[CLOSED] PINKSTAR Season 2 (K...

By pinky2095

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CEO Pinky of Pinky Entertainment announces a second season of survival program 'PINKSTAR', this time to find... More

Mentors & Hosts
Only Songs To Choose From
Trainee #01: Joshua Park
Trainee #02: Kim Minjae
Trainee #03: Jung Jinhyuk
Trainee #04: Jung Minhyuk
Trainee #05: Park Junwon
Trainee #06: Park Howon
Trainee #07: Kim Heeun
Trainee #08: Lee Yemin
Trainee #09: Isaac Boivon
Trainee #10: Kim Juwon
Trainee #11: Niccolò Ricci
Trainee #12: Kwon Jinhae
Trainee #13: Han Sangjin
Trainee #14: Park Taehyung
Trainee #15: Choi Chanmin
Trainee #16: Ryu Yoochul
Trainee #17: Song Yunseok
Trainee #18: Ito Sairo
Episode 1: Surprising First Meeting + Finding Out The First Mission!
First Mission Submissions
Episode 2 - Part 1: Vocalist & Confidence Issues
Episode 2 - Part 2: Nobodies to Cuties
Episode 2 - Part 3: Extroverts Choose The Slowest Song
Episode 3: Mission 1 Live Show
First Voting (Due Monday 11/28 @ 11:59PM)
Episode 4: First Results & Second Mission!
Second Mission Submissions
Episode 5: Skills To The Max
Episode 6: Mission 2 Live Show
Second Voting (Due Friday 1/20 @ 11:59PM)
Episode 7: Second Results & Third Mission!
Pinky Artists & Collabs (for Third Mission)
Third Mission Submissions (Due 1/29 @ 11:59PM)
Episode 8 - Part 1: Quiet and Awkward First Impressions
Episode 8 - Part 2: Taking Risks
Episode 8 - Part 3: Passionate Main Vocalists
Episode 9: Mission 3 Live Show
Third Voting (Due Friday 3/17 @ 11:59PM)
Episode 10: Third Results & Final Mission!
Final Mission Performance Voting [DUE WEDNESDAY MARCH 29]
Episode 11 - Part 1: First Groups, Some With Surprises
Episode 11 - Part 2: Forced To Show New Sides
Episode 11 - Part 3: Lineup Causing Laughter
Episode 12: Mission 4 Live Show
Final Voting (Due Monday 5/1 @ 11:59PM)
Episode 13: The Finale
Debut Group Form

Episode 11 - Part 4: Final Position Decisions

14 3 0
By pinky2095

Korean - Normal Text
English - Bolded
Chinese - Bolded & Slanted
Japanese - Slanted
Thai - Bolded, Slanted, Underlined
Other - Underlined


The final week has come for the boys to get their final song. The fourth one, different from last season, belonging to the 'Powerfuk Vs. Energetic' concepts. This time there was only two songs in which 9 members would be performing in each.

In the first room, belonging to the Powerful concept, 'VAR13TY - Boom Boom', the first to enter is trainee #1, Joshua Park. Being used to being the first in the room, the male immediately takes a seat and waits for somebody to walk in. Before too long, trainee #5, Park Junwon walks in.

"Hello hyung." The male bows to the former trainee.

"Hello Junwon." Joshua bows back.

Junwon takes a seat beside the male. "Do you think you will rap again?"

Joshua shrugs. "It's hard to say, but probably. Both songs have a lot of rap. I'm worried for all the vocalists to be honest."

Junwon suddenly felt the male's feelings and wondered if he might end up being forced to rap too. After a little bit, the next trainee entered, which was trainee #8, Lee Yemin.

"Oh!" Junwon exclaimed when he saw Yemin. "That means Heeun isn't on the same team!"

"Why do you not want to perform with Heeun hyung?" Yemin asked as he took a seat.

"It's not like that." Junwon explained himself. "It's just this is the first time we aren't on the same team in the entire show."

"Really?!" Yemin gasped.

Junwon nodded.

"And it's the last one." Joshua said.

"That's crazy." Yemin shook his head, shocked by the events.

Before too long, trainee #10, Kim Juwon walked through the door.

"Of course we have Juwon!" Joshua exclaimed, laughing to himself.

"This song is perfect for him!" Yemin added.

Juwon then started to pose as if he were a celebrity. "Thank you, thank you."

Everyone laughed at the vainy male and he took his seat. Not long after, trainee #12, Kwon Jinhae walks in.

"And here's our main rapper!" Juwon exclaimed.

Jinhae blushed. "We don't know that yet. Sairo could still come."

