The Island Experiment

By Sumomo4life

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What happens when a group of troubled teens who thought they were going to an island Paradise, find themselve... More

Chapter 1 The Arrival
Chapter 2 Leading Leaders
Chapter 6 The Lost Boy
Chapter 7 Left Behind
Chapter 8 Proving Yourself
Chapter 9 Stormy Weather
Chapter 10 Female Frustration
Chapter 11 The Plot Thickens
Ch. 12 The Hunt
Chapter 13 Freak Out
Chapter 14 Quarantine
Chapter 15 Another One Bites The Dust
Chapter 16 The Other Side
Chapter 17 Scent Trail
Chapter 18 The Pregnancy
Chapter 19 Waiting
Chapter 20 The Bet
Chapter 21 Pirates
Chapter 22 Two Worlds Apart
Chapter 23 Dreams And Nightmares
Chapter 24 Dear Diary
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 Lost And Found
Chapter 28 Aunts And Uncles
Chapter 29 Home Is Where The Heart Is
Chapter 30 Family Forever
Chapter 31

Ch. 25 Creating Chaos

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By Sumomo4life

Chapter Twenty Five

                          Creating Chaos

              Kyle was torn between right and wrong, if he followed the orders given to him, he would double his twenty thousand dollars.If he did as asked, he would cause hatred against him and Steve. Kyle had no idea of how much longer, he would be stuck on the island.Was the money worth the chaos, he would cause the group?In the end he decided to play it by ear, maybe his sex appeal wasn't as good as he thought.
             Steve peeled potatoes,"thanks for the help Kyle, it will go much faster with two people."
    Kyle used his best pickup line,"I must be dreaming beautiful, because you're too good to be real. To tell the truth Steve, I only held back, in case you and Jake got back together.It's obviously not going to happen, or it already would have."
     Steve put down the potato peeler,"I thought you were into girls, you've been in a few relationships with them since arriving at camp."
     Kyle's gaze met the blue eyes,"I was lonely for soft lips and a warm body to hold. There isn't much of a choice in camp except you or Jake,I didn't want to cause drama.The girls were my only option,but now I'm willing to risk the drama for you. Why should either of us be lonely, when we are both attractive and single!"
     Steve was just about to make an excuse to spare Jake's feelings, before he could open his mouth to speak, Kyle's warm mouth covered his own. Kyle's strong hand was against the back of Steve's head, pushing the forbidden kiss deeper. Steve's knees grew weak his pulse raced,he had never been kissed with such passion. His head wanted to pull away, but his heart won the battle.Steve's hands pulled the body yet closer to him, his lips parted finding the tongue he sought. Months of being alone made his blood warm, and the temptation thrilling.
     Kyle whispered into the ear,"let's go deep into the jungle where no one can see us Steve,it's been so long since I made love, I will die if I can't have you."
     Jake wanted to wait until they went to college, to make love for the first time.Steve was still a Virgin, with no reason to continue waiting.
      Steve took the masculine hand in his own,"I'm a Virgin I will need to be taught, teach me Kyle I want to be yours."
     Kyle saw dollar signs above Steve's head, it didn't matter how long he was with Steve, just that he formed a relationship with him.The naive virgin was about to have his world rocked,
with any luck Jake would find out about their jungle escapades.

            Jake patted his ex on the back,"you sure look happy Steve, what are you smiling about?"
     Steve continued smiling,"since you want nothing to do with me, I've started a relationship with Kyle. He makes me feel good about myself and attractive unlike you Jake. I gave you plenty of chances to be with me Jake Clearlan, I only came to the island to be with you, then you threw me away like an unwanted toy. I'm now Kyle's toy and he played with me in ways you refused to."
      Steve walked away not looking back..
     Jake called after him with tears in his eyes,"what does that mean Steve?I love you Steven Porter."
           Kyle stood nearby,"the fun has just begun."
            Rochelle watched the drama unfold,"looks like Kyle is earning his extra cash, it will make for good tv."
    Carry turned away from the camera screen,"I hate what we did to our little brother and still do Rochelle, telling him lies back then and now."
     Rochelle readjusted the tree camera angle,"we were just like Kyle is now three years ago, doing what we were told too for thousands of dollars.Megel, Maria and Sherry were all just hired actors,our brother Matty was the only one of us working without a script."
     Carry took a sip of soda,"how many years must our brother return to the island with new campers? While we sit in comfort counting our cash."
     Rochelle put a slice of pizza into a microwave,"a paid channel has already bought the series,Matty will earn millions by the time it airs next fall.Burying that diary was smart of Ricardo, fear sells viewers."

