First Meeting

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A boy and girl were standing facing eachother, the girl was crying while stopping the boy from going. The boy was consoling he'll be back.

Boy- "Stop Crying, I'll be back soon"

Girl- "Don't go, I fear...fear...something will happen."

Boy- "Nothing will happen I told you na, I'll be back, I'm going just for few days"

Girl- "promise me" wiping her tears."

Boy- "Okay babba I promise".

Girl- "Don't be late" shouting at the going figure of the boy.

"I won't" The words escape his mouth and his eyes opened, sweaty face, tensed expression.

Yes he was dreaming, dreaming again,  the dream that comes almost everyday, dream of her, her the most precious thing to him, his love , his childhood love, his only one whom he lost.

He looked at the clock it was 6:30am
It's still 1hour left for him to start his daily routine, but he can't sleep now. Sleep is far away from his eyes.

So he went for a walk.

9am CBI Office

Everyone was as always busy in their works when the Chief Mr. Karan Luthra, entered as always with an emotionless face.
This was not new for them, everyday he came like this until he meets his best friend Arjun aka Mr. Arjun Rawte, a mood changer, king in flirting but no one can be as serious as him when it comes to work and his duty.

Karan sat in his place and opened his laptop to check on the running cases.

When he heard someone shouting, not someone but his so called best friend
Arjun- "Mr. Karan Luthra, what are you doing here, do you want me to get speech from Maa again. You are supposed to be at your parents house".

After letting Arjun complete his long sentence in one go. Karan finally spoke calmly
Karan- "Arjun you know my duty comes first, I don't have time for Maa  and yours plan of ruining me."

At which Arjun looked at him with wide eyes
Arjun- "You better shut up, this time I won't listen to you, and for your kind information dear Chief WE DON'T HAVE ANY CASE TODAY."
Arjun declared in a loud voice.

And one person entered the cabin with her hands on her ears.
Person- "Stop it Officers! you guys are too loud"
she looked at Arjun with lovingly eyes at which Arjun rolled his eyes in irritation.

Yes she is Sakshi Anand, The Drama Queen of CBI branch, Who has a Crush on our dear Arjun Sir.

And Here starts her
Sakshi- "Karan! I mean Karan Sir you should listen to Arjun na, He's right till when you'll stay like that, atleast go and meet them, Yes or No decide it later, So you better go."

Now the frustrated Chief speaks
Karan- "For god's sake stop ordering me, I'm your Chief".

Sakshi- "But we don't have any case, So bye!" With that she held Karan and pushed him out of the Cabin.

Arjun  followed him running and shouting.

Arjun- "listen Karannnnn... We have to buy flowers too"

Somewhere else

A girl was shouting on other girl who seems to be little older then the first girl.

Girl1- "Di leave it there, if we'll be late, mom's gonna scold us, please"

Girl 2- "Can't you see Riya, this puppy is injured he needs treatment"

Riya- "But Siya Di, if we don't reach home at time, we'll need treatment"

Siya- "Shut up and bring my first aid box from car."

Riya- "Ahh! Di!"

Saying that Riya went to car to brought the first aid box, but before she could come back to her sister, the sound of a loud Thud heard.

Riya- "What the- Can't you see?" Riya shouted angrily

Boy- Excuse me Madam, you should have watched while walking"

Riya- "Oh! Hello I was watching, and I was carrying this heavy box, You should have walked carefully"

Boy- "Aahahaha! You were carrying then you should be careful"

Riya- "You--"

Before she could complete the other boy standing beside the first boy spoke.

Boy2- "Shut up both of you, Listen Miss you were carrying that heavy box, you should have walked carefully and Arjun You also had walked carefully, you both are equally responsible, just say sorry to each other and end this"

Both looked at eachother but no one uttered a single word.
There was complete until someone spoke from behind.

Siya- "What's taking you so long Ri?" Seeing the situation " something wrong?"

Riya- "Yes your first aid box fell because of this person."

Arjun- "Hey it was your fault, not mine."

Riya- "No it was-"

Siya- "Silence" spoke Siya in stern manner. "Just say eachother sorry and leave"

There was again silence.

Siya- "I said say sorry" yelling.

Arjun-Riya -- in unison "Sorry" with attitude.

With that they went in opposite direction.

Riya and Siya treated the puppy and went home.

As Riya and Siya entered the house, Riya got stunned at the door step.

Siya who was searching something in her bag while walking, stopped and said

Siya- still engrossed in her bag "Don't worry I'll  manage mom, let's go inside"

Riya- "but I think we should not"

Siya- looking at Riya "but why?"

Riya- "because we're in trouble"

Siya- "What?"

Riya- "Look whose sitting there"

Siya looked at the direction Riya pointing and saw the two boys with whom Riya had fight near the flower shop.

Siya- "I think we're really dead Ri, and that's all because of you"

Riya- "I wasn't knowing they'll come home for a small fight".

They were talking to each other, when someone called them from outside.

Person- "Siya-Riya, why are you Standing there, come inside."

Siya- "Mom's calling us, let's go inside."

Riya- "How about a no?"

Siya- "Shut up and come"

With that Siya dragged Riya inside.


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