Loved By You! ~Naruto Various...

By Hellouniverzum

130K 4.8K 4.7K

What if a girl is getting transported into the Naruto world? After her death, caused by an airplane crash she... More

Welcome! :D
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chaper eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two

Chapter ten

4.1K 158 108
By Hellouniverzum

(Y/n)'s pov:

"He's late!" Naruto exclaimed.

Everyone left alredy, just like in the anime. So Sasuke was sitting in the front, Sakura on a table and Naruto was pulling his hair out in anger while I was laying down on the desk.

"(Y/n)-chan, what are you doing on the desk?" Sakura asked looking at me.

"I'm just tired I guess. And I am trying to sleep."

"(N/n)! You are always tired!" Naruto exclaimed.

"NARUTO! Don't call her (N/n)! Maybe she is uncomfortable with that!" Sakura snapped at Naruto.

"It's okay Sakura. I gave him permision to call me that. I actually think this is really cute." I smiled, turning my head towards them.


"I love you too duckass" I smirked.

"What did you just call me?" He asked looking back at me with a glare.

"Heard of hearing?" I mocked him. And boy, he was annoyed.

"Hey! Maybe we shouldn't fight!" Sakura said.

"Naruto, what the fuck are you doing?" I asked him without looking.

"(N/n)! How did you know I was doing something?"

"I can hear your movments. You are pretty loud." I smiled.

"Oh- That is just what he gets for coming late." He grinned at me.


"You are asking for trouble.." Sakura said.

I can feel that you love this.

"Hn.. Our teacher is a jounin, an elite ninja. You think he'd fall for that?" Sasuke asked careless.

"Yeah! Sasuke's right! You are so clueless Naruto!"

Just then, Kakashi came in. It all happend in a slow motion.

The eraser fell, hitting his head.

"Hahaha! I got him!" Naruto started to laugh as Sasuke scoffed unimpressed.

"I am so sorry sensei! I told him not to do that but he just wouldn't listen!" Sakura tried to get herself out of the situation.

Silence fell over the classroom as he picked up the eraser.

"Does that hurt?" I asked from the back, not bothering to get up.

"Huh?" He turned to me.

"I just asked if did that hurt. So tell me, are you hurt? That sounded like a pretty good hit to me.." I mumbled the last part.

He just stood there looking at me, so were the rest. Should I get off of the table?

"No, It doesn't hurt. Thank you for your concern" He put on a closed eye smile as I smirked.

"If you say so.."

"Hm.. how can I put this. My first impression of this group.. you're a bunch of idiot's"

The others face dropped.

I think he meant me too..

I just smirked as I finally got to stand up.

"Meh, I think that we deserved that" I said scratching my arms.

"Meet me at the rooftop" Kakashi said before disapearing.

"I guess, we should go up.." I said before opening the window.

"(N/n) what the heck are you doing?" Naruto asked concerned.

"Just climbing up here. Is there something wrong?"

"(Y/n)-chan, It's dangerous!" Sakura panicked.

"Come on guys! Have faith in me!" I said before jumping.

They all ran to the window in worry.

"I'm okay! I'll meet you up there, okay!" I said grinning before jumping higher, just to reach a wall. The climbing just started.

I was almost up there, just a little more..

"Need a hand?" Someone asked above me.

"Ah! Kakashi! Yeah, I would like that!" I grinned as I saw him holding out his hand for me to grab it.

"It's Sensei, or Kakashi-sensei. You need to give the teachers your respect." He did his closed eye smile.

"I don't think so"

"What do you mean?" He looked at me.

"Respect shall be earned, not given. But of course this is just what my brain tells me. It's not that I don't respect you or anything, I just simply don't trust you yet."

"So you don't trust me, huh?"

"Nope!" I grinned

I like annoying people. This is one of my hobbies.

"If I just take your hand right now, you could drop me or pull me up. So can I trust you?"

He didn't replay. He just stood there staring at me. Suddenly he grabbed my hand.

"I don't know, can you? You tell me" He said pulling me up.

"Woah.. I guess I can.." I mumbled as he chuckled. Just then the others arrived.

"(Y/n)-chan! Thank god you are here! I hurried up here just to make sure you got up safe!" Sakura said, running to me and hugging me.

