, if it wasn't for seeing Qin Zhenzhen slap her, Lilith would have thought she was slapped by a male.

    "If there is something wrong with the child in my belly, you will be in trouble!" Lilith yelled sternly.

    Anyway, she doesn't want to have Zerg children at all, it's okay for females to fight, but Qin Zhenzhen will be responsible for hurting the cubs.

    Qin Zhenzhen sneered, and said, "So what? The thing in your stomach is not of the orc species!"

    Lilith was startled.

    Qin Zhenzhen continued: "If you want to investigate, please call your Mr. Zuo Envoy to come to my house to look for the insect king."

    Hearing this, Lilith's face turned pale.

    Mr. Zuoshi, no matter how high his status is, there is always the King of Insects pressing down on him.

    Moreover, Mr. Zuo Shi had no patience with her because of what happened last time. If it wasn't for the sake of future generations, he would never care about her anymore.

    In this way, even if Qin Zhenzhen hurt the child in her stomach, nothing would happen.

    On the contrary, I will lose the blessing of the Zerg left envoy, and my body will be damaged due to miscarriage, and it may not be easy to conceive in the future.

    Lilith didn't dare to think about it anymore, she just hoped that the child in her stomach would be fine, and she subconsciously stroked her slightly swollen abdomen.

    Qin Zhenzhen looked at her condescendingly, and an invisible murderous aura overflowed from her body.

    "I advise you to be more honest in the future, otherwise..."

    Qin Zhenzhen didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but it was more awe-inspiring than saying nothing.

    At this moment, Lilith was really scared.

    Qin Zhenzhen is someone she can't afford!

    Qin Zhenzhen came to Shirley's side, took a look at her, and hurriedly said to Carl, "What are you still doing in a daze? Send it to Wells!"

    Both Carl and Miranda were startled by Qin Zhenzhen's aura just now, Only then did I come back to my senses.

    Carl picked up Shirley and rushed away first.

    In the bamboo house, Wells carefully examined Shirley's body.

    Xue Li's face eased a lot, and she smiled weakly at Qin Zhenzhen and said, "I'm fine, sister Zhenzhen, but my stomach hurts, and it's much better now." Wells said seriously: "A female's stomach is a vital point, it hurts

    . She will be infertile when she arrives."

    "Then is she okay?" Qin Zhenzhen asked anxiously.

    Xue Li was frightened when she heard the words, she was so angry when she heard Li Lisi scolding Qin Zhenzhen like that, she was very afraid that she would be scolded like that.

    Wells said: "It's just that the female's foot should be fine, and it can go back after a few days of raising it here."

    Qin Zhenzhen was relieved, angry and touched by Xue Li, and pointed hard at her forehead Said: "You, a child, what kind of fight do you have with an adult? Isn't it clear that you are at a disadvantage? Don't be a fool in the future." "

    But I can't be angry!" Shirley was still very unconvinced, and said with a pouted mouth: "Brother Karl It's because men can't fight, and you seem to be unable to fight, so I couldn't help but rushed out." "

    Do I look like I can't fight?" Qin Zhenzhen asked.

    Xue Li grinned, shook her head and said, "It's not like that!"

    Miranda thought of Qin Zhenzhen's slap, and said in admiration, "Zhenzhen, why are you so strong? I really didn't see it!" "

    Haha, maybe You're too angry, you must stimulate your potential." Qin Zhenzhen laughed.

    Ever since Black rescued her, her strength has grown a lot. The slap just now didn't spare any strength, but she was quite surprised to slap someone down.

    "By the way, Qin Zhenzhen, I just came back from picking a batch of medicine, you can see how much you can use, just take it." Wells said.

    Qin Zhenzhen hurriedly asked: "Where is it?"

    Wells took her to the pharmacy next door.

    Dozens of bamboo tubes are neatly placed on the floor of the pharmacy, and the medicinal materials that have just been harvested have not yet been sorted, and they are piled up in a corner.

    Qin Zhenzhen excitedly chose.

    Fresh chili, take it!

    Fresh garlic, take it!

    Freshly dug ginger, harvest it!

    Why? Isn't this Houttuynia cordata?

    Seeing Qin Zhenzhen picking up a plant, Wells said, "This is a detoxifying herb. It smells very bad." "

    You don't know... use this for cooking, do you?" Wells' expression gradually became frightened.

    Qin Zhenzhen raised her eyebrows, "Congratulations, you got the answer right!"

    Stink bug grass is a feared existence in the medicinal herb world. Wells thought of those patients who had to be force-fed to apply the medicine, and he refused in his heart.

    "It seems that you still don't believe me." Qin Zhenzhen pretended to be profound: "Then I won't ask you to taste it next time." "

    No! I believe it! I believe you!"

    Even the flame fruit can be eaten by Qin Zhenzhen Wells fans believed that Qin Zhenzhen could turn decay into miracles.

    Qin Zhenzhen pursed her lips, tried her best to hold back her laughter, and put the seasoning and Houttuynia cordata into the clay pot used to hold strawberries.

    "I'm going back to cook, Xue Li, you should take good care of your wounds here, and I'll bring you food later." Qin Zhenzhen said.


    Qin Zhenzhen politely said to Miranda again: "Do you want me to eat at home?" "

    No, I still have males at home." Miranda refused with a smile.

    After exchanging a few pleasantries, they went home.


    On the hillside, Lilith was covering half of her swollen face, and a group of females surrounded her to fight against injustice.

    "This Qin Zhenzhen is deceiving people so much that she doesn't pay attention to females and cubs." "

    You say she is so strong, so she is really a monster?

    " I didn't take it seriously at the beginning."

    "No way? Does that thing really exist?"

    Lilith rolled her eyes and agreed, "It must be. Where did it come from."

    "Oh my god, isn't it from your Manshan tribe?"

    The more the females talked, the more frightened they became, as if they had regarded Qin Zhenzhen as a scourge.

    "This is too scary. I still can't believe it. If she can have children, she is not a beast monster."

