Modern Prince

By EvelinSmithwp

631 16 32

Hugo, an obsessed history buff, finds a way to travel back in time to 16th century Corona so he can do more i... More

Chapter One: A Medieval UTI
Chapter Two: Automated Carriages
Chapter Three: Modern Medicine
Chapter Four: A Generous Offer
Chapter Six: Table for Two
Chapter Seven: Jitters
Chapter Eight: Taking the Plunge
Chapter Nine: Killing the Mood
Chapter Ten: Befuddling

Chapter Five: The Art of Bathing

45 0 3
By EvelinSmithwp

Hugo walked into his apartment carrying several of Varian's shopping bags full of clothes. Setting them on the ground, he collapsed onto the couch, staring at the ceiling in disbelief.

"Sixty-thousand dollars," he mumbled, "and that's just the deposit. Fuck me."

"Hugo. My things need brought to my room," the prince complained, "or, I suppose your room."

"You can call it your room," he said dreamily, "hell, you can call whatever you want here yours. You practically own me now. Call me your bitch."

He gasped, biting back a laugh. "Hugo! Do not talk about yourself in such a way! Ack! My teeth. I did not like that oral doctor you had me go to today. What was it you called it again?"

"The dentist?"

"Yes. What are cavities anyway?"

"When your teeth rot and need fillings. Can't believe they got you in the same day. You have another appointment in a few weeks to get a crown and some fillings."

He groaned. "What misery and woe that will be."

"Hey, you actually have great teeth considering. It's surprising you have all of them honestly."

"I have always valued cleaning my teeth. Anyway, I require your assistance."

"Oh, right." He hopped up and scooped up the many bags lying around. "You found a lot of things you like."

"Oh, yes. I wish to go tomorrow as well."

"I can't tomorrow. I have work."

"Work?" He halted in his tracks, looking back at him in shock. "Whatever for? You have money now and I already informed you I would grant you more."

He blinked rapidly. "What are you saying? You think I should quit my job?"

"Do you enjoy your work there?"

"Hell no. I hate that fucking place."

"Well then..." He made a knowing face before walking ahead and setting the bags on the bed.

"Yeah. True." Hugo set the rest of the things down, thinking. "Though, should I quit? Maybe that's not the best idea..."

"Hugo, if you cannot find work here, I can hire you in my era. In fact, you could simply live as a scholar in the castle if you wish. I would of course, need to smooth things over with my father, but I can settle that. Not to worry. I see no reason for you to work when you neither enjoy it nor need the monetary value that it grants."

He nodded slowly. "Yeah... Yeah, you're right. Fuck that job." He grinned. "I'm just going to work on my research from now on."


"I'm gonna quit." He exhaled a laugh. "I'm gonna quit! In fact," he pulled up his phone and began typing up a quick text, "I'll do it right now. I'm allowed to be happy. I deserve this."

"That is correct. You do deserve it."

He sent the message and threw the phone down on the bed, his face splitting into a big smile. "Oh, Prince Varian," he grabbed him by the upper arms, beaming down at him, "I can't believe it. I... this is crazy!"

Varian gripped him back, beaming in return. "I am happy for you, Hugo. Truly."

He laughed, pulling him into a tight hug. "Thank you, thank you! Fuck, I'm so happy. I can't believe this..."

The prince giggled, holding him in return. "Twas nothing, really."

"It was everything," he said in a muffled voice as he gripped him harder. "I've been so worried about rent and finishing my research. You have no idea what this means to me." He exhaled a shuddering breath, realizing tears had begun sliding down his face at the enormity of it all.

Varian froze slightly at the outburst of emotion, hesitating before giving him a gentle rub on the back.

Hugo pulled back in embarrassment, wiping his face. "Sorry."

"Why do you apologize?" He lifted an almost timid hand and wiped one side of Hugo's face of tears. "I had not realized how in desperate need you were. You... you took me in anyway, without knowing you would be paid in return and knowing it would put a burden on your finances. Why?"

Hugo considered him, very aware that Varian's hand was still on his face. "Well, I suppose it's because I..."


He hesitated. "I used to be very selfish, and there's someone from my past that I took for granted. After he left me, I realized I needed to change." He exhaled quickly. "I don't know why I'm telling you this. I just want to be like that person, and make others feel special and taken care of, since I failed to do that with him back then."


He glanced away. "The man I dated in the past."


"It means courting."

"Oh." He retracted the hand. "He still means this much to you?"

"Yeah. I never deserved someone that kind and doting though. It's better that we're not together."

"I..." The prince looked down for a moment, several thoughts clearly crossing his mind. "I realize I have been treating you as more a servant than anything else since you took me in, and I apologize for that. If you will accept me, I would like for us to simply be friends."

His eyes widened. That was a significant offer coming from a prince normally surrounded by servants and those seen lesser than him. "You really mean that?"

"Of course." There was a soft reluctance in his smile. "It is as you said. Were it not for you, I would not survive in this era or even my own for that matter, and for the record, you are quite selfless, Hugo." Blue eyes flicked away in embarrassment. 

