The Stargazer (Shane/Harvey X...

By starfaced_blonde

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(Y/N) left her life in the cutthroat and unloving city of Zuzu to rebuild her once fruitful family farm, and... More

A Night in Zuzu
A New Day
Settling In
Baskets and Boxes
Another Round
After Hours
A Sky of Stars
Sand and Stars
Lovers in Literature
Salt and Ale
Rainy Day Lunch
The First Date
Angel Cake
Dim and Gusty
Spring's End
Busy Bees and Mud
People Change

The First Festival

345 6 13
By starfaced_blonde

The fresh cakes are stacked carefully in your hand basket, along with the extra jars of jam for Emily and Harvey. It's just before lunchtime, the spring air decorated with morning birdsong and the smell of fresh dew. You tread carefully down the beaten dirt path into the town square, careful not to disturb the delicate cakes or kick dirt onto yourself. A light breeze flutters the sleeves of your dress, the same one Harvey had been eyeing you in the day at the library. A real heart-stopper today paired with fresh jam.

Nearly thirty minutes pass on the long trip into town when you begin to hear faint melodies of uplifted spring music, surely echoing from the festival. The childish fill you with giddy excitement for the event.

Your first festival in Pelican Town... as a resident. During the summers you had attended the luau, and the end-of-season celebration of the Moonlight Jellies. The last night spent on the dock before the trip back into the city was bittersweet. Although the magical and mesmerizing display of ocean life was your favorite day of the year as a girl, it also meant that your time had come yet again to leave the meadows and forest you loved so dearly. Now, making your first appearance at a community event, your heart begins to flutter the way it had those many years ago.

Around the bend of the path, banners and pastel hued streamers billow in the spring breeze. Villagers wander lazily about, making stops to every booth and table. An impressively long table displays the buffet put together by your neighbors, an impressive spread of bright seasonal colors.

Striding down the length of the table you find a suitable place to set out your cakes. The seal of a jar of jam cracks open satisfyingly and you dip a spoon deeply into the sticky salmonberry preserve. With a steady hand you spread generous amounts of it onto the tops of your angel cakes, decorating them in the vibrate spring pink.

"If I didn't know you better I'd think you're trying to compete with me."

You look away from the fluffy cakes to find Gus looming over you looking especially jolly. He could easily be mistaken for a brunette Santa Claus.

You twist the lid back onto the jar and replace it in your basket, "I hardly think I could even do that, Gus. Everyone must be here for your food."

He seems satisfied, "Well, a majority of this spread did come from my own kitchen in fact. I always go all out for these festivals, my way to give back I suppose."

You take a closer inventory of the spread, custard, deviled eggs, quiche, egg salad, merengue cookies, and more that you can't even identify. Luckily, no other angel cakes are displayed to outshine yours.

"I can see you went with the theme? Eggs." You laugh softly to him.

Gus crosses his arms over his protruding gut, "You've got me. I've got so many seasonal recipes, I don't even know what to do with them all. Festivals give me a chance to experiment."

"I don't think anyone would complain about that!"

He nods, "Free food, I haven't had any complaints yet. I should get back to it, lots of people to talk to." He jabs a thumb behind him.

"Don't keep your fans waiting." You smile to him.

Typically it wouldn't be practical to speak with every person attending an event, but the town is so small that you can easily make your rounds.

Jodi is huddled in with Caroline and Marnie, creating a little pod of maternal energy.

"Vincent loves this festival... it's a joy to see him so happy." Jodi's voice sounds distant and longing.

Caroline responds, "Abby's always loved the egg hunt, ever since she was a tiny girl."

You don't want to interrupt their reminiscing of motherhood, and try to pass them by unnoticed. Marnie takes no time at all to reel you in.

"(Y/N)! I was hoping to see you today!" Her hand snags yours and holds you in your place.

"I just got here actually. I'm checking everything out."

Her excitement for your attendance is apparent, "Oh! Welcome to the Egg Festival... compliments of my wonderful brood of hens."

A giggle jumps from you while furthering her point, "I made some angel cakes with your eggs! I just set them out with some fresh jam."

"Be sure to find Jas, sweetie. She'd love to get her hands on some of that!"

"I'll point her to them." You nod. Marnie releases you with a tiny wave.

Pierre is set up in a colorful booth stocked full of springtime goods. Packets of strawberry seeds, small potted plants, and a massive pink stuffed rabbit are in display.

