The Young Spy (Book One)

By UndercoverMushroom

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Swift had no choice. It's either dive head-first into a glass surface or be blown up. How painful could it be... More

Chapter 1: A Swift Introduction
Chapter 2: The Arms Dealer & His Son
Chapter 3: Side Task
Chapter 4: Being Briefed
Chapter 5: The Milan Job
Chapter 6: The Questioning
Chapter 7: A New Mission
Chapter 8: Conforming
Chapter 9: Northview
Chapter 10: There He Is
Chapter 11: Fulfilling The Dress Code
Chapter 12: The Show
Chapter 13: Unexpected Encounter(s)
Chapter 14 - Unlikely Ally
Chapter 15: A Ride Home
Chapter 16: Mr. Barlowe
Chapter 17: You Know Him?
Chapter 18: The Thumb Drive
Chapter 19: A Tip
Chapter 20: Into The Lion's Den
Chapter 21: Doctor In The House
Chapter 22: Finding Swift
Chapter 23: An Irregular Crime Scene
Chapter 24: The Magic Number
Chapter 25: Under Siege
Chapter 26: The Chase
Chapter 27: Trust In Me
Chapter 28: You Are An Idiot
Chapter 29: Goodbye, Ryan Swift

Chapter 30: What Comes Next

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By UndercoverMushroom

The plane comes to a crash. The damage and destruction it caused would catch the airport officials, not to mention the dead bodies of several armed men that are left at the other end of the runway. Even a part of the plane flew by itself, taking down a communications tower far ahead. Hopefully, the officials wouldn't catch the sedan Tom was driving, and he drove straight to the crash site on the dirt outside of the runway area, in hopes of finding Swift and Audrey unscathed and alive, the latter still being on the plane as it crashed.

"You two okay?" Tom speaks to the backseat, inside sits Dane and Iggy who's out of breath.

"I never felt so alive! That was the shit!" Dane says, shaking the passenger's seat in front of him.

Iggy lets out a pant, "I think my arm's bruised."

"You're fine," Tom assures. "Swift and I have been through worse."

"I can tell."

Iggy remarks as the car drives through the broken fence the plane caused. It hovered above the ground for a brief second before landing, jolting everyone, almost getting their heads hit by the car ceiling. With the crashed plane before them, the car halts. The three of them rush out of the car running into the plane's debris. Fire and little pieces of the plane were everywhere, scattered in the dirt. The bright fire surrounding them almost blinded them, but they still dared to walk through the flames just to get to their friend. Yet, when they find something that made them break down in despair, they cease their run, followed by a loud gunshot.

Fire, dirt, and debris. Swift returns conscious being greeted by those three things scattered around him. Once he rose from having his face planted in the dirt, he flinches at the burning piece of metal next to him, feeling the heat bite his skin. He covers his face with his arm, part of its tuxedo layer being almost torn open, making contact with the plane's surface. An uneasy feeling then hits him as if he just lost someone dear to him. Audrey. Looking around, he couldn't see her anywhere, and that explains why he suddenly turns grief-stricken. He fights against the pain attacking his head, forcing himself to pick himself up from the ground to search through the wreckage of the plane.

"Audrey?!" Swift feels an intense sting on his stomach, recalling it to be caused by a bullet shot by Matt. He grips it tightly as he limps through the flames. "Where are you?!" He passes by a giant piece of the wing caught on fire. He starts to cough after how much of the fire's smoke enters his nostrils. "Audrey?!" He cries out again, a lot more desperately this time, having no sight of his lover.

His ear catches a voice crying out from somewhere, yet he thinks it's the dazing background that is messing with his head, so he keeps on investigating. The same anguish voice calls out to him again, "Ryan!" It wasn't his head. Swift immediately knew where the voice came from, right in front of him, except before him is a small hilltop. He climbs the hilltop passing a giant piece of the wing that's burning, right on time as the burning piece collapses and he avoids it climbing down. The sudden shake it caused sent him rolling down the small hill. Swift picks himself up and as he looks up, he makes a smile, gazing at a distant feminine figure of Audrey, the latter spotting the other afar.

