Will Of The Dragon (RWBY X Ka...

By Cursed_Knight

12.8K 224 52

RWBY X Kamen Rider crossover A child reincarnate after the purge of the entire world. Will this child be able... More

Harem Pt.1
Harem Pt.2
The Day it All Begins
The New Day
The Big Test
The Results
The First Day
The Start Of Something New
The Cloaks & Dagger
A Burning Desire
Secrets Within The Team
The Other Side
A Dream
The Line Between Friend & Foe

Welcome to Beacon

1.1K 22 8
By Cursed_Knight

In the streets of the Kingdom of Vale a young man and a young women stop and looked at a store called From Dust Till Dawn

Ruby: Here it is!

Y/N: Alright Ruby, I'll come back in a few minutes. Don't cause any problems. 

Ruby: When do I cause problems?

Y/N flicked Ruby's forehead as a response to her question. Y/N then went to another store that was across from the one that Ruby went in called Glimmer and Glory. As he walked in he saw jewelries that was on display along with weapons that were on the wall. As the door closed he soon looked around to see that no one was around.

Y/N: Hello? Hana? 

Soon he soon heard the sound of rustling occurred from the back of the store. He soon went to the back to see a large pile of books on the ground starting to move. 

Y/N: Huh?

Then in a second a head popped out of the large pile. 

Hana: Gahh! Finally!

Y/N: Hana?

The girl soon looked at Y/N.

Hana: Help.

Y/N then moved some of the books so he can free Hana. Hana began to wiggle herself free from the pile of books that had pinned her down. After freeing herself she soon picked herself up and dust herself off.

Hana: Heh, thanks Y/N. 

Y/N: No problem. So do you have what I asked for.

Hana soon gave him a smile.

Hana: Yup, follow me.

Y/N then followed Hana to the counter and pulled out a ring box.

Y/N: Alright let's see it.

Y/N then tried to grab the box but Hana pulled the box away from him. 

Hana: Cash first.

Y/N: Come on Hana. You know I always pay for your service.

Hana: Hey, first rule of of business. 

Y/N: The customer is always right.

Hana: Nope, money talks.

Y/N then pulled out his wallet and pulled a card out. Hana then took the  card and handed Y/N the ring box. Y/N then opened the box to see the ring. 

Y/N: This will bind my enemies.

Hana: Y/N, are you questioning my work? You know master taught me everything he knows about ring crafting.

Y/N: Yeah, your right. By the way, have you seen him?

Hana soon went from happy to sad.

Hana: No, I haven't. It's been three years and still nothing.

Y/N: Yeah, that was the day he was suppose to train me.

Hana soon shook her head and smiled once again.

Hana: Anyway what about you?

Y/N: Oh, right. Well me and Yang have been accepted to Beacon Academy. 

Hana soon put her hands to together and and smiled at Y/N.

Hana: That's amazing! I'm so glad for you two. So, when are you two going to Beacon.

Y/N: Tomorrow.

Hana: Well, I hope you come visit me more often now. I could use the lien.

Y/N soon looked around the store and saw how the place looked.

Y/N: Of course, after all you are the one who helped me with making my weapon.

Hana: It was nothing besides, it's just a copy of Master's weapon after all. 

Y/N soon pulled a ring out and placed it on his hand and soon placed his hand on his waist. 

Connect, Please!

Y/N then pulled out his sword and placed it on the counter. Hana then pulled out a set of glasses and began to examine the sword. 

Hana: Well it could use a bit of a touch up. 

Y/N: How long will it take?

Hana: Give me ten minutes and I'll have it done.

Hana soon went to the back of the store again went to a  door that had a sign that said employees only. As Hana was working on Y/N's sword and began looking at the necklaces that Hana had on display he soon noticed a necklace with a yellow gem and another that had a red gem in it. 

Y/N: Maybe I should get something for those two. 

As Y/N was looking at the two necklaces he soon heard the sound of a rifle going off.

Y/N: What the?

Y/N soon ran out side to see Ruby fight a few men with swords and a man wearing a bowler hat watching them fight. 

Y/N: Damn it Ruby.

As a Goon was about to attack Ruby from behind Y/N pulled out a ring he and placed it on his hand and then on his driver. 

Driver On, Please!

Then he kicked the guy that was about to attack Ruby and manage to get in front of her.

Ruby: Y/N! 

Roman: Oh what! Who the heck are you?!

Y/N: Just an overprotective brother. 

Y/N then hit a switch on his driver. 

Shabadoobi Touch Henshin! Shabadoobi Touch Henshin!

Y/N: Henshin!

Y/N then placed his left hand on his driver.

