Date? Friendship?

320 27 11

Dad- "Areh! I mean Siya and Karan's meeting, what they call it month? No. day? no, date yes date!"

Mom- "say like this na then, but do you think he will go?"

Dad- "Arjun's magic will work, right Arjun? "

Arjun- "Sure dad! I'll arrange everything, you guys take medicines okay? Bye good night!"

Mom-Dad- "Good night! "

Mom- "I'll send lunch with Karan, do eat it, "

Arjun- "alright Boss, bye"

With that he went out.

On his way to home, he halted the car near sea shore,
He sat on the sand removing his shoes and feeling the cold sea breeze.

He sat there thinking about Karan and him saying yes.

To be honest he was totally unaware of things going in Karan's mind.
He had seen Maa this happy after a really long time, only he knows how much she has waited for listening a yes from Karan's house. He also don't want Karan to live a life under pressure and no love just mutual understanding but somewhere he had a feeling that this girl Siya is totally different from others.

He was in his thoughts when he felt water on his head, and then shirt and then hands and yes it as pouring. It started to raining.

He stood up and was going towards his car, when he spotted someone a little distant from him sitting in rain.

Without any other thought, he went straight towards the sitting figure, as he went near he said

Arjun- "excuse me! I think you should go home, it's raining"

The figure turned towards him and said

Person- "But I like it"

Arjun- "but it's getting late , I think you should go home-"

Person- " and why do you care Mr.ARJUN?"

Arjun was shocked hearing his name, he went closer and saw the face of the girl

Arjun- "Miss Riya?"

Riya- "Uhh- yeah hi!"

Arjun- "hello but why are you here?"

Riya- "I like to sit here"

Arjun- "that's good but stand up its raining you'll catch a cold"

Riya- "don't worry I'm habituated to this"

Arjun sat beside her.

Arjun- "so what's the matter?"

Riya- "what matter?"

Arjun- "matter of your lost smile"

Riya- "nice pickup line" *laughs*

Arjun- "I'm not joking"

Riya- "I just don't want di to marry in any kind of pressure"

Arjun- "she's in pressure?"

Riya- "not totally but still, I want her to be sure If she wants to marry your friend or not"

Arjun- "Dad was asking me to arrange a date for them"

Riya- "You mean Karan's dad?"

Arjun- "yeah"

Riya- "nice idea, it'll better if they know each other little"

Arjun- "Yeah, coz Karan is still confused and as per your talks your you guys are also not fully sure so, I think it may work. What do you think?"

Arranged!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant