Our Fate ・S. Black・(Harry Pot...

De elijahmikaelsonsimp

1.4K 107 28

On October 31 1981, it was believed that mass murderer Sirius Black had betrayed James and Lily Potter and su... Mais

Prologue (EDITED)
Chapter One (EDITED)
Chapter Two (EDITED)
Chapter Three (EDITED)
Chapter Four (EDITED)
Chapter Five (EDITED)
Chapter Seven (EDITED)
Chapter Eight (EDITED)
Chapter Nine (EDITED)
Chapter Ten (EDITED)
Chapter Eleven (EDITED)
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen (EDITED)
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen (EDITED)
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One:THE FINAL
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Six (EDITED)

53 5 1
De elijahmikaelsonsimp

A/n: Thank you wolf117755 for the amazing tiktok edits, I love you!
Also readers, I messed up the order between these scenes and Quidditch. I thought Quidditch came first but I re-watched it and it didn't so apologies about that and to anyone that got a bit confused, I've tried to make it work in this chapter though along with the Hogsmeade trip. The scene with the portrait was intentional.

And yes, I lost a few brain cells writing this chapter, this is quite a long one too.

"He looks a bit peaky" spoke a voice.

"Peaky?" Spoke another one, "What do you expect? He fell over a hundred feet" spoke another, sounding the same as the previous.

The previous voice spoke again, "Yeah come one Ron let's walk you off the astronomy tower"

"and see what you look like" the other added on.

Harry began to slowly open his eyes now, "Probably a better sight then he normally does".

The group   of people that were huddled around him smiled. He sat up, grunting a little from his body aching. "How are you feeling?" Hermione asked looking at him in concern.

"Oh, brilliant" he replied sarcastically (Definitely got the sass from James but now thinking about it, he must have got the sarcasm from Silvia for her brother was too)

"Gave us a right good scare there mate" George spoke. Or was it Fred? I don't know.

"You fell off your broom" began Ron.

"Really?," Harry continued "About the match, who won?"

Everyone just gave side ways glances to each other before Hermione stood "Um.." she paused, shaking her head and then continued, "No one blames you Harry, the Dementors aren't supposed to come inside the grounds. Dumbledore was furious as soon as he saved you he sent them straight off"

Once Hermione had finished, Ron spoke again, face looking a bit nervous "There's something you should know too Harry erm..when you fell, your broom, it sort of blew into The Whomping Willow.."
Ron unwrapped what looked to be a blanket covering up the brooms' remains and picking up half of a stick, "sooo yeah.."

Harry's face turned changed into a look of grief? Annoyance? Sadness? It's hard to tell really. After the conversation, the group of friends left leaving Harry to rest.

Harry and Ron stood next to each other as Professor Lupin spoke, teaching them about boggarts.
They were supposed to have learnt this before the Quidditch Match but the lesson was postponed due to them being behind on some work.

The wardrobe at the front of the classroom began to shake and rock, "Intriguing isn't it?" Spoke the professor.

"Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?" he continued, asking the class.

"That's a boggart, that is" answered Dean Thomas, a fellow Gryffindor.

"Very good, Mr Thomas"

"Now can anybody tell me what a boggart looks like?" asked Professor Lupin, strolling to the side of the class.

"No one knows," a voice called

"When did she get here?" asked Ron, turning to Harry seeming a bit freaked out that Hermione had appeared out of no where. Hermione continued,

"Boggarts are shape shifters, they take the shape of whatever a person in particular fears the most" she continued. "That's what makes them so-"

Professor Lupin cut her off, "So terrifying, yes"

Lupin was at the front of the class now, turning to them he continued "Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart" he paused looking back at the wardrobe as it shook again before continuing his lecture "Let's practice now, uh without wands please".

"Repeat after me, Ridikulus"

"Ridikulus!" The class chorused back.

"Very good, now a little louder and very clearly, Ridikulus" Lupin spoke enthusiasm coursing through his voice.

"Ridikulus!" The class chorused back again, this time louder.

"Very good" he nodded his head. "Well so much for the easy part, see the incantation alone is not enough. What really finishes off a boggart is laughter. You need to force it to assume a shape that you find truly amusing. Let me explain, uh Neville, would you mind coming forward please?"

"Come on, don't be shy" Lupin encouraged.

"Come on" he whispered softly.

"Hello." he spoke in a cheery voice and continued, "Neville, what frightens you the most?" he questioned the boy.

Neville responded in a very hushed whisper. "Sorry?" Lupin asked, not hearing him clearly, "Professor Snape" repeated Neville, louder.

The class laughed. "He frightens us all," Lupin said reassuring the boy "And I believe you live with your Grandmother is it?" Remus spoke seeking for assurance.

"Yes," replied Neville "But I don't want the boggart to turn into her either."

