To Dazzling Darkness - Bucky...

By MetallicRed

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''He was like heroine to my body, injected straight into my veins. So beautiful yet deadly.'' Fallon Alarie i... More

Content Warnings and Author's Notes
Prologue - Bad Boys World
Chapter one - Bad Girls World
Chapter Two - Gala
Chapter Three - Secret Possession
Chapter Four - Ultimatum
Chapter Five - Toxic Mind
Chapter Six - Wanderlust
Chapter Seven - Ocean Eyes
Chapter Eight - Addiction
Chapter Nine - Monsters Under The Bed
Chapter Ten - Devil is, as Devil does
Chapter Eleven - Forgive My Sins
Chapter Twelve - Vincere aut mori
Chapter Thirteen - No Saints Here
Chapter Fifteen - The Creator
Chapter Sixteen - Echoes of Eternity
Chapter Seventeen - Toils of War
Chapter Eighteen - Heart Made of Glass
Chapter Nineteen - Russian Roulette
Chapter Twenty - Hell Is Home
Chapter Twenty One - I Broke My Rules for You
Chapter Twenty Two - Demons and Clichés
Chapter Twenty Three - Goddess Sent to Hell

Chapter Fourteen - The Stars and The Moon

326 18 9
By MetallicRed

Chapter warning: Knife use, torture, killing, guns. Jealousy, possessive thoughts. (I apologised in advance my mind is in the gutter) Inappropriate use of belts. Orgasm denial. Over stimulation, rough sex, degradation kink appraisal kink.

Their planned date went as smoothly as ever. The time that they have been spending together, has quickly become the normality. The clash of their lives becoming more and more normal to them. Like they were always meant to be together. Colliding in passion.

They were heading back to the car after their dinner, hands intertwined. James was about to open the car door for her as Fallons phone started ringing.

She pulled the phone out and glanced at the caller ID. ''Sorry babe, I just need to take this''

James smiled at her and leant onto the bonnet of the car. ''Of course'' Business calls are the standard of their day. He tapped out a cigarette from his jacket.

Fallon stepped away and pressed the phone to her ear. ''Fallon'' Business voice as usual. She nodded a few times while listening to the voice on the other end of the phone. ''Mm.. You're the best Michael, be there in a moment''

Fallon hung up the phone and looked back at James. His muscular frame with legs crossed over at the ankles, leaning on his blacked out Ferrari. That was a sight to behold. His jaw flexing with smoke tumbling out of his lips. Fallon had to stop herself from clenching her thighs together before she fucks him on the bonnet.

''A friend of mine has brought something for me that I need to take care of'' She strutted over and leant onto him, running her hands over his chest. Feeling how his muscles flexed against her touch.

James looked down at her with a grin and pressed the butt of the cigarette to her lips. Fallon took a drag, letting the smoke settle into her lungs. Red lipstick mark stayed on the end of the cigarette. ''Where am I taking you doll?''

''A personal chauffier?'' She raised and eyebrow in amusement. ''To Empire club''

James nodded and opened the door heeling her inside the car before waling over to the drivers side and speeding down the road. ''Isn't that the club we first danced at?''

Fallon looked him up and down with a smile. ''Yes, I'm sure you know Scarlett since you were at the opening day''

James grinned. ;;Yes, Scarlett is a good friend of mine. I offered money for the club, but she said she already had an investor. I'[m guessing that is you?''

''Mm.. That would be me''

James pulled up at the front of the club, The sun has almost set, leaving a dusky orange look across the sky. The club was heaving already with a long queue wrapping around the building. Waiting to enter the chaos of sweaty bodies inside.

Stepping out of the vehicle Fallon fixed her dress. Moments later James was at her side and took her hand in his. ''You look stunning doll''

Fallon looked at him with a smile and they headed for the entrance. The bouncer unclipped the dark red rope and let them in without another glance. Many disagreeing grumbles were heard from behind them. Of why they were let in, but the rest had to wait.

