𝗜𝗱𝗶𝗼𝘁𝘀┃Aoba Jōsai

By Veng__

23.7K 584 86

Aoba Josai x fem!reader In which you are forced to be the manager of a group of chaotic teenagers *Available... More

OO. Characters
O1. Problem
O2. Who?
O3. Ho ho holidays
O4. Welcome
O5. Letters and cookies
O6. Kids
O7. Kidnapped
O8. Beach
O9. Happy Valentines?
1O. School play
11. Minecraft
13. 'Love'confession
14. Deadly Halloween
15. A day off with Kunimi

12. Dates

789 21 53
By Veng__

You sighed, closing the door behind you, your eyes narrowed to see how the room was messy and the boys seemed to be arguing about something that didn't interest you. You started to pick up quietly, after a few minutes Watari joined to help so you thanked with a smile.

"Why are they making such a fuss?"

You two sat a little apart to be able to talk, rather so that you wouldn't have to put up with the screams of your classmates for one of their stupid things.

"They argue to see who is better at planning dates."

"Dates?" you glanced at how the whole team gave Oikawa a bad look, who surely gloated over his success in his dates with girls, you didn't even flinch when saw how Iwaizumi hit him to keep him quiet "Okay, you have to go train so stop arguing."

You decided that it was time to finish, hitting the table with your hands to make them stop talking.

"That's it!" Oikawa suddenly jumped pointing at his manager, it seemed that a light bulb had gone on over his head "We'll all have dates with (Nn) and she will put us a note."

They all looked at each other to agree, they would never fall for their captain's nonsense, less when it comes to girls, they always saw it as a challenge when it comes to showing that they are better than Oikawa.

"Why do you always have to include me in your fights?"

You moaned throwing to the ground dramatically, now you would have to go out with the nine boys and on top of that qualifying them, what a good week awaits you. Why did you accept it? Oh yeah, so they'd stop making a damn scene, you would choose violence next time.

You didn't know what plans Kunimi had, your expectations were rather low, because everyone knew how lazy that boy was, however he could always surprise with something innovative for his date, but come on, we're talking about Kunimi Akira, the boy who falls asleep in training when no one is looking.

You weren't surprised by the fact that you had to go look for him from his class to get out, you walked together while complaining about everything you could, you always did when he skips trainning. At least the walk was nice. You stopped at a small store to buy some snacks, like a good gentleman he let you choose the junk food you were going to eat later.

"Could we sit down for a moment? If you feel like it."

You nodded and sat down on a bench, the truth is that the way to Kunimi's house was quite long.

"I really didn't feel like doing this, but I guess I like spending time with you." he shrugged, looking away "I mean, you're not as annoying as Oikawa or Yahaba, plus you let me sleep during practice."

"I appreciate your sincerity Kunimi."

You smiled ruffling his hair, you only spent a few more minutes until finally decided to walk again. When you arrived at Kunimi's house, you were attacked by a very loving mother who mistook you for his son's girlfriend. Even clarifying everything, Kunimi was embarrassed by his mother, at least she hadn't shown the family album from when he was a baby.

"Excuse my mom, she's sometimes nosy."

You could only laugh at your partner's expression as brushed it off. Now you two were in bed cuddling up while eating and watching the movie you chose to watch. The whole afternoon was based on that, watching anything on the computer while hugging, from time to time you continued to complain about life or played cards to rest for a while. You enjoyed each other's company, the day went by quickly, more than a romantic date it was something more friendly, you still would not deny the pleasant afternoon you spent with Kunimi. He even let you comb his hair, which was strangely super soft and silky.

Besides, he just wanted to spend time alone with you doing whatever, which added certain points.

Kunimi Akira,

Rate: __/10

Notes: go home to see the family album.

Kindaichi was rather known for being someone simple, without many complications, but he still tried hard to do everything right, although he was also known for being clumsy, that is, not everything on his date was going to turn out as he wanted. He had planned to take a walk along a path through a small forest, sit there and chat to pass the time and eat some snacks. He wanted to see the sunset but since all know that nothing can go right for the boy, you had to leave earlier because Kindaichi apparently had an allergy to some plant around there, you ended up going to the pharmacy to get something to make him feel better.

