Jo Goes To Paris

By SissaRomanova

520K 14.5K 1.7K

Dumped by her boyfriend, unemployed, middle-aged and chocolate addict. That is Johanna's current situation. T... More

Chapitre Un
Chapitre Deux
Chapitre Trois
Chapitre Quatre
Chapitre Cinq
Chapitre Sept
Chapitre Huit
Chapitre Neuf
Chapitre Dix
Chapitre Onze
Chapitre Douze
Chapitre Treize
Chapitre Quatorze
Chapitre Quinze
Chapitre Seize
Chapitre Dix-Sept
Chapitre Dix-Huit
Chapitre Dix-Neuf
La Fin

Chapitre Six

20.8K 674 36
By SissaRomanova

“You slut.” Amber said, looking at Johanna as she got ready.

“What? Aren’t you the one who wanted to undress me and put me in his bed?”

She laughed. “I would. Now I am proud of you, you got it yourself. Where are you both going?”

“Café de la Paix” Johanna smiled. “It’s on the Opera Station, Boulevard des Capucines.”

Amber looked it up on the Guide. “Wow. It sounds like one hell of a place, girl!”

“I bet it is!”

Amber looked at Johanna up and down. She looked like a whole new woman; the newly acquired light blue lace dress fit her perfectly, giving her a fresh appearance for the summer. Her hair was in a loose sideway bun, with her fringe framing her happy face.

“No, no.” Amber said. “Loose hair.”


“Trust me on this, Jo. Loose the hair.”

Sighing, she obeyed and let her hair fall on her shoulders.

“Perfect. Now, don’t behave, get him and rock his world.”

“It’s just lunch!” Johanna laughed, checking her hair on the mirror. She hesitated and looked again at Amber. “Are you sure you’re fine with it? We came together to have fun, and I’m going on a date...”

“My dear, please, do me a favour and go! I am happy to see you like this. Besides, I got plans myself. I will go get our baggage at the airport today and have some lunch on the hotel’s restaurant… They have sushi today. And I want to check their pool, it looks like Water World on the pamphlet.”

“Alright. Thank you, Amber.” She smiled.

“Have fun, and don’t spare any detail when you’re back!”

The Café de la Paix was a big elegant place, decorated with imperial themes. It was from the beginning of the 19th century, and all of it had been preserved to give a royal treatment for people. The walls had white and golden plaster of paris patterns broken by big golden framed mirrors or pastel-colored walls with vintage paintings. The ceiling itself was decorated with vintage paintings that took over all the area, with a crystal chandelier hanging on its center.

As Johanna arrived, a waiter approached her, asking in English: “Are you Mademoiselle Johanna?”

“Yes, I am.”

S’il vous plaît, follow me.”

She went with him, observing the beautiful place, still amazed. That had to be one of the best restaurants in Paris.

They reached the adjacent salon, with smaller and private tables. She found Arturo sitting by one of them, and he stood up with a smile when she approached.

Merci, Pierre.” He said to the waiter. “Hello, Johanna... You look lovely.”

Grazzie.” She replied, sitting on the red velvet chair Arturo pulled back for her.

“Oh, parli italiano?

She frowned. “Just a few words. Don’t confuse my mind.”

“Fair enough.” He laughed, sitting down again. “Shall we order?”

The conversation flowed just nicely. In a few minutes Johanna was laughing and talking about herself.

“I was Head of the Publicity Department in Cosmo magazine. Until I was fed up with my boss and decided to quit, right after my boyfriend left me for another woman.” She sipped her wine. “Quite a lot for a day.”

“Wow, all that in only one day?”

“It’s actually alright now. What about you?”

“Well, as you know I am a waiter at Maison Blanche and a DJ at Le Magnifique. I’ve been living in France for two years now.”

“Before you were in Italy, right?”

“Well, yes, but I’ve been in many places. I’ve worked as a bartender in Munich, as a piano player in Vienna, as a singer in a club in Praga… I actually lost the count.”

“Oh, sounds like you have a lot of fun… You never stay in one place?”

“I rather not. I like having no roots. I like being everywhere, doing different things, making new friends, always trying and trying.”

“And doesn’t it get tired?”

“Up to this date, it has not… I like being free, seeing new things… It’s just the perfect life.”

Johanna smiled. Arturo sounded like a perfect date for a 2-months break in Paris. No strings attached, no commitments. Just fun.

By the end of the dinner, they had laughed, shared stories and found  out their mutual dislike for fish. Things were going naturally well. The obvious flirtatious tone between them spiced things up enough for Johanna subtly stroke his leg with her foot, which made Arturo slightly flush and smile naughtily.

“It might seem a silly question, but are you seeing anyone?” Johanna, after almost half a bottle of wine, asked. It didn’t matter if she was being too forward. It didn’t matter if she sounded cheap. She would see the guy for a few weeks, maybe, then never again meet him. Why not take the chance and make the best of it?

He looked at her slightly surprised, but with a smile. “Well, I am here with you now.”

“Exactly what I wanted to hear.”

He took her hand indulgently. “What do you say we pay the bill and go somewhere else?”

Johanna looked around and made a discrete signal for the waiter to bring the bill. “I say, bonne idée.”

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