"A-Ah Sakura! That's really nice of you!" I said hugging her back.

"Alright then. Why don't you introduce yourselves? One at a time.

"Introduce ourselves? What are we supposted to say?" Sakura asked sitting on my lap.

"Things you like, things you hate, a dream for the future, hobby's. Things like that." He looked at us. I just rested my head on Sakura's back while hugging her waist.

"Why don't you tell us first? I mean before we talk tell us about you so we can see how It's supposted to work" Naruto said.

"Me? I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate.. I don't feel like telling you that." He stated looking at nothing.

"Huh?" Sakura and Naruto were confused while I chuckled.

Tipical Kakashi.

"My dreams for the future.. Never really tought about it. As for my hobbies, I have lot's of hobbies." He continued.

"That was totaly useless, all he really told us was his name." Sakura mumbled.

"Yeah.." Naruto agreed with her.

"Okay, your turn. You on the right, you first."

"Believe it! I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I like instant ramen in a cup, and I like the ramen that Iruka-sensei treats me too! I hate the three minutes you have to wait after you pour the water in the ramen cup. My hobbies are eating diferent kinds of ramen, comparing them and hanging out with (N/n). And my future dream is to be the greatest hokage! Then the whole village will stop disrespecting me and will treat me like I'm somebody. Somebody important!" He grinned at the end of his introduction.

"Alright, next"

"I'm Sakura Haruno. What I like.. I mean the person I like is.." She looked at Sasuke then side-eyed me.

Did she just...? No, she did not. I'm imagining things.

"My hobbies are.." She giggled and looked at the ground.
"My dream for the future is.." She squealed.

Now what is that supposted to mean?

"And what do you hate?" Kakashi asked bored out if his mind.

"NARUTO!" She yelled.

Naruto was crying crocodile tears as his jaw dropped to the floor.

I would just comfort him right now but Sakura is sitting on my lap so I can't get up.

"Next" He said.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream because I will make it reality. I am going to restore my clan and destroy a centrain someone." He said coldly.

Thanks for ruining the mood duckass.

A minute passed in silence. Naruto's face was blue and Sakura was blushing. And Kakashi was just Kakashi, like usual.

"Okay.. last one." He said looking at me.

"Uh.. My name is (Y/n) (L/n). I don't like and don't hate anything, I just feel neutral. I had a lot of hobbies, but nowdays I am just training. As for my dream.. I want to find something out, as well as find my family." I finished smiling slightly.

"Then what did you like in the past? There needs to be something." Naruto asked me before Kakashi could say something.

"Well.. I don't know. I guess I really enjoyed music and reading. I had lots of books and they always calmed me."

"Why not enjoying them now?" Sasuke asked.

Well, I don't have a phone so all my good music is gone. And I don't know.. did you know that I died and all my books are in another universe in my other-world-home? I guess you didn't.

"I don't know." I answered shrugging.

"Good.. you're each unique and have your own ideas. We have our first mission tomorrow"

"Eh? What kind of mission are we going to have?" Naruto grinned.

"It's a task that the five of us will do together"

"What, what, what?" Sunshine asked exited for tomorrow.

"A survival exercise."

"Huh?" Naruto was confused.

"I tought we will go on a real mission, not doing more exercices. We alredy did this stuff at the academy, that's how we got here" Sakura joined in.

"This is not like your previous training"

"So what kind of training is it then?" Naruto asked. Kakashi started to chuckle.

"Hey, what's so funny?" Sakura asked.

"Well, if I tell you the answer you are not going to like it."

"Tell us! Tell us!" Naruto urged him.

"Of the twenty-seven graduates who just came here, only nine will actually be accepted as genin. The other eightteen will be weeded out and sent back to the academy. In other words, this is a make it or brake it pass or fail test. And the chance that you fail is-"

"66 precent." I finished his sentance.

I love that I look so smart now, but actually I just saw the anime and I remember this part. I am glad that my grades were high enough to let me pass in math..

"You did all that in your head?" Sakura asked looking back at me.


"How?" Naruto asked with stars in his eyes.

"Oh I just devided the two numbers and then transformed them in precent's. It's not hard at all." I said smiling.

I don't even know what I am talking about.