The two of you ended up sitting on the sidewalk of a lonely street, watching the sun set over the buildings in the place, it wasn't the same view as from the forest but it was still better than nothing.

"I'm sorry I..." he sneezed "I ruined the date."

You patted Kindaichi's back to comfort him, something always had to happen that spoiled his plans, at least he had the second part of the date.

He got up, sneezing again, shook his pants to extend his hand to you, both arrived at the cinema holding hands while several old ladies laughed pointing at you and whispering as if you were a pretty teenage couple, this caused a strong blush on Kindaichi, even you felt his hand trembling so you caressed it a bit to relax him. He only got the opposite effect, when he felt your caresses he stiffened.

Everything went well in the movie theater, while you had your head resting on his shoulder, he had his head on yours, you wouldn't deny that Yuutaro's company was pleasant to say the least. You were no mishaps during the movie —or almost none— if it hadn't been for a baby who started crying a little before the movie finished, everything would have been perfect, even so, you didn't take it much into account and continued with the following. Dinner was in a small stall next to the cinema, the food was good and the atmosphere was relaxing, somewhat adequate, you added a few points to his rate for lending you his jacket due to the cold at night, you also added points for walk you home. Kindaichi was definitely a cinnamon roll.

"Thanks for the date Kindaichi, in the end it wasn't so bad and I hope you recover soon from the allergy."

You kissed his cheek softly, leaving the boy in shock for a few minutes touching his blushing cheek.

Kindaichi Yuutaro,

Rate: __/10

Notes: not go out into the forest with him.

Well, the poor libero didn't even want to participate in the activity at first, but being part of the team he was forced to go out with you even for a short period of time, you didn't mind much because Watari was your guardian angel when there was a lot chaos.

"I'm sorry if it's not really impressive" he rubbed the back of his neck nervously "I didn't prepare anything spectacular."

Both walked through a park where couples enjoyed themselves, children ran and dogs went here and there sniffing everything.

"It doesn't matter Watari, I didn't want to do this either."

You shrugged, understanding the boy, you didn't want to go out on a date, but hey, you just took it as a normal outing for friends . Shinji spread a tablecloth on the grass, you put the basket where you brought food on it, followed by this you sat watching how the other people enjoyed their time.

"I didn't know you cooked so well!"

You flattered the boy by trying what he had prepared especially for the occasion. He thanked with a small blush causing you to giggle when you saw how he reacted to your words.

You spent several hours talking about any topic of conversation, Watari was quite friendly and you were able to see the funniest side of him, apparently he was quite a fan of bad jokes, so now you are laughing while telling some. When the sun was about to set you got up quickly, you had been in the park longer than expected and now it was turn to run to get to what he had prepared on time, as the boy's house was nearby you dropped the picnic there to run out.

You weren't the most athletic so Watari ended up grabbing your wrist to go faster, you would miss the sunset. You ran for a while while laughing, crossed a whole grove holding hands trying not to fall through the branches or stones, feeling the adrenaline of the moment.

Then stopped.

You two lay down on the shore of a beautiful lake that seemed to be hidden from the city, catching your breath, you were speechless when you saw the landscape, the sun with brilliant sparkles reflected in the water, the orange clouds mixed with the little darkness creating a beautiful scene.

"This place is very beautiful Watari."

"Right? I usually go for a run and found it by chance."

He smiled sitting next to you watching as the night made its way along with the stars, it wasn't the most elaborate plan but it was undoubtedly a tender moment.

Watari Shinji,

Rate: __/10

Notes: hang out with Watari more.

Honestly, you didn't know what to expect from Yahaba, you really thought he was like a jack-in-the-box, although knowing how fanatical he is, or was, of getting a girl on the team, he surely had a typical date in mind, where he tried to be a gentleman willing to protect his girl from all evil. Yeah, that sounds a lot like him.