    Seeing the female began to speak for Qin Zhenzhen, Lilith said displeasedly: "Then let's see if she can get pregnant."

    For some reason , Lilith remembered Qin Zhenzhen's warning in her mind, and shook her head vigorously to shake her out of her mind.

ʚChapter 95 The Phantom of the River Bottom


    The two little wolves were sitting upright in front of the wooden house, seeing Qin Zhenzhen and Karl walking back from a distance, they ran excitedly.

    The two little wolves, one wolf, hugged Qin Zhenzhen's leg, "haha", blowing out hot air with their tongues hanging down.

    "Are you hungry?"

    Qin Zhenzhen gently touched their furry heads, and said, "I'll go back and make you some     food     .

    " went.     The two fenced yards surrounded by toon stakes around the wooden house have grown lush and lush, and almost all the sticks have survived. The young leaves are so dense that the rows of stakes are squeezed into the wall.     "Little wolves, I have a task for you." Qin Zhenzhen stood at the gate and clapped her hands.     The two little wolves rushed over immediately, and sat obediently in front of Qin Zhenzhen like schoolchildren.     "Aww?"     "Hoo?"     Qin Zhenzhen pointed to the tender purple fence and said, "Pick off all these young shoots and send them to Uncle Panda's house in the bamboo forest."     With so many seasonings from Wells, it is natural to send them Point back the gift.     "Aww!"     The two little wolves were about to transform immediately.     Qin Zhenzhen hurriedly said: "Put on your clothes!"     They paused for a moment, then squeezed into the yard to find their only leather skirt.     Not long after, two skinny little boys emerged from the fenced yard, with a pair of furry ears protruding from the furry black hair, and two almost identical faces, very cute in appearance.     They picked leaves obediently on the fence, adding a bit of childish innocence and romance to this pastoral area.

    Qin Zhenzhen walked to the shaded place next to the house with her hands on her waist and rested for a while, then she suddenly remembered something and asked, "Hey? Karl, why didn't you see your brother? There are several wolves in a litter, right?

    " The tribe saw many twins, triplets and even quadruplets, Qin Zhenzhen was suddenly curious about Karl's brother, he must have one or two brothers who look exactly the same, right?

    Carl, who was lighting a fire next to him, trembled slightly, and then continued to work as if nothing had happened.


    Qin Zhenzhen was stunned for a moment, "I'm sorry."

    "It's okay." Carl turned his head and smiled at her, his eyes suddenly softened, with a bit of longing.

    "Our children will live well in the future." Carl said suddenly.

    Qin Zhenzhen's face became hot, she turned her head away from looking at Carl, and muttered shyly: "Who is with your child, anyway, it's not me." But her hands couldn't help

    covering their stomachs.

    After pregnancy, you will not be able to dance ballet for a long time, and you will never even have the chance to go on stage again.

    Mom, your daughter is going to live up to your expectations. I... want to be a mother too.

    Looking at Carl's animal pattern on the middle finger of her right hand, Qin Zhenzhen smiled faintly.

    The thumb is Black's mark, but the clean index finger in the middle is a bit abrupt.

    You Laien...

    Although he is dead, Qin Zhenzhen is still not sure if anything happened between him and herself.

    She was really worried that her long-awaited child would be a nest of snakes.

    It was really painful last night. Logically speaking, it should be fine, but maybe the snake is too thin?

    Qin Zhenzhen scratched her head irritably, picked up the houttuynia pot and stood up.

    "I'm going to wash the vegetables."

    Carl hurriedly said, "Leave me here. If you're bored, go to the attic to sleep for a while, and call you when it's ready."

    "No, I'll wash my face by the way."

    After Qin Zhenzhen finished speaking, she took the basin and walked to the vegetable yard, and sprinkled the extra Houttuynia cordata on the ground.

    Houttuynia cordata grows when it sees the soil, and it can survive with a little water.

    Then she took the remaining Houttuynia cordata and walked to the river.

    It was almost dusk, and the surface of the river was covered with a layer of golden light by the setting sun.

    Qin Zhenzhen picked up a handful of water and greedily drank it to the full.

    The clear water swayed slightly, reflecting her delicate face.

    There are strands of algae rippling on the bottom of the river, like the long black hair of a beauty. If you look carefully, there is a blurry human face in the long hair.

    Qin Zhenzhen couldn't help getting closer to the surface of the water.

    The human face gradually became clear, and Qin Zhenzhen's breath was instantly taken away by the extremely beautiful facial features, and only the pair of abyss-black pupils were left in her consciousness.

    On the shore, one could only see Qin Zhenzhen's body getting lower and lower, and she was about to fall into the water at any moment.

    "What are you doing?"

    Carl yelled worriedly.


    Qin Zhenzhen screamed, as if frightened, she carried her into the water.

    Fortunately, Karl was running towards the river, and when he saw this, he rushed forward, grabbed Qin Zhenzhen's hand before she fell into the water, and lifted her up.

    Qin Zhenzhen's braids were completely wet by the water, and the expression on her face was still a little dazed in shock.

    "What's wrong with you?" Carl asked, looking into the water.

    The water waves swayed slightly, and there was no trace of ferocious animals stirring.

    Qin Zhenzhen dazedly wiped the water off her face, shook her head and said, "I don't know, did I fall into the water?"

    Looking down at her body, her clothes were dry.

    Qin Zhenzhen became even more dazed, she lightly rubbed her head, and muttered, "Are you dizzy?"

    The face she saw just now must have been dizzy. How could there be people in the water?

    Thinking, she glanced into the water again.

    Strangely, the water plants are gone.

    It seems that I am really dizzy!

    Carl pulled her away from the water, half blaming and half caring: "Don't come to the water alone in the future, dead females are found in the water." "


    Qin Zhenzhen shuddered, He nodded obediently and said, "Got it."

    There won't be ghosts in this world, right?

    Qin Zhenzhen's hairs stood on end one by one, and she dared not come to the river.

    "Go back, I'll wash the vegetables." Carl said, squatting down next to the vegetable bowl, and began to clean the Houttuynia cordata.

