The Realm's Delight

By periwinkleambitions

68.8K 2.9K 112

Every last one of us dreams to live in a world of fantasy, whether it be a world we read about or a world we... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 6

3.2K 126 16
By periwinkleambitions

Ever since the day I started flying those nine years ago, I had realized one thing, I loved to take to the skies.

The wind in my face, the freedom of not being bound to anything but my trusted partner, how insignificant everything seemed and felt from up there, none of my worries mattered. I needed such a feeling today... especially today. I knew Mother was going to die soon.

In the time between my birth and today, my parents had tried many times to have an heir. Each time was met with a horrible miscarriage that left my mother weak for days. Mother was pregnant again, and I knew this would be the last time. How did I know? Father was hosting a name day feast.

Vhagar roared as we soared over the clouds. She roared again when we descended. We flew close to the city, so close that I could smell it from up here. The people did not stop to stare, they were used to Vhagar and me now.

Vhagar slowly descended into the open area behind the Dragonpit, where the dragon usually landed and was guided back to the inside of the pit.

I dropped off from Vhagar and ran my hands over her smooth scales. Vhagar was an old dragon and proof of that were the scars she wore from the many battles she fought in. Once I stepped back, she took to the skies once more. Vhagar did not live in the Dragonpit, for she had outgrown it many moons ago.

"Welcome back, Princess" an older man greeted me as I watched Vhagar take to the skies. I turned around, biting the glove I wore and yanking it off my hand with my teeth. "I trust your ride was pleasant."

It was Ser Harrold Westerling, one of Father's Kingsguard. He was almost a shadow to me, following me around to make sure I was safe. Father and Mother insisted I have him on my tail ever since I had snuck out and taken Vhagar for my first flight without telling anyone.

"Try not to look too relieved, Ser" I spoke to the Kingsguard with a friendly smile. I liked the man, he was kind and honourable. And he would always bend the rules for me in one way or the other.

"I am relieved," the Knight said, "every time that bronze beast brings you unspoiled, it saves my head from a spike."

I chuckled before moving my attention to where I was walking, the carriage where Alicent stood smiling and welcoming.

"Is it just me? Or has Vhagar grown even larger?" the woman of five and twenty spoke, her amused eyes pinned on me.

"Has she? I haven't noticed" I smiled with my reply. "You should join me again sometimes, it would be fun."

"Once was more than enough for me" Alicent returned my smile with one of her own. Her brows furrowed then and the smile fell quickly. "Rhaenyra, are you alright? You feel a little out of it."

"Do I? I'm not feeling any different" I frowned and looked over myself. Truth be told, I was a little out of it. But Alicent didn't know why, because I never told her what would happen soon. I told no one.

Alicent did not look like she bought my answer, but did not press me further. We entered the carriage and it took us through the city and back to the Red Keep. The people were busy as always, both in and outside of the Castle.

Hand in hand Alicent and I entered the building and hand in hand she escorted me to my room. It was a habit we developed over the years of our friendship.

We both entered my room and Alicent helped me pick out a change of clothes. Loath to admit I had grown a fondness for wearing these everyday dresses. I blame the heat of King's Landing for this and not my feminine instincts or whatever Septa Eleanora kept saying would kick in. Alicent didn't care what or who I blamed, she was happy that now she could dress me up in any way she liked. And the girl could be exhaustive when she's in her

"Rhaenyra!" my Mother greeted me with a relieved smile when I finally showed myself in her chambers. Handmaidens were going around looking after her needs, one massaging her feet while the other bringing her what she craved. "You know I don't like you to go flying while I'm in this condition."

"You don't like me to go flying while you're in any condition" I countered her with a smile. She did not look too impressed. "Did you sleep?"

"I slept."

"How long?" I approached her.

"I don't need mothering Rhaenyra" my Mother replied with an amused smile.

"Someone has to attend to you" I argued gently.

My mother lowered her legs and sat up straighter with some difficulty. "You will lie in this bed soon enough, Rhaenyra. This discomfort is how we serve the realm."

"Well let's hope that when my time comes around, the attendants will attend to me just as much as they'll attend to me babe" I threw an accusing look at the handmaidens in the room. "You know how I feel about all of this, Mother."

"I do" my Mother replied, "but we have royal wombs, my sweet girl. This is our duty to the realm."

"Yes Mother" I sighed. I did not approve of this belief that ran rampant in the realm, of women only being breeding mules for their husbands. As I was now, I couldn't do much. But soon enough I would, or try to anyways. I wasn't sure how much I could do about this particular issue alone.