Flame, Please! Hi-Hi, Hi-Hi-Hi! 

Y/N: Now, it's showtime. 

Ruby soon stood next to Y/N.

Ruby: How about we do a double feature!

Two goons tried to rush at Y/N and Y/N replaced a ring on his right hand and placed his new one on his hand and then placed his hand on the driver.

Bind, Please! 

Soon a set of chains appeared from the ground ensnaring the goons. 

Goon 1: What the hell!

Goon 2: I can't move!

Soon Ruby used her rifle of her Crescent Rose to propel herself to the two goons and sending them flying. The goons then landed right next to Roman as he looked at the men with disappointment. 

Roman: You were worth every cent, truly you were. Well you two, I think we can say it has been an eventful evening.

Y/N soon pulled out both his rings from both his hands and Y/N replaced them with two new rings. Y/N soon placed his left hand over his driver as Roman pulled out the dust crystal. 

Land, Please! Dododo Dododon, Don Dododon!

Roman: I'm afraid this is were we part ways. 

Roman then tossed the crystal right in front of Y/N and Ruby. As he pointed his cane at the crystal Y/N placed his right hand over his driver.

Defend, Please!

Roman then shot the crystal which created an explosion. But as the dust settled a large stone wall protected both Y/N and Ruby from the blast. 

Y/N: Phew. That was close.

Ruby: Yeah. Wait where did he-.

Soon ruby saw Roman heading for a ladder near a building. Ruby turned to the dust shop owner who came outside. Ruby then turned to the man.

Ruby: You okay if I go after him.

The owner nodded to Ruby and soon went after Roman.

Y/N: Hold on, I'm coming too!

As Y/N pulled his ring from his left hand and put a new one on.

Hurricane, Please! Fu-Fu, Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu!

As Y/N was about to go up to the roof with Ruby until Hana called out to him as she came out of her own store. 

Hana: Y/N, catch!

Hana soon tossed Y/N his sword to him and Y/N caught it and soon jumped in the air and landed gracefully to the roof and went to meet up with Ruby. As he was making it he soon saw Ruby shotting down Roman's escape on a jet. Along with a huntress who was next to her. 

Y/N: Get out of my way!

Ruby turned behind to Y/N grab the blade of his sword and the tip of the blade changed to a barrel of a gun. 

Y/N then placed his hand on the center piece of his weapon which looked like a hand.

Hurricane, Shooting Strike! Fu-Fu, Fu-Fu-Fu-Fu!

Y/N then started to shoot at Roman who was trying to take off as well as the mysterious figure that joined right next to him. As they fled Y/N turned to Ruby who was next to this mysterious women. 

Ruby: Your a Huntress? Can I have your autograph? 

A Few Minutes Later

Y/N and Ruby found themselves in a police station's interrogation. 

Y/N: This is not how I wanted to spend my night.

Ruby: It could be worse.

Y/N: Really, how can it get any worse. First of all we were fighting a bunch of guys with weapons without the authority to use it. Second, we let their boss get away and finally they took my rings!

Ruby then patted Y/N on the head trying to make him feel better. Soon the door opened with Glynda opening the door with a folder in her hand. She then placed the folder down on the table and looked at Y/N and Ruby. 

Glynda: If it were up to me the two of you would receive a pat on the back.

Ruby soon gave a smile as she heard that. Bu then Glynda looked back at the two with a serious look on her face.

Glynda: And a slap on the wrist!

Glynda then slammed her ridding crop near Ruby's hands, causing Ruby to pull her hand close to her.

Y/N: Ma'am, I know what we did looks bad. 

Glynda soon slammed her riding crop this time near Y/N's hand. Causing him to pull his hands close to him as well. 

Glynda: I did not ask for your opinion. But, someone would like to talk to you. 

Soon the door opened to the interrogation room. Ozpin walked in to the room with a plate full of cookies. Ozpin then walked up to examine the two of them. 

Ozpin: Ms. Rose, you have silver eyes.

Ruby: Yeah?

Ozpin then looked at Y/N.

Ozpin: Mister Rose. I glad to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you. And you look so much like her.

Y/N: Her? You mean my mom? I think you're going to need some thicker glasses.

Ozpin just smiled at the two and soon placed the plate on table. Ruby soon starred at the plate and began to drool.

Ozpin: Go ahead, have some.

Without saying a word Ruby began to stuff her face with the cookies. 

Y/N: Remember to stop and take a breath. 

Ozpin soon pulled a bag out and placed it in front of Y/N. Y/N then looked at Ozpin with a look of curiosity. 

Ozpin: It's a donut. 

Y/N: Is it-.

Ozpin: Plain sugar. 