With James massive presence people parted way, allowing them to manoeuvre around many dancing bodies. High from high end class drugs that were most likely supplied by either Fallon or James. She headed straight for the back of the club and opened the doors. Leaving the neon lights, and outrageously loud music behind them. There was a long staircase leading down and James followed her. Fallon pulled out a key and unlocked another door that led to a cellar. Fallon grabbed onto the rail and made her way down further underground, music slowly fading behind them.

Many expensive barrels of wine and alcohol crates lined the walls of the cellar, and James couldn't help but look around curiously. The feeling that Fallon was letting him into see of her darker sides of her world, allowed pride to swell in his chest.

The light was dim, and the air smelled moist. Like the many sins that weigh on the shoulders of humanity.

A glint of a flipping knife could be spotted between the many barrels and the yellow lights hanging from the high ceiling. The knife so sharp that it sounded like the air around it was being sliced through. Fallons heels echoed on the cracked concrete, and she stepped round the corner; the torment of air stopped.

A slender tall man pushed himself off a barrel and stood up. His jet black hair scattered in all directions, clean shaven face, and eyes as dark as the night sky. They lit up, along with his smile as soon as he saw Fallon.

''Michael'' Fallon smiled back at him. Michael reached his hand for her, and leaned in to give a kiss on her cheek.

''Miss Alarie'' His deep voice trailed off. ''Looking as beautiful as ever'' He looked her up and down with a glint in his eyes, and a smirk on his face.

Fallon and Michael fooled around for a while. And she won't deny, what that man could do in the bedroom would give any woman wobbly knees. However, just like every other time Fallon got bored and decided she didn't want no more.

Michael was no exception, but he was never butt hurt ab out it. Every so often they would still hook up to satisfy their needs if the opportunity came up. Of course until she met James. Michael worked as a professional bounty hunter, and Fallon occasionally used his services when she was too busy to hunt someone down herself.

Michaels hand lingered on Fallons and James could feel his eye twitch. Jealousy brewed inside him like bile, and his hands balled into first. The thought of ripping this mans arm out of its socket played over in his mind on a loop. Another fee seconds and James was going to make that a reality.

Fallons voice brought him back. ''James, Michael'' Fallon gestured introducing them to one another. Her eyes lingered on James, they were that shade darker when he was angry. It was a clear giveaway of his thoughts, no matter how much he tried to hide it.

Michael extended his hand out for a handshake with a smirk on his attractive featured. James stepped forward and grasped it, the other hand still in his trouser pocket.

Fallon raised her eyebrow at the mental arm wrestle that was happening. She stared between the two men. Both tall, one in a suit well put together, the other more scruffy, leather jacket and ripped jeans. Two opposites, yet like looking in the mirror.

Tall dark and handsome huh... Natashas voice echoed in her head. Maybe she did have a type after all.

The situation was comical. A limp man tied up on a chair, and two Alphas having a staring contest over a woman. She thought just to let them rattle it out, but she had short attention span.

''Alright children, we can stop this cock swinging contest. I have more important things to take care off'' She took off her leather jacket, exposing the crisscross of her dress.

Both men turned to look at her at the same time, breaking the intense staring contest. Letting go if each others hand. They both flexed them attempting to get rid of the sting from overly strong and unnecessary handshake. Yet not one of them wanting to show weakness. James caught Michaels eyes as they raked over her body and he was ready to stab him.

Fallon rolled her eyes and walked over to the limp man on the chair. She tapped his cheek a few times, but only a low grunt came out of his mouth. Still alive, but not awake. Fallon sighed and placed the sole of hr heel over the crotch of his trousers and pushed down hard on his balls.

The man jolted up with a scream, eyes wide open. When he saw Fallon staring at him he screamed louder.

The two brooding men behind her grimaced at her actions and reached over to rearrange their man parts. Unanimously pulling out a cigarette and throwing each other a glare.

''Ahh wakes wakey'' Fallon chuckled and pressed down harder on his balls before she stepped away. Pulling another chair, twisting it around and straddling to sit down in front of her prisoner. Her dress hiked up her thighs dangerously close to revealing her underwear. A slight glint of a knife holster was visible on her thigh.

''F-Fallon I... Miss Alarie'' He corrected himself as if that was going ti erase his mistakes. Voice shaking like a leaf in the wind.