"Well. You are right, but we don't calculate it that way." Kakashi said looking at me.

"Does it matter till the calculation is correct?" I asked him. He kept the eyecontact so did I.

He is not going to brake me like this. He will blink first.

He didn't answer, but I guess he got that we are now in a competition of the winner of this eye contact. Good thing I am good at this.

He didn't blink.
I didn't blink.

The others noticed our little eyecontact so they didn't say anything.

He will brake soon. Doesn't matter how strong he is, I can make him brake.

Two minutes passed is silence, without blinking. I can see that he really is trying not to blink.

But at a moment he did, and turned his face away and hummed while I had a smirk on my face.

Sakura and Naruto cheered in a wisper hoping Kakashi didn't hear them while Sasuke smirked.

"Anyways.. Didn't I tell you that you wouldn't like it?" Kakashi broke the silence.

"Then what was that graduation test for?" Naruto shouted.

"Oh that? That was just for thoose who might become genin. Or not." Kakashi said.

I just know that he is smirking.


"Yep. I decide rather you pass or fail. Be at the designated training spot at five AM and bring your ninja gear.
Now that's it. You are dismissed" He told us ready to leave.
"Oh.. and tomorrow you better skip breakfast or else you'll puke." He said before jumping away.

"Well.. I guess I'll just take a nap. Bye guys!" I said jumping off home.

When I finally arrived, I climbed in on my opened window.

"Agh.. Long day" I said jumping on my bed."
"He even said not to eat breakfast. I never eat breakfast.."

Not bothering to change in my Pijama's, I covered myself with the blanket and closed my eyes.. a little nap won't hurt, right?.


"LITTLE NAP MY ASS, I AM LATE!" I said jumping out of my bed.

You see I slept all day and night. Don't ask how, but right now is 10 PM. I bought a clock when I was shopping so of course I know what time is it.

I quickly put away my kunais and shurikens and ran to the training grounds. I was never late in my life, but if Kakashi is not there yet I am not late, right?

When I finally arived I looked for Kakashi. Once I was sure he is not around I approached my team.

"YOU ARE LATE!" Naruto and Sakura shouted.

"Well.. Kakashi is not here yet so.. I am technically not.."

"Where were you?" Sasuke asked.

"I just woke up.." I answered him.


Just then Kakashi appeard behind me, scaring the living shit out of me.

"Good morning!" He said chuckling at my reaction.

"It is not even funny." I mumbled.

"YOU ARE LATE!" Naruto and Sakura shouted at him.

"A black cat crossed my path, so I had to take the long way."

Naruto and Sakura grunted. They obviously didn't believe him.

"Well then, let's get started. This clock is settled for noon. All you have to do is to take these bells" He held up three bells.
"If you can't get them by lunch, you will be tied there and watch while I eat my lunch in front of you.

"But wait a minute! There is four of us, how come there are only three bells?" Sakura asked.

"This way one of you will be tied down and fail automatically then send back to the academy." He did a closed eye smile.
"You can use any weapons you want. If you are not prepared to kill me, you can't take the bells."

"Those weapons are too dangerous sensei!" Sakura yelled out.

"Expecially since you couldn't even dodge that eraser!" Naruto laughed.

Oh, you have no idea..

"Class clowns are usually the weakest links. You can safely ignore them. Lowest scores, losers." He stated blankly.

"Excuse you?"

"Huh? What is it?" Kakashi turned to me.

"Meh.. nothing, nothing, don't mind me.." I muttered.

I used to be the class clown. Well not the main class clown but I could just make people laugh without trying to.

"When I say start you can begin." Kakashi said.

Suddenly Naruto pulled out a kunai knife and ran at him. Of course Kakashi stopped him without braking a sweat.

"Don't be in such a hurry, I didn't say start yet"

We all watched him with wide eyes. Well.. not me, more exacly Sasuke and Sakura.

"But you came at me with the full intention of destroying me, so.. how can I say this.. I am actually starting to like you guys" He said as Naruto smirked.
"Get ready.. And.. Start!"

Sakura and Sasuke jumped away while Naruto atacked him right away. And me? I was just walking towards the bushes.

Third person's pov:

A ninja must know how to hide their chakra.. at least they understand this much. But what the heck is she doing?