"Well hello, (Y/N). How are you enjoying the festival?" Pierre greets you.

"Hi Pierre. I'm liking it so far, everyone looks to be enjoying themselves."

"As am I," he replies, "Festivals are the prime opportunity for me to sell-... offer, my festive goodies. Does anything catch your eye in particular?"

You pick through the small potted plants in search of the perfect one. A vibrant, leafy specimen catches your eye.

"Would it be alright for me to buy this, and come back for it on my way home?" You inquire.

Pierre looks a bit too excited about your suggestion of a purchase, "Yes of course! Will that be all?"

Grabbing a few packets of strawberry seeds, you set them out with your new plant, "These as well please."

After retrieving gold from your small pouch in the hand basket, Pierre tucks your items beneath the booth, out of sight.

A chipper, shrill squealing cuts through the crowd. Jas and Vincent chase eachother, weaving through the now somewhat annoyed adults.

"Jas!" You call to her over the shrieks.

Her puffs of hair bob in and out of sight between the people and finally stop in front of you, Vincent trailing. You crouch to their level.

"Your Aunt Marnie said you might like the cake I made, angel cake with jam."

Her eyes grow and twinkle at the suggestion, "Where? Where!" Her feet tap in excitement.

"Would you like me to get you a piece?" You offer.

Jas nods aggressively in approval.

You peer around her at Vincent, "Would you like some too?"

"Momma says not to talk to strangers... but you seem okay."

Jas is visibly growing impatient in the delay of receiving her slice of cake, "This is Vincent, Miss Jodi is his mom."

"Well, it's very nice to meet you Vincent. Would you like some cake? It has Salmonberry jam on top."

His shy eyes turn delighted, and he replies simply, "Yeah."

Leading the way, Jas skips alongside you, channeling her excess energy.

"Is your uncle Shane here?" You ask her. Hopefully not sounding too curious for open ears.

Her breath pants while skipping, "No. He stayed home, but he helped Aunt Marnie with all the eggs."

Why would he not be here for his daughter? You wonder to yourself. This is a family event, he should be here for her. You try not to judge, there may be a legitimate reason for his absence.

"But now I don't have anyone to help me with the egg hunt." Her skipping slows into a sluggish walk.

This brings you nothing but disappointment on her behalf. "Can Aunt Marnie help you?"

Her sadness grows, "No, she'd in charge of helping with the festival."

Jas and Vincent wait for each of their cakes, you cut them thick, generous slices. With plates in hand they leave to lie lazily in the warm grass. Marnie finds her way to you at the buffet.

"Thank you for getting her settled, festivals are the one time I allow her to eat this much sugar." She scans the buffet in bewilderment.

"Is Shane not here? To help Jas with the egg hunt?" You pry, immediately realizing that you shouldn't, "Um... I mean, I just want her to have fun."

Marnie's eyes cast downward in defeat, "No... he wasn't feeling well today. I can't help her, and Lewis said no..." She trails off at his mention.

Offering your assistance, "I could help her, if you'd be alright with that."

She gives you a weak smile, "I would be so happy if you did, but I mustn't ask too much of you my dear."

"I'd be alright to help her Marnie." A gruff voice interrupts.

Now beside you is a man dressed as though he were at a renaissance fair. An eyepatch cuts through his face, disguised behind a thick grey beard.

She blushes and exhales, "Marlon? No, no, I'd hate to put you out."

He insists, "Even with my bad leg, I never miss a town festival. Helping Jas can make it all the more enjoyable."

"I don't know." Marnie is hesitant to accept.

"Please, allow me to. I wouldn't enjoy anything more." He continues to ask.

Marnie crosses her arms, seeing no other solution, "I would much rather (Y/N) be able to enjoy the festival at her own liking, so I would be grateful if you did."

Marlon's beard shifts in joy, "Thank you, it would be my pleasure to help Miss Jas on such an exciting day."

A gentle hand rests on your arm, "You should get back dear, go enjoy yourself. Jas!" Marnie shouts behind her to her niece lying in the grass.

She runs quickly to the huddle, obedient to her aunt. Marnie chuckles and wipes a finger across Jas' face, removing sticky streaks of salmonberry jam.

"Mister Marlon is going to help you hunt for eggs! Isn't that kind of him." She informs.

