The Emergency

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It was 11 at night.

Siya was looking at the clock every second and then looking towards the door.

She was waiting for her husband in the living room who didn't showed up after morning.

Her stomach growled demanding some food but she ignored and remained there waiting for him.

The door opened revaling Karan and Arjun.

Arjun- "Bhabhi? You're still up?" He asked her shocked.

Siya- "i was waiting for you guys, get freshed I'll reheat the food"

Saying this Siya went inside the kitchen.

Arjun- "you surely got such an amazing wife bro, just move on and accept her"

Karan went from there.

Karan- "I'm not hungry, I'm going"

He said loud enough for Siya to hear.

She froze at her place. Getting hurt again but the microwave beeped indicating the food is ready.

Then she heard a voice.

Voice- "Bhabhi I'm waiting, come fast"

She smiled little bit and served Arjun who was waiting for her like a small kid.

Arjun - "wow bhabhi it tastes so amazing"

Siya- "thank you Arjun, actually I wanted to ask something "

Arjun- "sure bhabhi ask na, what is it?"

Siya- "what was the emergency Arjun?"

Arjun- "oh that bhabhi, yeah it was an big emergency, You remember Neha, the acid attack survivor, she hanged herself last night in her room"

Siya gasped hearing that .

Arjun- "she left suicide note, for the police, that's why we were busy that case is reopened now."


Karan- "Mom I need to go"

With that Karan ran from there to the car, and soon Arjun too came to him running.

Arjun- "What's wrong?"

Seeing Karan's face it was evident that something was wrong.

Karan- "get inside first"

Arjun sat inside the car and they drove off.

Karan told Arjun that Neha suicided.

They reached Neha's home.

Shree and Sakshi were already present there.

Shree - "Sir we found a suicide note"

Sakshi- "actually not one but two"

Arjun- "what?"

Sakshi- "yeah we've opened one but the second one says it's highly confidential and only Karan can open it."

She handed the note to Karan

Karan opened the note.

"Karan Sir,
I'm sorry for taking such a big step but the things were going out of control. That bastard Bhatnagar was out from jail, he came home and almost tried to assault me but I was strong enough to protect my self from him but i failed to save myself from this ugly society.
My mom was not ready to accept me, she was blaming me for everything,
the depression and anxiety was hitting really hard, that's why I took this step, but I don't want that bastard to live his life peacefully, i want justice, no matter what it takes. I want that bastard behind the bars. Please Bhaiya. "

The last two words created a different impact on Karan's mind.

Karan - "what did the second letter says"

Shree- "in short it states that the reason behind the suicide is Bhatnagar, who tried to molest her and other incidents."

Karan- "are the proofs enough for a case to be filled in court"

Sakshi- "Most probably Yes, but we will need an advocate for that"

Karan- " then hire an advocate as soon as possible"

Flashback ends

Arjun- "that's why we are so busy, i am really sorry, your husband was not present on your first day, and really sorry your devar was also busy with your husband."

At which Siya chuckled and soon Arjun finished his dinner, they bid good night to each other, and Arjun went to his room, while Siya went back in the kitchen, heated some food , served it and went to their room.

She was in hope that he'll eat it and after that probably she will also eat.

Siya the opened the door and found the lights off. She stumbled little but then switched on the flash light of her phone. She quietly entered the room and switched on some night bulbs.

and when the lights were on she looked on the bed but the bed was empty. she the moved her eyes in search of him and found him sleeping on the couch.

Her eyes became wet, that was it , she thought at least today she'll talk to him. but no he was sleeping.

Siya sighed and put the plate on coffee table and then went towards the bed and slept.

She didn't have much expectations from the marriage but she was ready to accept the reality and move on , maybe slowly but she wanted this relationship to go on.

3 Days Later

Siya POV

It had been three days since that night. I have not seen him since then.

In the morning he used to go before i was up and at night he was always late. Arjun did not came home after that day.

Every day Mom convinced me to eat with them i couldn't deny. whenever i asked them about Arjun mom said he didn't came home since that day.

I was deep in my thoughts when I heard mom calling me.

Siya- "Coming Mom"

Yesterday night we decided to go to temple, i really wanted to go out, it's been a long time since i went somewhere.

i quickly got ready and went downstairs.


We reached the temple and did the puja.

Mom asked me to stay at temple while she said she will come quickly after talking with the Pandit Jee

I looked at the idol, in front of me, Shiv and Parvati.

"Why? Why me? is there no love line in my hands? he left me long ago, i searched him but never found, i locked those memories somewhere and thought to start again, tried to accept my fate, but is my fate this brutal, do i not deserve someone in my life who can cherish me , who can take care of me ?"

I didn't realized but tears were flowing from my eyes. there was sudden jerk and i was hugged by some one


What do you think who hugged Siya?'
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Happy Lohri and Makar Sankranti Everyone ✨


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