Shadows of Slytherin Book 1

By Slytherin412

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Danielle Potter has always been different from her twin brother, Harry Potter. She was sorted into Slytherin... More

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1.3K 23 0
By Slytherin412

❗️TW: Mentions of blood/wounds, alcohol❗️

As I watch Dani walk out of the stadium, a wave of concern washes over me as I notice the obvious signs of pain on her face. Her victory may have been hard-fought, but it's clear that she took a beating in the process. Theo, always quick on his feet, suggests that we let her know about the party the Slytherins are throwing in her honor tonight.

"Yeah, she definitely looks hurt," Mattheo says softly.

"Because she is, Mattheo," I reply, my own voice filled with worry. "She took some serious hits today. Look at her shirt, it's soaked with blood. I don't think she's realized it yet, but once her adrenaline wears off, she's going to be in a lot of pain."

Draco offers to go check on her, but I see Mattheo looking away, struggling to keep his emotions in check. I know he cares deeply for Dani, and seeing her hurt like this is hitting him hard.

"How about I go check on her?" I suggest, standing up before anyone can object. "I'll let her know about the party and we'll see you boys there, okay?"

I make my way towards Dani, determined to comfort her and make sure she's okay. Despite the excitement of her victory, I can't help but worry about her well-being. She's a tough girl, but even the strongest of us have our limits. 

I approach Dani's room and push the door open without knocking, my concern overriding any sense of privacy. As I step in, I'm met with Dani standing in front of her mirror, her shirt completely removed, leaving her only in her bra. Her skin is marred with blood and bruising, stretching from her ribs to her back. Her hand is pressed against a deep gash, and she meets my gaze through the reflection in the mirror.

"I'm alright," she says, her voice wavering slightly. "It's not as bad as it looks."

I don't buy her reassurance for a second. "Bullshit, Dani," I say sharply, my worry turning into frustration. "Let me see."

I stride towards her, kneeling down by her side. She reluctantly takes her hand off the cut, revealing the severity of the injury. The gash is deep, and bruising has already set in around the wound, making it look even more sinister. "This needs to be treated properly," I say firmly, my protective instincts kicking in. "You can't just brush it off."

Dani nods. "I know," she whispers, "But I didn't want to worry anyone... Especially Harry..."

I quickly reach for my wand, grasping it tightly in my hand. I can see the pain etched on Dani's face as she remains silent, trying to be strong. 

Taking a deep breath, I speak gently, "Dani, it's okay to ask for help. You don't have to be strong all of the time." I see a flicker of vulnerability in her eyes, and I know she's considering my words.

"I may not be the most skilled in this yet, but I can at least try to help. Let me take care of that gash for you." I hold my wand steady, ready to perform the healing spell. Dani nods.

"Episkey." The wound slowly begins to close, the raw edges of the gash mending back together. However, I can see that there will likely be a faint scar remaining.

"I'm sorry, Dani," I say softly. "I couldn't get rid of all the bruising, but at least the gash is closed." 

Dani nods again, her gratitude evident. "That's alright, Pansy. Bruising will go away in time. Thank you."

I rise to my feet, dusting off my jeans as I offer her a reassuring smile. "Well, go get cleaned up and dressed up," I say in a gentle tone, gesturing towards her bathroom with a nod of my head.

Her brow furrows with confusion as she looks at me, her eyes searching mine for an explanation. "Why do I need to get dressed up?" she asks.

A wicked grin spreads across my face as I revel in the excitement of what's to come. "Because all of the Slytherins are throwing you a party for your incredible victory today."

"Seriously?" she asks, her disbelief evident in her voice.

I nod, my grin widening. "Yes, seriously. It's going to be a celebration you won't want to miss. So go on, get yourself showered and dressed. The boys will be waiting for us," I say with a playful wink.

"Alright," she says.

"I'm going to go change too. I'll be back in an hour," I inform her as I turn to head towards my own quarters. As I walk away, I can't help but feel a surge of anticipation and excitement for the night ahead. The Slytherin party is sure to be a night to remember. It's the first one of the year, and I can't deny that these parties are the reason I love it here.

After I quickly change into more sexy attire, I make my way back to Dani's room. I knock on her door this time, announcing my arrival before I enter. As I step into her room, I'm immediately struck by her stunning appearance. Dani is standing in front of the mirror, dressed in a short, skin-tight black dress that perfectly defines her hourglass figure. Her hair is elegantly curled, falling down past her shoulders, and she radiates confidence.

"Wow, you look absolutely amazing," I can't help but compliment her, my admiration evident in my voice. Dani smiles at me through the mirror, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Thanks, I learned from the best," she says with a playful wink, teasingly shaking her head as she continues to admire her reflection. It's clear that she's pleased with the transformation and the way the dress fits her like a second skin.

"I have a feeling you're going to make quite the impression tonight with a certain you-know who..." I say with a mischievous grin. "Who knows, you might even catch someone's eye and end up back in their room," I tease playfully.

"Pansy!" Dani laughs

"No, seriously, Dani," I continue, my smile widening. "You look absolutely stunning. Own it, enjoy yourself, and don't be afraid to make some mistakes. Tonight is all about having fun and letting loose. You deserve it after today."

Dani nods, a small, grateful smile on her face. "You're right," she says. "Let's go out there and make some mistakes, then."

I return her smile, feeling proud of her adventurous spirit. "That's my girl," I say, ready to turn heads and create some unforgettable memories.

As we approached the Room of Requirement, my heart was pounding with anticipation. This room had been our safe haven for years, and I couldn't wait to step inside and escape reality for a while. We halted in front of the plain wooden door, and I raised my hand, knocking twice.

"Password?" A voice called out from behind the door, its tone guarded and wary.

I leaned in closer to the small opening in the door and spoke in a low, confident voice, "Pure-Blood."

The sound of a lock clicking open echoed through the corridor, and the door swung inward with a creak. My eyes were immediately assaulted by the bright green strobe lights that were spilling out of the room, casting an eerie glow over everything in their path. 

With a deep breath, I stepped over the threshold and into the room, and the smell of alcohol and sweat hit me like a wall. The sound of music blaring from the speakers was deafening. From the outside, you wouldn't even tell that we were having a party. It's why Slytherin is the best, the other houses haven't figured it out how to not get caught. 

Looking around, I could see the room was packed with people, all chatting, dancing, or playing various games. The atmosphere was lively, and I could feel myself beginning to relax in the familiar surroundings. It was a place where I could let my guard down and just be myself.

As I scanned the crowd, my eyes met those of my closest friends, and a smile spread across my face. This was our sanctuary, and we were free to be whoever we wanted to be in this room.

"Let's get a drink." 

Dani and I walked over to the table where bottles of liquor were on display. As I scanned the selection, my eyes fixated on the bottle of Fireball. Without hesitation, I grabbed it and poured us each a shot, savoring the cinnamon aroma wafting from the glass. Dani reached out and swiftly downed the fiery shot.

She then snatched the bottle from me, pouring herself two more shots. As she downed the second shot, I couldn't help but stare at her, shocked.

"What?" she asked, clearly amused by my reaction.

"I almost died today," she added, then proceeded to down the second shot.

"Fair enough." I grab another shot and down it.

As the last drops of liquor disappeared down my throat, Dani and I exchanged a knowing look and headed towards the dance floor. 

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