''Now now no need for formalities Joe'' Fallon moved a strand of hair away from her face. Moments like these send her into calmness. Men bowing at her feet, just how she likes it. The fear in their eyes getting her excited, she wanted to crush them bellow her feet. ''I just need to know who you sending my cocaine off to without my permission''

''It must be a misunderstanding'' Joe struggled against professionally crafted restrains of Michael.

Fallon reached over and pulled out a knife from the holster and twisted it in her hand. ''Do you think I'm stupid or just naive?'' She looked at the back shiny metal. Should she cut his eyes out first, to maybe his tongue or lying.

So many possibilities.

''No... no, I don't... I know nothing'' The man whimpered in his seat. Fear in his eyes at the realisation of Fallons ruthlessness.

''So you're useless is that what you're telling me?'' Fallon sighed. Tongue can't go first otherwise she won't get the information she needs. The eyes it is. Kicking the chair to the side that she sat on, clattering noise made Joe jump. She stepped forwards and ran her long fingers over the Carmel hair of her prisoner. She grasped it by the root yanking his head up. He thought that his soul will come out from how intensely Fallon was looking at him.

''You're cute...'' Fallon tilted her head and straddled his thighs, sitting down on his lap. His body was fully tied up to the chair so he was unable to protest. ''Would be a shame to ruin such a cute face'' The edge of her blade grazed up his flushed cheek. Droplets of blood trickled down, like tears of blood.

Fallon leaned forward and licked the cut with the edge of her tongue. Joe hissed from the sensation. She moved her lips to his earlobe and whispered. ''Who are you giving my cocaine to angel?'' The copper taste on her tongue lingered and she licked her lips.

James watched with great amusement. He could feel the fire at the pit of his stomach, and his cock twitched at the sight of her licking the blood. His cock never twitched for anyone. And yet with her he was unable to control it. He has never met a woman that understood what port she held in the palm of her hands. No fear, or remorse. She was rage and chaos all in one. The crazy that matched his. She a queen, and him a king that just might not be worthy.

''Im guessing you never seen her work?'' Michael questioned, with a cigarette between his lips. Leaning back on a hundred year old barrel. He's seen this sight many times, and maybe he would never admit that he loved her for it,. Her power was addictive.

James turned his attention from Fallon and side eyes Michael. The thought of wanting to kill him bubbled up again. ''No''

''I hope you're not squeamish?'' Michael chuckled in his gravelly voice. Too many cigarettes smoked in his youth.

''Trust me. I'm not'' James took a drag of his own cigarette and looked back at Fallon. Not wanting to tear his eyes away from her. Like a man hypnotised.

The man under Fallon sobbed. ''I... I really haven't'

Fallon sighed and leaned back. ''Hmm what should I cut out first?'' She mumbled and lowered the knife between their torsos and dragged it over his buldge. ''Your cock?'' She asked and tilted her head. The man sobbed again. ''That'll be too easy..'' She mumbled to herself. Trailing the knife over his chest and tapped his cheek with the flat part of the blade. The man beneath her was now trembling, as the realisation of his end has dawned on him.

James couldn't help but smirk. The thought of her covered in someone else blood stirred thoughts inside his head, He couldn't wait to have her all to himself later.

Fallon face twisted into a wicked grin. ''Your eyes are so pretty! I think I'll just take one as a souvenir of your disloyalty'' The edge of the knife rested against his eye socket, cutting through. Joes screams bounced of the old walls, mixing with the damp air of the cellar. The knife sliced through the thin skin of his face. Blood poured down Fallons hand as she proceeded to cut his eye. Amusement all over her face.

The man was shaking and sobbing in between the screams. Fallon let go of his face and his head hung low, breathing shallow. Body going through so much pain would put anyone into shock.

His eye clattered down onto the floor. ''Oops..'' Fallon chuckled and stood up from his lap. She grabbed his hair again, face changing into. Snarl. ''Who are you sending my cocaine off to?!'' This time she shouted, voice strong as steel.

The man quivered at his voice. ''A... a guy named Ricky Eagle..'' Shaky voice responded, barely above a whisper. The blood from his eye socket dripped in clumps onto his lap. ''He... He treated me''

Fallon laughed, making the sound echo in the space. She wiped her blade onto his trousers. ''Oh darling.. you feared the wrong person''

Men always think that the woman will be soft and gentle and forgive them. Fallon was none of the sort. Fallon always took what was owed to her ten fold. Many payed with their lives. That's the least they can do.

Fallon extended her hand towards Michael and without hesitation he pulled out his gun, handing it to her. As if a practiced ritual. James chest tightened with jealousy. With no hesitation Fallon cocked the gun and in a split second fired the bullet straight into Joes scull. His body slumped and no more cries were heard. The sound of the shot pierced the silence in such a tight space and left a ringing sensation in their ears.

Fallon rebelled on the silence for just a moment. Between cops sniffing around and this new found Ricky Eagle stealing her profit she felt exhausted. The moment of silence with the smell of death recharging her to what she needed to be. She handed the gun back to Michael and trend to face them. She chuckled at their amused expressions. Like two sick little puppies. She grabbed a cloth from one of the barrels and wiped her hands clean.

''Thank you Michael. I will have your payment wired'' She pulled her phone out. ''Give me a second'' Fallon headed for the stairs, to where she can get signal to make a phone call to Natasha.

Michael placed his gun back in the holder and cut the restrains of the dead body. He pushed the body onto the cellophane that was already on the floor, to start wrapping it up. He was a professional for a reason.

''So how hard do you make her scream?'' Michael asked and looked at James. Michael knew what sort of sec Fallon enjoyed. And he knew she wouldn't stick around with someone that bored her.

''As hard as you'll be screaming while I' cutting your head off''

Michael laughed. ''My friend don't get fooled by the sirens call. She will make you crazy and then leave you bleeding. Physically or with a broken heart'' He tied the ends of the make shift body bag. ''Fallon is incapable of love''

James snorted. ''I don't need advice from her past fuck boys''

''Suit yourself'' Michael shrugged.

Fallon walked back down the stairs studying the atmosphere in the room. ''The payment is all wired for you Michael''

''Let me know when you need me next angel'' Michael wicked at her. The sentence seem to hold a double meaning. He proceeded to drag the dead body away to dispose of it. With no trace to ever be found.

''Will do''Fallon waved and turned to look at the brooding figure of James.

James stubbed out his cigarette and threw it on the floor before looking up at her.

''Aww jealousy is cut eon you James'' Fallon smirked, her grey eyes looking into his soul. Pulling on every last string, intertwining him into her. Never to be free.

James stepped forward and grabbed her by the neck, squeezing slightly before pulling her closer. He tilted her chin with his other hand so their eyes would meet. '' I want to fuck you so hard that you will forget about any other lovers you had''

''Is that a promise?'' Fallon looked up at him through her eyelashes.

Their lips crashed together, the kiss quickly turning heated before James pulled back, tugging a loose strand of hair behind her ear. ''Lets go home. The things I want to do toy won't be possible here''

Fallon could feel her panties soaking through just from his words. This man gave her so much excitement that she felt like she might combust.

When they pulled up on James driveway, Fallon got out of the car. Before she could even take a step James stopped her up princess style and carried her inside straight up the stairs to his bedroom. He threw her onto the bed and Fallon chuckled at his eagerness. He took off his blazer and started to roll up the sleeves of his black shirt. Exposing his forearm muscles and tattoos, couple of veins popping out along his skin. Fallon licked her lips at the sight. Like the devil in front of her was here to do everything un holly.

James knelt in front of her and started to undo the clasps of her heels to gently pull them off. His touches feather light creating goosebumps along her skin. He placed a few open mouth kisses on her knee and spoke with his lips still against her skin. ''I think we need a safe word. I don't want to push you past any limits'' He looked up, his eyes dark. Burning with passion and something so much darker than Fallon has ever seen.

She gulped, watching him with great intensity, She pondered about his words for a moment. ''Lacrima'' She spoke softly.

