To Find the Lie, We Must Disc...

By siobhanetain

4.7K 64 45

Sequel to "Blue Sky..." About seven months after Sky leaves, Ryan is set up in another relationship. Though... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight


715 2 2
By siobhanetain

I look at your photograph all the time, these memories come back to life…” Goodbye- Miley Cyrus

My alarm beeps early, reminding me it's another day of school. I jump out of bed, knowing that I was finally able to see Sky again. I slide out from underneath my covers and turn off my alarm. Though it wasn't easy, I was capable of getting a couple hours of sleep last night without her here.

I drag myself downstairs and turn on the news while making my cereal. It was my morning routine. As I sat down at the island, I noticed a package next to the newspaper.

“Charles?” I ask for the butler and he enters the room.

“yes sir?”

I point to the package, “what's that?”

“it was sitting next to the newspaper yesterday morning sir. Didn't you see it?”

“um, I guess not. Thanks.” he nods and steps out of the room. I examine the package and notice my name scrolled neatly on the paper. So it was to me. After finishing my cereal I decide to open it up to see what it was.

I slowly tear the paper away and find myself looking at a picture of Sky and I on the sofa the first day she came over. It was taken probably moments before Amanda barged into the room. The only question was, who took it? Nonetheless, the picture made me smile and I thought I should call her just to make sure I was still going to pick her up this morning.

But then two envelopes fell from the package, floating down to the floor. I set the picture on the counter and pick up the two pieces of paper. They both had my name on them. Something seemed wrong now and I didn't know what.

I open the first envelope and unfold the paper.

Dear Ryan,

What I told you holds true. I love you and I'm safe. Please, I beg you, don't look for me. Not only will you not find me, but it'll be best if we don't see each other, at least for awhile now. I swear this has nothing to do with you or us. It barely has anything to do with me. Some people, the government, will probably stop by looking for me. Tell them whatever you want. The truth or a lie, it doesn't matter. I'm just telling you that they'll be asking you questions. And this time, can you please take my warning seriously? At least try to.

Don't worry about me too much, I'll be more than fine where I'm going. You know I'm strong enough to take care of myself, and I need you to remember that. That no matter what, I'll be okay. I know that you know that. Tell your family whatever you want. You don't need to cover up for me any longer though, there's no point to.

Remember when we were at the cabins and I was telling you that I had to take care of myself. You said that you'd be there for me and I told you that it wasn't you I was worried about. I said that you'd know when the time came, and well, let's just say it came a little early.

I left my phone behind, so calling me is going to be useless. There's no way for you, or anyone else, to track me down. So please, don't waste your time and money trying to.

I hope you have an amazing time at Stanford. If there's anywhere you'll see me again, it'll probably be there. But you won't recognize me, I won't be the same person you know. Remember things about me like my scars, and my birth mark. My nervous habits and the way I sit when I watch a movie. It's things like those that will be staying the same.

What I'm about to tell you, you'll probably laugh it off. Well, actually, you'll probably freak out about it and then later, much much later, laugh it off. But I need you to listen carefully, and let's just keep this between you and I for now, got it?

Okay, so, after our fight on Christmas Eve, your mom came into my room and had a little talk with me. The information I'm about to pass onto you is not to be told to anyone. Because you are not supposed to know. Before I came into your life, or well, before you introduced me as your girlfriend to your family, your parents had been talking with Caroline Stilt and her husband. Caroline is Mary Richlet's older sister, one of my aunts. Her daughter, Veronica is, I think, seventeen, but I'm not positive. Anyways, they were talking about merging the two businesses together through marriage. And that marriage would be between you and Veronica. When she saw the way you looked at me she said that she couldn't tear us apart like that because you loved me too much. Now, with me out of the picture, I have a feeling that the marriage is going to be planned once again. I know you're thinking I'm crazy right now, but I'm not. I need you to go through with this marriage, if it comes up, okay? Just don't fight it. I know that seems like a weird request but you'll know why when the time is right. And remember, this information stays between you and me.

This isn't easy for me, you have to understand that. If I thought it was safe to stay I would. And if I thought you wouldn't try to get me to stay, I would have said goodbye in person. But this is for the best.

Tell your family that I love them.

And I love you, Always will,

-Blue Sky Anastasia Reynolds

A few tears slip down my cheek as I set the letter down. I quickly wipe them away and open the second one.

I love you Ryan. Really, I do. I wouldn't have written any goodbye to you if I didn't. I know you probably think I'm lying, that I really don't love you because I wouldn't leave you if I did. But there's something I never told you which I think is important for you to hear. You're the first person that I have ever said those three words to, ever. I never once told my parents that I loved them, never said them to Cathy or anyone else. You're the only person out there that I've said I love you to, that's got to mean something, right?

And I'd say it a million more times if I could, though that would take up time that I don't really have at the moment.

I know it's going to be hard to do, but you have to trust me that everything will come together soon. And by soon I mean within the next couple of years.

I'm sorry about all of this.

I love you,


Right then the news caught my interest as they started talking about some road rage, “Diana and Joe Reynolds were arrested last night for driving recklessly through town. Inside the vehicle, the officers found multiple drugs and they are being charged for those as well. Their sixteen year old daughter, Blue Sky Reynolds, has yet to be tracked down. If you have any information on where she would be, please call the number at the bottom of the screen.”

And that's when it hit me.

She ran away.

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