"I appreciate you saying that."

"I have never really had any friends to tell you the truth."

"No? What about your concubines and male companions?"

"They provide physical comfort and sometimes a listening ear, yes, but we are not on equal ground, nor can I enjoy their company outside of my bed chamber. The male ones especially, since no one is to know of them."

"I'm surprised you can keep them all a secret. You're quite flirtatious you know."

"I am aware of this fact, yes."

He snorted. "What about your siblings? You don't get along with them?"

He shook his head. "They are all married off and our relationship is hardly anything save for formal."

There was a pause. "Well, I'm honored to be your first official friend, and as such, I should let you know you need a bath."

His eyebrows furrowed. "Excuse me?"

"While we were hugging, I... may have noticed you need one."

"What?" Horror crossed his face as he brought his armpit up to his nose. "I bathed only two months ago."

"Yeah, that's not ideal."

"Well, this will not do. Show me to your bathtub at once."

"I only have a shower, but yes."


Varian watched with concern in his eyes as Hugo showed him how to turn the knob on the shower and the bottles he'd need to bathe with.

"This is all a lot," he admitted, looking at the glass box uncertainly. "How do I know if cold or hot water will come out?"

"This side is warmer, and this side is colder."

"And... which soap is for my face again?"

"This one. You'll know it's for your face because it has these little beads in it."

"And where were the towels?"

Hugo walked over to a cupboard and took out a fluffy red one. "Here and look, it's royal red just for you."

He took it uneasily. "Thank you."

"Uh huh. I'll just be out here. Your clothes are right there when you're done." He went to leave when a hand grabbed his sleeve. He turned, meeting a reserved face.

"Um... I have never bathed alone. I request, er, may I ask that you bathe with me and show me how everything works?"

Hugo blinked at him. "Hey, it's okay. You already know how because I just showed you. You don't need me with you."

"No, but I want you with me." There was silence then. Hugo stared at him, at a loss for words. "Please."

There was no seductive tone or coy expression or command of any kind, in fact, the prince looked almost meek then.

Hugo considered him. "Well, okay, but with one exception."

"What would that be?"

Hugo waited on one end of the shower in his solid green swim trunks while Varian, standing in a different pair of floral trunks, dosed his head under the water flow.

"This waterfall feels nice on my back," the prince commented, closing his eyes contently. "The temperature is consistent as well."

"Yeah, showers are great. You'll probably want to shampoo a couple of times to properly clean your hair."

He ran hands over his rinsed black mop. "I could get used to this."

Chuckling, he took a step forward, placing a hand on Varian's arm to signify they should switch places. "My turn." 

Blue eyes blinked open as they moved around each other. "Wait, Hugo, your spectacles—"

It was too late. Water splashed over the glasses and Hugo groaned. "Well, shit. Forgot I had those on."

Varian giggled, and Hugo couldn't help but join him. "Can you see without them?"

"Yeah, but everything's a bit blurry."

"Here, let me help you." Fingers grasped the ends of his lenses and pulled them off his face. There was a pause. "You really do have a handsome face."

He blinked. "Um, thanks. You do too."

"I am aware." He set the glasses down on one of the shower shelves. "Can you still see me?"

"Yeah. Though, the further away you are, the blurrier you get."

"Oh, so I should remain close?"

He tried to keep his heartbeat under control. "Sure. If you want."

After a moment of silence, Hugo offered him a yellow luffa covered in soap. "Use this on your body, like this." He swirled it around on his chest, then handed it to the prince.

"Thank you for the demonstration," Varian said with a grin, taking it and scrubbing himself easily. When it came to his back, he struggled to reach around.

"You need help?"

Blue eyes flicked over to him. "If it's not too much trouble..."

Turning from him, Varian stood primly while Hugo gently scrubbed down on his back. Quite a bit of residue came off, most of it disappearing beneath the swim trunks. "With how long it's been, I think you'll have to wash beneath your swimsuit to get fully clean."

"Oh. Will that make you uncomfortable?" the prince asked carefully.

"No. I won't look."

There was a pause. "Only if you do as well."

Hugo was losing his restraint. "Fine." 

Without further ado and to Hugo's unprepared eyes, Varian undid the ties on the front then slid the swimsuit down to his ankles. He turned, taking the luffa back from the blond, and Hugo kept his eyes up as Varian began washing himself below the swimsuit line.

"Do not leave me waiting, Hugo. We made a deal."

Swallowing, the blond removed his own swimwear, hands trembling as he did. "It's funny, you're used to bathing with other people in the room, and I'm used to bathing alone. Um, it's a bit awkward for me."

Varian gazed at him while continuing his washing, keeping his eyeline chaste as well. "Do not feel awkward. Friends will often bathe together where I am from. Just imagine we are at a lake or pond, enjoying the sun and each other's company."

The suggestion was surprisingly wholesome. "That doesn't sound too bad." He looked away, chuckling to himself.

"What? Why do you laugh?"

"Oh, it's nothing."

"No, tell me."

