meet the family

By WolfSama8

219K 7K 1.6K

Jason has always been the black sheep, always keeping secrets. so what happens when the family finds out one... More

chapter 2 catching up with old friends
chapter 3 finding out
chapter 4 the Voicemail
chapter 5 presents
chapter 6 panic
chapter 7 it becomes real
chapter 8 a spark
chapter 9 the ice cream of love
chapter 10 dinner shenanigans
chapter 11 proposal....kinda
chapter 12 no matter what you do it right
chapter 13 every Sunday
chapter 14 Jason meets the she devil
chapter 15 how Jason got a cracked rib
chapter 16 the best friend finds out
chapter 17 the hood meets the bug
chapter 18 i love you
chapter 19 abba
chapter 20
chapter 21 + sneak peek
Chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 27.5
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30 nerds in love
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
the story taking meet the family's place

chapter 1 the meeting

11.3K 204 46
By WolfSama8

Jason:Me, Roy and Artemis just finished our security job for the Wayne foundation, while the lawyers stopped black mask industries from starting there business over here. Me and Roy somehow managed to convinced Artemis to join us to go to a bar that's when i saw the most beautiful woman I've ever seen

*Marinette slapped his arm playfully with a coy smile*

Marinette:liar, you did not think that when we first met

*Jason smiled and did something no one in the Wayne family every thought they would see. Jason Todd doing something cute, he gave his wife a bunny kiss*

Jason;maybe, but i think it now so what does it matter.

*Marinette rolled her eyes but a smile appeared on her face and refused to leave. Jason looked back to his family with no shame or embarrassment*

Jason:anyway so we were at this bar called au clair de lune when she appeared...

6 year flashback

3rd person

*Jason and Roy cheered before drinking there beers while Artemis looked bored but face red from drinking almost half a barrel*

Artemis:you call this beer? This taste like water

*Artemis said her words slurred as her head moved side to side*

Roy:sure it is for you, oh great amazonian princess

*Roy said sarcasm thick as he finished his second round barely buzzed*

hey Jason it's your turn to pay for the round....jay?

*Roy looked and saw Jason not even paying attention to him instead his eyes were locked to a girl at the bar*

Roy:really? The blonde?

Jason:what can I say i have a type

Roy:yeah girls with big breasts you are so basic

Jason:you say that and yet I've scored with more women then you

Roy:.....20 that she walks away in you in 5 minutes

Artemis:50 in 10 seconds

Jason:fuck both of you but fine if you guys want to lose your money so easily I'll be happy to take it

*Jason got up and walked up to the woman at the bar*

Jason:hello there

*The girl took one look at Jason then went back to her conversation with her bluenette friend*

Jason:come on darling i don't bite

Chloe:well i do, hard and painfully so kindly piss off you Foreigner

*Chloe turned back around and Jason could hear her muttering to her friend "ridiculous utterly ridiculous", before she walked away  to her other group of friends, Jason clicked his tongue, that's when he heard a giggle he looked at the blond's friends was laughing at him*

Marinette:you and your friends are drunker then you think, we could hear you talking from over here. Not the best idea coming up to a girl just to win a bet

Jason:noted, why haven't you walked out with your friend?

Marinette:hm....i don't know

*The blue hair girl looked at Jason up and down before shrugging*

Marinette: your not that ugly so i don't see why i should leave, how about you buy me a drink?

Jason:quite arrogant aren't you... I like that 2 drinks please

*The bartender gave them there drinks as Jason sat next to the girl who took her beer and drank it in one gulp. Jason gave a low whistle*

Jason:for a tiny pixie you sure can drink a lot

Marinette:pixie? I'll have you know i have a name

Jason:oh? And what might that name be?

Marinette:it's Marinette Dupain-Cheng. How about you?

Jason:Jason Todd, short sweet easy to remember unlike yours i think I'll stick with calling you pixie

*Marinette scoffed, but she still kept an amused expression on her face*

Marinette:so what brings an American like you all the way to paradise?

Jason:business that i just finished. And Paradise?

Marinette:hey we don't have as many villains as you all

Jason: fair, but it has its charms, what about you? What brings you to the bar?