"If he does that would be a lot of rappers." Joshua voiced his concerns. "And not enough for the other team."

"Wouldn't that be good for us, though?" Juwon asked. "If vocalists have to rap, they could mess up."

"Hyung!" Junwon was surprised by the male's words.

"What?!" Juwon shouted. "It's a competition!"

"Fans could be impressed if that happens though." Yemin chimed in.

"True." Juwon thought.

That's when the door opened to trainee #13, Han Sangjin.

"Hello everyone." Sangjin bowed.

"Hello hyung." Jinhae grinned.

Sangjin took a seat and they continued to discuss the concerns that could possibly come up. Not long after, trainee #15, Choi Chanmin walked in which caused gasps.

"Oh!" Joshua exclaimed. "Chanmin hyung?"

"What are you doing here?" Yemin asked.

"Says you!" Chanmin exclaimed. "You belong in the other group too."

"I think this song fits Chanmin." Jinhae said, almost embarrassed to have his opinion.

"Thank you." Chanmin huffed, taking a seat beside the young rapper.

"Sorry Chanmin." Sangjin said. "We just weren't expecting you."

"I get it." Chanmin pretended to be upset. "It's fine."

Everyone snickered at his dramatics and waited for the next trainee, which ended up being trainee #17, Song Yunseok.

"Oh!" Jinhae exclaimed. "If Yunseok is here, that means we have Sairo too..."

"You're worried you won't get to rap?" Yunseok asked the male as he joined the group on the floor.

"Not necessarily..." Jinhae muttered. "Just...main rapper."

"Don't give up yet." Chanmin said, flashing a smile at the male as he patted his back.

Jinhae just nodded and they waited for trainee #18, Ito Sairo to walk through the door. When he finally did, they greeted him warmly.

"Hello Sairo~" Junwon greeted.

"Hello." Sairo bowed quietly before joining everyone on the floor.

As soon as he sat down, they started to discuss their positions using the suggested positions sheet they were given since the original song was made of 13 positions, not 9.

"Wow, some of these positions have very little lines." Chanmin voiced his concern.

"Well we know Jinhae and Sairo are going to have the lead and main rapper positions." Joshua said. "Why don't we start with them?"

Everyone agreed and waited for the two to decide which would be main and lead rapper, but they both seemed hesitant to say anything.

"Based on these lines, I think Jinhae fits the main position and Sairo fits the lead." Juwon spoke up.

"I agree." Yunseok said.

A lot of people seemed to agree.

"Is that okay with you, Sairo?" Sangjin asked.

The male quietly nodded. Nobody really knew how he was feeling.

"Okay, and there's a position that only raps." Yunseok said. "Who will take that one?"

"Well it's gotta be between Yemin and Joshua." Chanmin said.

Joshua looked at the younger male. "Do you want it?"

Yemin thought for a moment. "It has more lines but I want to sing too if I can, so I'll take the rapper/vocalist position if that's okay?"

"Sure." Joshua nodded. "I'll take the Sub-Rapper position."

"Okay, that leaves a main vocalist, two leads, and two subs." Sangjin said.

Everyone seemed scared to speak up.

"Personally, I think Chanmin should be the main vocalist." Junwon spoke up first.

"Really?" Chanmin tried not to smile.

"Yeah, I don't know what it is but it already feels like this song belongs to you." Junwon said, not sure how to explain it.

"I would like it if that's okay." Chanmin said.

"I want it too, though." Juwon said.

"Okay, let's vote then." Yunseok said.

And so each appealed themselves to the team and after voting, Chanmin won with 4 votes to 3.

"Thank you all." Chanmin bowed. "I will do my best."

"Then can I have this lead part?" Juwon asked.

"I wanted that too." Sangjin chuckled nervously.

"Okay, another vote." Yunseok snickered.

And so they did it again and Juwon won with 5 votes to 2.

"Thank goodness." Juwon said, thankful for getting the part.

"And the other lead vocalist part?" Yunseok asked.

Three people raised their hand for that one: Yunseok, Junwon, and Sangjin. After appealing themselves again, the rest of the team voted. Junwon got 4 votes, Yunseok got 2, and Sangjin got 1.

"Congratulations, Junwon." Chanmin smiled.

"Thank you." Junwon bowed. "I will make you all proud."

"We know." Sangjin nodded, feeling a bit sorry.

"I guess that leaves us as the sub-vocalists." Yunseok said to Sangjin. "Sorry hyung."

Sangjin just nodded, not saying much. Despite the feelings, they got to practice. It was only a matter of if everyone could practice whole-heartedly despite their unsure feelings.