            Steve wiped sweat from the fevered forehead,"you're
going to be ok Jake, Chance will figure out what's wrong with you."
     Jake opened his eyes too weakly to raise his head,"can you hold my hand one last time Steve? Kyle doesn't love you like I love you."
    Steve held the sick teen's hand,"don't worry about anything, you need to save your strength Jake."
    Jake closed his eyes holding the hand of the teen boy that he loved,he drifted to sleep surrounded by concerned friends.
            Chance was alone thinking of every reason for a fever,
the illness made no sense. Jake ate what they all ate and had done so for months. If it was because of the water, they all would be sick. There was no rash, blisters or swollen cheeks, everyone including Jake had gotten childhood immunization shots. If he couldn't figure it out soon, Jake might be in real trouble, this was his ninth day of fever with no medication to bring it down.
     Tye sat down next to the leader,"Jake has not been isolated and no one else has gotten sick, it can't be a contagious disease. I have ruled out food and water contaminants as well.
We all are bitten by mosquitos and only Jake has a fever, it can't be malaria. It very well could be a simple case of dehydration, Jake has cried night and day since Steve and Kyle became a couple.The severe heat we have been experiencing, Jake would have to double his water intake. Chance I proposed that Steve lies to Jake, telling him that he and Kyle have broken up. We take shifts giving Jake water, if he doesn't cry he should become hydrated within a few days.My only other reason is the flu, even though no one has caught it from him."
     Chance hugged his friend,"you are the genius not me Tye, I will take the first shift giving Jake water."

            Kyle was pacing erratically,"I'm so mad I can't see straight Steve, we can't openly be together because your ex is basically a cry baby. We all wasted our time giving Jake water every twenty minutes for two days,because he couldn't quit crying about us. Maybe if I kick Jake's butt, no if you kick his butt, he won't love you anymore."
     Steve didn't know what to think or say,"you know something Kyle, Jake might be a cry baby, but at least he's not a bully like you are. I don't have to lie to Jake about us anymore, I'm breaking up with you Kyle."

           Amy was nervous about the serious conversation she was about to have,"sit down Lindy I need to talk to you about something, I'm truly sorry for what I'm about to say, but I must say it. Lindy you're the most beautiful amazing person I've ever met, and our time together will always remain in my memory and heart, but no matter how much I want to be I'm not a lesbian."
     Lindy didn't give the expected reaction,"I'm not a lesbian either Amy, I was what you needed me to be, to help you cope with this horrible place. To kiss, hold hands and cuddle are basic innocent needs.I've been waiting for this talk Amy, I really think that Kevin and Ronny are both cute, who do you prefer?"
     Amy rattled on for the next half an hour, about good and bad points about Kevin and Ronny.Lindy was only half listening to the girl she fell in love with weeks before.If the only way to be close to Amy was to be friends, then friends they would be.
                  Kevin and Ronny were having yet another of their nonsensical arguments. Tye was glued to his seat never knowing what weird thing they would say next.
     Kevin drew a line in the sand,"if you cross this line Ronny, then you're on my side of the island,whatever is on my side belongs to me."
     Ronny drew a line in the sand behind his buddy,"oh now what Kevin, a line in front of you and a line behind you. The only thing that you own Kevin is yourself."
     Tye was shocked Ronny just made a genius move, that was until Ronny continued speaking.
      Ronny pointed at a line,"I will erase that line Kevin, if you do my chores for the next two weeks."
     Kevin's foot erased the line,"no one made you the line maker Ronny,now make your last and only move already, so I can call tic tac toe."
     Tye was rooting for Ronny but in a battle of wits he was mentally unarmed,while his opponent though immature occasionally made a moronic point. The winner was never the point, it was the comical way they played the game.