Y/N quickly opened the bag and began to pull the donut and eat it. Ruby soon stopped and looked at Y/N.

Ruby: Don't forget to to stop and take a breath.

Y/N: Can it. 

Ozpin soon pulled out a tablet and showed it to the two. Y/N and Ruby then saw a video of the two of them fighting. 

Ozpin: Tell me, where did you two learn to fight like that.

Ruby and Y/N: Signal Academy.

Ozpin: Really, they taught you two how to use these dangerous weapons.

Y/N: Well, she was taught by our uncle Qrow. I on the other hand was taught by three different people.

Ozpin: Oh, and who might those teachers be.

Y/N: Well two of them were my parents and they also happen to be teachers of Signal as for my last one, he is sort of around. I haven't seen him in a long time. 

Ozpin then swiped through his tablet and showed a picture of Wiseman. 

Ozpin: Is this the one.

Y/N: Yeah. 

Ozpin: Interesting, he was actually a former teacher of Beacon. But he went on a mission and just vanished. 

Y/N: So, why are we here?

Ozpin turned off the tablet and looked directly at Ruby who was still munching on the cookies. 

Ozpin: Miss Rose, how would you like to join my school. 

Ruby: Are you kidding me, of course I want to go. 

Ozpin: Good. 

Ozpin soon left the room and as Glynda was about to leave she soon pulled out Y/N's rings and driver. Glynda then placed it on the table and left the room. As Ruby got up and left Y/N began to put his rings away and place his driver on his waist. The two then left the police station and prepared for the next day. 

The Next Day

As Y/N was sitting down on the airship reading his book, Yang was hugging Ruby tightly. 

Yang: Oh, I'm so glad that my little sister will be joining me in Beacon this year.

Ruby: Please stop.

Ruby then tried to pull herself away but Yang kept holding her in tightly.

Yang: I just can't believe that all three of us can go to beacon this year. It will be like our days back at Signal. 

Y/N: You mean when you need to copy my homework when you were to lazy to figure out the question's yourself. 

Yang soon looked at Y/N after hearing that comment. 

Yang: That was only a few times. Besides, I've learned my lesson since last time. 

Y/N: Yeah, look to see if they gave us the exact same questions for our homework. Otherwise we have to go to detention and deal with a lecture from both our parents. 

Yang soon looked at a screen as it had turned on. Talking about the the white fang and the robbery that had occurred yesterday. As Ruby and Yang were looking at the news Y/N kept reading. 

Y/N: Looks like Ozpin was able to keep our names out of the news. 

Soon the news changed and Glynda appeared on the screen. 

Glynda: Hello and welcome to Beacon. 

Y/N: Here we go.

Yang: Who is that?

Glynda: My name is Glynda Goodwitch. 

Yang: Oh.

As Yang and Ruby was looking at the screen Y/N was still reading, but soon stopped as he soon heard his scroll rang. He looked it up and saw that Hana was contacting him. He soon picked up the call.

Y/N: Hana.

Hana: Hey, you can't believe it!

Y/N: You finally got a customer besides me. 

Hana: Screw you! Just listen, I got a the message you sent me. I had no idea that Master was a former professor at Beacon. So, I did some digging. 

Y/N: Did you find anything?

Hana: Yeah, just one thing. 

Y/N: What's that?

Hana: A Journal. It talks a lot about the grimm and how they all began in a place called the realm of darkness. 

Y/N: Anything else?

Hana: Yeah just this one thing on the last page Lumi. 

Y/N: What's that?

Hana: I don't know, but the word is written down several times in different colors of ink. It looks like he was desperate about this Lumi. I'll look in on this Lumi. 

Y/N: Alright, let me know. 

Y/N soon ended his call on Hana. As he turned off his scroll he soon got up and was bumped into by a single person with blonde hair. 

???: S-s-sorry. 

The girl soon began to hurl Y/N took a few steps away from her and went to his sisters. 

Y/N: Well guess I won't be having what she had.

Yang soon grabbed Y/N and pulled him close for a hug with her and Ruby.

Ruby: Looks like we have are new home.

Y/N: Yeah.

Ruby: Gross, Yang, you have vomit on your shoes. 

Yang: Ew Ew Ew.

Ruby: Gross, get away from me!

Y/N: Get away.

Yang: Y/N, help me!

Water, Please! Sui-Sui, Sui-Sui! 

Ruby: Uh, Y/N are you sure about that?

Yang: Y/N, you haven't mastered that form yet!

Y/N: Calm down, I got it.

As the airship was about to land, one of the glass windows was soon broken as a large geyser of water came out of it. 

Y/N: Uh oh.

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