𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓿𝓸𝓲𝓬𝓮 ෴ 𝓼𝓾𝓷𝔀�...

By heetual

24.7K 1.2K 2.4K

a depressed mute boy, desperately wanting to end it all. until a popular guy witnesses the boy trip over hims... More

thirty (end)
not an update 😭


441 20 56
By heetual

no one's pov

sunoos birthday was in less than a week

since they were already on summer break, jungwon had been pacing back and forth in sunoos room thinking about what to get him. in fact, he had been thinking about what to get him for weeks and not one idea had came to mind yet. his frustrated hands ran up to his hair and pulled on each individual strand almost as if he was pulling ideas from his locks. he sat down on the bed with a frown.

i can't just give him nothing, he'll be sad...

just then, an idea popped up in his head. a smile quickly formed on his face as he messes with his hair once more before getting up and walking out of sunoos room.

he's going to the jewelry store.


no one's pov
(sunoos birthday)

"mate, that looks stupid! the banner looks better like this—it's straighter than your gay ass."

would you want 6 chaotic boys setting up a surprise birthday party for you? if you said no, that would be the best option, if you said yes, be prepared to get a burnt cake and 'happy birthday' banners that are poorly placed on the walls with no effort done to make them look nice.

jays cramped house was full of constant yelling over what goes where, where goes what, and more nonsense that not even the person yelling can understand what's going on in the cramped space.


jay was yelling at 5 different people but it seems like the bystander effect have gotten to them. all of them walked away, thinking that someone was going to get jays frosting but turns out no one got it.

jungwon, being the kind and pure soul he is, gets up from wrapping the gifts on the floor to go get jays frosting that's in the pantry across from jays kitchen island. jungwon placed the small container infront of the infuriated male and innocently smiled tapping him on the shoulder.

"it's okay, don't get mad."

he proceeded to walk away to continue wrapping the gifts from the other boys since he had nothing else to do. he already had gotten sunoos gift so he didn't have nothing to worry about right now.

they still had about 2 hours until sunoo came back home from his distraction, (which is him driving all the way to the car dealership to fix his car since it was having a few mechanical problems) so they took it into their advantage to set up the perfect surprise for the male.

they effortlessly set up the confetti balloons, notmal balloons, horns to scare the guy when he walks through the front door, and, you guessed it, the iconic 'pie to the face' as he walks through that door cluelessy.

as we all expected, jay had made all the food with his master chef skills and made sure to make all of sunoos favorite dishes with a dash of incredible poisoning on the side (kidding, although he wishes).

it had finally hit the 10 minute mark and everyone was scattering to get into their secretive positions. the one who volunteered to pie sunoo in the face was jungwon.

well, he volunteered because he wouldn't want any of his friends to get their jaws dislocated by his boyfriend or even worse— get any of their teeth knocked out.

but he knows sunoo wouldn't do that to him—atleast he thinks he wouldn't. the 10 minutes quickly pass and jake quickly rushed to turn off the lights and then back to his spot with heeseung riki.

they all waited patiently, jay and sunghoon both trying hard not to laugh as heeseung attempted to shut rikis mouth because he accidentally stubbed his toe on the couch before hiding behind it.

jungwon waited next to the door with the pie stuffed with whipped cream on the top which was probably the height of mount everest, the guy was even struggling to balance it on his hand.

then, the door knob started rattling violently as sunoo on the other side tried to open it with his house key. it took him some time figure out the door was actually unlocked, and so when he opened the door, he was immediately greeted with a stack of whipped of cream being stuffed at his face at a shocking velocity.

in his defense, he tackled the person to the floor and pinned the them to the floor, not even being able to see who it was. you guessed it, he was pissed.

he wiped the cream away from his eyes hissing in annoyance as he slowly came to realization that his clothes and hair were ruined in the little annoying prank.

as he cleaned himself, still straddling the person that slammed the pie to his face, he heard laughs coming from the other side of the room, and camera shudders going to his direction. he then realized that it was a birthday surprise.


5 boys yell in unison as they popped confetti sticks onto the still processing-everything sunoo. some of the confetti paper stuck to his face that was still covered in cream but a smile came to his face instead of a tantrum.

he looked down to the person he was still straddling and saw that it was jungwon, and to apologize, he leaned down to kiss him on the lips while everyone in the back clapped and screamed in happiness for the 2.