James looked up at her while unclasping the other heel and placed it to the side. ''Latin word for tears'' He nodded. ''Seems fitting''

Fallon was slightly surprised that he knew what it meant. She watched him stand up, his body towering over her frame. He brushed her hair behind her shoulders and started to move the straps of her dress down her shoulders. He pulled her up and proceeded to slip the dress down her body, Leaving her in nothing but black lacy underwear. ''You say the word and I stop. Understood?''

Fallon nodded receiving an arched eyebrow from James.

''Yes sir''

''Thats my good girl'' Possessive. He pushed her back down onto the edge of the bed. The anticipation strong in the air for both of them. James buldge was already straining against his trousers. Just the sight of her half naked has riled him enough.

Unbuckling his belt and in one swift movement he pulled it out from the hoops. Fallon flinched from the action. That sound will never fail to send shivers down her back, making her scars itch. She stared at the floor with completely still eyes, the demons that threatened to swarm into her brain loud and screaming in her ears. James presented the belt in front of her eyes and she blinked. He tilted her head with his fingers so she would look into his eyes. She released a breath she didn't realise she was holding in. Fallon searched his eyes and found every bit of reassurance that she needed.

''Eyes on me doll'' His husky voice sending all the demons running for the hills.

''Yes sir'' She said again and James cock twitched in his trousers.

James looped the belt around her neck and tightened it. Wrapping the end of it around his hand. Fallon took in a sharp breath from the sudden tightness around her neck. Her pussy felt like it was fluttering. He knelt down in front of her and hoisted her legs over his shoulders, making her lean back onto the bed. He trailed soft kisses up her thigh towards her clit. Rubbing his nose over her folds covered by the thin fabric, taking in her scent.

''You drive me crazy'' He grumbled against her. Taking a grip of the underwear and tearing them from her body. The sound of the rip filled the room before he discarded the unwanted fabric.

Seconds later his tongue flattened out against her clit and he started lapping at her folds. Showing great attention to the bundle of nerves at the tip of it. Fallon gasped and moaned. James yanked on the belt that was around her neck tightening it, cutting off the oxygen to her brain, Fallons eyes rolled back from the pleasure, and she desperately tried to roll her hips harder against his face, craving more friction. More pain. More of him, More of everything he had to offer.

He snaked his free hand up her thigh and slid two digits inside of her, stretching her out in preparation. He curled them up pressing at the ball of nerves inside., Matching his rhythm to the tongue that was assaulting her.

''F-fuck..'' Fallon managed a strangled cry.

James sucked on her clit, but his fingers never stopped the rhythmic movement. Completely covered in her slick. AS she felt her pussy clench around his fingers he suddenly pulled back.

Fallon let out a frustrated groan and lifted her head to look at him. ''You're a fucking... asshole'' She muttered, breathless form being denied her orgasm.

James yanked on the belt nearly making her sit up. Fallon gasped, her mouth agape as she grabbed onto the belt with her hands, unable to breathe in. He stared at her with those sharp ocean eyes. She swears she will drown in them one day.

''You cum when I tell you to princess'' He loosened the grip on the belt and Fallon took in a sharp breath.

She laid back down onto the bed with her legs spread so perfectly for him. ''Yes sir'' She licked her bottom lip.

''Thats better'' Evil, sadistic smile plastered on those perfect swollen lips. He lowered his head back in between her thighs and picked up where he left off. His fingers sliding inside of her in a swift movement and he started to suck on her clit again. Fallon writhed bellow him, her skin coated in a layer of swear. Her brain felt cloudy. Totally consumed by pleasure. Her fingers gripped onto the silky black sheets, balling them into her fist desperately trying not to cum. She felt like she was about to explode.

''Cum all over my face doll'' His voice echoed in her head. Her body at command to his wishes. She came screaming his name, until he pulled on the belt cutting off her airway again. All she could see were white blotches, as electricity thundered through her body. Making every last muscle feel tingly.

Not letting her recover, James didn't stop. He continued sucking on her clit moving his fingers faster. Sending her to oblivion. She tasted like very dark thought he has ever had.

"J..James I'm...'' Her body twitched as the second orgasm took her by surprise.