To begin with, you had to wait about ten minutes for him to finish combing his precious hair, without paying much attention to it, you observed how Yahaba was well dressed but at the same time with comfortable clothes, at least it was not too extravagant. He smiled brightly to extend his arm, you grabbed it to start walking.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

You rolled your eyes as he continued to smile, probably thinking how great he looks right now, as always. You arrived at a restaurant, quite predictably. The dinner went well and you didn't have any problem with the food or other people, so far you had a good time and while you ate you talked about things in common.

When it was time to pay, Yahaba invited, although you insisted on dividing it, you let it go this time, never deny free food, you didn't want to break the illusions that he was behaving like a romantic movie cliché. When you left the restaurant outside, it was already night, the lights illuminated the city and the wind was running slightly like a relaxing breeze that ruffled the leaves of the trees.

"Follow me."

Once again you linked arms to continue the date, this time you took a taxi to go to the outskirts of the city where the nocturnal tranquility of the moment was reflected.

"It's quite relaxing to walk around here, isn't it?"

You nodded, admiring the dark sky, not realizing that you were heading to a somewhat out-of-the-way beach, you watched as the boy took off his shoes and approached the shore, prompting you to do the same. You didn't think much and joined him, you walked barefoot on the sand until inadvertently a small wave splashed you two a little. You looked at each other for a few moments to start laughing, threw your shoes to start splashing yourselves with kicks into the water, both ended up drenched on the floor.

"We'll catch a cold after this."

Yahaba laughed, pushing you into the sea, drenching you completely, since you weren't going to sit idly by, you grabbed one of the boy's feet, pulling him to make him fall, successfully achieving your goal and ended up swimming. The worst thing was getting out of it, being wet and being horribly cold at night, you hugged yourself, rubbing your arms in search of some warmth, you felt how he hugged you from behind, increasing your body temperature

"Now we definitely will catch a cold."

You friendly hit Yahaba to turn around and hug him properly.

"It won't be a cold if we die of hypothermia before, idiot."

"Why not a little movement to warm up?"

You looked at the boy strangely, then you were taken by the hand and began to run apparently aimlessly, you couldn't help but laugh as ran, enjoying the sensation of the wind on your face, feeling how your body returned to a proper temperature step by step.

The next morning you did not attend school because had a fever.

Yahaba Shigeru,

Rate: __/ 10

Notes: bring spare clothes to the next one.

You didn't expect Kentaro to seriously participate in this silly competition, and were surprised to see how he patiently waited for you at the door of your classroom, although frightening some students with his hard look. You walked up to him to get his attention, making his frown less as you left the school to go to the first stop.

With a couple of grunts, he indicated the way —because yeah, you had learned that strange language of groans and grunts from the boy— the way was really calm, neither spoke but you were comfortable with silence.

You arrived at a pretty little cafe, the funny thing was that it wasn't just a cafe but rather one for cats, where you could play with the tame cats that were playing around. Kentaro wasn't a fan of cats, he preferred dogs, but knowing that you adored those animals, he made the effort to put up with those wandering furballs for a while. At least he could spend time with you, he didn't quite like you but were more bearable than third years.

"I didn't know you liked cats."

You only received a grunt of denial, making you chuckle at seeing his frown a little deeper. You had already finished with your orders and now you were sitting on the floor petting the kittens, who seemed attracted to Kentaro. The poor man was surrounded while the animals asked for love. You couldn't help but smile when saw the scene, without being seen you took your phone to capture the moment.

Satisfied with the first part of the day you went on to the next, at this point it wasn't too surprising that you ended up in an animal shelter where people were allowed to play with them. It was fun to see how a legion of yellow chicks chased him from one place to another, they were so insistent that he also ended up surrounded by chicks, he even grabbed a couple to caress them. You couldn't contain at the tenderness you felt when saw that and took another photo, this time you were seen which caused Kyotani's cheeks to slightly tinge with pink tones.

A puppy scared the small birds away, without any other remedy you dedicated to playing with it, throwing it a ball, you learned that your companion really appreciated animals like no one else. On the outside he seemed to be a complete bully but on the inside he was like an adorable baby. You finished checking it when saw how he lay down next to a big dog that was also running around looking for attention.