Meanwhile in room 2, the 'Lunacy - Mamma Mia' song, trainee #2, Kim Minjae was the first to walk in. Not seeing Joshua, the male takes a seat but doesn't wait long as trainee #3, Jung Jinhyuk walks in.

"Jinhyuk." Minjae smiled at the male. "You're so perfect for this song!"

"You think so?" Jinhyuk giggled as he sat beside the older male.

"Definitely." Minjae nodded.

"I think you fit it well too, hyung." Jinhyuk complimented the male.

Minjae grinned wide and that's when the door opened, catching the two off guard when trainee #4, Jung Minhyuk, walked in.

"Ah!" Jinhyuk shouted. "What are you doing here?! You belong over there!"

"What? Don't think I can be energetic?!" Minhyuk shouted back at his brother.

"Definitely not!" Jinhyuk said.

That's when Minhyuk started to dance in an extra way but immediately stopped from the embarrassment, making both his brother and Minjae laugh.

"I'm so sorry." Minhyuk said, apologizing for his actions.

"I don't care what your brother says, I think you'll do great." Minjae said as Minhyuk sat down.

"Thank you." Minhyuk said, sticking his tongue out at his brother.

Jinhyuk rolled his eyes in a smile and they all watched as the doorknob turned. Slowly the door opened to trainee #6, Park Howon, causing everyone to cheer.

"We won for sure!" Jinhyuk exclaimed, happy to see the number 1 trainee whom they thought would get it for sure.

"We knew you'd be here!" Minjae exclaimed. "This song is perfect for you!"

"Hey..." Jinhyuk looked at the male. "You said that about me."

Minjae looked at him nervously. "You are too?"

Howon giggled as he sat down. "You hyungs are so silly."

"I guess that means we're perfect for this song, right?" Minhyuk grinned.

Howon looked at the male, unsure of what to say. "Especially you hyung!"

"Thanks, I know." Minhyuk played along.

They all snickered but were cut short as the door opened to trainee #7, Kim Heeun.

"Oh!" Minhyuk exclaimed, surprised to see the male.

"Hello." Heeun bowed. He looked around and noticed somebody not present. "Is Junwon here?"

"Nope." Minhyuk shook his head. "You'll be performing without him for once."

Heeun grinned as he sat down.

"Wait, have you performed with Junwon every group mission?!" Howon asked Heeun.

Heeun nodded. "Crazy, huh?"

Everyone nodded ferociously, surprised to here that.

"And you meet separately for the final one." Jinhyuk grinned. "How ironic."

"Right?" Heeun snickered.

They continued to chat while they waited for the next trainee which ended up being trainee #9, Isaac Boivon.

"Our visual!" Minjae shouted.

"What a good-looking team." Heeun grinned.

Isaac snickered as he joined everyone on the floor. They discussed who they thought might join them in the room and before too long, trainee #11, Niccolò Ricci walked in.

"Oh good, another rapper." Minjae said. "We were worried one of us would have to rap."

"We still have Jinhae and Sairo left." Minhyuk snickered. "All of us rappers could be here for all we know."

"I doubt it." Niccolò said. "I think at least one will be over there. That song has a bit of rap as well."

"Well even if we did have all three rappers here, one of us would have to rap." Jinhyuk looked at the new teammate. "This song has four rappers."

"Does it, though?" Heeun asked. "Yes, the group does, but JENSX's part seems more like a talking part."

"More like killing part." Minjae snickered. "He's the highlight of the song."

"You think so?" Jinhyuk asked, wondering about it.

They continued to discuss whether the song had four rappers or not when trainee #14, Park Taehyung walked in.

"Our team keeps getting more perfect!" Minjae shouted as he saw the male.

Taehyung grinned wide. "Aren't I just so perfect for the song?"

"You definitely are!" Minjae exclaimed, causing looks from Jinhyuk again which made Minjae laugh.

"No Jinhae." Minhyuk said.

"Which means as of right now, both of us are rapping hyung." Niccolò looked at Jinhyuk.

Jinhyuk nodded, already accepting his fate.

"Don't lose hope yet." Heeun said. "Sairo could still walk through that door."

"The chances are slim though." Isaac said. "We only have one spot left and four trainees to be decided."

"Welp, let's hope one of us vocalists don't have to rap." Taehyung snickered.

And so they did. The room was quiet as they all grew nervous as to who would join them. They seemed hopeful when the door didn't open right away. Finally it did, and they all watched with anticipation while trainee #16, Ryu Yoochul walked in. Seeing the male caused everyone to sigh.

"Well don't look too happy to see me." The male said in sarcasm.