"this feels like i just proposed to you or something."

sunoo whispered into jungwons ear and got up from the male beneath him, walking over to his friends to give them a hug and words of appreciation for the surprise.

sunoo then smelled the oh-so familiar aroma of his favorite dishes, and he instantaneously sprinted to the kitchen to see his favorite, tteokbokki.

he sat on one of the kitchen island stools and pulled out a random pair of chopsticks from out of no where, getting a piece of tteokbokki and shoving it down his throat like his depended on it. he moaned in satisfaction from the food and kept gulping down piece by piece, each portion getting bigger everytime.

"woah woah woah, you have to save some for everyone you hungry bitch!"

sunghoon blocked sunoos chopsticks with his hands but just got smacked away as sunoo continued to gulp down his favorite dish. jay just chuckled at the boys and pulled sunghoon in by the shoulder.

"let him, it's his birthday so he gets to do anything he wants."

sunghoon frowned at his boyfriend and nuzzled his nose in jays neck, quietly complaining since he really wanted to try the tteokbokki too.

"don't worry, i'll make you my own secret recipe."

everyone in the room looked at them at disgust when in fact, they are all equally as cringey as jay and sunghoon. jungwon sat in the stool next to sunoo and propped his head on his hand facing sunoo, silently observing him as he eats and argues with the other guys for being nasty as he eats.

as dumb sunoo can be, the younger male really has found the best guy on earth that made his way into his wounded shell to heal his scars, just when he thought no one would ever love him for the way he was.

nothing could describe the look of love that was present in the beautiful eyes of yang jungwon, his dimples deepening when he notices sunoos cute whisker-dimples on his chubby cheeks whenever he genuinely smiled.

jungwons hands made their way under the table to interlace with sunoos fingers, gently caressing them like his hands were made of really fragile glass.

when everyone got distracted by something else, sunoo took his eyes off of the food and faced jungwon, his eyes being sparkly like the stars of the milky way, and his lips being plump and glossy under the white LED's on the kitchen island light. jungwon just continued to stare back at sunoo without saying anything, still gently caressing his hands.

moments pass, the two are still staring at each other with love clearly evident in their eyes, and the first person to notice the staring contest between the two was heeseung.

he made up an excuse to try to get all the boys out of the cramped kitchen space and to get them to follow him into the living room to give the two some space.

the second the group left, jungwon leaned forward and engulfed sunoos lips within his own, almost as if he had been craving it the entire time they had that mini staring contest.

he pushed their bodies against the island and instantly, the kiss got messy. sunoo guided jungwons hips with his hands on his groin as their lips moved in sync, a small whimper escaping from jungwons lips as sunoo tugged on his bottom lip with his teeth needily.

it escalated even further to jungwon leaving dark purple marks on sunoos neck and his collarbones, all with sunoos hands entangling in jungwons now-messy dark brown hair. deep groans were leaving sunoos mouth as jungwon sucked and licked on the sweet parts of his neck. sunoo detached jungwons lips from his neck, afraid that he will take the situation too far on his birthday— in the kitchen.

"we can continue this tonight... hmm, as my birthday gift?"

sunoo pushed back jungwons hair from his face and kissed his forehead, pulling him in by the waist and hugging him.

"okay, but i've also got an actual gift for you. but you'll have to wait after you open everyone else's because mine is definitely the best.."

jungwon rested his head on sunoos chest to hear sunoos raging heartbeat, still going at a fast pace because of the heated make-out session.

"we'll see about that, then."

sunoo hopped off the counter with jungwon, grabbing his hand and locking their fingers together as they walked to the living room where everyone else was.

there were some playing video games on the TV and some just chilling on the couch on their phones, all while the guys on the floor were screaming bloody murder as they were getting beat in the violent game.

sunoo and jungwon sat down on the couch next to jay and heeseung, surprisingly the calmest duo in the house currently.

they all watched the boys play on the floor, a peaceful aura washing over jungwons body despite the obnoxiously loud screams in the background—but he still rested his head on sunoos shoulder and closed his eyes.

their hands were still interlaced underneath the small blanket heeseung threw over jungwon since he already knew the guy was going to fall asleep.

soon enough, the male dozed off with his head in an uncomfortable position on sunoos broad shoulder, also with his arms being draped over sunoos stomach like a human blanket. he looked like a baby, a big baby, but a cute baby in sunoos eyes.

the boys continue to play until the end of the day, in other words, until 12 am, and so jay waved off the guys to leave his house and sunoo thanked them for coming and shared his appreciation one more time.

as soon as jay closed the door, sunoo walked back to the couch where jungwon laid there cuddled into the couch pillow thinking it was sunoo.