You limited to take photos of everything Kentaro did, with that you would have blackmail, besides that he was fucking adorable. When night fell you walked to a small junk food stand, bought fried chicken, started talking some more about how much fun it had been to visit those animals.

It wasn't all pretty though, as an angry goat chased you for a while while he laughed in your face at how you ran for your life. You interpreted it as karma for taking so many embarrassing photos of him. At least you could hear his laugh, even though he was laughing at you and your misfortune.

Kentaro Kyotani,

Rate: __/10

Notes: make Kentaro laugh more often.

You sincerely expected anything from Makki, from going to the cinema to see Monsters Inc. to going to a high-end restaurant to try expensive wine. Luckily he chose something more normal and above all more in line with his fun personality, an arcade, simple, cheap and can have a good time.


He greeted, ruffling your hair, letting out a laugh when he saw the bad face you made, you punched him on the shoulder and start walking to the place.

"Where do we start?"

"Hmm, I don't care, I'll beat you at anything."

He smiled proudly, pointing to himself with an arrogant smile, you looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a blank expression. Not today Makki.

"Why don't we start with this one?"

You pointed to the whack a moles game, you smiled to take the mallets and begin to mercilessly crush the robots, when you got tired you decided to see the points, realizing that you had ended in a tie. Takahiro narrowed his eyes looking at the place, his competitive mode was coming to light and he wouldn't let be beaten so easily.

"Let's go to that one!"

He grabbed the tickets you won in the previous one, pulling your wrist to go to a mini basketball game. Again, you were enjoying seeing how Makki's teeth gnashed with rage at not being able to win in a single game, without a doubt he was the one with whom you had laughed the most out of all the dates you had. He only looked sideways as you tried to hide your smile when saw the frustration of not being able to overcome you, It went on like this for a couple more games.

"It's already a bit late, maybe we could go to dinner."

"No! We can't leave yet, let's try that game!"

He pointed to the typical driving game, where you couldn't tie. With a sigh you walked over to the boy who was already ready to start. A soft laugh made Hanamaki's ego sink even more as he was completely defeated. Then he had an idea.

"Okay, this will be the last game, I promise."

"You've been saying that for the last four games."

"(N), please!"

"Okay, okay..."

This time it was a virtual shooter where you held guns to kill hordes of zombies, for a moment both were tied but Makki launched a hip movement that threw you out of the gun's range causing your character to be devoured.

"I won!"

He raised his arms in the air celebrating his "victory" while you sighed at his childish attitude, at least you had a good time.

"Okay champion, what do you want to buy with the tickets?"

He smiled looking at the toy stand to point it out, at this point you didn't even wonder why he wanted a Ditto stuffed animal, he would surely choose that because it's the Pokemon from some random meme.

You only gave him the stuffed animal so he could stop competing, but knowing him, he wouldn't give it up so easily. There was only dinner left and even for that reason you argued to know what was better, Burger King or Mcdonalds, in the end you decided to give in because otherwise you were going to be all night without dinner.

The date ended with Hanamaki choking on a nugget at McDonald's for competing in who could eat everything the fastest.

Hanamaki Takahiro,

Rate: __/10

Notes: don't challenge him.

You hoped that the date with Matsukawa would be a bit calmer than Makki's, since you couldn't stand competing two days in a row and you didn't want to let him win either.

Luckily for you and knowing how lazy that boy was, he simply decided to go to the theme park near the city. The transport by train was a bit bad due to how tight it was and because some people were too close to you and you didn't like that from strangers, of course, when Mattsun notice this, he hug you to keep just close to him, resting his head on your shoulder.

"Thank you."

You muttered smiling towards him. It didn't take long for you to enter the theme park, contemplating in amazement the great attractions that were there. You started with something softer like the rotating tea cups, from which you came out somewhat dizzy, Matsukawa needed to hold on because he almost fell on a child.

You continued trying some attractions such as roller coasters or some water to cool off, after a while you decided to stop to eat something in some picnic areas.

"So you're liking it?"


You shrugged realizing he wasn't even paying attention to you as his eyes were looking right behind you.