           Matty was paying close attention to all of the romantic relationships, he found the teenagers confusing, never committing long to each other. Who would be with who next? Who would be jealous? Who would go back to something they didn't want before?He was glad that he was only ten years old,
girls were bossing and controlling, he was in no hurry to grow up. What if they were stranded on the island for the rest of their lives? Would he ever find love or ever want it? He would continue observing, perhaps he would learn something.

            Amy was being Simon,"Simon says stand on one foot,Simon says raise your right hand, cluck like a chicken.Ronny and Kevin stop clucking,Simon didn't say it."
     Kevin sat down,"dang it all, we just started playing."
     Ronny agreed,"Chance and Tye will take hours to lose."
     Kevin touched his pal,"tag your it Ronny."
     Kevin ran like his pants were on fire, Ronny was hot on his heels like an insane runner.
     Amy continued,"clap your hands,hey your all out, Simon didn't say it."
     Tye was apologetic,"sorry Amy we didn't want to quit your game, tag looked more fun."
     Amy had an ornery smile,"you're right Tye it does look like more fun, Ronny's it come on let's go.
     Two hours later everyone was sweat soaked and bone tired, and Ronny was still it.
     That night they ate more than in a long time, they fell asleep quickly with no fear.The shadows that crept into camp were silent, destructive and unnoticed.
                     Amy and Lizy were always the first awake, when they got to the chicken coop, they couldn't believe their eyes.
     Amy yelled,"there isn't one egg and all the chicken feed is gone!"
      Lizy offered,"I guess we're eating fruit for breakfast."
       When the girls went to the cave, all of the stored fruit and vegetables were gone.All of the glass mason canning jars were broken, the contents gone as well.
      Amy was angry,"we picked everything in the garden yesterday, it will be at least a month before the plants mature.
The apple and peach trees were picked clean, and the nearest berries were either eaten or canned."
     Lizy's head was spinning,"Who could have did this and why?I thought life was hard here before, but now all we have to eat is fish."
     Amy picked up pieces of glass,"I will miss eating canned food, it sure came in handy when the garden wasn't mature and all fruit was picked."
     Lizy was defeated,"come on Amy let's wake Chance and give him the bad news."
              Ronny pointed,"tiny little paw prints, not a person for sure. It eats fruit and vegetables and is smart enough to break glass jars.It tore open many things making a mess, but nothing seems to be missing."
     Chance recognized the paw prints, from a hunting survival book he once read,"they're raccoons but none live in the tropics, they must have been brought here by someone."
     Tye offered a solution,"there's no way to get rid of them short of killing them,there must be a lot of them to eat so much food last night. Beach Camp is far enough away they won't follow us, I think it's wise to move there."
     Amy complained,"if there's a storm, we won't have time enough to get back here to the we're not leaving our beds here, it's too far to carry them. The apple and peach trees will grow fruit again, but we won't be here to pick it. The garden plants will mature, but we won't be here to pick them."
     Chance as the leader had a decision to make,"I propose we take shifts day and night, guarding the garden and the chicken coop. The eggs and the plants will be safe then."
      The group was satisfied with the leader's decision.
                Ricardo held the pet racoon on his lap,"I'm impressed they knew what kind of animal you are Bandit. I thought they would hunt for many raccoons and kill them, or move to Beach Camp leaving a lot of items behind.The smart thing is to guard the food sources, it will be interesting."
      Rochelle bit into an apple,"what do you want us to do with all the food we took father?"
     Ricardo petted the raccoon's head,"eat it while they suffer of course."

            Jake spoke softly",I don't care if you laid with Kyle,I want, need and love you Steven Porter.when we graduate college I want to marry you and start our family."
            Steve had a far off look in his eyes,"to little to late Jake Clearlan, I am forever changed and it's all your fault. I would never have been with Kyle, you drove me into his arms. It's too late to go back to what was, you made that choice not me.When I'm old and look back to this day, I will not miss you at all."
     Jake refused to cry over Steve,enough of his tears were wasted on him. Steve had his truth and Jake had a different version of it. The island had changed them both, from boys who had crushes to men who had mixed emotions. There was one thing that Steve was right about, they could never go back to the way things used to be.

