O5. Letters and cookies

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Class 2-3 was quiet, the bell had just rung and you had just woken up, apparently the chemistry teacher didn't even bother scolding you, you were still going to continue sleeping in class and the punishments didn't bother you.

"(S), they are looking for you."

A classmate let what looked like a freshman through, she was flustered and holding an envelope to her chest. She approached slowly blushing, when she was in front of the table she spoke.

"W-could you deliver this letter to Oikawa?"

She lowered her head, spreading her arms. Somewhat confused, you accepted her message, you also didn't mind delivering a letter to the setter, if it had only been one. Since you agreed to take that letter, the girls came to your class to leave thousands of letters, chocolates, cookies, gifts...

Normally those girls gave it directly to Oiwaka or, if not, to one of the boys in the club, but it was easier to contact the manager, according to the lovers you were less scary than the whole team in general. You were not bothered by that, you were simply lazy having to interact with girls who blush just by delivering a mere letter, plus felt that if they kept sending him cookies you would end up eating them.

You were late for the gym because you were stopped by another group of lovers who delivered their letters and homemade desserts, you were already tired of it and it had only been a week, you did not want to imagine how the others who have been with Oikawa for longer would be. When you closed the door you felt a good energy emanating from the team, everyone seemed much calmer and happier.

"Why does training suddenly seem like teletubbyland?"

You asked the coach, dropping the gym bag on the table, completely confused by the mood of your teammates.

"I think they have stopped receiving love letters, you know, for Oikawa."

You rolled tour eyes, pointing to your arms where held everything you had been given, causing the coach to look at you in pity. As with your bag, you left all those gifts on another table, beginning your managerial duties.

"Woah, is all that for me?"

"Yes, there are too many girls who give me these things for you."

"I pity you." Iwaizumi put a hand on your head to pat it "You know you can reject them, right?"

"Yeah, but it's a shame to waste the cookies."

Everyone watched as your mouth watered at the sight those delights. They looked good and surely they were better than they seemed, the team would not deny that they would want to try the cookies. The captain had an idea when he saw how you drooled over some simple cookies.

"(Nn) don't you want to try one?"


It was the first time they had seen you so excited about anything, you would usually be skeptical of almost everything they offered, well, apparently everything except free homemade food.

"Yes, but in return... you'll have to give me a kiss!"

Before Iwa could land a good hit on him you answered.

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