O6. Kids

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Today the coach had been absent, as he commented on the phone he had caught the flu, so the only one in charge of the training today were you, you had a sheet full of things that they had to practice today and you were already running late —as always— but that wasn't the only thing you should worry about. As soon as you closed the door, you felt a tug on youtr pants, surprised, you lowered your gaze to open your eyes to the maximum, there was a boy of about seven or eight years crying while pronouncing your last name, but the strange thing was that that boy looked a lot like Yahaba.

"What the...?"

Your eyes traveled the entire court and you would have sworn you had run out of breath in those moments, the entire team were small children running around with volleyballs, not to mention their clothing, their typical uniform now fit like dresses. Before you could take anything in, you remembered that the mini Yahaba was crying and you rushed to pick him up.

"Yahaba, what happened?"

He just shrugged his shoulders trying to calm his crying, which he more or less managed. You sat on a bench, propping the little boy on your lap as wiped away his tears, noticing that he had a few scrapes on his hands and knees.

"How did you do that?"


You sighed and grabbed everything you needed to heal the little one, when you finished you left him so he could continue playing with the other children. You walked towards the dyed kid, who was hitting the ball hard against the wall, his brows were still frowning as always, being so small he didn't intimidate so much, he looked more like a small angry puppy, which seemed cute in a certain way.

"Kentaro, you can't push your teammates."

You only received a grunt in response.

'What does that mean?'

You sweated as noticed that he was now hitting the ball even harder, if that was possible for someone his current age.

"Why don't you go play with them?"

"They don't want to."

You were surprised to hear him, even as a child his voice was deep and raspy. You crouched down to be level with him placing a hand on his head, slowly stroking his strands to try to keep him from being so angry.

"Kentaro, surely they don't want to hurt themselves when playing, just try to be less rough with them."

He growled again in response, seeing that it wouldn't amount to much that way, so you played with him —strangely, he didn't complain— for a while you were playing with the ball until you heard a small cry. You ran when you saw how the little ones gathered in a circle surrounding a mini Matsukawa who was crying.

"What happened?"

Concerned, you crouched down taking the child in yourr arms, patting lightly to get him to calm down as soon as possible.

"I-It hurts."

He pointed to his ankle which seemed slightly swollen. You gave them a reassuring smile so they could continue playing but more carefully, you sat Mattsun on the ground to apply a special cream, in less than an hour he should be in perfect condition to continue running from one place to another.

"You must wait at least half an hour."

"But that's boring! I want to play!"

You thought of something to entertain the wounded kid, the best thing was to give him your phone so he could watch some videos on YouTube, so he would be entertained for a while. You let your body slide next to Mattsun, you wanted to rest for a while, the children kept running non-stop after some balls —they seemed full of inexhaustible energy— everyone, except Kunimi, he was lying on the bench sleeping as usual. You sighed holding the little one so that he wouldn't hurt his back, you snuggled him into your arms so that he would be more comfortable caressing his back gently, this made mini Kunimi hug your body. Without thinking, you two fell asleep

𝗜𝗱𝗶𝗼𝘁𝘀┃Aoba JōsaiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora