
By Miss_Shree

10.6K 1K 406

...Not Only By Parents But By God! More

Author's Note
Character Sketch
First Meeting
Yes or No
Date? Friendship?
Siya Karan-Riya Arjun
His Words
Dare to touch her...
Intresting Floor?
atleast we're friends
Little Friend
First Rasoi
The Emergency
She's Hurt
Stop staring Siya!
It is what it is
Beat him, Love him, i don't care
Did Siya Left Me?
am I still a liar?
i said I want cigarett-
Don't you trust your husband?
Don't cry...
Temple and Beach
The Diary
Just get out
they are the one they were finding from years
Stop Crying

Our Kids??

268 33 9
By Miss_Shree

*Knock knock*

Siya- "what's that noise?"

Karan- "I'll check"

Karan went downstairs followed by Siya who had coffee mugs in her hand.

Karan opened the door only to find drenched Arjun and Riya.

Siya- "Karan Riya? "

Karan- "come inside first, Siya bring some towels for them"

Siya quickly came with some towels and gave it to them.

Siya - "where were you guys?"

Arjun-. "actually..."annnchhhhuuu*....
we went to*aannchhuuu*

Riya - " we went to beach "

Siya- "and?"

Riya- "and it rained, so you were the nearest from there, so we decided to come here."

Karan - "go get changed first"

Siya- "Come Ri, I'll give you some clothes"

Riya went with Siya while Arjun went to his room.

Karan- "Is Chai okay with all of you?"

Arjun -"yes....aannnnchhuuu.."

Riya- "can work"

Siya- "half cup"

With that Karan went to prepare some tea.


Riya changed in some fresh warms clothes of Siya while Arjun went to his room.

Siya- "Get changed and come downstairs, I'll inform Mom you're staying here tonight."

Riya- "wait why?"

Siya- "what's the problem?"

Riya- "No i mean, you and Jiju can finally have your personal time, i shouldn't be here"

Siya- "speak with your shitty mouth, after i will ask what were you doing with Arjun"

Teasing Riya , Siya left the room.



Siya came in kitchen where Karan was preparing Tea for everyone.

Siya- "Don't you think we should ask Riya and Arjun what were they doing together"

Karan- "definately.....not"

Siya- "hunnhh?"

Karan- "why don't you trust Arjun?"

Siya- "i do"

Karan- "then let them be free, they're adults now, they can take their decisions okay?"

Saying this Karan patted Siya's head with a smile and the went outside with the tray having tea.

Karan- "come we will have fun teasing them"

Siya nodded with a smile and went behind him.

Karan- "Here is your Tea" said Karan while serving everyone.

Siya- " So? can you kindly tell us, where were you guys and why?" siya asked in stern tone.

Karan- "Woh, Woh, that was too direct" Karan replied with a shocked yet funny tone.

Riya- "We went to beach umm...for a kind of date thing" Riya too answered directly in the same tone, making the boys go wide eyed.

Arjun- "Woh lady, too much straight , wasn't that?"

Riya/ Siya- "Whatever" both the girls said in unison.

Karan/ Arjun- "damn they are so direct and dangerous " this time the boys said in unison.

Then they all looked at each other and started laughing.

Siya- "So how was your date with my sister, devar jee?" Siya joked.

And Arjun was all red from blushing.

Karan- "wait what? The great Arjun Rawte is blushing?"

Arjun- "Stop it Karan"

And they all laughed on Arjun.

Arjun- "But don't you think someone is so silent"

Then all the eyes moved towards Riya.

Riya- "wait, why are you all looking at me?"

Arjun- "Okay Okay, Silence, uummhhuuu....ummmhuhhummm.. so how was the date dear?"

Riya- "Shut up Arjun."

Riya replied while throwing cushions on Arjun while Arjun hid himself behind Siya.

Karan- "Okay Okay, it's clearly visible that you guys have feelings for each other. should we talk to mom dad?"

Arjun- "Shut up and have kids first, we will think about it after that"

Karan- "WTF! from where my kids will come?"

Arjun- "From you and her," said Arjun pointing towards Siya "by the way i guess we should leave, the situation is getting hot"

Riya- "Not hot but red"

Everyone looked at Siya who was Cherry Red by now.

Arjun and Riya left from there, teasing Karan and Siya.

Siya- "weren't we supposed to tease them, rather than getting teased."

Karan- "I-I-YOU-YOU- you know it was just flow of conversation ... and why so shy, it was just about our kids."

Siya- "WTF ! shut up"

saying this Siya ran from there, while Karan enjoyed teasing her.



Karan entered the room only to find Siya sitting with files scattered around her. Hearing the door shut, she looked up.

Karan- "Continue, Continue, everythings done over there."

Siya- "I'm really sorry, i couldn't help "

Karan - "Arey that's fine, don't worry. Arjun is in his room, Riya is settled in guest room and we're here "

Siya- "what time is it?"

Karan- "'s 11pm"

Siya- "Shit I had to call mom"

Karan- "Yeah Yeah I called both of them"

Siya- "both of them?"

Karan- "my mom and my mom-in-law, i told them you had some urgent case to study "

Siya- "Thank you so much, it will take some more time, please have the bed for tonight."

Karan- "it's okay I'm not much sleepy, you can work, I'll just scroll randomly"

Siya nodded and continued her work.

Around 2hrs later, she stretched as her work was done and her eyes landed on Karan, who slept while using phone.

Siya- "Shit i totally forgot him"

She walked towards him, put his phone away and tucked him properly. She then came back arranged her files and then lied on the sofa to get some sleep.

Siya was half asleep when she heard some murmurings , she tried to ignore it, but it was getting loud.

There was sounds of crying.

She opened her eyes as last night came in her head.
She quickly looked towards Karan and she was right, the sounds were coming from Karan.

He was sweating badly, lips were murmuring something, eyes tightly shut, breathing unstable.

She went towards him and called his name to wake him up.
But no use, he wasn't listening

Siya- "Karan, Karan, wake up
What's happening?
Wake up Karan"

She even shooked him, but no use.

Her mind was getting blank, what to do now.

She tried to call Karan one more time but no use.

She ran out of the room and went to Arjun's room

She knocked several times.

Siya- "Arjun, Arjun , wake up please "

She knocked few more times.

Siya- "Arjun , please wake up "

Arjun opened the door.

Arjun- "everything okay?"

Siya- "Arjun- Arjun Karan, his breathing is unstable, he isn't waking up"

As Arjun listened to Siya, he quickly ran to Karan.

Opening the door, he found Karan still unstable, and the murmurings were getting louder.

Hearing the bangings Riya to came out of the room and joined Siya who followed Arjun.

Arjun shooked Karan hard and made him half sit on bed.

Due to the sudden jerk, Karan opened his eyes, which were red by now

Arjun- "get me some water".

Siya- "Haan, here"

Siya handed Arjun a glass of water.

Arjun - "here have this"

He made Karan drink little bit of water.

And the gave him some pill from the side drawer.

6 to 7 minutes and Karan was sleeping again.

Arjun motioned Siya to move to hall with Riya.

Arjun- "Wait for me in hall, I'll be there in 5mins."


What does Arjun wants to talk about? Why is Karan being so restless?
Comment Down!!!


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