Audrey. Relief flooded through him as he saw her emerge from the wreckage, a little bruised but alive. She looks at the giant wing on fire, which's still destroying the foliage, as well as a few short trees, making them charred by its fire. Her eyes meet Swift's, who stares back at her shocked at her appearance. Despite the shock, he was still in pure happiness to see her still standing. A broad smile spreads across his face, and he feels a surge of joy bubble up inside him. For a moment, the chaos and destruction of the crash faded away, replaced by a feeling of elation and gratitude.

As the two saw each other, they have the urge to rush to each other with the intent to embrace other happily, and so they did. Swift's heart filled with overwhelming happiness at the sight of her, just having no wish to wait any longer to race towards her, and she feels the same feeling of contentment. Yet, somewhere within the wreckage, someone else decides to stand back up again.

The moment of joy was short-lived. Swift's smile of gratification instantly fades away when he sees another figure rising from the flames behind Audrey. It was Matt, a heavily injured Matt. Drips of blood flowed down the side of his face from the scar on his head, his left eye closed because of it. He walks limping on his right leg, his left one speared completely through by a giant piece of metal. On his hand is the same gun that almost shot Swift through the stomach. Swift looks at the disfigured look of him in dismay and horror.

Right when Matt sees Swift, he strains as he lifts the gun with his shaking arm, aiming the barrel right at the other's head. There was only one bullet left in the gun, and he knew how to spend it wisely. But, he reconsiders, his arm freezing. In his sight is an unsuspecting Audrey running up to a horrified Swift. Swift notices Matt turning his eye to the right. At that exact moment, he knew what he was up to.


The gun turns its direction in the blink of an eye, and the bullet is shot. Not to Swift, but to Audrey. The world felt like it slowed down to Swift as he moves forward to Audrey. His action was in vain. Nothing else he could do as a powerful shout leaves his mouth when he sees the bullet hit Audrey from behind. Her smile instantly turns into a look of dread as she feels the bullet go through her back, feeling the projectile piercing her heart. Swift and Audrey stopped in their tracks towards each other. She felt like she was unable to go any further. The both of them share the same heartbroken look at each other.

"Ryan..." Audrey lets one last whisper leave her mouth before she collapses on the dirt as a sorrowful Swift rushes to her, catching her in his hands. At the same time, Matt collapses also.

"No," Swift breaks down upon seeing her fall into his arms, his hand soaked by the blood that leaks from her back, the other hand holding her head. "No, no, no!" His jaw shakes, words unable to escape his mouth as he's down on his knees. "No, no. Hey, hey, hey," He gently rubs the back of her head, attempting to comfort her. "Audrey? Audrey! You're going to be fine, okay?"

His uncontrollable breath trembles as she looks at him in the eyes one last time. With his eyes flooding, her hand reaches to caress his cheek as she uses the last of her breath to vulnerably mumble her last sentence, knowing she won't last long, her life slipping away with each passing moment.

"I love you."

Audrey leans closer to Swift's face, pulling him nearer for one final kiss, just to enjoy the taste of his lips for one last time, and he does just the same before she pulls away. Upon seeing her smile, he fought against the tide of tears that ran from his eyes just to return the smile. It feels like a long time when her smile slowly withers away, leaving her expressionless. Swift's eyes shift into confusion.

"Audrey?" He whispers to her, shaking her body slightly. Audrey instead keeps on staring him down blankly. "Audrey," He says, she responds with nothing at all. "Hey," He says again. Her silence made him slowly realize what was going on, but he didn't give up. He refused to believe it. "Audrey, can you just talk to me?" A tear leaves Swift's eye. "Please!" He shakes her again, noticing her half-open eyes.

Swift only had eyes for Audrey, lying in his arms. He could feel her blood staining his hand, warm and sticky against his palm. He had never felt so helpless, so powerless as he watched the light fade from her eyes. He had always thought he could protect her, keep her safe from harm, but he had failed. The enemy's blade had found its mark, and now she fell victim in his arms. He whispered her name, his voice choked with tears, begging her to hold on, to fight for just a little longer but it didn't matter. She was gone, and so was his sense of grief.