            All of the girls were at the meeting, the topic of discussion was Kyle Jennings.
     Amy began,"Kyle Jennings was in a relationship, with Julie and with Page at the same time. When Shawna came to the island, Kyle was in a relationship with her, breaking up with her shortly after. Kyle then set his sights on our innocent Steve, only being with him long enough to break poor Jake's heart."
     Lizy spoke next,"Kyle flirted with me shortly after breakfast, hinting that we could be much more than friends."
     Lindy took her turn speaking,"Kyle approached me just before lunch today, asking if he could make love to me?"
     Amy spoke again,"yesterday Kyle asked me to play hide the snake, and he meant trouser snake."
    Page was upset,"us girls need to stick together on this, we must all agree that Kyle Jennings is off limits. If you agree, raise your hand."
     All of the girls in the group raised their hand, Kyle would not be in a relationship with any of them.

            One week into guarding the garden and the chicken coop, the group was tired and cranky.
      Amy yawned,"my coop shift wasn't over until five am,I was so sleepy but had to cook eggs for breakfast."
      Lizy felt her friend's pain,"same here Amy but the garden, I was so sleepy but I had to eat breakfast."
     Kevin wasn't happy either,"it's just as hard getting up at five am, by the time that someone brings me and Ronny eggs for breakfast they're cold,and cold fried fish for lunch."
     Jake sympathized,"Chance and I have the same problem on the five am shift."
      Tye proposed a solution,"I think we should have only one person on each shift, then rotate the next day. Six people per day, then get a day off. Take turns working the late and early shifts."
      Matty dared to speak,"I've been practicing with the bow everyday, if I see a raccoon I'm killing it. No more nuance and meat for the stew pot."
     Jake was proud,"I hope you do kid, I'm very very tired."
                 Matty knew there was no raccoon, the only tracks that he saw were where the food was stored. The food was taken, forcing drama upon them.
            Kevin was out for blood,"I know you ate my fish Ronny! "
     Ronny wasn't in a polite mood,"that fish was so small it probably blew off of your plate Kevin.I didn't take you dang fish!"
     Kevin was gritting his teeth," it didn't walk away, me and you are the only ones here, and it sure wasn't me."
     Ronny's face was red,"are you calling me a liar? You better check yourself bro,I'm about to lose my temper and believe you me, you don't wanna see that."
     Kevin looked down,"there it is on the ground."
      Kevin brushed the dirt off of the fish with his hand eating it.
     Ronny gave him the stink eye,"you're such an a hole dude, I'm sorry doesn't cost anything."
     Kevin didn't apologize; he was too tired to care.

            Matty was tired of doing everyone's chores, while they did guard duty and slept the day away. In the group's spare time they did nothing but argue, it was time it was put to a stop.
     Matty ate his two small pieces of fish at dinner,"I wanted the group to all hear this, you can tell the two guards about it, when bringing them their dinner. I quit, I quit doing all of your chores, I quit listening to the constant arguing and bickering.I quit being a part of this group, and I quit being your friend."
      Matty stood just getting started on his rant,"there was only one raccoon, someone obviously brought it here and stole all of our food. Just in case you're slow, I will phrase it simply, we are not alone. The true enemy is not in this camp, no matter where you go or don't go.Like it or not you must unite with each other."
        Jake hugged the shaking boy,"calm down Matty I'm listening, you're totally and absolutely right. We haven't seen any raccoons or even a paw print in the last two weeks.Matty I know you're also right about us not being alone on the island, someone thought that they took what we needed most, but they were wrong. What we need most is more valuable to us than food,our most valuable possession is each other."
           Chance was about to walk away,"I'm going to the cave then to the garden, guard duty is officially over. We're going to gather supplies, come dawn we're going to start what we should have done from the start."
     Amy asked the question that they all were thinking,"what should we have done from the start Chance?"
     Chance gave an order like leading an army into battle,"we are going to search every inch of this island, and God help anyone we find. We will kill them all and take whatever they have. I'm betting they have a boat to take us all home, Island Camp will be officially over."
      Chance Knew that the captain was seeing and hearing his speech,"your move a hole."

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