O1. Problem

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"Ahh, Iwa-chan that hurts!"

He took his hands to the affected area, caressing it to try to soothe the pain caused by the fist of his best friend who had an irritation mark on his forehead, he was tired of his captain's nonsense.

"Stop teasing Kentaro you piece of shit."

While the duo of friends continued arguing, two other third-year boys laughed as they commented on things they saw on their phones, apparently they were memes. Kentaro was gripping a volleyball too tightly, he was frowning, surely frustrated by Oikawa's words and not being able to beat the team's ace, he began to mercilessly hit the ball against the wall.

The first years boys, well, Kunimi was sleeping lying on one of the benches while Kindaichi desperately tried to wake him up by making all sorts of strange sounds. Yahaba and Watari were practicing at the back of the court, watching as chaos succumbed to their beautiful team, surely they were praying that the punishment would not be too much when the coach returned from attending to his business.

The echo of the door resounded above all the commotion, everyone froze when they saw the terrifying smile of their coach, they didn't know what awaited them but surely from their teacher's face it was not good at all.

"We have to talk."


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"Repeat to me why I have to go."

"Because it will be super cool! Besides, you didn't like sports or something?"


"Well, it doesn't matter, you have to come with me, please!"

She begged grabbing your forearms, shaking you from side to side, her insistence winning this time, letting a long, dramatic breath slide past your lips.

"Fine, fine, but only because I have nothing to do."

"You never have anything to do."

"Shut up."

The happiest girl squealed excitedly thinking of the thousands of ways to declare herself to her supposed crush. You two walked to the gym, you calmly with your hands in your pockets while yawned and the other in a messy bundle that tried to calm down by pressing the folds of her skirt.

"Why are you so nervous?"

"Why!? Haven't you heard what I've been telling you at recess?"

"Not much, you know I was concentrating on eating, priorities."

Your classmate sighed exhausted, explaining everything again but in a more summarized way, after a few minutes you found out that she wanted to declare herself with a beautiful and emotional love letter. Too typical. You arrived at the gym where the Seijoh men's volleyball team practiced, the surprise was seeing many girls sitting there, at least it was surprising for you.

'Since when have all these people been such fanatic?'

You sat next to another group who were whispering something about a cute boy, chocolates, and love.

'It's Valentine's Day and I haven't heard? Wait a second... did I feed the cat?! Mom is going to-'

A lot of high-pitched screams hit your eardrum being dragged off by a pack of what seemed to be crazy female fans. You looked for your friend to realize that she was among all the young women, exhausted, you left there waiting for the circle to dissipate so that you could return home with your classmate. You couldn't see it until a boy with strangely spiky hair brought out the man who was apparently being harassed by the previous group who now looked disillusioned, among them was your friend who was holding the letter tightly in front of her chest. You sighed heavily when you saw the girl's expression, you looked for a second at the letter and the boy who was dragged as if he were a scolded son, the other girls had already left practically disappointed.

"Bring me that."

You grabbed the letter from your friend without letting her react in time when you started walking in the opposite direction.

"N-don't wait n-"

You ignored her, you were already only a few steps away from the boy, when you were close enough you touched his shoulder to get his attention, although you not only caught his attention, but also all the people who were there due to the discussion of the men who was stopped by you.

"Hey, I'm so sorry but he's busy."

The spiky-haired boy seemed quite tired of these situations, he really should have been paid for having to put up with all these messes.

"Iwa-chan don't be mean, she's just a cute fan."

Iwaizumi clicked his tongue letting go of his captain, waiting to one side, holding back the urge to hit his 'beloved' captain's head again, he crossed his arms watching his friend smile falsely at you who remained by his side, looking silent interaction.

"What do you need darling?"

"This is stupid" you whispered, placing your fingers on the bridge of your nose "Here, it's from her."

You pointed to your friend who was walking clumsily over there with her face red as a tomato.

"I-I-I'm sorry, s-she usually very direct."

She gave a small curtsy to the jock duo, who looked at the newcomer in confusion while you yawned scratching the top of your head.

"Hey, I did you a favor."

"It was supposed to be a romantic scene!"

"Huh? That's stupid, besides, do you even know him enough to fall in love? He seems a bit of an idiot."

An arrow stuck into Oikawa's body while Iwaizumi enjoyed the moment, he didn't know you but he already liked you.

"O-Of course I do! He's nice I just know!"

She gasped moving her arms from side to side, exaggerating her point, you just rolled your eyes slightly pushing your friend away for leave the gym.

"I'll pretend I believe you just because I want to go home."

You walked away from her taking out your phone to answer some messages, leaving your friend in a mess next to her crush, after other apologies and bows, she ran after you to catch up with. The boys' volleyball team was silent for a few moments, watching as you two walked out the door remembering the talk they had earlier with their coach.

 The boys' volleyball team was silent for a few moments, watching as you two walked out the door remembering the talk they had earlier with their coach

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"We have to talk." most of them remained static "you are an excellent team on the court but the training sessions are beyond me, not to mention the constant problems you cause." they all looked at each other, sharing complicit glances "Until you find a manager who can put up with your nonsense and knows how to control you, I won't plan any practice matches again."

Silence reigned throughout the court and was not broken until people interested in the sport, or a certain popular boy, began to enter.

They had a problem.

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