    The smell of Houttuynia cordata was strong, and the wolf beast's nose was sensitive, so Carlton frowned.

    He had a feeling that today's dinner was going to be bad again.

    Today, there is no meat at home, but the rice crackers can be eaten with an open belly.

    Qin Zhenzhen asked Blake to help grind the rice grains in the rice crackers into a slurry, spread them out into rice skins, then cut them into wide strips, pour lard on them and mix well to make handmade rice noodles.

    Fresh ginger and garlic are minced, and then a handful of dried chili rings are chopped. The lard is burned until it smokes, and it is poured on the seasoning.


    The simple and classic fragrance was instantly inspired.

    Qin Zhenzhen squeezed the juice of a few sour fruits into the seasoning, and sprinkled some salt powder on it.

    Finally, pour the seasoning into the handmade rice noodles, mix well, and a pot of red, oily, hot and sour handmade rice noodles is ready.

    Houttuynia root is also mixed with the same seasoning, and it is just right with rice noodles.

    After dinner was ready, the sky was completely dark.

    "Okay, it's time to eat!" Qin Zhenzhen clapped her hands and said.


    The two little wolves had just finished picking all the toon leaves, and when they heard the sound, they rushed over like the wind.

ʚChapter 96 How about some Houttuynia cordata

    Qin Zhenzhen packed Xueli's share first, then filled the powder for the little wolf cubs, and asked, "Would you like some Houttuynia cordata?" After the little wolves

    smelled it, they immediately shook their heads like a drum.

    Qin Zhenzhen didn't make things difficult for them, and put the bowl in front of them.

    Then, she looked at Carl maliciously.

    "Hmph, you can't escape!"

    Qin Zhenzhen smiled viciously, put a large chopsticks Houttuynia cordata in Carl's big bowl, and placed it in front of him with a "duang".

    "It's all yours, don't keep it."

    Carl's face was ashen, and he lifted one of the chopsticks with great difficulty, and just put it in his mouth, his face turned green immediately.

    This thing is as good as the poop baked by the little rabbit!

    Black glanced at Carl's face, and hid his bowl guiltily.

    "Ahem... I'm not hungry."

    Qin Zhenzhen put on a soft expression, and said with a smile: "Eat some, there are new dishes today. Oh, by the way, Houttuynia Zerg may not be able to eat either, You just have some rice noodles."

    Blake immediately lifted his spirits.


    A large bowl appeared magically on the stone table in front of him.

    Qin Zhenzhen: "..."

    Carl: "..." Woohoo, the little rabbit is biased!

    A dinner ended happily when several people were satisfied and one was sad.

    Then Qin Zhenzhen and the others took Shirley's dinner and a few large bundles of toon buds to the bamboo forest in Wells.

    In the bamboo forest, the flames burst out, reflecting an elongated panda shadow.

    "Sister Zhenzhen! You are here!"

    Xue Li didn't get up because she was not feeling well, she sat by the fire and looked at Qin Zhenzhen and the others with sparkling eyes.

    Qin Zhenzhen took out her bowl, which immediately attracted Xue Li's cry of surprise.

    "Wow! What is this? It looks delicious!" Shirley said.

    Qin Zhenzhen said: "It's all vegetarian. I'll let your brother Carl catch warthogs for you to eat tomorrow." "

    Really?" Xue Li became happier and said, "Sister Zhenzhen is so kind, I'll be fine if I get hurt every day "

    Qin Zhenzhen was so angry that she knocked on her head, pretending to be annoyed and said: "Eat quickly!"


    Xue Li hugged the bowl and started eating, and noticed that the two little males were looking at her bowl curiously. glanced at them.

    The two little wolves blushed immediately and turned their heads away.

    Wells hugged a large pile of toon leaves, and happily stuffed a mouthful into his mouth, "It's delicious. By the way, where's the bug dish you brought me?" "Here it is!"


    Zhenzhen suppressed a smile and motioned He glanced at Carl sexually.

    Carl gloated and handed Wells a plate of Houttuynia cordata.

    Wells took it happily, and out of absolute trust in Qin Zhenzhen, he scooped it up with his bear claws, and half a plate of Houttuynia cordata went into his mouth.

    The people on Qin Zhenzhen's side all fixed their eyes on Wells' face.

    I saw him chewing a few mouthfuls, his movements suddenly stopped, his eyeballs bulged, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

    next second.


    Wells' chubby figure rushed into the bamboo forest.

    Qin Zhenzhen vaguely heard something called "trust", which suddenly shattered.

    Wells rinsed his mouth for a long time before returning to the fire, looking at Qin Zhenzhen and the Karl wolf cub behind her and other beasts, his face was full of grief and indignation.

    "You... bully people!"

    Wells roared loudly, and tears rolled in the bear's eyes.

    The wronged brother Guobao, so cute!

    Qin Zhenzhen couldn't help but asked, "Can you change back into the animal form?"

    "No change!" Wells let out a breath full of Houttuynia cordata.

    Qin Zhenzhen bullied herself and still wanted to appreciate her beautiful animal shape, dreaming!


    Carl was so smoked that he felt like vomiting.

    Qin Zhenzhen covered her nose, saw that Xue Li had finished eating, she put away the bowl and said to her, "I'm going back, I'll bring you food tomorrow." "Yeah!"


    Li licked her oily mouth, looking forward to it tomorrow's arrival.

    After returning to the wooden house, Qin Zhenzhen and Carl were lying on the haystack in the attic.

    Karl wanted to climb on Qin Zhenzhen again, but Qin Zhenzhen ruthlessly pushed him away.

    "Go aside, I don't want to talk to you."

    Probably because of breaking through that relationship, Qin Zhenzhen really regarded Karl as one of his own, and was not polite to him at all.

    In order to avoid being harassed, Qin Zhenzhen turned over and slept on the bed.

    Unexpectedly, Karl climbed up unaffected.

    "Hey! Why are you like this?"

    "No way!"


    Damn! This also works!

    Then things got out of hand...

    the next day.