Remus shook his head, speaking "No..it won't. I want you to picture her clothes, only her clothes very clearly in your mind."

"She carries a red handbag-"

"We don't need to hear, as long as you see it, we'll see it." said Remus. "Now, when I open that wardrobe..here's what I want you to do." Remus walked up to Neville and leaned in, whispering "Imagine Professor Snape in your Grandmother's clothes." Stepping back he looked down at the boy and asked "Can you do that?"

Neville turned to face the wardrobe again as it shook violently, "Yes. Wand at the ready Neville" spoke Remus from next to him. "One, Two, Three.."

With a flick of his wrist, the wand opened the wardrobe and out stepped Severus Snape. "Think Neville, think" Remus whispered into his ear.

The boggart Snape approached Neville, he pointed his wand at him and spoke "Ridikulus!" The boggart transformed into Professor Snape, except he was in Neville's Grandmothers' clothing. The whole class laughed including Lupin and Professor Lupin praised him. All he could think about was the look on Silvia and Sirius' faces if they found it.

The class formed a line, "I want everyone to picture the thing they fear the most..and turn it into something funny" Remus played some music.

"Ron!" Ron approached boggart Grandmother-Snape and took his wand out of his robes looking weary. "Concentrate. Face your fear" said Remus.

Grandmother-Snape transformed into a massive, black spider. Ron's body physically shook as he grimaced, quietly squealing. "Wand at the ready Ron, wand at the ready"

"Ridikulus!" The spider now had skates on each of its legs "Yes! You see? Very good Ron!" said Remus proudly.

"Parvati, next!" This time, the boggart transformed into a snake. It overshadowing its conjurer, hissing venomously. Lupin gave words of encouragement from the side.

"Ridikulus!" Spoke the girl. Lupin laughed as it turned into a jack-in-the-box.

"Alright, next!" It was now Harry's turn. Harry stared at the clown, awaiting for it to transform into his boggart, Remus looked on intensely. The smile on Harry's face had worn off as the clown had now transformed into a dementor.

Remus ran from the side and infront of Harry with his arms out, pointing his wand at it, before he casted the charm it had transformed into a full moon. "Riddikulus!" he spoke sternly.

The boggart transformed into a balloon, going in different directions around the classroom, Remus eventually opening the wardrobe door with his wand and closing it when the boggart was safely inside.

"Sorry about that, that's it for today, if you would like to collect your books and head to your next class. That's the end of the lesson" said Remus earning sighs and disappointed voices in return. Remus apologised again as the students back to exit the class. Glancing back at Harry.

"Professor? Can I ask you something?" spoke Harry.

Harry was walking along the bridge with Professor Lupin as Ron and Hermione were off at Hogsmeade. They were supposed to go a few weeks ago but Mcgonagall changed the schedule last minute,Harry couldn't go due to his permission slip not being signed. Mcgonagall had refused to sign it, something about it being inappropriate so he was on his own until they had returned.

"You want to know why I stopped you from facing the dementor" Remus guessed, he continued on after he saw his guess was right after looking at Harry's face, "I thought it'd be obvious, I assumed it what take the shape of Lord Voldemort"

"I did think of Voldemort as first, but then I remembered that night on the train..and the dementor." said Harry glancing at the view from the bridge and then back at his professor.

"How interesting..that suggests what you fear the most is fear itself" replied Lupin as he continued "That's incredibly wise"

Harry then spoke again "Before I fainted, I heard something, a woman, screaming"

Curiosity etched across Remus' face before speaking "Well, dementors force us to relive our worst memories. Our pain becomes there power but do not let that define you for you have more power over the past than it does you"

Harry processed the advice his professor gave him before adding on to his previous statement, "I think it was my mother..the night she was murdered."

As Harry gazed into the distance, something caught his eye. A crow. Watching him. He thought he had recognised it but couldn't recall where. Lupin spoke snapping him out of his thoughts, "You know, the very first time I saw you Harry I recognised you immediately, not by your scar, by your eyes. They're your Mother, Lily's."

Harry looked at him thoughtfully as he continued, "Yes. Oh yes, I knew her," Remus turned around walking to the other side of the bridge.

"Your mother was there for me at a time when no one else was."

'As was Silvia Snape-Black who was like a sister to me' he thought. "Not only was she a extremely gifted witch, she was also an uncommonly kind woman. She had a way of seeing the beauty in others, even and most especially when that person could not see it themselves" As he said this he thought back to when Silvia had gone through a time of insecurity, and low self-esteem in their 7th year due to the stress about their NEWTs, it was ironic really, Silvia had comforted Remus in their 5th year about their OWLs and there he and Lily were comforting her. Even though she was the sister of Snape, Lily still comforted her telling her that 'Even if you have a distaste towards someone, don't let that be the reason that you allow them to damage themselves until they cannot be fixed' Lily was always good with quotes and advice.