Jas looks him up and down with a furrowed brow, sizing him up. "Don't let me lose Mister Marlon." It sounds like a threat.

You stroll leisurely amongst the crowd, giving greetings and hugs when they are offered.

"I've been up since dawn coloring eggs... it's always my favorite part of the season." Emily shares with you.

Robin expresses to Demetrius, "Spring is a busy time of year... so it's nice to have a day off to catch up with friends."

"Egg... what a strange thing to eat." He ignores her and vocalizes his distaste.

Maru is loitering near the pub with Dr.Harvey, you easily overhear their conversation.

"I always look forward to these gatherings... it makes the valley feel like a real community."

Harvey agrees with her, "It really does, fosters our togetherness. I can imagine it brings your family closer as well."

She hesitates... "Not exactly, my dad isn't a huge fan of eggs... nor this festival, any festival in general."

"Eggs definitely have a place in the well-balanced diet." He informs her, "Oops... I should take off my doctor's hat for the time being." He realizes.

She giggles lightly, "Dr. Shaw, I don't really think that's possible for you to do."

Harvey finally notices you just a few feet away, mingling with the other villagers. "(Y/N)!" He speaks ecstatically, "It's so wonderful that you've made it to the festival!"

You bid goodbye to the villagers you had been greeting to join Harvey and Maru. "I wouldn't have even known about it if you hadn't told me, thank you Harvey... Dr. Shaw, excuse me."

"There is a town calendar posted outside of Pierres, it's helpful to keep up with all that's happening in town."

"I'll be sure to check it out." You smile to him.

Maru is standing somewhat awkwardly, not knowing what to do with herself, "If you'll excuse me, my family may want me to check up on them."

You and Harvey are left alone beside the pub, grateful to now have a moment to speak with someone you have a budding friendship with.

He blushes in his usual coy manner when he notices what you're wearing, "Is this the same dress you wore to the library?"

Your hands smooth it against your legs, "Yeah, it is actually. It seemed to fit the season. The color matches some of the decorations."

"It's very pretty... it suits you." He nearly whispers the last thought while his eyes linger a little too long on the dress that's hugging your waist.

Remembering the basket you carry, you retrieve the jam from inside it. "I had some extra jam, I thought I'd bring you a jar. The recipe was from the cookbook you gifted to me."

His mustache lifts in joy, "Is it really? This looks incredible." His fingers briefly wrap around yours as he takes the jar, "I'm so glad you're finding use out of the book."

"I actually did make the angel cakes too, that's what the jam was for, the topping."

"Would you mind showing me to where this cake is, it is a party after all." He encourages.

Closely behind you he follows to the buffet table, waving and shaking hands with the other men in the crowd. Lewis centers himself in the square and makes a clearing amongst the swarm.

His voice attempts to sound like a booming, authoritative announcer over the bustle of the crowd, "It's time for the highlight of today's festivities... the annual spring Egg Hunt! May I have all participants make their way the the center of the square?"

Pushing eagerly past people, the competitors take their places. Jas alongside her assistant, Marlon. Vincent tailed by an energetic looking young man with carefully styled blonde hair. And Maru accompanied by another girl who looks just as much too old to be participating. All of them are nearly squirming out of their shoes in impatience to begin.

You and Harvey find an opening in the crowd to join in the spectators, heavy plates of fresh angel cake in your hands.

"Calm down now, kiddos..." He glances to Maru and the other older girl with purple hair, perhaps in disapproval for their age, "You're going to need all your energy if you hope to find the most eggs and take home the exclusive prize."

Harvey chuckles in his throat beside you before slicing into his cake. When he begins to taste it, his chews slow and his jaw clenches, savoring every moment of the first bite. He shakes his head in disbelief and goes in for another taste.

He leans in close to your ear, whispering, his breath gently touching against the skin of your neck, "This cake is heavenly, (Y/N). Thank you for taking the time to make it."

Your breath stops and catches in your throat as his touches you. It is tempting to inform him that the reason you even made the cakes, was entirely for him. Knots tie in your stomach from the praise whispered in your ear.

You look up to him, "Thank you." You hope that the struggled air in your words isn't entirely easy to pick up on.

Lewis' voice cuts through again, pulling you from Harvey's eyes, "Now... Is everyone ready?" He works up the crowd in more anxiety for the game to begin. "You have five minutes to find as many eggs as possible."