Kakashi tought as he watched (Y/n) walking towards the bushes like nothings going on.

"Hey! You and me! Fair and sqare!" Naruto yelled at him.

By the time, everyone was watching them. Even (Y/n) arrived and clibed up on a tree.

What? How? She walked so slow I saw her. But the time she went in more in the training ground behind the trees I lost her track.. That means she knew that Naruto's gonna atack me. It's not like it was hard to figure it out but still.. she is hiding her chakra now and she could be anywhere. Wise girl..

"You know, compared to the others you are a bit... weird." Kakashi said to Naruto.

"Oh yeah? The only weird thing here is your haircut!" Naruto said as he ran at him.

(Y/n) chuckled while she watched this screne. All she did was chilling on a tree and watching their fight. Of course she knew that the key for this exercice was teamwork, but then remembering that every Naruto fanfiction had their OC asking them for teamwork but everyone denied it, so she didn't bother getting up.

Just then Kakashi pulled out a book and started reading it.

"What are you waiting for?" He asked.

"But... Why are you reading that book?" Naruto asked confuzed.

"Why? To find out what happens in the story of course"

In the mean time, Sakura and Sasuke were watching this with their jaw on the ground while (Y/n) was laughing her ass of, almost falling off the tree. She felt like she was watching a comedy.

"Don't let it bother you. With your weak atacks it doesn't matter if I am reading or.. whatever."

"UGH! I AM GOING TO CRUSH YOU!!" He yelled atacking him.

Naruto tried to punch him, then to kick him, but Kakashi dodged them all. As he tried to give him another punch, Kakashi appeard behind him.

"Don't let your enemy get behind you all the time.

"Naruto, get out of there quick! He is going to destroy you!" Sakura yelled revealing herself.

"Too late.. Leaf Village secret finger jutsu: thousand years of death" He yelled as he poked Naruto in the ass that send him flying in the air.

(Y/n) was literally crying from laughter and she eventually fell of the tree with a loud thud still laughing revealing her from her spot.

"Oh- god.. I can't.." She said wiping her eyes from the tears.

She indeed is interesting.

Kakashi tought. Just then two shurikens came flying towards him. He obviously caught them.

"What are you doing? You know you won't eat lunch if you don't get a bell." He said to Naruto.

"Yeah, yeah! You told us alredy!" He snapped at him.

Suddenly clones of Naruto jumped out from the lake atacking Kakashi.

"Hm.. great technique.. But I don't think you can maintain it for very long. You talk like you are the best, but you are still the worst student Naruto. You can't beat me with this jutsu."

Just then, Naruto jumped on Kakashi from behind.

"Didn't you say that don't let the enemies behind you? Good advice sensei." Naruto grinned.

"Now that's what I call a fight." (Y/n) mutterd when she got back on the same tree.
You might think she is stupid for doing such thing, but actually that was really smart from her.

Then Naruto came at Kakashi only to punch him...self. After that the clones started to punch each other, thinking that one of them is Kakashi. But the truth was.. he used the replacement jutsu.

Then Naruto got trapped. He tought he got Kakashi, but actually Kakashi got him.

"Think before you use a jutsu.. before the enemy uses it against you" Kakashi picked up the bell.
"Ah.. and also, if the baid is obvious.. don't take it" He smiled as Naruto raged.
"A ninja must see trough deception."

"I. GET. IT" Naruto shouted.

"I am telling you this because you don't get it. You think you get it witch is not the same when you are actually getting it. Get it?" He said shaking his head.

And Sasuke atacked revealing himself. He trew shurikens towards Kakashi actually hitting him as Naruto screamed.


"Meh.. and I was worried for him at first when I saw this screne.. And when I found out he was playing with them I cursed him in all the ways possible." (Y/n) mutterd looking at the fight.


A/n: Hello there dear reader, how was your day/night?

So, I decided I am going to make the chapters a little longer alright?

The minimum words are going to be 2000 and the maximum... Well, I don't know yet. So I guess It's good that I am going to write more. Since I have school, and I need to do my homework and stuff + english classes and + the exams at shool maybe It's going to be a little rough for me but I am going to inform you guys if anything changes.


- Love you!-Ay<3

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