"can you pick your boyfriend off my couch?"

jay mumbled with a hint of tiredness in his voice. he was absolutely drained from being the only one (he wasn't) that was doing all the work for sunoos birthday surprise and so he wanted to lay down in his bed and never wake up from his sleep.

instead of listening, sunoo laid on the couch with the sleeping male and cuddled up into him closely, since he would fall off the couch if he didn't. not that he was gonna complain or anything.

jay rolled his eyes, too tired to even care anymore but flicked off the living room lights and the kitchen lights, then walked back down the dim hallway to his bedroom at the end.

riki was also asleep but on the carpet and he seemed like he was knocked out for good. although his head was in an awkward position, he still was sleeping like he had rent due the next morning.

morning came by and as expected, the blonde male on the floor woke up screaming because of some nightmare he had about the video game he was playing last night. his scream startled sunoo and jungwon awake.

sunoo hissed at the light coming from the window landing on his eye, and so he stuffed his face back into jungwons neck to avoid the burning of his retinas.

the dimpled boy smiled tiredly trying to get up from the couch but sunoos heavy arms dragged him back down to his same position. he also tried to lift up sunoos leg off of his body but it was no use since sunoo would just drag him down if he tried to get up again.

riki, still confused about the dream and trying to figure out if it was real or not, got up from the floor with a sore neck and body and walked down to his room to fall back asleep again and paid no attention to the two boys on the couch.

jay was the first to completely wake up and get ready for the new day.

he made breakfast, cleaned up the mess from last night, do the laundry, and woke up the sleeping boys.

"breakfast is ready, get up it's already 11! y'all have to go wash your asses."

he slapped sunoos forehead with the wet rag he was cleaning the countertops with which pissed sunoo off. as for jungwon, he obliged to jays orders.

"fuck off dude—"

"we'll get up now."

jungwon forcefully picked up sunoos head off his chest and shoved him off the couch to knock some energy into his brain, then got up himself and stretched his limbs. he walked with jay back to the kitchen and found pancakes on four different plates on the dining table.

he sat down on an empty chair and put pancakes on his plate, cutting them into small pieces just like his mother would when he was a child. small little squares big enough to fit into a toddlers mouth. he rubbed butter on the pancakes and topped it all off with his favorite maple syrup.

his small actions were observed silently by jay, who sat at the other end of the table. he was just now realizing how innocent jungwon is whenever sunoo wasn't around.

just then, the pink haired guy walked into the dining room corridor and sat next to jungwon, his hands hovering to the pancakes unmannered with his bare hands. jungwon slapped his hands before he could grab it.

he motioned his eyes to the fork that was next to his plate. sunoo raised an eyebrow, trying to figure out what he was saying with his face.

"don't grab it with your hands like that. use the fork."

sunoo formed an 'o' shape with his lips and then understood. he grabbed the fork and jungwon finally allowed him to get the pancakes. jay was still observing them both, silently appreciating that jungwon was finally teaching sunoo some respect.

riki soon came to the table, sluggishly sitting down on the chair with hair strands poking out messily from the top of his head.

"i'mm... noot.. huuunngry.."

were his last words before he fell asleep on the table.

jay sighed and fumbled with his dark hair, thinking about what he had gotten himself into when he let the guy move into his house years ago.


"i still have to open the gifts. do you guys want to watch?"

"why should that even be a question?"

jungwon giggled and pecked sunoo on the lips, following the older guy into the living room to open the presents. jay and riki followed from behind the couple sideyeing eachother because of the cringey names they were calling eachother.

sunoo unwrapped a gift that was obviously from sunghoon since it was horribly wrapped. it was a picture frame, a picture of sunoo and jungwon with terrible photoshopping skills of fox ears on sunoo and cat ears on jungwon.

sunoo raised an eyebrow, laughing at the image slightly before placing the picture frame on the couch and moving on to the next gift.

the next one was from jake.

sunoo felt a little jab of anger go through his heart as he remembered what jake had done to jungwon before. his hands formed into fists. he slowly unwrapped the small envelope, nervously biting his the inside of his cheeks as he took out the note inside of the envelope.