His prolonging of the start has everyone antsy.

Finally he gives his voice one last attempt at sounding suave, "Let the egg hunt begin!" He raises a whistle to his lips and forces a deafening blow.

The participants scatter about, hurrying to secure their precious treasure. Marlon has Jas' frilly pink basket clutched tightly in his hand while he follows close behind her. Jas' competitive nature shines out and she sprints from one hiding spot to the next, finding her loot.

Maru turns up disappointed over and over again as she searches in places that were already cleaned out by the children she dared play against. The blonde boy following behind Vincent cheers him on, hyping up his effort. The purple haired girl is nearly as energetic as Jas, shoving past people and scrambling to find the eggs Emily had dyed.

Harvey watches closely at the game, enthralled in the frantic children. "I only hope mine are this competitive in the future. Even so, I'd be so proud for them trying." He chuckles and spears another bite of the sweet, fluffy cake.

You try not to make much of his comment, surely he had no hidden meaning behind it, "You want kids someday?" You ask.

He swallows a mouthful, "I do think so, yes. It would be quite an experience, to be a father."

Looking back to your own plate, you bite your lip to hide a smile threatening you. Before you can say anything regrettable, you shove your mouth full of the light, white cake.

"One minute remaining! One minute remaining!" Lewis cups his hands around his mouth to shout loud enough.

In front of the pub, Vincent and Jas both round from opposite sides of the building. Both of their eyes scouring the grass, they fall on a bush just across from the square. Vincent looks away from it, to Jas, and she does the same. The clear tension building, daring each other to try and retrieve the last egg. The standoff drones on, neither willing to risk moving.

"Twenty seconds! We have twenty more seconds!" Lewis provides a time check.

Synchronized, Jas and Vincent both dive into the bush for the egg. The blonde boy and Marlon stand back, giving eachother worried side glances.

Jas shrieks and snatches onto the egg, Vincent landing squarely on her back and wrapping his hands around hers, trying to pry it forcefully from her fingers. Lewis shouts a countdown for the last ten seconds while the children continue to wrestle in the dirt. Jas' best spring dress becoming grungier by the second.

"Let go, let go! I had it first!" Jas screeches.

Vincent's voice whines aggresively, "No you didn't! That's not fair! I had the egg, I had it!"

A long shrill blow comes again from Lewis' whistle, indicating the end of the game. Jas and Vincent freeze in their place, not letting go of the egg.

The older girls appear in the center of the square, but the children and their assistants still wait by the bushes. Lewis looks puzzled as to where his participants went to, then he spies Marlon standing across the way, clutching to the pink basket.

Jas and Vincent lie on the ground stiffly, not daring to move for fear of losing the last egg.

"Folks, I do believe we have a bit of a quarrel over an egg." Lewis shouts to the crowd while making way to the children.

You see him duck down between the bushes, and guides the children to stand without adjusting the placement of their hands. He takes his time to evaluate the situation.

Harvey leans into you again, "This is going to be interesting, Vincent is not one to take losing nicely."

Mayor Lewis turns back to the crowd, raising the egg in the air. "Jas' hands were both making full contact with the egg, I will deem this to be her find!"

Marnie yelps in excitement, she slaps a hand across her mouth, shocked that she had done that in front of Vincent.

You turn back to the bushes in time to see Vincent let out a screaming wail before falling back to the ground, kicking his legs agains the grass. The boy that had been assisting him blushes and tries to inch away, detracting the attention from himself. Lewis retrieves the children's baskets to count the eggs they hold. The crowd waits anxiously for the winner to be announced.

"Wow, look at all these eggs!" He exclaims, "Now if only I could get you to pick up litter this efficiently, we'd have the cleanest town this side of the Gem Sea!" He chuckles.

The younger villagers in the crowd roll their eyes and scoff.

"And now, the winner of this year's egg hunt..."

The crowd tenses, waiting.


Cheers erupt from the sidelines to applaud her accomplishment. She begins to jump in triumph, thrilled by her success. Vincent once again begins to wail and throw a fit, having lost to her. Marnie runs to Jas and squeezes her up into a hug and plants a sopping kiss right on her cheek.

Lewis gathers the prize and presents it to Jas, "Here's your prize! Enjoy!"