"I must leave, Mother. Father sits in a meeting and you know how he years for wine to get through these things."

"Oh, I do" my mother smiled, fanning her face with a smile.


I could hear the voices from outside the door, serious tones about serious issues. I was late and I was rushing. The door was held open for me and I rushed in.

"And are we meant to weep for dead Pirates?" my father asked, not me but to the man who had been speaking.

The man in question was the Master of Ships, Lord of Driftmark, and Lord Corlys Velaryon. He was the greatest seafarer in the Seven Kingdoms, a brilliant man but restless, adventurous and ambitious. These were the traits that made him what he was today, rich and powerful.

"Rhaenyra, you're late" my Father interrupted Lord Corlys' speech. "The King's cupbearer must not be late, leaves people wanting for cups."

"I was visiting Mother" I answered, planting a kiss on my father's cheek. His brows furrowed when I pulled back and he sniffed the air.

"On Dragonback?" he asked, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Your Grace" cut in Lord Lyman Beesbury, the Master of Coins. "At Prince Daemon's urging the crown has invested significant capital in retraining and reequipping his City Watch. I thought you might urge your brother to fill his seat on the Council and provide an assessment of his progress as Commander of the Watch."

I filled my father's cup with wine before staring at the empty seat that was my Uncle's. He had been a Master of Coin and Master of Laws before he was made the Captain of The City Watch, all at the word of the Hand of The King, whose dislike for my uncle only grew as time went on and they shared the same table.

"Do you think Daemon is distracted by his present tasks? And that his thoughts and energies are occupied?" asked my Father.

"Gods I hope so" I spoke my thoughts out loud, having all eyes turn on me. I poured wine into the cups of Lord Lyonel Strong, the master of Laws before I addressed the inquiring looks. "We've invested a not-so-modest amount in my Uncle's ventures from what I gather. It would be a shame if he wasn't attending to his duties and was else occupied in places that if I speak off my father will have an attack of the heart."

The men laughed, barring Lord Corlys who remained as serious as he was when I entered.

"I would urge that you not allow this Triarchy much latitude in the Stepstones, Your Grace" Lord Corlys spoke again while I poured Grand Maester Mellos a cup of wine. "If those shipping lanes should fall, it will beggar our ports."

"The Crown has heard your report, Lord Corlys" spoke Ser Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King, "and it takes it under advisement."

Ser Corlys' face fell back to the silent brooding one that I had walked in on.

"Shall we discuss the Heir's Tournament, Your Grace?" Ser Otto moved on.

"I'd be delighted" Father turned to the Grandmaester, "will the Maester's prediction hold, Mellos?"

"You must understand that these things are mere estimations, my King. But we've been pouring over the moon charts and feel our forecast is as accurate as it can be."

"The cost of the tournament isn't negligible. Perhaps we might delay until the child is in hand?" suggested Lord Beesbury.

A sigh fell from Lord Lyonel's lips as I continued to pour wine. Lord Corlys did not wish to have any.

"Most Lords and Knights are certainly on their way to King's Landing already. To turn them back now..."

"The tourney will take the better part of a week" Father cut in. "Before the games are over, my son will be born and the whole realm will celebrate."

"We have no way of predicting the sex of the child" argued Grandmaester Mellos gently, while I watched as I poured wine for Ser Otto.

"Of course, no maester's capable of rendering an opinion free of conditions, are they now?" Father asked. I raised a brow at him when he looked at me. It was a slightly rude remark. He shuffled slightly and sat straighter. "There's a boy in the Queen's belly. I know it."


"How serious are the matters concerning the Stepstones?"

"At the moment? They are ridding the place of pirates, which isn't a bad thing for us."

"How bad can they be?"

"There is a chance that this Triarchy takes the place of these pirates and consolidates trade for themselves."

"I see."

We stopped right outside the doors to the throne room and I turned to face Ser Harrold.

"How long has he been here?"

"He passed through the Red Keep's gates at first light."

"Does Father know about this?"

"He does not."

"Good. Stay here, Ser Harrold. I'll deal with him."

The Knight nodded his head and stepped away from the door. I pushed them open and found my uncle sitting on the Iron Throne.

"Jenti jevi haezīr zūgusy azantys zȳhon udrēbza jevi rēbagon daorī hae voktys jorrāelan, zȳhi" ("People might think you're trying to usurp my father if you sit so blatantly on that damned Throne, Uncle).