James let her ride the second orgasm out, lapping at every last drop, before pulling away. His lips, nose and beard completely covered in her slick cum. He licked his lips as he watched her body twitch from pleasure. Her nipples pebbled, while her chest heaved up and down. The bedsheets soaked in their sins.

''I could eat you out for hours, just to listen to you moan like that. He grinned as he wiped his subtle with his forearm. Fallon shuddered at the thought. The countless orgasms that her body would have to endure.

She looked up at him, her eyes completely glazed over from the pleasure that surged through. Her pussy cleaning over nothing, begging to be filled.

James took his shirt off revealing the sculpted muscle bellow. He undid his trouser button and zip taking them off too. Leaving him in black tight boxers. It showed the perfect outline of rock solid cock. He sat down next to her and hoisted her up into his lap, with her back against his chest, like she weighed nothing. His hard on pressing against her butt cheeks. He moved her legs so they would be on either side of his thighs spreading her out for him. He moved his hand into her hair and yanked It back making her look up. Fallon slowly fluttered her eyes open just to find a mirror perfectly placed against the wall, showing their intertwined reflection.

''Look how perfect you look'' James poke, and she didn't dare pull her eyes off of him. He dragged his teeth over her shoulder, and moved his other hand to her breast. Twisting her nipple in between his fingers.

Fallon groaned and grinded her hips against his straining cock. He moved his attention to the other nipple, twisting it and pulling it till it stung. Fallon felt like a puddle in his strong arms. He slid his palm over her soft belly, down to her folds and rubbed his fingers over them.

The moans that were leaving Fallons mouth were making him feel feral. Like an animal in a cage. He wanted to commit them to memory. Fallons eyes fluttered close and he smacked her sensitive pussy in return. Fallon gasped and twitched, her eyes opening. Her body fired and overly sensitive. She stared at him, he was black and evil and cruel and so fucking beautiful.

''I said watch'' His tone was harsh, and voice husky like. Fallon swore she could cum right this second.

He wanted to push her to the point of breaking. He wanted to fuck her so hard that all she would feel and think about was him, Every bad memory wiped from her mind and skin.

James pushed two fingers inside her, and moved them agonisingly slow. Fallon whined trying to move her hips for more.

''What do you want princess? Tell me'' He spoke against her ear.

''F-fuck me'' She whispered back.

''Beg me'' A grin so wicked even the devil would run.

''Y-you want me to beg?'' Fallon stared at his eyes through the mirror. Completely captivated.

''I want you to use that sweet little mouth of yours and beg me''

In that moment she would have done anything he pleased.

''Please sir... Fuck me like the good girl that I am''

James moved them around so quickly Fallon didn't even realise when she as thrown onto the bed. He slipped out of his boxers and crawled onto the bed. He stared down at her like she held the meaning to life. It send shivers over her body, goosebumps coating her skin. He grabbed her hips and flipped her over.

''Ass in the air for me doll'' He helped her get onto her knees before grabbing her hair and shoving her face into the mattress. ''So pretty for me'' Admiring her arched out figure in front of him, He groaned as he rubbed the tip of his cock over her wet entrance.

Fallon bucked her hips back pleading him to hurry up. But she was met with a harsh slap against her ass cheek. Fallon gasped, her body twitched but she stopped moving.

''Patience darlin''' He rubbed her ass cheek before cracking it again. Leaving a clear handprint. Another mark of him on her. He wanted her body to be covered with little reminders of him, Possessive marks. To tell the world that she was his. Fallons slick was dripping down her thighs and James groaned at the sight. ''Such a filthy little slut... So wet from being spanked''

He slammed himself into her in one swift movement and groaned at the tightness. Fallon screamed out, her face dragging along the mattress from the abuse of his hips. He slid all the way out before slamming his hips back against her. The movement so slow, but so harsh. The contradiction was making Fallon gasp for air.

''Such a tight pussy, Made perfectly for my cock'' He gripped her stinging ass cheek and increased the pace of his hips. The sound of cum mixing and slapping bodies surrounded the air. Her body so perfectly arched underneath him, that his cock was rubbing perfectly against the bundle of nerves inside her. James slipped his free hand around her was it and reached for her soaking clit. Rubbing his finger overhear sensitive bud, demanding another orgasm.