"What are you...?"

"Mickey Mouse!"


You turned to see the typical huge costume they used so that people could take pictures, seeing the sparkle in the boy's eyes, you sighed to take him to take a picture with the Disney character as if you were his mother.

Since there were more characters, he ended up taking at least twenty photos, but you couldn't deny either when saw the expression of happiness that your lazy friend was making, it was the first time you had seen him enjoy something other than memes or Hanamaki so much.

You went back to ride other attractions, making the time fly by. Out of curiosity you entered a horror attraction that was opening, it was something like a zombie attack. You entered in groups of four and you were matched with two muscular men who laughed at the actors in costumes. You were neutral ignoring the men's comments while Matsukawa was breaking out in a cold sweat. You got to a part where they were trying to scare you, no one flinched except for the Mattsun who jumped grabbing the first thing he caught, accidentally touching the ass of one of the men who accompanied you.

He grabbed your hand to run out of the embarrassing situation through the emergency door, you didn't stop until you were quite far away, so you sat down on a bench to regain energy. He couldn't help but blush when he heard your laugh, you were already crying with laughter at the misfortune of Matsukawa. You wiped away your tears to soothe him by giving him a comfortable pat on the shoulder.

"Come on, it hasn't been that bad."

You looked at each other for a few minutes in silence until you burst out laughing again trying to recover the air you were losing.

"I-It's not funny!"

He pouted, cheeks still burning, earning a small side hug to try and comfort him.

The rest of the afternoon you teased Mattsun with jokes about what happened but you still decided to keep it a secret for now. No one should find out about the photos with the Disney characters and even less that he had touched a stranger's buttock.

Matsukawa Issei,

Rate: __/10

Notes: don't enter horror attractions with him.

You'd be lying if you said you had high expectations when it came to Oikawa, since he boasted so much about being the best, it'll be a good date right? Well, didn't start very well when you almost fainted when you were next to the boy, who had put on at least two liters of cologne.

When you could get used to the strong smell you were already in what seemed to be his destination, a huge shopping center. You must have guessed, we are talking about Oikawa Tooru.

What you didn't expect is that you would go into all shops, you literally didn't leave a single one. You were now sitting, drinking a milkshake, waiting for him to come out of the fitting room with some clothes he wanted to try on. The liquid came out of you nose and began to cough uncontrollably when Oikawa came out of the fitting room in a fiery red mini dress, black heeled boots and a feather scarf, he looked like a dancer from a cabaret. He even had eye makeup on.

'Where did he get that from? I'd rather not know.'

"(Nn)! I knew that I was divine."


You spoke with difficulty from choking earlier. You looked everywhere looking for someone who had seen the scene but luckily everyone seemed to be on their business and had not noticed the boy.

"Oikawa, please change your clothes."

He pouted to go back into the small room, you sighed more calmly, thinking that this date was going to be more normal but it turned out that it wasn't. When you came out you went for a little walk looking at some shop windows or talking about the captain's problems, you began to hear a lot of female whispers and from one moment to the next Oikawa was surrounded by fangirls, leaving you aside. You went to sit on a bench, knowing that this was going to happen.


A hand landed on your shoulder and you smiled when you saw the boy.

"Hey Toshi."

He smiled back to sit next to you, you ended up talking about how you were here pointing to a bunch of people —girls— where your captain was. Wakatoshi was there to buy some new shoes, according to him he had come with the rest of the team but they got separated.


A thunderous voice interrupted your talk, he calmly walked to the bench to smile with his eyes closed when he saw you and throw himself into your arms.

"Tendou I think you're crushing her."

"Tendou, come back here!"

Semi screamed in the distance, you could see the former setter's face was smeared with ice cream as he glared knives at the readhead, who started running.

"I think I should go get them."

"Yeah, you should go Toshi."

You were going to hug to say goodbye but other arms caught you first.

"You can't steal my girl, especially not on our date!"

"Your girl? Date?"

Wakatoshi's expression darkened sending chills to Oikawa while you simply glanced at your phone without interest.

"U-umh yes! my (Nn)!"