"Mentyri tymptir daorza issi arlī ñuho konīr issi, ziry adeles. Sȳz īlvi jēda avy jagon se hae ivestrilza. Rōbagon, gūrēbagon jāhon zūgusyr. Jemēle iderennar" (Given the opportunity they might think a lot of things, dear niece. But the truth will be what we want it to be. Besides, I was only sitting here. It would be mine one day.)

"Mentyri sa rēbza rēbion. Naejot daor mērī emilun dōriva? Ābra iderē nābēlbar daor?"(Not if you're executed for treason. You haven't been at Court in a while, why?

"Dōriva istiatior gūrotriri."( Court is so dreadfully boring.)

"Rytsas, ābre issa?"( Then why come back at all?)

"Onos Baelor issa kirimvose jorrāelan, asqoyi."( I hear your Father was arranging a tourney in my name.)

"Naejot iderē inkot arlī jagon ziry."(I was not aware you were the brother in my mother's womb.)

My uncle let out a chuckle, pushing himself off the throne. He walked over to me and smiled, a genuine one that he smiled only around family. "I have brought a gift for you". He held his hand out, from which hung a neckpiece. "Do you know what this is?"

"Valyrian Steel" I traced my fingers over the metal of the necklace. "And a ruby? This looks like a ruby."

"Correct. Turn around" he requested. I did as asked and moved my hair from my neck. I felt the cool metal against the skin of my neck, the lack of weight of it on my person. I traced the jewel again before turning to face him again.


"Naejot hen sagon."(I know I am.)

We shared a laugh before exiting the Throne Room together. Outside Ser Harrold was still standing, waiting for me. I bid my uncle farewell and walked with the Knight.

"I apologize if I come across as rude, Princess, but your uncle does not sit well with me."

"My uncle does not sit well with anyone, Ser" I smiled reassuringly at the Knight. "He's not harmless by any means, but he is a family man. You can trust my safety around him at least."

"It is not your safety I worry about, Princess."

"Are you afraid I would fall for his charms and be seduced by him, Ser? Because if you mean so then I will be offended" I replied sternly and watched the Knight stumble over his words. I was kidding of course, and I let him know as much when I laughed at his predicament.

"Do not worry, Ser. I am not a maiden who has her head in the clouds. I'll be a lot harder to seduce."


"Did you read it?"

"Of course, I read it."

"When Princess Nymeria arrived in Dorne, who did she take to husband?"

"A Lord."

"His name?"

"Lord something."

"If you answer Lord something, Septa Marlow will be furious."

"She's funny when she's furious. She gets all red in the face and looks about ready to burst. A lot better than Septa Eleanora if you ask me."

"We shouldn't speak badly of the deceased, Rhaenyra."

"Can you run your fingers through my hair, please?"

Alicent stared at my face for a moment, before putting the book aside and sinking her fingers into my hair. A content sigh left my lips when she gently massaged my scalp.

"You're worried about something."

"I am. Mother is getting close to giving birth."

"She is. Are you worried your new sibling will take all the love from your parents? Because I can assure you that your parents will not love you any less."

"It's not that" I gently shook my head against her lap. "I had a dream."

"Is it the same one you had a month ago?"


"They are just dreams, Rhaenyra" Alicent said comfortingly, undoing the braid in my hair. "We have terrible dreams when we worry about someone we love."

I reached up to touch her cheek, staring into her eyes. "Do you have terrible dreams about me too?"

"Do you?"

A moment of silence passed between us before I smiled and pulled my hand away from her face.

"The hour grows late" Alicent whispered.

"A few moments more would hurt no one" I argued closing my eyes.

Alicent hummed, the book now shut and put aside. Her fingers from both hands were in my hair now and the comfort I got from it was something I couldn't put into words. Making noises of pleasure though was something I could do.

"Princess Nymeria took Mors Martell to husband. She burned her fleet before her people afterwards as a sign of them having found a home and that they didn't need to keep looking anymore" I answered, eyes still closed. I couldn't see the reaction on Alicent's face, but I assumed she was smiling. She always smiled when I got an answer right.

"Are you truly not worried about your father overshadowing you with a brother?" she asked softly.

"I worry only for my mother. I pray my father gets a son" I answered with a soft hum. "That's all he wanted for as long as I could remember."

"And what do you want?"

"Me? I haven't really thought about it" I opened my eyes and found Alicent bent over me and staring. "But I guess having the freedom to explore the world would be nice. Just us on Vhagar, seeing the wonders of the world and eating as much cake as we can" I answered. I had grown a sweet tooth, probably one of the many traits of the original Rhaenyra that probably stuck to me.