After a pregnant silence, Lupin began talking again, "And your father, James on the other hand..he," Lupin laughed to himself before continuing "he had a certain, shall we say talent for trouble" Remus glanced back at Harry who was still staring into the distance, 'he's the spitting image of him' he thought to himself.

"A talent, rumour has it, he passed onto you." Lupin walked back over, standing next to Harry leaning against the bridge. He looked at him and smiled kindly, Harry returning it. "You're more like them you know, Harry, in time you'll come to see just how much." Remus put a hand on Harry's shoulder reassuringly and then left him to his thoughts.

Slam! Professor Snape made his dramatic entrance as usual, pointing his wand at each window as he walked by, them slamming shut. (Maybe he really is a vampire?)

Rolling down the projector? (A/n: I forgot what it's called) Snape turned to face the class, who looked rather confused, assuming it was because he was there and Professor Lupin was no where to be found. "Turn to page 394." His monotone voice spoke.

The class began opening their books, Ron flicking page by page.

Snape began walking in between the desks towards the back of the class, "Excuse me, sir" Harry spoke breaking the silence. "Where's Professor Lupin?" He asked wondering, asking the question everyone else was thinking, except they were too scared to.

Sighing, Snape spoke, "That's not really your concern is it Potter? Suffice it to say your professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time" Stopping at the back of the classroom, he repeated "Turn to page 394." Flicking his wand at Ron's book for he was still flicking through the pages.

"Werewolves?" Ron spoke aloud.

"But sir, we just learned about red caps and Hinkupunks," spoke Hermione, the class glancing at her with a 'What the hell are you doing' look on their faces. Hermione continued "We're not meant to start that for weeks"

"Quiet" spoke Snape, dragging out the 'Qui'.

"When did she come in? Did you see her come in?" Spoke Ron, outstanded that the girl had just appeared out of no where.

"Now," began Professor Snape walking back towards the front of the class "which of you can tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf?"

"No one?" He spoke before adding "How disappointing."

"Please sir, an animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice, with each full moon when he transforms, he no longer remembers who he is, he'd kill his best friend if they cross paths. Furthermore, the werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind" said Hermione. Harry glanced at her from next to her wondering when Snape would take points.

"Awhooo" taunted Malfoy.

"Thank you, Mr Malfoy" Professor Snape spoke up, "That is the second time you've spoke out of turn Miss Granger, are you incapable of restraining yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know it all."

"He's got a point, you know?" Spoke Ron, leaning in towards Harry.

"5 points from Gryffindor."

'I really jinxed that' thought Harry before Snape began speaking again "As an antidote to your ignorance, and on my desk by Monday morning, two rolls of parchment on the werewolf" the class began to groan as Snape continued on "with particular emphasis on recognising it"

"But sir," began Harry.

"No buts, on my desk Monday Morning" Snape said cutting Harry off. "Page 394."

"The term werewolf, is a contraction of the anglo-saxon word 'were' which means "man" and "wolf." lectured Snape. As he spoke, back turned, Malfoy flew a piece parchment onto Harry's desk. Glancing down Harry saw a drawing, a very bad drawing at that which looked to be Harry at the Quidditch match getting struck by lightening. Harry figured it was Malfoy making fun of him for what happened at the Match and just glared at the blonde.

"Mr Potter, is glaring at my students more important than my lesson?" Snape sneered. Whilst Harry was focused on glaring at Malfoy, he failed to notice Snape turning back around despite Hermione AND Ron smacking him on the arm.

"Not at all" Harry answered.

"Not at all, sir" corrected Snape.

"There's no need to call me sir, Professor" Harry retorted back. The class' heads where turning back and forth between the two as if it was a Quidditch match. Snape's face turned into a sneer as he walked towards Harry's desk.

"20 points from Gryffindor for your class mate's cheek." Responded Snape. "Just like your father, he too was an insolent brat"

"My father may have been an insolent brat Professor, but at least I don't have a murderer for a sister." Harry spoke angrily.

The class were in shock. Even the Slytherins were speechless. No one ever brought up Professor Snape's sister. This was an extremely low blow, Hermione and Ron glanced at each other awkwardly, looking scared. As did the rest of the class.

The Gryffindors were preparing to go point-rupt. As soon as those words flew out of Harry's mouth, he could not take them back. Professor Snape stood still abruptly. His jaw became tight, as he clenched his teeth. His hand going white as he balled it into a fist.

Snape turned around slowly, his gaze focused directly on Harry. The look alone sent chills up some of the students' spines.

"100 points from Gryffindor and detention for the rest of the term Potter."
The Gryffindor students groaned but were immediately silenced at Snape's glare. Now, get out. Class dismissed."

A/n: long-ish chapter today, I kind of liked this one. What did you guys think?
Remember to vote and comment <3

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