''No...No'' She shuddered agains his touch. Her clit so sensitive it almost stung. Her b body was covered in sweat, knees threatening to give out from the pleasure that surged through her body.

He knew if she really wanted him to stop, she would use the safe word they agreed on. So he continued rubbing her clit, with his hips never stopping. He could feel Fallon clenching around him, on a bring of an orgasm.

''J..James.. I ..'' Her airway suddenly was cut off as he pulled on the end of the belt. Making it tighten around her neck, to the point she couldn't breathe in. Her body shuddered, and twitched as she squirted all over his cock. A mixture of pain and lack of oxygen pushed her to a mind blowing orgasm. She wasn't sure is even knew her own name. Her vision going blotchy from the pleasure that overcame her body. Like a torch being held to her skin.

''Such a good girl'' He loosened the grip on the belt, and listened to Fallon take in a sharp breath, that stung her lungs. He leant back and watched as his cock was slowly sliding in and out of her, with cum dripping down onto the bedsheets. He grinned at the sight.

Fallons knees wobbled and she went to slide down onto the bed. James pulled on her hips and turned her over, laying her back onto the sheets instead. Fallons cheeks were flushed and tears stung the edges of her eyes. He couldn't help but groan at the sight. The thought of her crying while being fucked threatened to make him cum. The power is in her hands all along.

He grabbed her thighs and slowly slid back inside her. Fallon whined and closed hr eyes, her body was exhausted and twitchy. Adrenaline and pleasure carrying her over.

''Eyes on me baby girl'' His voice was pure smoke.

Fallon fluttered ger eyes open and he held her eye contact. Something about that felt so intimate Fallon felt her chest tighten. Like he has captivated her very soul and she had no way out. Not that she wanted to. He had thorns, but Fallon had hands that were ready to bleed. James leant down and kissed her deeply. His tongue battling her for dominance. As if he didn't have full control over her body already.

He continued his thrusting, his release was so close but he wanted to push her further over the edge. To imprint himself further. Fallon moaned but didn't dare to break the eye contact. James slithered his hand onto her soft belly and pushed down, putting pressure onto it. The moan that left Fallons mouth threatened to break any last bit of sanity that he had. She gasped as the fire in the pit of her stomach was so strong she was sure she will shatter into millions of pieces.

''One more baby doll..'' James whispered out. Fallon almost shook her head but her body was betraying her one more time. Couple more thrusts and her pussy clenched around him so sweetly that he couldn't control himself any longer and spilled inside of her. Fallons orgasm was light, her body exhausted, tingling all over.

James muscles covered in sweat twitched just how Fallon knew they would. His breathing ragged, couple of longer hair strands stuck to his forehead. The groans and moans that slipped from his mouth were euphoric. Fallon was sue she will deem about them. How her body pushed him to the edge sanity.

He rested his head on her chest as they were both coming down from the high that they were feeling. He slowly lifted his head and reached to undo the belt that was still around her neck. The expensive leather left red marks all the way around it.

James brushed his finger tips gently over the raw marks. ''You okay?'' He leant down to kiss her neck. So feather light, total contradiction to his actions earlier.

''Yeah..'' Fallon raised, her vocal chords slightly strained.

There was concern in his eyes, that same look after they had sex. Like he was scared that he will break her, like he couldn't love because he was scared. Push her so far that there will be no coming back. Fallon ran her fingers through his hair, as if to reassure him that she wasn't broken. Wasn't scared. It was the total opposite, his wicked side called to her like she has found the missing piece of her soul. They were raging storm that found tranquility in one another.

''I will give you the world'' He whispered against her neck. ''The moon. The fucking stars. Anything you want is yours. I'm yours''

Fallon was used to the darkness, to the chaos. But it feels like the world will be so dark without him now. She couldn't risk that. She will drown in the ocean hundred times over than drown in the dark again.

If he's the devil himself, she will be the demon right by his side. Ready to plummet the world into chaos.

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