The Diary

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Arjun motioned Siya to move to hall with Riya.

Arjun- "Wait for me in the hall, I'll be there in 5mins."

Both the girls nodded in agreement and went to the hall.

Minutes later Arjun came out holding a diary .

Arjun- "here"

He passed the diary towards Siya.

Siya looked at him confused.

Arjun- "this is Karan's secret diary, only me and mom , dad know about it"

Siya was still in confusion, why was Arjun giving her the diary.

Arjun- "I don't know if Karan told you or not, but you need to know about this"

Siya- "but what is it all about "

Arjun- "it's about Karan's past, i don't know when he will tell you all this, and i can't risk his health, The thing that happened today often happens and sometimes it happens regularly, you will have to handle him"

Siya nodded.

Arjun- "His side drawer has some medicines, if anything happens give him that, he'll be calm in minutes, get yourself prepared for this and read it when you have time "

Siya nodded again.

Arjun- "go and sleep for now, he's okay"

Siya- "But what it's all about "

Arjun- " it is about his childhood love, they got separated suddenly which left him in trauma. He often dreams of her, for not keeping his promises, rest this diary will tell you "

Saying this he motioned everyone to go to their respective rooms.

They all bid a good night and went to their rooms

Siya looked at Karan, sleeping peacefully.

Siya placed the diary back at its place, in the closet where she had seen it in the morning.

She came back and lied on the couch.

Siya (POV)

Should I really read the diary?
It's his personal thing and we clearly promised to not interfere in our personal lives
but i also can't risk his health.
If I will know what happened that time, i might be able to help him,
but it's totally wrong, i should not touch his personal things.
But if something happens, i can't control.
Moreover Mom and Dad are also not home.

After having long conflict with herself she finally decided to read the diary tomorrow after finishing her work.
With that sleep took over.


Next Morning Siya woke up only to find the room empty, Karan was not there.
And she panicked.
She went out only to find Karan and Arjun in the garden having tea.
Siya took a breath of relaxation.

Sensing Siya's presence there. They both looked towards her and motioned her to join them.

Arjun- "Good Morning Bhabhi"

Siya- "Good Morning"

Siya replied with a smile.

Arjun- "Say Good Morning to Bhabhi Karan"

Arjun said to Karan who was engrossed in the newspaper.

Karan- "hnmmm?"

Karan looked up from the newspaper.

Arjun- "what ? It's not like I'm asking you to say I love you or something. It's just a good morning"

Karan- "shut up"

Karan shooed him and again started reading his newspaper, but seconds later, he looked at Siya who was looking at him.

Karan passed a smile at her and she too replied it in the same way.


Everything was so exhausting, Siya just came back from work.
It was almost evening so she decided get herself some snacks and coffee.
She changed herself in comfort wears and then sat in balcony with snacks and his Diary.

She was nervous but yet her determination was strong. She had to read that , for Karan for Karan's health.

She was about to open the book when she got a text.


Don't wait for me, The case is getting delayed . I'll be late.

At which she replied with a simple okay and take care.

Seconds later her phone rang, indicating a call.

It was Riya.

Siya - "Hello"

Riya- "did you started?"

Siya- "started what?"

Riya- "that Diary? Jiju's Diary"

Siya- "oh that, i just settled everything to start"

Riya- "oh great, then go ahead, we'll talk later"

Siya- "no wait, what about the case?"

Riya- "it's a little exhausting, Jiju and Arjun are working on it, just the punishment papers are left to be signed"

Siya - "oh okay"

Riya- "you go and read , I'm going to help them"

Siya- "fine, bye"

Riya - "bye"

They bid bye to each other and it was finally time for her to open the diary.

She slowly opened the first page.
But it was blank.

Second page blank
Third page , something was written

"Don't Cry... I promise I will come back soon"

Fourth page.

They were hand prints of kids pasted on the page.

Fifth page.

A drawing of two kids playing in park.

Sixth page.

She is my Candy.

Seventh page.

I am her Hero.

"What is this all? Candy Hero?"

Her mind was stucked at the names written. Her hands were shaking as the past was crossing infront of her eyes. Flashbacks after flashbacks, everything. The past that was getting blurry slowly was now little clearer.

With the ruffling of pages, the life was coming back to her. It was not only his past but hers too.

Yes! She was his.....


Well Well Well I know you all know the answer.. who's yeah
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