    It was already high in the sun, and at the attic window of the wooden house, a silver-haired boy stretched contentedly.

    "Huh! Let the little rabbit hunt it."

    Carl thought, and jumped down from the window, his figure turned into a big silver wolf in the sunlight.

    Suddenly, a black air swept across.


    Silver Wolf whimpered and disappeared without a trace.

    A black figure wearing a tiger-skin cloak stood in front of the wooden house, and it was unknown how long it had been standing here.

    "Dead wolf! It's endless!"

    "What's the sound?"

    Qin Zhenzhen's sleepy voice came from the attic.

    Qin Zhenzhen also walked to the oversized window and rubbed her eyes.

    Heiying raised his head and said nonchalantly, "There is no sound, you heard it wrong."

    The deep and hoarse voice was very steady, making it hard to doubt.

    Qin Zhenzhen was skeptical, she looked outside, and she really didn't see Carl, so she believed it completely.

    Looking through the stored food, except for rice crackers, there are only durians and coconuts left.

    Qin Zhenzhen washed with the water at home and ate two iced durians for breakfast.

    It’s really hard to have no food at home. It’s only been a few days since we ran out of food. It’s even harder to find food in winter. Don’t we have to go hungry?

    It's boring to be idle by yourself, so let's get some food and save it.

    "Blake, can you catch fish?" Qin Zhenzhen shouted down from the window.

    Blake glanced into the river, and said in a deep voice, "It will be..."

    "That's great, let's catch fish."

    After Qin Zhenzhen finished speaking, she ran down with a thump, filling the fish with her chest while running. The dirty braids on the head were pulled back, wrapped around a braid and tied into a ponytail.

    With Blake's company, Qin Zhenzhen dared to approach the river again.

    Blake probed a wisp of black air into the water, quickly spotted the school of fish, and immediately swept over.


    As if a grenade had been dropped on the water, it exploded in an instant, and Qin Zhenzhen and Blake on the shore turned into drowned chickens.

    Qin Zhenzhen spat out the water in her mouth, the corner of her mouth twitched and looked at Blake.

    "Are you catching fish? This is river bombing!"

    Blake looked at the empty "hand" and was also stunned.

    What about fish? He clearly aimed for it.

    Turning his head again, several fish died on the shore, but they were not caught by him, and they were directly shocked to death.

    "Is this considered to be caught?"

    Qin Zhenzhen choked speechlessly, picked up a stone knife and killed a fish, cut it into more than ten pieces, then raised her head and said to Blake, "I'll teach you a way." "     Huh


Laike moved closer to Qin Zhenzhen's side.

    Not long after, a dark multi-clawed monster was born.

ʚChapter 97 Lilith collapses

    Black separated more than a dozen ribbons of black mist, each with bait wrapped around the top of the black mist, hanging down to the bottom of the water to fish.

    From a distance, it looks like an octopus sitting on the shore fishing.

    The difference from real fishing is that Blake can see the fish at the bottom of the water clearly, and as long as the fish "takes the bait", he can catch it immediately.

    If these more than ten "fishing rods" were taken together, Blaketi couldn't even win, and he didn't want the small ones at all, only the big ones. Even so, Qin Zhenzhen's speed of killing fish on the shore could not keep up with his fishing speed.

    There is only one river in the tribe, and Qin Zhenzhen's behavior of catching fish soon spread in the tribe.

    Fish is not in the diet of most orcs, and they are only caught to satisfy their hunger when there is a famine. At this time, fishing for fish to fill their stomachs is undoubtedly an act of lack of food in the family.

    After Lilith found out, she immediately found a few females to watch the fun.

    "Isn't it? Carl can't afford to support you anymore? You actually fished for food." Seeing that Qin Zhenzhen was really fishing for fish, and even doing it herself, Lilith felt extremely happy.

    "You can eat this kind of unpalatable and prickly thing, it's really cheap." Someone echoed.

    Qin Zhenzhen, who was busy killing fish, raised her head and looked at them speechlessly.

    Are you sick?

    Blake glanced at the females in his busy schedule, his eyes were cold, and his tone was calm: "Queen, in fact, the Zerg race still needs females."     Qin

    Zhenzhen then said: "Okay."

Shocked, eager to try.

    There are quite a few females in Poly Beast City, which can increase the number of Zerg several times!

    Seeing that he really wanted to do this, Qin Zhenzhen secretly poked Blake's body.

    "Huh?" The whole black mist was puzzled, and Blake asked carelessly, "What are you poking me for, queen?"

    Qin Zhenzhen supported her forehead and continued to kill fish.

    Lilith froze, but was shocked by the casual words of the insect king. She pushed the female beside her and whispered, "Let's go."

    She really didn't want to go back to those dark days.

    As a large tribe with king beasts, the Beast City has no sense of danger of being taken away. The females said to Lilith with hatred, "What are you afraid of? This is Beast City.

    " Lilith was gradually paralyzed by the appearance of not being afraid of anything, and her courage grew again.

    "So what about the worm king? You can only catch fish to raise you. Why don't you learn from us and find a few more males, so you don't have to worry about food yourself."

    Lilith said as if she suddenly remembered something, "Ouch!" She said in a low voice, "Forget, you can't have children, and it's not easy to find more partners, haha..."

    Qin Zhenzhen was not angry, but her ears were almost callused, and she rested from her work and carried her He began to ask: "I said you are annoying?"

    Blake suddenly raised all his "claws" when he heard that, the black mist expanded several times, and rushed towards the females like a dark cloud.


    the females screamed and scattered like birds and beasts.

    Blake is the best at scaring females.

    "Tsk, you're really good at cooking and playful." Qin Zhenzhen shook her head and said to Blake with admiration, "You did a good job just now!" "You're welcome, queen     .


A fish flicked its tail wildly in the air, making the image of this cloud of black mist really ridiculous.

    Qin Zhenzhen let out a chuckle, and couldn't help but laugh: "Put the fish down quickly, I'm covered in water." "


    They spent a whole morning making hundreds of salted fish and hanging them on the The air was dried under the eaves, so that the whole house smelled of fish, but there were no mosquitoes.