Without thinking much, he planted a short kiss on your lips, leaving Ushijima and you stunned. There were a few minutes of tension until a loud blow was heard all over the place.

Oikawa came to his house with a kick and Ushijima no longer wanted him in Shiratorizawa.

Oikawa Tooru,

Rate: __/10

Notes: don't go out to public places with him

You were hoping this would be the most normal and coherent outing of all, because he's Iwaizumi, and he really was kind of a real gentleman.

You two stayed last in the gym cleaning up, then you stopped to buy some sweets in the vending machine while you thought of strategies on how to hit their captain so that he would stop being so annoying. When the boy found out that he kissed you, a vein popped out on his forehead, he would hit that stupid when he saw him, for now he wanted to take advantage of the time with you. Since you were wearing sports clothes you decided to run a bit on a not very long route, it came from someone as sporty as Iwa, but it was good to go running for a day, although you almost died trying to keep up with him.

"Let's rest."

You thanked lying down so that your breathing would calm down, Hajime passed you a bottle of water and patted your back.

"Don't worry, we won't run anymore." he laugh awkwardly "Sorry, I really thought the idiots already took you to all the places I could think of."

"Yes, they were original when choosing some places, but it's okay Iwaizumi, this is a good plan."

You smiled giving him a thumbs up, making him gain more confidence that you weren't put off by a less romantic plan. When you felt rested you walked at a calmer pace enjoying the views while talking about the club and how weird others were sometimes.

"Here we are."

Iwaizumi stood with both hands on his hips, you were in a fairly large lake where you could rent canoes to sail in couples. At least you were able to enjoy the boy's muscular arms in the foreground thanks to the ride where he practically rowed alone.

You had fun splashing some water on each other to cool off and seeing the pretty fish that were there. Almost everything went well except for the fact that just as you were reaching the end of the tour a fish jumped hitting Iwaizumi in the face, which in turn unbalanced the canoe causing you to fall into the water. Since you didn't want to catch a cold again, you suggested going to your house, which was not far away, to take a shower. He accepted, a little embarrassed for having spoiled what was left of the day.

"I'm sorry."

You denied, downplaying the problem to pass him some loose clothing and a towel. Iwaizumi made dinner by way of apology for ruining the moment and causing trouble —not accepting help— who knew the grumpy team mom knew how to cook that well.

You ended up falling asleep in your bed while watching Godzilla.

Iwaizumi Hajime,

Rate: __/10

Notes: invite him home to make dinner more times

You entered the club room where everyone was gathered as usual, quietly you began to clean up the mess as usual, ignoring the dispute between the boys. Watari started to help you, wanting not to be a part of the fight.

"Can you tell why are they arguing now?"

A bead of sweat ran down the libero's forehead, who was looking nervously from side to side.

"U-umh well they... discuss to know who kisses better."

You rolled your eyes to listen to the conversation, having a certain déjà vu at the scene of everyone yelling over something stupid.

"I'm sure Oikawa is a disaster at kissing."

"Hey! That's a lie." he pouted "Besides, I'm sure you haven't even given a kiss."

Makki put his hand to his chest in offense, he pointed out to the first years.

"I'm not a novice like them."

"There is no problem in not having kissed, right Kunimi?"

Kindaichi nudged his friend expecting an affirmation, but only received a mysterious laugh.


They started to raise their voices more and more until Oikawa banged on the table making a noise above everyone making them shut up.

"I got it!" he pointed to you "She will vote for us, she will have to kiss us and qualify."

He smirked victoriously at his "great idea", everyone watched as you blinked many times, smiling falsely to slam the door, you weren't going to go through there, with dating you could at least have a good bonding moment but this already seemed like a joke.

"Speaking of kisses... Oikawa, isn't there something you should tell us?"

"E-eh, I don't thing so?" he laughed nervously "Oh! It's late, my girlfriend awaits me."

"But she broke with you a week ago..."

Matsukawa muttered looking at him with a raised eyebrow. The captain smiled to run away, or so he tried because Iwaizumi grabbed him so he wouldn't escape. They would have a long talk about respecting the personal space of others.

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