Our Fate ・S. Black・(Harry Pot...

By elijahmikaelsonsimp

1.5K 107 28

On October 31 1981, it was believed that mass murderer Sirius Black had betrayed James and Lily Potter and su... More

Prologue (EDITED)
Chapter One (EDITED)
Chapter Two (EDITED)
Chapter Four (EDITED)
Chapter Five (EDITED)
Chapter Six (EDITED)
Chapter Seven (EDITED)
Chapter Eight (EDITED)
Chapter Nine (EDITED)
Chapter Ten (EDITED)
Chapter Eleven (EDITED)
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen (EDITED)
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen (EDITED)
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One:THE FINAL
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Three (EDITED)

65 4 1
By elijahmikaelsonsimp

Today was September 5, students had all ready gone back off to Hogwarts and Sirius and Silvia were
slowly counting down the days until they go themselves. They were putting together a plan, they had to get into Hogwarts and get that traitorous rat and kill it, once and for all. If the Ministry couldn't do it because they were too dim to realise then they would. And the couple wouldn't rest until it was done.

Sirius and Silvia had no where to go so they kind of..took over moony's home for the time being. But Sirius assured Silvia that it was completely fine and if anything Moony would be grateful for them for putting stronger intruder charms on his home unlike the shittiest charms they had ever seen when they had broke-. No, entered and borrowed without permission in the first place.

"Sirius, if we happen to get caught while at Hogwarts what then my love?" Silvia asked curiously.

"Then I guess we lay down, shag one last time and prepare to die!" Sirius said cheerfully.

Whack! Silvia punched him in the arm but burst out into fits of laughter a short time after. Silvia planted a passionate kiss upon his lips as he put a hand around the back of her neck. Things got intense pretty quickly and before they knew it they were on top of a bed. "Sirius we can't do it in Rem's home, I refuse" she laughed. She could imagine Remus' face when they told him that they had done the deed in his own home while he was away teaching at Hogwarts. Yes, they knew because they had been watching him pack. Obviously.

"ok, ok" Sirius said, pouting. 'If Remus loved me that much, then he wouldn't mind' he thought, smirk growing.

"Merlin, do you remember that time when we were in your Gryffindor Room after you snuck me in and you told me everyone was out at dinner, so we started making out, clothes thrown merlin knows where and you on top of me on your bed, and just as we were in the middle of shagging James, Remus and Peter had walked in!" exclaimed Silvia, now cackling on the floor with tears.

Sirius remembered that as clear as day. Peter had gone bright red and ran out, Remus had shook his head in a disappointed dad way and James said 'Jesus Christ get a room! I'm scarred for life!'. Sirius chuckled thinking about it, giving his wife a kiss on top of her head.

"It was funny though" said Sirius, grinning. "Although, I was annoyed that I didn't get to finish with you" he continued. Silvia just shook her head and layed her head back onto his lap and closed her eyes.

It was merlin knows what time when Silvia had awoken to the sound of Sirius'..confused? voice in the kitchen muttering things like 'How can a man have this much chocolate!?' Silvia smiled to herself and shook her head, Moony loved his chocolate. She sat up and walked into the kitchen where she found Sirius trying and failing to cook what looked like pancakes.

"What is going on in here, darling?" She spoke amused.

Sirius spun round so fast, almost knocking over his coffee which was on the side next to him in the process fearing that it was someone from the Ministry coming to get them. When he saw that it was just Silvia, his body relaxed but his face went into a look of disappointment. "I was making breakfast for you, love!" He exclaimed, annoyed that his surprise was now ruined.

"It's okay Siri, now we can just make it together and I can tease you for your lack of skills." Silvia stated, giggling. Sirius looked at her with a don't take the piss look and wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her,

"Come on then Crow, let's get cooking"
September 13

Caw! Caw! The black, enhancing crow flew over the shaggy dog's head and onto a tree branch. The dog looked at the crow with a displeased look and layed down in-front of the tree. They were finally here. They were at Hogwarts. The only downside of being here was that they couldn't transform back into their bodies as they were dementors everywhere. On the days leading up to them going to Hogwarts, Silvia could not sit still for longer then 5 minutes. She was anxious and scared about a few things:Getting caught, seeing Remus, seeing Harry but most of all, seeing her brother.

