Not Yet ~ Completed

By Hallows_Spence

55K 1.8K 999

Tws: Abuse, Suicide attempts, cutting, mentions of abuse and suicide attempts, dark humor, neglect, scars, me... More

The chat
Eraserhead is tired
Nezu has questions
Staying for awhile
The next day
The meeting
A teaching job huh?
The USJ part one
The USJ part two
Z- Zombie!?
Hospital break out
Nequam - less?
His lair
Their home
And they were roommates
Too painful
The morning after
More questions because Hizashi can't keep his mouth shut
Hitoshi knows
How it happened
With 1-A
Class time!
Sparring part one
Sparring part two
Sparring part three
Tea time
Boyfriends woo hoo!
Getting caught... again..
Surprise guests? No, strangers, surprise strangers
Stalking students + some unnecessary concern
Weapon showcase time!!
Waking up
Date night
New outfit plus new hair!
Spilling secrets and maybe some lies
Finally Something
An old friend
Over Their Heads (literally?)
What now?
Back In Action
Camping! Woo!
Fight fight fight!
Final A/N
Update about the sequel

More work plus different pronouns!

821 27 5
By Hallows_Spence

Izuku sighs as he carefully unglues the wig from his skin. He did it half assedly so it was being a pain in the ass to get off. His eyes widen as he looks at the clock. "Shit! I only have a hour!!!"

He yelps as he rips the wig off his skin. He gives it a careful brush before putting it back on his stand. He runs upstairs to his bathroom, quickly spraying the dye into his hair. He sighs as he looks around at the mess. "I'll clean it up later. Nothing some bleach shouldn't fix."

Izuku quickly runs back downstairs, putting his vigilante suit on. He grabbed his bag from under the desk, carefully equipping all of his gear. He adjusts his hearing aids before quickly looking around the room. He intently searches around for about fifteen minutes for nodding. "Good, no listening devices or cameras. At least that I can see."

He leaves a note for Ritsu to double and triple check for those things before putting on his mask. Izuku thinks for a moment before pausing. "The whole Vasílissa thing kinda has me feeling more feminine today." They think before grabbing a neon pink bracelet from their closet.

"She/her pronouns it is today!" She smiles proudly as she looks at her collection of bracelets. She had bracelets for when she was feeling like using different pronouns, each having their own color.

She adjusts the knobs on her mask to make her voice sound extremely feminine. "Dadzawa is gonna be so surprised with this."

Izuku thinks for a second. "Maybe I should change my vigilante disguise soon. Black is a pain in the ass to get out of my hair, plus it comes out in water so I have a chance for it to come out during a fight." She smiles a little as she looks over her collection of wigs. "Yeah. I'll pick a new one later. Probably that one."

She thinks as her eyes land on a specific wig. "I'll only wear that one during classes tho cause it's hella bright."

Ritsu giggles from behind Izuku. "Izu!! You gotta go!!! You're gonna be late!!!"

Izuku groans. "Fine fine!!" Shee grabs three backpacks before hopping out the alleyway exit.

She smiles as she runs and jumps across the rooftops. She never felt freer then when she was out doing her vigilante work. Even if she was in the process of getting caught right now.

She giggles as she stops in front of the gates. Her eyes glisten as she gets a fantastic idea.

Aizawa groans from his spot at his desk when he hears a familiar chipper voice coming from his phone. "Hello dear students!!" Ritsu chips as she appears on screen.

Bakugou groans. "Oh fuck off you fucking candle-"

Hitoshi laughs. "Don't call her a candle babe that's mean. Anyway, what's up Ritsu?"

Ritsu rolls her eyes at Bakugou's comment. "If I could set you on fire I would. Anyway! Nequam has a task for you guys!!! I think by now you all have notices that she's not here yet."

Denki's eyes gleam. "So Nequam's a girl!? Fuck yeah!!"

Ritsu shakes her head. "Nah, not biologically. She just wanted to use she/her pronouns today after a little incident." She giggles. "Which by the way, we've scheduled a meeting later to discuss it with you and other pros Dad!"

Aizawa groans again. "Such problem children."

Ritsu nods. "Anyway! Nequam wants you all to go around the school to find your specific weapons that she made for you. Each weapon will have something on it which represents the user. You have till the end of the school day to find them. You can also choose to look for Nequam if you'd like!"

Mina pumps her fist into the air. "Hell yeah!! Let's go!!"

Ritsu giggles. "Have fun you all!!! If you need me for anything just shout my name and I'll pop up on your phones!"

Bakugou scoffs. "Didn't she tell you to stop doing that magic hair?"

Ritsu nods. "Usually yes I'm not aloud cause I can get a bit noisy! But today I am!! Though only strictly for help though." The AI pouts. "I'm not aloud to go snooping unfortunately."

The class starts talking loudly, all wondering what their weapon would be.

Ritsu giggles. "Stop yapping kids!!! Get going!! I know y'all are excited but don't forget that this is a assignment!"

The students nod. They scream plus ultra as most of them run out the door. Iida is screaming at them to not run in the halls as he walks out.

Todoroki couldn't care less about this assignment honestly so he lags behind the group a little.

Ritsu rolls her eyes when she sees that Bakugou and Hitoshi are still there. "Ahem." She says loudly, gaining their attention. "Don't think you were excluded just because of your special circumstances. She made weapons for you both too."

Bakugou grumbles as he gets up. "I told her I didn't need anything!"

Hitoshi nods. "Yeah but you know how she is."

Aizawa sighs. "I'm not even. Just get going. I'm going to find the brat." He says, leaving the classroom and taking his phone with him.

Ritsu huffs as she pops up on Hitoshi's phone. "Oh! And just so you guys know, I think she's planning on dyeing her hair permanently soon. Or at least changing her school vigilante disguise. I think she's gotten tired of the black spray stuff getting everywhere in the house."

Hitoshi frowns. "But I like her hair."

Bakugou shrugs. "Whatever she does with it I'm sure it'll look great."

Hitoshi smiles slightly. "Yeah. I'm sure it will." He looks down at Ritsu. "Any idea what color she's thinking?"

Ritsu grins wildly. "Absolutely no idea. Nope nada. Nothing. I know nothing."

Hitoshi and Bakugou both groan loudly as they leave the classroom, knowing whatever Izuku was thinking was probably gonna be absurd.

Izuku laughs as she watches the students scramble around from the cameras she totally had full permission to use. "This is so fun!!! I hope they like their weapons! I worked hard on them!"

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