Jas snatches it frantically from his hands. A large basket of spring candy and toys, and a gorgeous sun hat. She immediately pulls it onto her head, forcefully smashing down the puffs of coiled curly hair. The brim is decorated with extravagant faux flowers and ribbons. The flowers look nearly alive, the highest quality.

"Well, I must say this Egg Hunt was much more exciting than some of the ones we've had lately." Harvey leads you to the trash behind the saloon to dispose of your plates.

"You'll likely even top this one when you can help your own kids hunt." You humor his fantasy.

Harvey chuckles warmly, "You just might be right. But I'll have to wait and see."

Everyone begins packing up their potluck dishes and souvenirs from Pierre as the festival dies down. Harvey follows you to help pack up your belongings. He carefully wraps the remaining cake and organizes it in the basket so that your new plant and seeds will fit in nicely.

He lingers on the new seeds, "It might be too late to start these, will I get to look forward to them next spring?" He implores.

You nod in agreement, "Next spring I should have many, many new crops for everyone."

Neatly he tucks the seeds into the basket, securing them between the jars of jam.

"Oh, there's another fresh jam in here, with Emily's name on it?" He reminds you.

You gasp in worry, "Yes! I hope she hasn't gone home yet!"

He leans up on his toes despite his already gigantic stature, looking for Emily's telling blue hair. "There she is, by Pierre's with Haley and Alex."

You lead Harvey to them, the last jar of jam in hand. "Emily!" You get her attention.

She is happy to finally see you after a long day, "(Y/N), I thought you hadn't come."

"Everyone was keeping me busy, so many people to talk to." You exhale dramatically, "I made you some jam! Extra from the angel cake."

"Oh my Yoba thank you!" She takes it from you and looks at it adoringly. Then she notices Harvey standing near to your side, "Hi Dr. Shaw, did you enjoy the festival?"

"Despite how much unhealthy food Gus serves, I always enjoy our festivals." He smiles to her.

She sighs exasperated, "Yeah, I better get back and help clean up. I am catering crew after all." Emily leans in to peck your cheek, "I'll see you soon? We need to catch up." She glances from you to Harvey, then back to you.

You hope she isn't suspecting anything between you and Harvey. She already knows about Shane catching your interest, the last thing you need is another matchmaking attempt. There is no doubt that she will be questioning his presence, and why he is carrying your basket.

She leaves to clean up, paying her duty to Gus.

"Would you care for me to escort you home?" Harvey offers.

A hot blush creeps from your ears down the back of your neck, "It's a long walk, I'd hate for you to be worn out."

He waves a hand, "Nonsense, I haven't gotten much exercise today anyways, I need it. That cake needs to be worked off" He pats his stomach.

There is no point in refusing and you both start back to the farm.

"The cauliflower you planted has sprouted nicely."

"Has it really? I'm glad that I planted them correctly."

You reassure him, "They'll be delicious, I'll be sure to set one of yours aside for you to have."

"Do you have any idea what you might grow in the summer?" He furthers.

In fact you had been flipping through the pages of the leather journal. Already looking ahead you'd found a few crops you would be interested in trying to grow.

"Maybe some melons, and hot peppers as well... tomatoes too, everyone loves tomatoes."

"That is a fruit I'm very fond of indeed, I'd love to buy you out of them." He agrees.

A squirrel scurries across the path and up into a tree. The leaves rustle as it runs about the branches. You keep your attention on it for as long as you can see it.

Harvey breaks the silence, "Do you think Pelican Town is a place you'll be staying a while?"

You turn your eyes to him, and he is staring down to you intently, halting your steps on the path.

In fact you had thought about it, a lot. Your dream to grow a family here someday and keep the family farm in pristine condition is tying you down. 

"Yes, I don't think I really want to leave ever. I can see myself staying here for the rest of my life, if I'm completely honest."

His attention remains locked on you, "I'm glad to hear it."

You can't help but blush, and clearly he saw that your cheeks were turning pink. His eyes trace you up and down again as they had earlier at the festival.

"I really do love this dress, if I may say so."

Your eyes shy away from his and gaze back down the path to home. "Thank you Harvey."

Warmth creeps up your arm as you feel the weight of his hand intertwining with yours, gentle to your fingers. Harvey begins leading down the path again.

"Let's get you home, these leftovers need to be put away." He tugs you lightly.

In silence the two of you journey the rest of the way to the farm. His hand feel wonderful inside yours, warm and soft from expensive moisturizer. You feel no need to speak while his hand is in yours, it says enough.