"It's just, last night you were ordering me to fuck you, and now you're wanting to be friends."

He let out a small laugh. "Oh, I suppose I did. Forgive me for that."

"No, it makes sense. You're used to batting your pretty lashes and getting what you want and when you want it, especially from cute suitors, am I right?"

He began washing the luffa out. "You think my eye lashes are pretty?"

"W-well... I never said—they aren't ugly, if that's what you're asking."

He giggled. "That must mean your answer is, yes."

"Pfft! Switch me places. It's my turn under the water." 

"You have rouge in your cheeks, Hugo," he teased, handing over the rinsed luffa. 

"Don't look at my face," he said, covering it with his hand, and the prince giggled further.

"Where else am I to look then?"

"Never mind," he mumbled, putting soap on the luffa and lathering himself while trying to avoid the mirth-filled expression waiting in front of him.


Two weeks went by in a flash, and yet it also felt as though Hugo had been living with Varian for months. They both sort of fell into a daily routine where Hugo would wake up first (yes, they were still sharing a bed, what of it? It's not like they were dating or anything) then he would make his roommate breakfast then immediately get to work on his thesis. 

In the mean time, Varian would slowly get out of bed while watching informational YouTube videos on the new phone Hugo bought him and take notes on everything new he discovered.

The prince had taken to the internet with so much excitement and delight, it surprised Hugo, though, not as much as Varian's work ethic did.

"When you said you spend most of your time studying," Hugo said on the third day of watching his roommate read anything and everything he could find without end, barely finding time to use the bathroom, much less remembering to eat, "I didn't realize it was this bad. It makes sense now why you got that UTI." The two men sat at Hugo's desk, having previously been silently working alongside each other.

Varian clicked his tongue but said nothing as his eyes scanned over the digital words on his phone. In his right hand he held a fancy pen with a fountain tip that he used to write down his findings in a journal. He filled the pages with delicate, looped cursive. "Hush now," he murmured.

Hugo breathed out a short exhale. "Aren't you glad we didn't get you the kind of pen you have to dip in ink? This saves so much more time and resources, huh."

He nodded, not looking up from his work. "I must say, I have taken a liking to this writing device though there is something to say of nostalgia with dipping a quill in ink."

"Damn," he leaned over to examine the written words, "your handwriting is fucking gorgeous."

"You think so?" The pen hand halted. "What does yours look like?" He handed it over along with his journal.

"Oh, let me use some printer paper instead so I don't make your notes all ugly." Pulling a white sheet from the printer below, he began writing. 

"Your writing cannot be that disagreeable," he commented, looking over his shoulder, then gasped. "You write with your left hand?"

"Yeah, so—oh, shit." He switched to his right, his face flushing. "Forgot that was a thing—"

"Do not fret." He put a hand over his forearm, a gentle expression on his face. "I was not expecting it is all."

"Oh? You don't find me sinister or anything?" He raised an eyebrow.

Varian laughed. "Not at all. Perhaps I might have two and a half weeks ago, but that was before I was introduced to the future. I am endeavoring to be more well-informed."

He gave a small smile, gazing at Varian's handsome features. "That's admirable of you. I worked really hard to be ambidextrous so I wouldn't incite suspicion in the townspeople of Old Corona into thinking I practice witchcraft."

"And how successful were you at that?" He looked over at the teasing expression on Varian's face and shoved his arm.

"Ha. Ha."

Varian giggled. "I only jest. I know you are no creature of darkness. Anyway, allow me to see your finished work—oh my, it is ugly." 

Hugo followed the serious look down to his handwriting, then scoffed. "Hey!" The prince was giggling again. "You could at least lie and spare my feelings."

"And what would be the amusement in that?" He received another shove to his arm when Hugo's phone buzzed then.

Picking it up and opening the email, his eyes widened. "Holy shit," he cursed under his breath.

"What, what is it?" Varian got closer.

"The auction just ended. One of the coins was sold for one point two million dollars."

Varian blinked. "That is significant, yes?"

"Significant?" He breathed out a laugh. "Varian, I usually make around thirty thousand dollars a year. Yes, it's significant—Fuck." He put a hand over his mouth. "You gotta be shitting me."

"You know, sometimes you say certain phrases," Varian said plainly, shaking his head, "and I really have not the slightest clue what you mean by them."

Hugo looked over at him and chuckled. "It just means I'm in shock. Say," he stood suddenly, "why don't we go somewhere nice tonight. My treat, or rather, your treat, since you're the one forking the bills right now. I'll make a reservation at a nice restaurant, and we can dress up. How does that sound?"

His face lit up. "Oh, an outing such as that sounds delightful! It will have to be after my hair appointment though."

"Huh? Hair appointment?"

"Yes. I wish to change up my look to be a bit more modern. I will not be long."

"I assume you'll be needing someone to take you in the automated carriage then?"

He raised his nose slightly in the air, a playful smile in the corner of his mouth. "Well, if you are offering, I cannot refuse you..."

Hugo snorted. "Yeah, yeah. I got you."

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