Sirius assured her that everything would be okay and nothing would go wrong but for some reason she had a feeling that that was not entirely true.

September 20

Sirius was asleep, and Silvia had grown excruciatingly bored so she decided to have a little wander around. She took off of the tree and flew into the castle. She kept flying until she came to her destination, and landed softly on the wooden desk, which was surrounded by potions.

Her peace was interrupted when the door to the room slammed open and she could see a shadow figure. As the figure got closer she realised this was a person, not just any person though. This person had short, black, greasy hair, a hooked nose, one that she shared a little bit, and a long, dramatic black cloak flowing as they walked. This was her brother. Her twin. Her Severus.

Her heart rate was increasing rapidly, she wondered if she would have a heart attack and die before she met Harry.

Bloody dunderheads, can't write a simple essay on wolvesbane potion. I glanced over at my desk and stopped when I saw a..crow? sat there looking at me. What the fuck is a crow doing in here. As I attempted to shoo it out I paused when it made eye contact with me, It had onyx eyes. Scarily similar to my own, but I shook it off and shooed it out the door.

'Well that was rude, what did a poor defenceless crow do to him? More importantly, how the fuck is he a professor' Silvia thought, laughing to herself. Next, she flew into a familiar classroom and sat upon a students' desk, of course the student began screaming because why wouldn't he? The crow would eat him. This student had blinding blonde hair, Silvia recognised him to be a Malfoy because only they had that bright of blonde hair.

His screaming had caught the attention of students around and the professor in the room. "Students what is..." the professor paused mid sentence and his face went pale.

Silvia glanced at him and she too felt like she was about to pale, it was moony. 'Oh shit' she thought 'He's going to recognise me' and that he did.

As I was demonstrating how to produce the Ridikulus charm to the class, I heard Mr Malfoy screaming bloody murder, I looked over to where his desk was located and a decently sized black crow was on his desk. When my eyes met its my face instantly paled, my hands began to shake. My mind was refusing that this was real. It couldn't be her.

For years I had been trying to move on. To forget what that night, the night James and Lily were taken from Harry. From me. The night Peter was taken. It was their fault, the people who were my best friends, our best friends, the people who were like family. "Class dismissed" I said, my voice shaking.

'Oh dear' Silvia thought to herself, Moony looks like he is about to have a mental breakdown any given minute. 'He needs his chocolate' she thought.

She flew off of the table and to his desk, picked up a bit of chocolate with her beak and flew to where he was and landed on his shoulder, dropping the chocolate into Moony's now shaking hands.

Silvia rubbed her head against his neck, in a way to comfort him. 'This will all be over soon Moony'. Remus took the chocolate and ate it, still trying to process what what going on.

He thought back to their 5th year, he had had been stressed about their upcoming O.W.L exams and he hadn't been socialising with anyone. Silvia had found him in the library, flushed cheeks, crying silently. When Silvia approached him she had asked him what was wrong, when he told her she crouched down beside him, sat down with knees up and told him how good he was at his lessons and how he would exceed in all his classes. The sentence that stuck to him the most and made him laugh was 'except for divination of course, all of us are shit at it we just have to pretend to like it to shut Pythia up'.

He had always loved her, as a sister. She had always made him laugh, they'd argue about the stupidest things like back in 7th year they argued about whether astronomy had two n's, Silvia said it had two and Remus said it had one. Of course, when she found out that Remus was indeed right she didn't speak to him for a whole day.

Remus smiled at the memory. "I missed you Crow" he said, looking at the bird upon his shoulder which was now pecking at his grey, striped coat putting unnecessary holes in it.

The crow looked him in the eye, she was trying to tell him something, she missed him too, as did Sirius and that soon they would be back together again and they would be a family once again.

A/n:Chapter 3 is out, yay! How has everyone's week been? How has school been if you went back to school this week?
Have a lovely Monday! Updates will be whenever really
Remember to comment and vote it inspires me a lot!

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