    It's just the basement, and a group of dense insects gathered at some point. Some fly and some crawl.


    In the darkness, a deep and hoarse voice sounded: "Send word, I don't want their mates to find any food for those females just now. Especially, the one named Lilith." "Buzz

    ... "

    The mosquitoes seemed to have received some signal, they left the basement and flew in all directions.

    These Qin Zhenzhen didn't know anything about it, and that night several females wanted to come to Qin Zhenzhen to argue with her, but they were chased away by Blake after a long distance.

    It wasn't until two days later that the females who started to go hungry finally panicked.

    With nowhere to go, they could only turn their finger on Lilith.

    "It was you who asked us to provoke Qin Zhenzhen, now it's all over, our partner's prey has been robbed by the Zerg!"

    A middle-aged female pointed at Lilith's nose and cursed, spitting only at Lilith. Spray on face.

    "The wolf king doesn't care about this matter, let us apologize to Qin Zhenzhen, but we can't even see Qin Zhenzhen's face." Another female of about the same age said.

    Lilith was also dizzy from hunger, she panicked when she heard this, "Qin Zhenzhen is going too far, what's the difference between this and killing us directly?" No, there is still a difference

    . Killing people must be punished, but in this way, there is no reason for the punishment.

    "You started the matter, you go and beg Qin Zhenzhen to let the insect king let us go." The middle-aged female who took the lead said in a deep voice.

    It's about life, and it's the life of the whole family, no matter how much you hate Qin Zhenzhen, you have to give in.

    "Don't come to us either, my partners don't allow us to come and go." The

    middle-aged female turned around and left after speaking. The other females obviously angered Lilith, gouged her out viciously, and followed the middle-aged woman. The female leaves.

    Lilith originally wanted to isolate Qin Zhenzhen, but she was isolated first.

    At this moment, three males came in, and Lilith hurried to see what prey they brought back, but only saw that their hands were empty.

    "Didn't you catch the prey again?"

    Lilith felt disappointed. If this was in the Manshan tribe, she would have yelled.

    But now she hasn't married these males yet, so she doesn't dare to go too far, so she forced a smile and said, "It's okay, I can wait." A tiger beast opened the mouth first: "Sorry, we can't find

    any Any food, I think we should forget it."

    The other side spoke directly, "Even if you find a barren female, it's better than starving to death.

    " I'll see you off, don't come looking for me to eat again."

    After the three males finished speaking, they left one after another.

    Lilith was completely dumbfounded. It was rare that she restrained her temper and was abandoned by the male?

    Himself, abandoned by males?

    She is the number one beauty of the Manshan tribe! How many males ever wanted? There are countless lovers!

    Because of Qin Zhenzhen, she was compared to the dust everywhere, and now, even the male she got ran away.

    How can a female survive alone? Are you going to fish too?

    "Qin Zhenzhen! I hate you so much!"

    Lilith stood in the empty wooden house and let out a broken cry.

ʚChapter 98 Apology

    At this time, Qin Zhenzhen was sitting by the door peeling the rice crackers, and was going to dry the rice grains and store them.

    A group of females walked over with shy smiles.

    Qin Zhenzhen looked up, these people seemed to be close to Lilith, are they looking for trouble again?

    "I'm sorry about what happened last time." The middle-aged woman who scolded Qin Zhenzhen the most cruelly took the lead in apologizing.

    "I'm sorry."

    "I'm sorry."

    The females apologized one after another, confusing Qin Zhenzhen.

    But it's always a good thing for others to apologize, Qin Zhenzhen nodded and said: "Okay, I forgive you, you go back."

    It's that simple?

    The females couldn't believe it, the Qin Zhenzhen that Lilith was talking about was not a good person!

    Taking a peek at the black mist monster sitting next to Qin Zhenzhen, the females thought that Qin Zhenzhen was still making things difficult for them, and continued to apologize.

    "We will never associate with Lilith again, please forgive us."

    "Our whole family is hungry, and the cubs can't be hungry." "

    We are all borrowing food to eat, if you don't forgive us, we really have to I'm starving to death."

    Qin Zhenzhen became more and more confused as she listened, she glanced at Carl, who was dozing in the shade of a tree in front of the house, and at Blake beside him.

    Carl has been looking for food for the past two days, and now he just came back to take a nap. He has no time to do things, so it should be Blake.

    "Did you do something?" Qin Zhenzhen approached Black and asked in a low voice.

    "Cough! Cough cough cough..." It

    was an obvious cover-up.

    Qin Zhenzhen couldn't help laughing, and said how could these women who are not easy to mess with at first glance suddenly admit their mistakes.

    She threw the rice crackers in her hand to the ground, clapped her hands, pointed to the mountain of rice crackers in front of her and said, "That's fine, you help me peel all these rice crackers, and I will forgive you.

    " , Immediately beamed with joy, squatted down and started to work.

    At this time, two bald heads, one black and one green, walked into Karl's territory.

    Silver Wolf, who was dozing off under the tree, half-opened his eyelids, glanced at them, and then closed them again.



    Ferguson and Suo Xi humbly prostrated themselves on the ground.

    The females were shocked, the monster beside Qin Zhenzhen turned out to be the insect king?

    No wonder there were Zerg races in the tribe, no wonder they offended Qin Zhenzhen, and all their prey were taken away by the Zerg race. They dare to compare themselves with Qin Zhenzhen, even thinking about it is ridiculous.

    The females didn't dare to take a breath, and couldn't help but work more neatly.

    "Ahem..." Blake also threw the rice crackers, and said casually, "There's no need to snatch their partner's prey." "


    The envoys responded in unison.

    The big stone in the hearts of the females was completely let go.

    Then Ferguson said tremblingly: "What about Lilith?"

    Blake sneered, and said viciously: "Just give her fish."


    Qin Zhenzhen couldn't hold back, and smiled while holding her stomach Waisted.

    Suo Xi suddenly took two steps forward, stopped in front of Qin Zhenzhen, and held out a bulging animal skin package with both hands.