Something else took over him other than grief over his passed lover. Before it, he had his eyes closed trying to fight off the tears that pours down his cheeks. But now, it shoots open. His sorrow is slowly being taken over by the sense of... bitterness. His eyes filled with bloodlust as it narrows, looking up from Audrey's lifeless corpse. Anger boils over Swift at the sight of Matt, the desire for revenge burning within him like a white-hot flame. He rose to his feet, gently setting his lover's body down. He reaches for his weapon inside his hidden holster when he walks away from her, anguish eyes focused on her murderer.

Matt's dying state wasn't enough for him. The gun quivers in Swift's hand as he closes in on Matt, who is weakly lying down. Yet, despite noticing the vengeful look on Swift's face, Matt didn't fear him in the slightest. Instead, he gives him a foul smile through his disfigured face as the brown-haired boy goes to him. The next thing he knows, Swift stands before him, his shadow looming over Matt.

"I told you," Matt speaks as Swift puts the gun up, the barrel heading straight for the head. "You have my word." He recites his words from back during the Northview attack.

Matt's mouth forms a wider smile. Swift's lips tremble, teeth almost showing before he pulls his finger back, pulling the trigger. The gunshot echoes through the air. In an instant, Matt was no more. But, despite him fulfilling his desire to avenge his lover's death, it did nothing to ease his pain. It was all for nothing. He senses the presence of another figure near him. Glaring to the right, there were three: Tom, Dane, and Iggy. The three of them frozen in place as they looked at Swift in horror.

Iggy still couldn't move on from Audrey, even after the following days since the airport incident. It pains his head every time he thinks about her, let alone Swift. As a long-time friend, of course he's grief-stricken and heartbroken about her passing much like Dane, but Swift... Iggy knew Audrey was special to Swift. Someone he trusted the most in his time in this city as Iggy knew they fell in love the moment they saw each other.

For the past couple of days, the school was shut down after the discovery of a mysterious brutal gunfight that occurred in the building, something Iggy and Dane kept quiet about knowing who was behind all of it. And today, the school has been reopened. That morning was somewhat gloomy. The morning sky was a canvas of deep, brooding gray, casting an eerie gloom over everything below. The clouds hung low, suffocating the world beneath. Even the birds seemed to have retreated to the safety of their nests, their songs silenced by the atmosphere. It was a morning that spoke of loss and sorrow, a reminder that sometimes, even the world itself mourned.

Iggy returns to wait for the bus since Dane couldn't be there to pick him up using the car as per usual, stating he's just not in the mood for school. Only Iggy knew why he isn't. As he keeps on staring into the empty concrete, sitting at the bus stop alone, he realizes that he wasn't alone anymore. A figure wearing a black hoodie goes up to the same bus stop and takes a seat right next to him. He paid no attention to the figure until they spoke.

"How've you been?"

Iggy recognizes the voice and turns to the figure, but the hood prevents him from looking at his face, if that is necessary, but it isn't. Iggy shifts his gaze away from the hooded figure. "Same as you, probably."

Swift, sitting next to Iggy, lowers his head. "And Dane?"

"I don't know," Iggy says truthfully. "Haven't talked to him since Saturday. What about you?"

Swift shakes his hooded head, "He couldn't even bear to talk to me." Iggy sighs sympathetically at that. "He has the right to be mad at me," Swift says in resentment.

"It's not your fault, Ryan." Iggy shakes his head.

"It's all my fault, Iggy," Swift looks down at a reflection of himself on a small puddle of water. "I broke my promise I'd get her back. You gave me your trust, and I failed you. You and Dane," He says. "If it wasn't for me being here in this... she would still be alive,"

Swift couldn't help but feel a sense of overwhelming guilt and self-blame as if he had failed Audrey by not being able to protect her. He thought of all the ways he could have done things differently to keep her safe. He admonished himself for not being strong enough, not being quick enough, not being good enough to save her. He felt like a failure, a helpless bystander watching as his world crumbled around him. The weight of his guilt was suffocating, and he wondered if he could ever forgive himself for what had happened.