Alicent's hair fell over the sides of our faces, blocking the entire world around us. She was staring at me, and I was staring at her. Our noses were almost touching and I felt my heart flutter. Alicent finally pulled away and run a hand through her hair.

"It's late" she commented.

I removed my head from her lap and got to my feet. Alicent took my offered hand and got to her feet with my assistance. Arm in arm we returned to the castle to retire for the day after dinner.


I ascended the steps of the gallery, feeling a little lightheaded from how tightly the dress hugged me. My mother did not jest when she said I would be wound up tighter as I grew.

I passed people to my seat and they stopped their talking to stare at me. I was used to the stares. I was a Princess, after all, people were expected to stare.

My father was giving his speech of welcome to all that had come to either witness or take part in the tourney. Our eyes met and I smiled at him before scurrying over to my seat beside Alicent.

Alicent greeted me with a smile, but not before raising a brow at what I was wearing. I was wearing a gown, but not the kind I was expected to wear. It was a simple yet beautiful gown in the colours of my mother's house[1]. I had asked her for a dress of hers to wear to the tourney. She had been reduced to tears of happiness. I wasn't sure whether it was the hormones or not.

I turned back to look at my father, who looked at me with a smile. He was nervous and maybe a little afraid as well. I couldn't blame him, since Mother had begun her labours after all.

The tourney began with the lists and much like the one from the coronation of my Father, a certain March man was cutting through his opponents.

"He hasn't lost his edge" Alicent whispered to me.

"Good for him. Means he's still of value to anyone watching" I whispered back to her.

"Princess Rhaenys Targaryen" called a Baratheon of the Stormslands, the Lord of Storm's End if I was not mistaken, "I would humbly ask for the favour of the Queen who never was."

Cheers rang in the crowds and I watched my aunt awkwardly get to her feet. Princess Rhaenys was the only daughter of Aemon Targaryen, the oldest son of King Jaehaerys who died before he could ascend the Throne. She was cousins with my father but they were as close as actual siblings. I liked her. She was fun to be around and could be vicious if slighted.

"People have lost tongues over less" Alicent whispered to me.

"Losing a tongue will achieve nothing. My father is King and no amount of tongue-wagging can change that" I replied.

"I heard that Lady Elinor is hiding a swollen belly under her dress" Alicent whispered to me when the drums began to sound at the start of the next bout. I looked at her with some surprise before snorting. Alicent's penchant for gossip and my guilty pleasure for it always crossed paths.

"That would be a reason why she's betrothed to that Tarly squire. They are to be married as soon as he wins his Knighthood" I supplied and this time Alicent looked at me with surprise.

The bout began and the Baratheon Lord was unhorsed easily by Ser Criston.

"So much for not needing luck" I whispered, watching the boys help the man back to his feet.

The drums beat once more for the new competitor, Prince Daemon was allowed to choose his opponent. Not a shock to me or the lady beside me when he chose to ride against Ser Gwayne Hightower. There was bad blood between Daemon and Otto.

The first tilt of the round had Ser Gwayne smashing his lance onto Daemon's chest plate but not unhorsing him. Lances were changed and they both charged again.

"He rushed it" I whispered to Alicent.

Before the young woman could ask what I meant, Daemon had unhorsed Ser Gwayne. The crowd gasped at the way it was done, tripping the horse with his lance. Was it against the rules? Were there any rules to begin with? I didn't know. I never studied the rules of these tourneys since I would not be allowed to take part in them.

The crowd cheered when the horse stood back up and Ser Gwayne stood with it, the man was unharmed. Alicent squeezed my hand in relief, she had been holding it since the tilt began.

My uncle rode closer to the stands and I got up to see him, Alicent was not far behind.

"Was that playing dirty? I never seem to remember the rules for these things" I said, leaning over the railings.

"All is fair in love and war, Princess" my uncle smiled.

"And which is this, uncle?" I asked.

He smiled before turning his gaze to the woman who stood beside me. "Now, I'm fairly certain I can win these games, Lady Alicent. Having your favour would all but assure it."

Awkwardly Alicent moved back to get the wreath from the table between our seats, coming back with it and sliding it down my Uncle's lance.

"Good luck, my Prince" she mumbled before the two of us returned to our seats.

I heard movement behind me and saw the Grandmaester speaking to Ser Otto. The man then spoke to my father and he grew worried. Our eyes met and my father gave me a reassuring smile before the two of them left in a hurry. I turned back to the match but couldn't put my attention to it. I shut my eyes and let a shaky breath fall from my lips. It was time.


[1] I'm bad at describing dresses so here's what I envisioned Rhaenyra wearing:

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