    "My subordinates heard that the worm queen sleeps cold at night, and the colorful cloud flowers that I specially found will be much warmer in the nest."

    Qin Zhenzhen curiously opened the package, and it turned out to be colorful cotton inside, and she couldn't help showing surprise.

    There are red, yellow, blue, purple, and white, and the colors are gorgeous, mixed together, really like clouds in a fairy tale world.

    The females working on the side couldn't help but look up and take a peek. This is a rare and good thing. If someone saves a nest of cloud flowers, it will be a very face-saving thing. Many females die of old age. It may not be possible to complete.

    Qin Zhenzhen got a cloud flower that could almost cover a nest in one go, which is so enviable.

    "You like it?" Blake asked.

    "Yes." Qin Zhenzhen picked up a red cotton flower, and gratefully said to Suo Xi, "Thank you." "I do

    n't dare to be a subordinate." Suo Xi said fearfully, his heart bursting with joy.

    "Is this easy to find? Can you get me some more?" Qin Zhenzhen asked expectantly.

    When she was in the orphanage, she was a master knitter, and it was up to her whether the younger brothers and sisters could live a warm winter. Before winter comes, you can knit a few pieces.

    "Yun Huasheng is on a cliff, these have been collected by my subordinates for a long time, and I will continue to search for them, and send them as soon as I find new ones." Suoxi replied respectfully.

    "Ahem..." Blake coughed and said, "I give you the right to mobilize all the Zergs and search all the cliffs."

    Suo Xi was overjoyed, and quickly replied: "Yes!"

    Qin Zhenzhen just asked casually Asked, Blake searched with the strength of his family, which made Qin Zhenzhen flattered.

    He opened his mouth, but in the end he did not refuse, and thanked Blake embarrassedly: "Thank you." The

    females complained endlessly, and the cloud flowers were all taken away by the Zerg, so all of them will not be able to have any this year. New cloud flowers.

    "Go on," Blake said.

    The two Zerg crawled out of the yard before straightening up.

    Suo Xi's green face evoked a smile, "Sorry, I have to borrow someone from you to use it."

    Ferguson was so angry that his liver ached, but he couldn't refuse, after all, it was Wang's promise.

    "You win by pleasing females, what kind of male are you!"

    "Hehe, I rely on the Queen of Worms!" Not ordinary females!

    With a proud face, Suoxi happily turned back into a mantis and jumped away.

    Ferguson in the back twisted his face in anger. They were also females. How could he have been hurt so badly? bad luck!

    Qin Zhenzhen sorted the cotton by color, and began to spin and knead the wool. It took half a day to finally draw all the cotton into wool balls.

    The rice crackers at home were also peeled off by the females, and there were so many rice grains that they could only be piled on the ground.

    It was getting dark, and this group of pampered females had been working for a long time, and all of them were tired and collapsed on the ground.

    Qin Zhenzhen was speechless, and said, "You all go back, and don't gossip in the future." "


    The females hurriedly responded with smiles on their faces, and they didn't dare to provoke Qin Zhenzhen anymore without Qin Zhenzhen's words. .

    In the distance, Carl could be faintly seen coming back dragging a huge beast. The afterglow of the setting sun elongated his figure, revealing a little tiredness.

    Qin Zhenzhen walked over to greet her distressedly, only to find that the prey was a black bull twice as big as Karl.

    "Tired? You have worked hard these days." Qin Zhenzhen said.

    Karl stopped for a rest, his eyes wandered dishonestly over his partner, "I'm not tired, I still have energy at night."

    Qin Zhenzhen blushed, and punched Karl's strong chest muscles, and said in embarrassment: "I'm too lazy to talk to you." You!"

    After saying that, he turned around and left.

    Carl hurriedly followed Qin Zhenzhen with his heavy prey, looked at the night sky, and thought to himself: It will rain again for a few days.

    Fortunately, today's prey is big enough, it should be enough to eat until the rain stops.

    Carl didn't take a breather when he got home, and immediately went to the woods to pick up a few large bundles of firewood and store them in the house.

    After dinner, the weather changed suddenly. First, the wind was strong, and then the rainstorm poured down with the rolling thunder.

ʚChapter 99

    The rain was getting heavier and heavier, the sky and the rain merged into one color, a landslide crushed several wooden houses, and the water in the river also swelled.

    Qin Zhenzhen and Karl's house was newly built, so it was relatively strong, and it stood firm in the wind and rain. It's just that it's raining heavily outside and light rain inside. Fortunately, there was a basement, so Qin Zhenzhen simply moved to the basement, and Carl also moved in shamelessly.

    "Ah! My sweater is done!"

    Qin Zhenzhen stretched her waist while holding the sweater she just finished.

    After several days of knitting without sleep or food, her joints were all stiff, but fortunately, the clothes were woven smoothly.

    "Let me see!"

    Carl was very curious about this kind of woven clothes, and immediately reached out to get it.

    A streak of black air was faster than him, and it got it in his hand first.

    "Ahem...the human figure is woven." Blake was stunned, and stretched a black mist into his sleeve.

    If you put on such clothes, can you look more like a person?

    Seeing that Black couldn't put it down, Qin Zhenzhen joked, "Try it if you like it!"

    Black was overjoyed, and really hugged the clothes, and soon the black mist shrank into the sweater, and put the long-sleeved shirt on The sweater bulged like a chubby rag doll.

    It's just that the size of the clothes is too small to hold his huge black mist, and more black mist hangs down, making him look like a human-shaped mop as a whole.

    "Is it good?" Blake asked in a circle.

    Qin Zhenzhen covered half of her face with one hand, unable to see any expression.

    Black was so concerned with how she looked, she couldn't bear to laugh at him.

    But, it's really funny!

    "It's okay, it's okay, puff!" Qin Zhenzhen couldn't hold back, she covered her mouth and let out a snort.

    Black was wondering when he heard Karl say unabashedly: "Do you know that you are a straw man? You are more fake than that!" The more you lack something, but you care about something, Black, who was poked into a sore foot,

    instantly Angry, a black mist was thrown out.