Iggy just couldn't stand Swift taking all of the blame on himself like this. From across the seat, he watched Swift with a heavy heart. He knew that he was going through a difficult time, and he wished he could ease his pain. He could see the toll that guilt was taking on his friend, and it made his own heart ache. He wanted to tell him that it wasn't his fault, that he couldn't have done anything differently, but he knew that words would never be enough.

"I'm sorry I dragged all of you into this."

The air turns heavy with a mournful silence, like a thick fog that refused to lift. The only sounds were the vehicles that pass by the bus stop, but not even those distracting noises enough to help the two being lost in their own thoughts and grief.

"So, what's next?" Iggy asks, to who Swift replies with the same silence. "What do you plan on doing next?"

"I don't know," Swift speaks up. "I'm told to leave Cali,"

"Told?" Iggy raises an eyebrow.

"My superior. Allison," He replies. "She's basically my mother."

Iggy goes to think, "Y'know, I would've loved for you to stay in town. I enjoyed your company," He says truthfully, seemingly accepting Swift as a true friend. "Not sure what Dane would say, though." He adds, a humorous quip that Swift finds slightly amusing, smirking to it. Although he didn't want to say it, Swift does admit inside that he liked Dane and Iggy accompanying him in Northview.

"Sadly, I can't stay," Swift stands up from the seat. "For your safety, and Dane's."

Wanting to comfort him over the self-guilt, Iggy holds his words, knowing Swift wouldn't accept it, so he nods. "I understand," Iggy mutters. "So, this is it?"

"This is it." Swift nods back, with a hand holding out to Iggy, who separates from the chair. As they stood facing each other, the weight of their impending separation heavy on their hearts, he took Swift's hand and they exchanged a solemn handshake that spoke goodbye, a gesture of respect, gratitude, and friendship.

"Take care of yourself," Iggy says.

"You too," Swift replies. "And tell Dane I said goodbye."

"If I could find him, that is." Their hands clasp together, firm but gentle, as if trying to hold on to the moment just a little bit longer, but they eventually part. Swift turns to walk away from Iggy, who shares the same somber look one last time going further and further away from each other.

Swift didn't look back, not wanting to prolong the goodbye any more than necessary. He could feel his friend's eyes on his back, but he kept walking, knowing that it was the only way. His steps slow and measured as he walks across the empty curb, his hands stored inside his hoodie pockets in response to the morning breeze. He turns the corner, walking away further before knowing he disappeared from Iggy's view. He goes nearer and nearer to a sedan, one that replaced his demolished ride, now a much more sleek and polished car, new and shiny. When he enters the driver's seat, he's greeted by a figure sitting beside him that is Tom. Another figure was not in Swift's view, but he knew behind him, in the backseat, is Allison, having her legs crossed as she stayed seated.

"Finished saying goodbyes?" Allison speaks from behind.

"Yeah," Swift slips his hood down. "It was hard."

"I know... I know," Allison says, silently sending empathy and understanding towards him, hoping that he would feel even a little bit of the love and support that surrounded him. "And I'm sorry about her. Tom told me all about Audrey," She says, her voice soft and sympathetic. "She seemed like a great girl."

It was a small comfort, but the kind words from his superior were a ray of light in the darkness. For a moment, Swift felt a glimmer of hope that he might be able to get through the unbearable pain. "She was."

The three of them stay silent for a brief moment, letting the mournful atmosphere fly by. Then Tom felt the air shift from one of grieving to one of seriousness. He speaks up after a topic appears in his head. "Should we tell him?" He says to Allison, who silently nods.

"Tell me what?"

Allison lets an exhale leave her before she answers, "Carter cracked the code. He managed to encrypt the file you've stolen from Matt. Results were... shocking,"

"How bad is it?"

"Bad enough to let me know I still need you," Allison says, inhaling sharply through her teeth. "I know you're going through a difficult time, but there are much bigger things happening. I'm not forcing you to, but I need someone like you to do this," She adds, something that leads Swift to think. "So... are you up for it?"

His thoughts were still consumed by his grief, but he knew that duty called, and he couldn't let his emotions get in the way of his work. He couldn't help but feel a sense of purpose stirring within him, as he realized that he had the skills and training to make a difference, even in the midst of his own pain. Pushing aside his personal grief, Swift turns to face Allison.

"Then, let's get to work."

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