"hey sunoo.

happy birthday! i hope 19 years will treat you right and that you have the best day today.

i know we aren't the best of terms right now and that jay had to beg for you to let me come over to the house to celebrate.

i was a real asshole. to everyone.

i understand why you want to tear out my insides everytime you see me and to be honest, if i saw myself i would do that too without any hesitation.

but i wrote this to apologize.

you have all right to beat me up the next time you see me. it would really humble me.

but before i leave... i have one request.

take care of jungwon... please?

he meant so much to me, but i let popularity get to me that i didn't realize how precious he really was.

please. don't hurt him. he doesn't deserve to be hurt anymore after what i've done to him.

treat him right. give him every little ounce of your attention, don't leave him alone, he's really clingy but doesn't like to show it. also, he's not as innocent as he seems. he's a little malicious.

but anyways, happy birthday! we have planned another surprise for you later... get ready."

sunoo was tearing up. he didn't realize he would cry so easily over a letter, especially over a guy that he hated so much. this changed his perspective of jake. he looked over to jungwon, seeing that he was already smiling widely. he read the letter with sunoo over his shoulder.

sunoo hugged jungwon letting his tears soak jungwons sweatshirt. jay and riki watched silently as the couple huddled in a little ball, sunoo trying to cover up the sounds of his sobs by stuffing his face in jungwons neck.

jungwon tried to soothe sunoo by brushing back his hair, placing kisses on his face and rubbing his hands on his back.

once again, he still doesn't know why he's crying over an asshole of a person. well, he's not necessarily an asshole anymore, he still believes he's an asshole for making him cry infront of three people.

he soon stopped sobbing and then realized how awkward this was.

he glanced around the living room to see jay and riki staring at him, but they weren't laughing. he sighed in relief and wiped his eyes one last time.

he continued on opening everyone else's gifts until he got to jungwons. he turned his head to his boyfriend, and the other guy just motioned him to open it. he unwrapped the gift, his eyes widening at the gift.

it was a ring.

a couple ring to be exact.

he picked up the ring in his hands, examining it closely so he can make out the little fox figure it had on the ring. he lifted it and placed it on his ring finger, admiring it as jungwon watched his boyfriend happily glee over his gift.

then all of a sudden, sunoos turned to jungwon and kissed him passionately on the lips. it caught the younger so off guard that he tipped over and his back hit the couch, and now sunoo was hovering over him, still kissing him

jay and riki watched in horror as the two ate eachothers mouths infront of them, so jay just took riki by the hand and dragged him out of the living room.

the kissing session was, at this point, getting a little heated as sunoo ran his hands underneath jungwons shirt, and jungwon gasped in sunoos lips from his cold hands coming in contact with his warm skin.

sunoo ran his hands over jungwons newly forming abs and then taking them out from under the shirt, and then onto to jungwons face.

he tugged on his hair, guiding his lips to jungwons neck and left dark purple marks to let someone know if they were looking at jungwon, that he was sunoo.

he continued to leave hickeys in places like under his shirt, his jawline, everywhere you could think of.

sunoo detached his lips from the younger and smiled, still panting for air and so was jungwon, he had his eyes shut and was struggling for air since sunoo was enough to knock the wind out of his lungs.

"thank you for the gift, baby. i love it."

before sunoo could get up, jungwon stopped him.

jungwon raised his hand and showed it to sunoo.

he had the other half of the ring, and sunoos was the other half was to complete it.

sunoo gasped and quickly interlaced their fingers together, and was mesmerized the moment the rings locked in perfectly together.

sunoo was so happy at this point that he felt his heart beating fast at his excitement. he once again jumped on top of jungwon and hugged him dearly while also squealing in happiness.

meanwhile, jay and riki were in sunoos room playing video games on his nintendo switch. as jay was adjusting himself on sunoos bed, he spotted a mysterious stain on the bedsheet. he immediately knew what that stain was and he suddenly felt the urge to hurl up his breakfast into riki as he watched jays face in concern.


jay threw himself off the bed and laid there for a good ten seconds before getting up.

"there's a fucking cum stain on that bed. i don't want to be in this room anymore. i probably just sat on a generation of children on that bed!"

riki chuckled as jay sprinted out of the room and into rikis room.

"just wait till he sees my bed.."

he whispers to himself. then, he heard jay run to the bathroom and hurl out his breakfast into the toilet.

"knew it."


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