    Karl, who was sitting next to Ye Mingzhu, disappeared in place, looked around, and found a silver wolf lying in the corner.

    "Carl!" Qin Zhenzhen was shocked, and hurriedly ran to Carl's side, looked at Black angrily and said, "What are you doing?" The

    blackness suddenly shrank into a quail.

    "Cough!" Silver Wolf coughed up a mouthful of bloody saliva, rolled his tongue and licked it back, with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

    He changed back into his figure, rubbed Qin Zhenzhen's head, and comforted Qin Zhenzhen, "I'm fine, I'm used to this kind of minor injury." "I'm

    vomiting blood, how can I get used to it!" Qin Zhenzhen felt distressed and angry, He wiped off a little blood left at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Be careful in the future."

    Then he glared at Black fiercely: "And you, how could you hit Carl so hard!"

    Black didn't dare to speak, little Like a daughter-in-law, she stirred the sweater in her arms with black mist.

    Karl said nonchalantly, "If I hadn't been injured, I wouldn't have become a Tier 4 beast at this age."

    Injured and near death are the ways to be promoted that his father taught him.

    Qin Zhenzhen felt a sharp pain in her heart suddenly, looked at the handsome face with a youthful look in front of her and said, "I don't care, I don't want you to become stronger, just live well." Carl smiled lightly

    , "Yeah", but I want to become stronger in my heart.

    How can a female hope that her male will stop, the little rabbit likes herself, that's why she thinks so. But in order to protect her, he must have absolute strength.

    For Blake's shot, instead of holding grudges, he was very grateful.

    With a King Beast to learn from, he can be promoted to the fifth-level beast faster.

    Qin Zhenzhen pulled Carl back to the side of Ye Mingzhu, and said to Blake angrily: "Return the clothes to me!"

    The aura was very fierce, and Qin Zhenzhen felt guilty after saying that.

    The cotton was sent by Blake's men.


    Blake quickly handed the clothes to Qin Zhenzhen.

    Qin Zhenzhen rolled his eyes at him, took the clothes, took off the coat, and put the sweater on her body.

    The loose rough sweater was worn by Qin Zhenzhen with a lazy and casual feeling that could not be seen in the beast world. The snow-white color made her soft and cute. The hands covered by the sleeves were resting on the lap, like a full body. Little bunny sitting on the grass basking in the sun.

    Carl was stunned for a moment, his eyes were full of obsession, and he returned to the moment when he first met Qin Zhenzhen.

    At that moment, he identified his life partner.

    "The sweater is still comfortable to wear." Qin Zhenzhen said comfortably, she opened her arms to show the two males, and asked, "Is it okay?" "


    The two voices said in unison.

    Qin Zhenzhen was not surprised by their answers, this group of unknowing orcs, they probably think she looks good even if she wears a rag.

    "Wouldn't it be strange for me to go out like this?"

    Carl shook his head vigorously: "It's not strange!"

    It's just too eye-catching. The appearance of the little rabbit is already attractive enough. Enough power to repel all males of the tribe.

    "The weather seems to be getting colder and colder." Qin Zhenzhen said, she put the animal skin quilt on her legs, and felt that she had to knit woolen pants for herself.

    She chose the pink yarn and started stitching again.

    Carl glanced at the few dry firewood left in the corner of the basement. He couldn't even light a fire to keep warm. He stood up and said, "I'll go pick up some branches and come back."

    "Yeah." Qin Zhenzhen nodded, "I don't know how long it will rain, and it will take a few days to burn it after picking it up, so I need to stock up more."

    Carl took a stone knife and went out.

    There are trees blown down by the wind everywhere in the tribe, but there is no shortage of firewood, but the rain is too heavy and the visibility is too low. Karl can only use his familiarity with the tribe to grope for firewood.

    Suddenly, Carl found an unusual drag mark on the muddy ground.

    His heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously thought of the snake beast.

    No, the snake beast is dead.

    But the tribe didn't have any orcs with such footprints. Could it be that the fierce beast that attacked the tribe's female was also a snake beast?

    Calvary carefully smelled the smell of the soil, but unfortunately the rain had already washed away all the smell, and soon even the drag marks disappeared.

    Karl pinned the stone knife to his waist, and walked quickly towards Wolf King Fort.

    He told his father the clues, and the wolf king showed admiration for Karl.

    "Well done, I'll send you a group of people to search around and find the beast as soon as possible!" the wolf king said.

    Carl thought of Qin Zhenzhen at home, hesitated for a while, thought that with Blake around, Qin Zhenzhen has always been very obedient and never ran around, so he felt relieved.

    "Yes! Father." Karl replied.

    But she didn't know how much of a safety hazard her decision left for Qin Zhenzhen.

ʚChapter 100

    It was getting dark.

    Qin Zhenzhen stood at the door and looked out, muttering: "Why isn't Karl coming back? Isn't it just collecting firewood?" "

    I'm here to cook dinner today." Blake said to Qin Zhenzhen that it was rare for him to take the initiative to do the work.

    Qin Zhenzhen glanced at him unexpectedly.

    "Okay, you light the fire, I'll go to the yard to pick some food." Qin Zhenzhen said, reaching into the rain, the heavy and huge raindrops hit the palm of her hand, which hurt and itched.

    While picking vegetables, take a bath by the way, this is a natural big bathroom.

    So Qin Zhenzhen took off her sweater, took a vegetable bowl and walked out.

    The Zergs are not as thoughtful and careful as the orcs, and they don't think there is anything wrong with letting the females pick vegetables in the rain. After taking a look at Qin Zhenzhen, they began to fiddle with the flint and steel seriously.

    The torrential rain blurred Qin Zhenzhen's eyes, but it was very comfortable to take a shower.

    Qin Zhenzhen stood by the fence, covered her head with a vegetable bowl, hummed a song while scrubbing her body with a freshly woven towel.

    "A rain has trapped me here, and your indifferent expression will make me sad..."

    Anyway, no one can see far away in the rain, Qin Zhenzhen was very relaxed after washing.