"Sorry hyung." Howon giggled. "We were just hoping it would be Sairo."

Yoochul looked around. "We have three rappers though."

"The song has four." Isaac replied.

"Oh." Yoochul said, a worried look on his face as he sat down.

"One of us is going to have to rap." Taehyung said.

"Maybe not." Minjae said. "Heeun is right. JENSX's part doesn't have a whole lot of rap, and instead it's just talking with one slow rap line. Overall, I think this position could be considered the killing part."

"I agree." Niccolò said.

"So who gets the killing part?" Heeun asked.

"Aside from the three rappers, it has to be one of us." Minjae explained. "Does anybody want to do it?"

It was the killing part so you'd expect everybody to want it. But nobody did. They all were too scared to rap it seemed like.

"If that's the case, we'll decide." Jinhyuk said.

"Ooh!" Niccolò exclaimed. "I like that plan!"

"Sure." Minjae said, the other vocalists seeming to think it's fair. "Who do you think should get it?"

The three proclaimed rappers of the song, Minhyuk, Jinhyuk, and Niccolò, grouped up off to the side and discussed their thoughts, coming back to the group after a minute.

"We think the killing part should be somebody visually-appealing." Jinhyuk said. "And that person is...Isaac! Congratulations!"

Isaac accepted the role well. "I'll do my best."

"That's the spirit!" Niccolò exclaimed.

"Okay, now for the vocalists." Heeun said. "Let's make this easy and pick the main vocalist first."

"Well it's gotta be Howon right?" Minhyuk asked.

"Why me?" Howon asked flustered.

"Yeah, Minjae hyung and I also have five in vocal." Taehyung questioned as well.

"I...um..." Minhyuk looked flustered to respond.

"He said Howon because he's so popular." Jinhyuk read his twin brother's mind. "They'll want to see him as the main vocalist."

"I don't want the main vocalist." Howon said, shaking his head.

"Really?!" Almost everyone said in unison.

"Yeah, I want this part." Howon said, pointing to one of the lead vocalists.

"Well that makes the competition less." Taehyung grinned.

"So it's between Minjae and Taehyung hyungs?" Niccolò asked.

Nobody else seemed to volunteer for it so they all voted. In the end, Minjae won with one more vote.

"Congratulations Minjae hyung!" Howon exclaimed.

"Thank you, thank you." Minjae put on a show.

Taehyung seemed a little disappointed.

"Hyung, I think you will fit this role." Isaac said, sensing the male's feelings.

"I think so too!" Niccolò exclaimed. "Because that role is like a fast singing part and I think it'll show you off well!"

"I like to think of it as the actual killing part." Isaac explained.

Everyone's words seemed to make Taehyung smile. "I'll take that role then if nobody else wants it."

"You can have it." Yoochul said with a smile, Heeun nodding as well.

Taehyung grinned and they placed him as one of the lead vocalists.

"What part do you want, hyung?" Heeun asked Yoochul, the only two who didn't have a position yet.

"I'll take Day's." Yoochul nodded.

"The sub-vocalist?" Heeun asked.

Yoochul nodded. This was the most confident he had ever seemed.

"Don't you think you should try for a bigger part?" Minjae asked. "You always take the small parts, but you are better than you think."

"No, I like this part." Yoochul said with a wide grin.

"Ah!" Howon suddenly shouted. "Because it has a dance solo?!"

Yoochul couldn't help but smile wide. Everyone 'ahh'ed' in realization.

"Okay, I'll take the other lead vocal then." Heeun nodded.

"If all of our parts are settled then, let's get to practice." Taehyung said.

"Wait, what about us?" Minhyuk stopped everyone from getting up. "We never decided which rap parts we get."

"Oh yeah." Taehyung snickered. "Sorry."

"I think the twins should have the main rappers." Heeun spoke.

"I agree." Niccolò said, looking at the twins with a wide grin.

The twins looked at one another. Minhyuk smiled at his brother. "I'll take J.Min's part and you take Ty's?"

Minhyuk's smile seemed to make Jinhyuk comfortable. "I'd like that."

"Cool!" Niccolò exclaimed. "And I'll take Juhyun's. There! Now we're done."

"Great, let's get to practicing." Heeun said.

And so they did. With everybody seeming satisfied with their roles, they all found a way to make themselves stand out. It was as if every role was perfect for them.

~Authors Note~

Hey guys! I finished writing this right before a final and I'm afraid I'll be late now lol but I had to get it done while the inspiration was flowing!! Anyway, lol, hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you at the 'live show' XD. Biez!

P.S unedited.

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