On the stoop of the house Harvey trails behind. Your hand hesitates to open the door and you stop to whirl around and face him.

"Harvey." You speak shortly.

He looks concerned, "Yes?"

Your teeth gnaw into your lip while you find the words, "What am I to you?"

His eyes widen in surprise, and for the first time probably ever it seems that he doesn't know what to say.


"No, no I'm not avoiding the question, just thinking." He plants himself to lean against the porch railing. His arms fold against his broad chest, the soft muscles of his arms slightly defined against the short sleeves of his shirt.

"Never mind." You turn to open the door but feel his hand grab your wrist to stop you.

"(Y/N), I'm very happy that you've decided to stay in Pelican Town for a long time, you do understand that?"

You turn your head above your shoulder, "Yeah, I do."

"Because, I want to spend more time with you... I really enjoy being around you. Helping on the farm, taking walks..."

"But what am I to you?" You press again and face him completely, setting the basket on the floor of the porch. The trowel is still strewn on the wood where it had been left the night before.

Harvey approaches you, leaving minimal distance between, trapping you against the house.

"There has only been one other person in this town that I can compare to this. It hasn't felt this way in a long time..."

His admission secures something deep inside you, confirming that he had in fact been in love with someone before.

"What was she to you?" You ask him, varying the question.

He hesitates for a few seconds before responding, his eyes remain locked on his shoes, avoiding yours. "He. He was the one person I'd ever fallen in love with... I was sure of him. Just as Lewis would require."

Again, he confirms your suspicion. It hadn't been a woman as you thought that day beside the river. Harvey had been in love with another man, the idea surprises you but slowly begins to make sense. It suits Harvey well.

"You loved him... this one other person?" You try and confirm.

"Yes... but it couldn't be."

"And now... with me... how does this compare?"

Harvey meets your eyes again and rests his weight on an arm pressed against the wall behind you. His frame is practically pressing you against the house. The friction of his pants lift the hem of your dress lightly, baring your thighs. Your stomach feels nearly as though you want to puke from the nerves, but it's a feeling you're learning to enjoy.

Time has stopped... or so it feels like it has. Harvey brushes the fingers of his free hand against your jaw, and stops on your chin just as he had the other day in your kitchen.

"Harvey..." You whisper.

He shakes his head softly and keeps his eyes on yours, laced by some feeling you can't quite unwrap. Sadness? Confusion? Yearning?

Your breath feels heavy in your lungs, like drowning above water.


He cuts you off, his lips meet yours tenderly. The warmth from him radiates across your cheeks and down your neck, leaving buzzing tingles in its path. Harvey moves lazily against you, following the motions against your mouth. It's gentle, more than the type of kiss you share with a stranger in your bed, it's passionate.

Harvey's hand strokes again against your jaw as he continues to kiss you. Mindlessly your hand tangles into the neck of his shirt, pulling him down ever closer to you. A small mumbling sound emanates from with in him, humming against your lips. Your body is weightless but crushed beneath his.

After what may be a lifetime, he pulls away from you, keeping his arm against the wall.

"(Y/N), I'm completely enchanted by you..." His whispers fluttering.

For whatever reason, the urge to cry tests you. The overwhelming feelings that you've never experienced before make his confession difficult to palette. What is this man, how can he make you feel such a way? A way that you had never even known existed. A single tear breaks free and exposes these vulnerable emotions.

Harvey wipes it away with a gentle thumb, "Please, don't cry... I'm sorry if I've overstepped." He begins to pull away.

Tightly you stop him, keeping the cloth of his shirt clenched in your hand. "No, you haven't Harvey... I'm... Happy, so so happy."

More energetically he leans in to kiss you again, the exasperation of his breath dusting your lips. Firmly his hand holds your cheek and secures your lips to his. After another indefinite moment he breaks away.

He can't help but smile softly, his cheeks glowing with a bashful pink. "I'm absolutely enamored..." he whispers.

Forgetting the cake needing to be refrigerated, you remain where you are with Harvey against you. Minutes pass as you stay still, holding him against you. There is no rush to halt this new, strange emotion swirling inside.

📝💖🌸 Hello hello readers!!! I hope this chapter left us a little bit satisfied, we're finally getting into the good stuff!!!

Toodles💖 XOXO

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