    Suddenly, a black shadow flashed through the rain.

    Qin Zhenzhen stopped humming and turned to look into the room.

    "Blake? Don't peek!"

    There was the sound of rumbling rain, but there was no response, and only the shadow of the wooden house could be vaguely seen.

    Strange, did you read it wrong?

    Qin Zhenzhen thought suspiciously, just as she turned her head, a human face appeared in front of her eyes, almost touching the tip of her nose.

    Being too close, people can't see the face clearly, only a pair of pupils that are black enough to swallow a person's soul.

    Qin Zhenzhen was taken aback, and just about to scream, her mouth and nose were tightly covered by a cold and powerful hand, and then she was thrown to the ground.

    There was a stabbing pain in her neck, and a mouth full of sharp teeth bit her neck.

    In the confusion, Qin Zhenzhen thought of the legendary female who was bitten to death.

    Are you going to die?

    Death and fear overwhelmed Qin Zhenzhen's rationality, and she couldn't remember that she was in the animal world and was protected by a companion mark.

    But the mouth on the neck didn't seem to continue gnawing on it.

    "It's you?"

    An unexpected voice rang out, mixed in the rainstorm, so Qin Zhenzhen didn't hear it clearly.

    The person above raised his head, his wet black hair hung down on Qin Zhenzhen's face.

    Only then did Qin Zhenzhen see his face clearly, it was a seductive and seductive face, definitely not Bin's gender-neutral beauty, but full of aggressiveness and mystery.

    Raindrops slid down from his deep cheeks, full of deadly allure.

    It's just that these eyes are slightly familiar.

    Qin Zhenzhen finally came to her senses and squeezed her right hand tightly.


    The rain curtain was torn apart by an invisible force.

    Before the summoning was completed, the man seemed to sense something, hugged Qin Zhenzhen, and dived towards the river like a loach.



    A silver wolf and a cloud of black mist appeared in the rain.

    There was no one on the ground, except for a clay basin, which was tinkling from the rain.

    Black Mist held flint and steel with two black fogs, looking very dazed.

    Silver Wolf looked around warily.

    The rain screen has become a natural barrier, and even the best eyesight can't be used.

    Karl swept across the ground, which looked like a trace made by a python, and was horrified.

    It's a beast!

    Carl turned into a human form, his angry eyes fell on Black, and he shouted: "Look for someone!" He

    was still in a daze.

    If it wasn't for the time constraints, he really wanted to tear up this worm king who was dumber than a roe deer.

    After finishing speaking, he didn't care whether Blake understood or not, and ran out along the drag marks.

    Only then did Blake realize that yes, he also has the beast mark, and the queen can summon her.

    But what about her? Was taken away?

    After realizing it, he broke out in a cold sweat, and hurriedly followed the wolf beast.

    When the drag marks reached the river, they were washed away by the surging river water.

    Silver Wolf lowered his head and sniffed frantically by the river. The traces and smells all pointed in one direction, but he didn't dare to think about it.

    That smell is fish!

    No wonder the ferocious beast was picking its prey by the river, and this heavy rain gave him a chance to go ashore.

    Then the little rabbit was most likely dragged into the water!

    If so, she won't last long.


    The silver wolf on the bank stared at the muddy river, and suddenly plunged into it.

    Black followed closely and extended the black mist into the water.

    The two searched in the water for a long time, but they couldn't find Qin Zhenzhen.

    Fortunately, I have never lost my partner feeling, which is a blessing in misfortune.

    Carl surfaced from the bottom of the river, took a big breath, and gradually calmed down.

    The bunny should still be safe.

    It is too slow for two people to find, and the manpower must be increased.

    On the dim yellow water, the head of a wolf floating on the water turned into a human head.

    "Hey! Black, call your men to look for them together. I'm also going to inform the orcs in the clan."

    Karl yelled at Black, then climbed ashore and ran towards Wolf King Fort.

    The ferocious beast threatened the life of every female in the tribe, and every household sent at least one male to participate in the capture. The hunting team was comparable to a tribal war, and the tribe's river became the top priority of the hunting ground.

    The sky was completely dark, and there were orcs everywhere on the river bank.

    "Little rabbit, where are you?" Carl anxiously inspected the water surface. It was colder today than yesterday, and the little rabbit must have been frozen to death with so little clothes on.

    The wolf king patted his son on the shoulder and comforted him: "The beast didn't kill Qin Zhenzhen, so it shouldn't hurt her again. Let's surround the city of gathering beasts and prevent him from escaping." Carl's expression didn't look good.

    Analysis Said: "If she's okay, she wouldn't stop calling me now."

    Thinking of the bad environment the little rabbit is in now, Carl's heart throbbed uncontrollably.

    If he had known that Black was unreliable, he shouldn't have left home for too long.

    The Wolf King couldn't think of anything good to say, so he just sighed in the end.

    The sky was bright again, and the tribe was full of orcs. The search team had already changed a group of people, but Karl still stood firm by the river.

    A friend sensed to tell him that the little rabbit was in the river, although it sounded impossible.

    river bottom.

    A transparent bubble was attached to the soil, and a girl wearing a fur tube top and a short skirt was lying upright in it, her eyes were wide open and her body was motionless.

    A black fish tail swept across the bubble, followed by a pile of silt covering the bubble.

    Inside the bubble, the light instantly dimmed.

    "Don't! Give me some light." Qin Zhenzhen shouted boldly, seeing the last bubble was sealed with mud, she begged, "Please! I'm afraid of the dark!" Just after finishing speaking,

    Bubble It was completely dark inside, so dark that Qin Zhenzhen felt that her eyes were just for decoration.

    In the next second, the mud on the bubble was wiped away, and the light was thrown into the bubble again.

    The dark-haired flirtatious man drilled into the air bubbles, his smooth skin was covered with mucus, closely connected with the air bubbles, without letting a drop of water enter the air bubbles.

    Seeing the man's appearance clearly, Qin Zhenzhen opened her eyes wide.

    It turned out to be a mermaid!

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