Marinette:my friends got tired of my moping around in my apartment and eating rum ice cream all day

Jason:break up?

Marinette:bastard cheated on me a month ago

Jason:damn that must suck


*Marinette said dryly with a roll of her eyes as Jason took a sip of his drink*

Marinette:what no "I'm sorry"?

Jason:nah, I'm sorry not gonna fix jack shit. Believe me i know talk is cheap, actions is better

Marinette:hm, and what actions would you take to make me feel better?

*Jason smirked as he placed his drink down and got up, shaking his jacket a little*

Jason:well my hotel is close from here maybe some stress relief would do you some good

*Marinette almost did a spit take before she gave a soft chuckle*

Marinette:how full of yourself, why would I do that with someone i don't even know?

Jason:well you said it yourself I'm not ugly. Beside who better I'll be out of your hair by tomorrow

*Marinette thought about it for a second before she locked lips with him. Jason not missing a beat depended the kiss. They remained like that for a few seconds before letting go, with Marinette looking flustered*

Marinette; the worst kisser I've ever far is this hotel?

*Jason smirked grabbed Marinette and took her with him leaving Roy there to pay the ever growing bill thanks to Artemis*


Barbara:so you hooked up not with the girl you wanted but with her friend...classy

*Barbara said drily, Jason scowled at her while Marinette shrugged*

Marinette:blame the alcohol if i was sober i never would've said yes

*Jason snorted at that making Marinette pout at him and give him a playful push*

Marinette:oh shut up let me keep some of my dignity

Alfred:lady Marinette if you don't mind, can i use your kitchen to make everyone something to eat?

Marinette:um i guess not but me and jayjay were planning going out to eat since there's not a whole lot to cook, we haven't made groceries yet

Alfred:oh I'm sure i can manage with some help

Marinette:let me help you then, out of everyone Jason talked about you the most he's a real grandpa's boy

*Alfred was touched and all his decades of professionalism broke as he gave a genuine smile. While Jason wanted to sink further down and let the ground eat him up*

Alfred:that is welcoming to hear please help me i would love to get to know you better

Marinette: likewise

*Marinette kissed Jason's cheek and walked to the kitchen with Alfred. Jason looked around and saw the smirk on Selina and dick*

Dick:so Jay....

Jason:finish that sentence and I'll CASTRATE you.....only Marinette gets to call me that

*Jason muttered the last part feeling his face grow in heat*

Selina:my someone's rather protective our there pet name

Jason:fuck off you tick infected alley cat

Bruce:enough both all of you,

*Bruce looked at Jason his face still hard, cold, showing Little to no emotions*

Bruce:by the way you you told us that story she doesn't know about your red mask or any of ours

*Jason frowned deeply as he knows what Bruce was implying*

Jason:is that what your so worried about? You paranoid piece of shit motherfucker, Marinette is not a threat and i swear if i find out, you stalked her and did you're little research on her i will break my promise and go back to killing, starting with the job i should've finished with your clown lover, am i clear?

*Both Jason and Bruce stood up glaring at each other, neither stepping down, so as always dick was the peacemaker*

Dick: alright, alright, let's all calm down yes? Red, i promise I'll keep and eye on him and make sure he doesn't go overboard. He won't know anything but the mere basics ok?

*After a few seconds Jason clicked his tongue and sat back down with a frown on his face and his arms crossed, dick looked at Bruce next*

Dick:and Bruce that was over the line not everyone is out to get your other self. Especially someone who isn't even from Gotham so calm down

*Bruce nodded and sat down, like always he didn't apologize for his actions just kept quiet. Barbara coughed to get the attention on her*

Barbara:so she doesn't know that your....

Jason:no, she doesn't know about any of us, she doesn't know about that, and she's not gonna know about that because come hell or high water I'm keeping those two worlds as far away from each other. For all Marinette knows I'm just head of security at one of the companies buildings

Tim:alright you've told us how you met what happened next

*Jason sighed he glanced at his children playing with there cousin to get some semblance of calmness, before looking back at his family*

Jason: well it happened the morning after...

To be continued or Patreon

Gracias especiales ah:

Ben knight


Jacob Mooe


nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy

Jameil fluker





William Washington




Thanks again for the donations

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